
Chapter 446: Three Supreme Grandmasters Battle, Lin Beifan Transforms into a Dragon

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The old man seemed ordinary, not much different from an ordinary farmer. However, he stood in the air without any support, calmly smoking a dry cigarette, which showcased his extraordinary nature. He first looked at Bai Guanyin and exclaimed, ā€œWhite girl, itā€™s been a few years, and your strength has improved again! Back then, we fought for seven days and nights, and then I narrowly lost to you! But now it seems that it wonā€™t take a thousand rounds for me to fall into your hands! Impressive, haha!ā€

He laughed loudly, seemingly carefree about winning or losing.

Bai Guanyin lowered her head slightly and respectfully said, ā€œSenior, youā€™re too kind!ā€

The other side waved it off with a smile, saying, ā€œWhite girl, donā€™t call me senior. In the path of martial arts, the one who excels is the leader. You are ahead of me, so I should be the one calling you senior, haha!ā€

ā€œI dare not, Senior,ā€ Bai Guanyin replied.

At this moment, the old man looked towards Lin Beifan beside Bai Guanyin and exclaimed even more, ā€œThisā€¦ is the friend who just broke through to become a Supreme Grandmaster. He looks so young! Even younger than White girl back then, what a talent! Truly, the world has a new generation rising, hahaā€¦ā€

ā€œGreetings, Senior,ā€ Lin Beifan saluted, ā€œMay I know your name?ā€

The other side sighed and shook his head, ā€œMy name? Iā€™ve lived too long, Iā€™ve long forgotten it! Over the past three hundred years, Iā€™ve watched old friends pass away one by one, leaving me aloneā€¦ to avoid too much pain, Iā€™ve forgotten many things! You can call me whatever you like, call me old man or call me beggarā€¦ haha.ā€

Lin Beifan was very surprised; this senior had actually lived for over 300 years, older than an entire dynasty!

Bai Guanyin said, ā€œSenior indeed has no name. When I asked back then, he didnā€™t answer, just being called Senior is enough!ā€

Lin Beifan nodded and called out, ā€œSenior.ā€

Bai Guanyinā€™s fighting spirit surged, ā€œAll the Supreme Grandmasters in the world are here, but how about we settle our differences?ā€

Lin Beifan immediately agreed, ā€œI have the same intention!ā€ Then, both of them looked towards the old man.

The old man, while exhaling smoke, nodded with a smile, ā€œAlright, I havenā€™t moved my bones in a long time. Iā€™ll play with you two little guys! Come at me!ā€ As soon as he finished speaking, he flicked the cigarette in his hand, and it turned into a sharp weapon, aimed at Lin Beifan.

Lin Beifan didnā€™t dare to be careless. Although this seemed like an ordinary cigarette, it was imbued with the martial will of the old man, turning it into an unstoppable divine weapon, possessing the power to destroy mountains and forests, just like Lin Beifanā€™s flying knives.

Lin Beifanā€™s hand radiated a layer of golden aura as he punched it away.

The old man caught the returning cigarette holder and laughed, ā€œImpressive skills!ā€

They attacked again! Bai Guanyin also made her move.

She simultaneously aimed one hand in a fist at the old man and another in an open palm strike at Lin Beifan.

Two formidable experts simultaneously launched their attacks, forcing Lin Beifan to defend against both of them.

The old man did the same. The three of them, the top experts of their time, were clashing fiercely!

Every move they made possessed supreme divine power, capable of reshaping the world or destroying it. Just a fraction of the residual force from their attacks could kill an ordinary person!

ā€œBoom! Boom!ā€

In the blink of an eye, this deep mountain and forest area was completely devastated!

Time and natureā€™s changes were insignificant in comparison! However, the three continued to battle, paying no heed to the external circumstances!

Although they were all Supreme Grandmasters of their time, their fighting styles were distinct.

For example, the old manā€™s techniques were unremarkable and even somewhat clumsy, like a child who couldnā€™t walk steadily or an intoxicated old man randomly throwing punches.

However, he had reached a state of simplicity, where every punch could work wonders. Bai Guanyinā€™s moves were also simple but decisive. A fist was a fist, a palm was a palm, a kick was a kick, no tricks. Yet, each move was executed to perfection, as if it were from a martial arts textbook.

Now, it was Lin Beifanā€™s turn, and his style was different.

He fought with great agility, constantly changing and keeping his opponents guessing about his tactics. In terms of strength, it should have been Bai Guanyin in the lead, the old man in the middle, and Lin Beifan at the bottom according to their power rankings. Bai Guanyin had previously defeated the old man, so she should rightfully be ahead. Lin Beifan had just become a Supreme Grandmaster, and his foundation was shallow, so he should be last.

However, what frustrated the old man was that he couldnā€™t defeat Bai Guanyin, which was understandable since he had lost to her before. But now, it seemed he couldnā€™t even defeat Lin Beifan. Lin Beifanā€™s defense was impregnable; his body was harder than diamond, and blows landed on him like a breeze. His inner strength seemed limitless, quickly recovering.

Despite his young age, his experience seemed shallow, but he fought like a seasoned warrior. Furthermore, he possessed a variety of strange techniques, such as controlling the weather, summoning thunder, and launching mental attacks. These often caught the old man off guard and nearly led to his defeat.

From head to toe, there seemed to be no weaknesses!

The old man couldnā€™t help but doubt it; could this young man be a demon hiding under human skin? Otherwise, how could he be so powerful?

Bai Guanyin was also surprised; Lin Beifan seemed unusually strong! Just becoming a Supreme Grandmaster and already engaging in battles with these two seasoned experts! Even several of her ultimate moves were effortlessly countered.

On the other hand, the senior expert seemed somewhat flustered, struggling to keep up. The word ā€œfreakā€ came to mind.

After a few more exchanges, the old man was the first to withdraw from the battlefield. He chuckled while puffing on his dry cigarette, ā€œI canā€™t go on; Iā€™m getting old and not as useful as before. Canā€™t hold out for so long anymore. You two continue!ā€

Both of them nodded slightly and then went all out to confront each other. At this moment, Lin Beifan keenly felt the terror of Bai Guanyin. Her seemingly ordinary moves all contained the power to reshape the world!

With each of her punches, entire small mountains were flattened. Lin Beifan was finding it increasingly challenging. Unless he used a forbidden technique where either you die or I die, he would likely lose after a few more exchanges.

So, Lin Beifan opened his mouth and let out a dragon roar. His body instantly transformed into a dazzling golden dragon, controlling the wind, rain, thunder, and lightning as he swiftly moved through the heavens and earth, exuding tremendous majesty.

The old man was taken aback, ā€œCould he really be a monster?ā€

Bai Guanyin was equally astonished.

The golden dragon opened its dragon mouth and said, ā€œDonā€™t be surprised, both of you. This is the divine technique Iā€™ve cultivated, the ā€˜Dragon God Technique.ā€™ When mastered to the highest level, one can transform into a dragon, greatly enhancing their strength.ā€

ā€œI see, so thereā€™s such a miraculous skill in the world,ā€ the old man nodded but didnā€™t know whether to believe it or not.


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