
Chapter 325: Back with Luna

[Luna POV]

After ascending, me and Tamamo had some fun together before I started to figure out all the changes that came with godhood.  Not much had changed for the most part, though the magic that was attuned to my Authorities became something that could be triggered with pretty much no thought.  If I had to compare it to something, it was like it was on a hair trigger now, so I had to basically force it to not activate when trying to do something.  Other than that, I also had two new tails to manage.  Also, seeing as I was finally a goddess, we decided to use my special brush’s full potential on myself.  Currently, Tamamo was burying herself in my tails.

{LUNA!  This is too much!  It’s so nice and fluffy!}

“Fufufu.  Stop acting like you’re losing your mind, Tamamo.”

{Fine.  But I’m not lying, it’s insane how fluffy and soft they are now.  It’s like you’ve somehow made the abyss ascend to another, even higher tier of abyss.}

“Wouldn’t it be lower?”

{Let’s not get into this discussion again or we’ll just confuse ourselves.}

“Fine.  So, what should we do today?  We can descend back into hot, steamy passion, but I kind of want to explore some.  Also, while I didn’t mention it this whole time, did your place become bigger?  I don’t remember it spreading out as far as it is now.”

{You technically got your own place here, but seeing as we’re Fated Ones, they combined.}

“I see…Oh right, let me try something before we go any further.”

{What are you trying to do?}

“Bring my floating island here.”


I closed my eyes and tried to picture the mortal world in my mind.  It appeared with surprising clarity which threw me off a bit, but I shook that feeling of weirdness off and focused on my task.  I pictured my floating island and the scenery changed to where I wanted it to.

“Now, to see if this will work.”

I imagined a domain covering the entire island before pulling that domain to my location.  Surprisingly, the island in my vision vanished and when I opened my eyes, my island was floating above me and Tamamo.

“That went surprisingly well.”

{It did indeed.  And look at you, I didn’t even need to teach you how to observe the mortal world, you managed to figure it out all by yourself.}

“Ha ha!  It was easy for one such as me!”

{Stop it.  Even just acting like that isn’t a good fit for you.}

“Yes Tamamo, I will never do it again.”

{Ufufu.  So, now that you have your island here, what should we do today?  Do you want to go visit Atmos, or want me to teach you more god things, or make out some more…You said you want to explore, right?}

“If possible.”

{Then Luna, get ready, we’re going out today!  Let’s call it a date.}

“WOO HOO!  A DATE WITH TAMAMO!  Look out, Divine Domain, now that we’re together, nothing will stop us!”

{Someone’s excited, not that I can blame you.}

I moved over and hugged one of Tamamo’s arms to my chest.

“Well, it’s not like either of us need to do much to get ready, so let’s go.”

{And go we shall.  Watch what I’m about to do and I’ll walk you through the technical parts later.}

I nodded my head and Tamamo raised her free arm.  In front of her a glowing portal appeared.  My space Authority reacted a little bit and I kind of understood what she did, but it still needed an explanation for me to actually make use of the knowledge.

“Neat.  I can kind of get it, but also not.  It’s weird.”

{Oh?  I’ve never really questioned it, but do you think it’s sort of like space magic?}

“I don’t think so, at least not fully.  It’s a part of it for sure, but there are other things mixed in that make it something else.  But enough about that, we have a date to go on.”

{Then let’s go.}

We stepped through the portal thing and the scene in front of me rendered me speechless.  It was a massive city, though not like any I’ve seen in any life before.  Buildings were built at odd angles, some floated around, entire blocks would change position.  Some places even looked like they were torn right out of Inception.  I looked around at everything with my mouth hanging open and eyes full of wonder.

{Ufufufu.  Luna, don’t just stand there gaping.}

“But Tamamo, this place is amazing!”

{Not really.  There are much better places in the Divine Domain to see, but I wanted to take you here first since this is the place that we’ll come to the most.  Now, where should I take you first?  Should we go and get you some things for every day life, or maybe somewhere to eat?  Ah, how about I bring you to meet the Goddess of Culinary Arts?}

“Just lead me anywhere, I have no idea what is where.  As long as I’m with you, then it doesn’t matter.”

{Then let’s go there first, then I’ll show you to some of my favorite shops and other places.  And maybe we can get Atmos over and go to this spa place we went to this one time in a few days.}

“Sounds fun.”

{Anyway, let’s go.  Stay close to me like you are, ok.}


We started to leave the place where we arrived.  While we were walking around the city, some people would stop and stare at us with several different kinds of expressions, most of which were surprise.

“Fufufu.  Is this also part of your plan?”

{Naturally.  I need to show you off at some point, don’t I?  With this, people that don’t know about you will learn about you.  Plus I’ve just wanted to walk around this place with you for the longest time, so I’m taking advantage of the moment.}


I hugged Tamamo’s arm even closer to my chest as we continued to walk.  After a while, we arrived at a place that looked like a fancy restaurant from my past life.  When we went inside, I was surprised again.  The inside of the place didn’t match the outside in the slightest.  The interior was a homey feeling place that reminded me of a lodge you’d find in some countryside or mountain ski resort.

“Are things like this normal here?”

{For the most part.  The interiors of buildings like these are subject to change on the whim of the god that owns it.  The exteriors are the domain of gods of architecture though.}


We moved over to a counter side stool and sat down.  After a few minutes, a lady walked over to us.  She was wearing a stereotypical professional chef outfit.  When she stopped in front of us, she started to speak lines that she’s probably said so many times it’s become a habit when she stopped.

“T-Tamamo?  It’s been a while.” (CA)

{It has.}

“And who is this?” (CA)

{This is Luna, my wife.}

“Hello.” (Luna)

“……Wife?...Wife…WIFE!  She’s ascended already!?” (CA)


“Isn’t this a time for celebration then?  I’m surprised Atmos hasn’t burst into here and dragged me off to cater the party.” (CA)

“We actually haven’t seen Atmos in the time since I’ve ascended.  It’s kind of worrying, but I’m sure whatever she’s doing will end up being fun.” (Luna)

“…Tamamo, is your wife broken?  She IS talking about Atmos.” (CA)

“Hey!” (Luna)

{Luna is fine.  Now, can we get something to eat?  I’m treating her to her first meal in the Divine Domain after all.}

“Then I’ll make it extra special.  You want your usual?” (CA)


“And you, miss wife?” (CA)

“I’ll have whatever Tamamo is having.” (Luna)

“Coming right up, then.” (CA)

The Goddess of Culinary Arts went into the back of the place and Tamamo and I were left alone.  We chatted and flirted while we waited.  As soon as our food was brought out, I immediately recognized the smell.

“Kitsune Udon.” (Luna)

“Indeed.  It’s what Tamamo orders every time she comes here, no exceptions.” (CA)

“I knew she loved it, I do as well, but to that extent?  Tamamo, why didn’t you ever say anything?  I’d make it for you every day if you said something.” (Luna)

{Luna, if I said something, then I’d end up having you making it in copious amounts every day.  I love it that much.  Though I love you more.}

“Same.” (Luna)

I leaned over and gave Tamamo a quick peck on the cheek.


“And with that I’m gonna move away, I don’t want to die from sweetness.” (CA)

We started to eat and I finally learned why Tamamo always said good things about this particular goddess.  Her food was literally divine, though I feel like I could give it a run for its money.  Anyway, as we enjoyed out lunch, the doors to the building were kicked open.


“Shut up.  We’re not here for you.  We have business with that hag over there.” (KG1)

“Hey, who’s the…WHY DOES SHE HAVE 10 TAILS!?” (KG2)


“…” (KG4)

{Ugh.  Did you four really have to show up today?  Can’t you see I’m on a date with my wife?  Leave and I’ll forget this ever happened, but only this once.}

“Like hell we’ll leave.” (KG2)

“Wife?” (KG4)

“Aren’t you too old to get married, you old hag.” (KG1)

“Maybe she chose someone young looking since it makes her feel young?” (KG3)

“They really don’t know when to shut up, do they?  Well, one of them does, but that’s not the point.” (Luna)

{They really don’t.  Though I guess this is a good thing as well.  Now you can put that one plan into motion.}

“I can indeed.” (Luna)

“Stop ignoring us!” (KG1)

“Tamamo, let’s finish eating first.” (Luna)


I didn’t even look behind me at the four nuisances before opening several Gates and using my chains to trap them while also wrapping one around their mouths to keep them quiet.  I even locked them in a small domain just for the extra security.

“We should also probably wait for Atmos.  I know she’s not here, but I know she’s watching.” (Luna)

{You can tell even that?}

“While I know what you mean, no.  But I do know that Atmos would find a way to watch what we’re up to today, so she’ll probably show up soon.” (Luna)

{Most likely.}

Tamamo and I focused on our food and even decided to order some more while we waited for Atmos to show up so we could deal with the pests.

Chaos Realm:

Atmos: I'll be back in a bit.

Don't go too wild.

Order: And don't do anything that we can't show Astraea.

Atmos: Isn't that most things in your opinions?

Me and Order: So?

Atmos: Whatever.  I'll be back, so just enjoy the show.

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