
Chapter 321: Unexpected Harvest! Entering the Mysterious Black Tower!

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Looking at the trembling fragments in his hand, Su Shi was momentarily stunned. These fragments were given to him by Yu Hongyin, and they were a part of the lost Nine Ancient Bell.

Now, feeling such a strong resonance, there was only one reason: the other scattered fragments were here!

Su Shi looked up at the dark building not far away. ā€œIt seems that it should be inside this black tower.ā€

Unexpectedly, there was an unexpected harvest?

Su Shi glanced at Wang Que; this inferior clan member had repeatedly brought him surprises. Facing Su Shiā€™s gaze, Wang Que lowered his head in shame.

The other had saved his life multiple times and even risked himself in front of the savage beast just now. Such great kindness deserved to be repaid, yet he had kept something hidden from him. Although there were reasons behind it, Wang Que still felt guilty.

At this moment, Su Shi asked, ā€œTell me in detail. What is this black tower, and how did you know about this place?ā€

Wang Que explained, ā€œActually, itā€™s an accidentā€¦ It started three months ago.ā€

At that time, Wang Que was forcibly captured and treated as a slave to be sold. He was unwilling to endure the humiliation and fought back, but it ended in failure. He was thrown directly into the Death Ground of Black Absolute.

According to common sense, a weak and powerless tribe entering the Death Ground of Black Absolute would undoubtedly die and become food for ferocious beasts.

However, Wang Que didnā€™t give up.

Conveniently, there was a corpse of a savage beast nearby. He dug a deep pit in the ground and hid inside, covering himself with the corpse, trying to conceal his scent as much as possible. Surprisingly, he managed to survive the night.

The next morning, as he prepared to leave, he found the black miniature tower in the mouth of the savage beast.

ā€œAt first, no matter how I tried, there was no response. I thought it was just an ordinary sculpture. But when my own blood accidentally dripped on it, the black tower emitted a faint light, and at the same time, a route naturally appeared in my mind.ā€

ā€œFollowing the route in my mind, I encountered no danger along the way and arrived deep in this dense forest.ā€

Listening to Wang Queā€™s narration, Su Shi frowned slightly. Everything seemed too coincidental, as if it was meticulously prepared for him.

Could this be the fate of a destined character?

ā€œSo, what exactly is inside that black tower?ā€ Su Shi asked.

Wang Que shook his head, ā€œI donā€™t know either.ā€

ā€œDonā€™t know?ā€

Facing Su Shiā€™s puzzled gaze, Wang Que scratched his head and said, ā€œActually, this is my second time hereā€¦ā€

When he saw the strange black tower, Wang Que realized that he had come to a turning point in fate. But he didnā€™t dare to act recklessly.

The black tower stood in the center of the deathland, capable of blocking demonic energy, and even powerful savage beasts dared not approach. It was obviously not an ordinary thing.

Opportunities often come with dangers.

His strength was too weak, and he wasnā€™t sure if he could seize the opportunity, or if he would risk his life for it.

Moreover, Wang Que hadnā€™t reached the level of breakthrough yet. He didnā€™t carry enough provisions and feared he wouldnā€™t last three days

So he decided to take a risk and venture out, preparing extensively, and then return here to focus on cultivation.

ā€œI was originally planning to go to Kodo City to prepare supplies, but unexpectedly, I offended someoneā€¦ something happened before that.ā€

As a member of an inferior race, they had to bow and be subservient to other clans; a slight mistake could lead to disaster.

This was also the reason why he was eager to improve his strength. Su Shi asked, ā€œThen why didnā€™t you use this black small tower to save your life when facing the savage beast in the arena?ā€

Wang Que shook his head, ā€œIf I took out this thing in public, it would truly be a disaster.ā€

ā€œMoreover, I would rather die in the mouth of a savage beast than give this opportunity to those scumbags!ā€ He spoke with deep-seated hatred in his eyes.

Su Shi could understand this.

Putting oneself in his shoes, after being forced into a desperate situation again and again, it was hard for anyone to remain calm.

ā€œLet me see the object.ā€


Wang Que didnā€™t hesitate and handed the black small tower to Su Shi.

Su Shi took it and weighed it in his hand.

It felt heavy, and no matter whether he infused spiritual power or soul power into it, there was no response. ā€œIt seems like it has already recognized its master.ā€

After pondering for a moment, Su Shi walked towards the black tower, with Yu Renā€™er following closely behind.

Wang Que came to the front of the black tower and looked at the towering building before him. Su Shiā€™s eyes flashed with amazement. This black tower had twelve floors. It looked ordinary from afar, but as he approached, a strong sense of oppression washed over him, as if he was facing some unknown existence.

The black tower was entirely black, with a material that was neither metal nor stone, and had no luster, appearing similar to the texture of the fragments.

Each floor had windows, but they were dark and deep, making it impossible to see what was inside.

Su Shi circled around the black tower, but he couldnā€™t find any entrance, not even a gap in the door.

ā€œNo entrance?ā€

ā€œBrother Su Shi, look at this!ā€

At this moment, Yu Renā€™erā€™s voice sounded.

Su Shi heard the sound and looked over.

Only to see a small groove in the middle of the south-facing wall, like a keyhole. Su Shi thought for a moment and picked up the black small tower, inserting it into the groove.

Crack. With a soft sound, the black small tower entered the groove and merged seamlessly with the black tower. In the next moment, the wall lit up with a flickering light, and a beam of light appeared from top to bottom. Amidst the rumbling vibration, two large doors slowly opened.

Inside the door, there was a mist, making it difficult to see what was inside.

Su Shi pondered for a moment and said, ā€œIā€™ll go in first, wait for me outside.ā€

ā€œNo, I want to go in with Brother,ā€ Yu Renā€™er insisted, pulling him.

Who knew what dangers might be inside the black tower? Although her strength was not as good as Su Shiā€™s, they could at least take care of each other.

Su Shi couldnā€™t persuade her, so he had to hold her hand and walk in together.

Watching the two figures disappear into the mist, Wang Que stood still and hesitated.

He had a good idea of his own strength. This time coming to the Deathland, he just wanted to cultivate here with the dense spiritual energy for a period of time. He planned to enter the black tower after reaching the Golden Core stage.

ā€œWith my talent, even in this place with dense spiritual energy, I donā€™t know when I will break through.ā€

ā€œRather than waiting indefinitelyā€¦ā€

Thinking of the humiliations he had suffered before, Wang Que clenched his fists.

No one could protect him forever.

If he wanted to live with dignity, the only way was to become stronger, so strong that no one would dare to bully him again!

ā€œItā€™s no big deal to die once, anyway, Iā€™m not the Son of Heaven, Iā€™m as good as dead!ā€

Wang Que stepped into the black tower with determination. Just as he entered, the door slowly closed, the light disappeared, leaving no trace. At the same time, behind the window of the first floor, a faint figure seemed to flash by.


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Comments 3

  1. Offline
    0 ā‹… 0
    #painic# chapters 1-99 have been duplicated after chapter 321
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    1. Offline
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  2. Offline
    3 ā‹… 0
    Just everyday thing for a protagonist.
    Everything seemed too coincidental, as if it was meticulously prepared for him.

    You are.
    ā€œItā€™s no big deal to die once, anyway, Iā€™m not the Son of Heaven, Iā€™m as good as dead!ā€
    Read more