
Chapter 596: A Trait!

A Trait!

Noah's eyes opened wide as he heard this word, his mind going back months ago when he saw a dash in the stat panel when it came to his [Focus].

At that time, this dash that represented nothing meant that the amount of the attribute of focus- the amount of mana, could not be properly displayed as it was too exorbitant! He later found out that this was because of his connection with the planet he was on, and he even actively expanded this connection as time passed so that he could accumulate even more mana!

[There were multiple trial and errors, but I am now seeing that the Trait of Infinite Mana ranks higher than any of the Traits I have come across before.]


[It is also a Trait that could not just be granted, but it had to be grown to the stage it is at currently, where even at this moment it has not achieved a full bloom to be properly called an official Trait. This is because you have only created a connection with a Realm, and to fully complete this Trait...a connection with something even larger is required.]



Noah could feel his heartbeat as if it was the sound of a drum, shocking information about all that was occurring to him being displayed so freely at this time!

All the connections that he had formed with the many worlds, and even when all of these connections were combined into a single powerful Realm...all of this was still just progress he was making towards creating a particular Trait- the Trait known as Infinite Mana!

Even at this moment in time, this trait was not complete as he still had work to do before it could officially manifest.

[When you take the final step and officially achieve this Trait, you can unequivocally say that you have Infinite Mana. This is because a completed Trait is forced to intertwine with the Universal Laws, whatever the trait is granting being made into a reality.]

When he officially completed this Trait, he would never have to worry about any mana he used at any stage he achieved! He would never have to worry about adding this planet or that planet in order to expand his reserves...he would for as long as he lived always have Infinite Mana!

Noah's eyes shone with luster as he reached this point, his heart nearly jumping out as he wanted to grasp this Trait in his hands right away! But this posed the question...of exactly how to complete this trait. 

He glanced towards the white blank eyes of the 1st Infernal Lord that had been taken over by a separate entity as he had an idea of exactly what he had to do to achieve the completion of such a spectacular Trait. The eyes of this entity seemed to understand his thoughts as their monotone words continued!

[As it is a trait that I doubt has ever risen across the vast Universe, it is one with very strict requirements to bring to fruition.]

Yes! It was extremely hard and required many factors coming together to bring to light a Trait such as Infinite Mana! First, one had to begin with forming a dangerous connection between a world and a creature that had yet to even experience any forms of Mana, and then have this creature awaken to the workings of mana while keeping their lives during this whole time!

If they perished, the planet would perish. If somehow everything lined up and continued, the creature would then have to grow to enough power as they had to be able to traverse in the starry space as they formed even more connections and expanded the usage of this incomplete Trait, all the while none of the planets they were forming connections to had to also remain safe with no destruction.

Noah had shockingly gone through all of these stages as he arrived at the point where all the worlds he was connected to were combined into a single Realm, paving his path in an even smoother direction as it granted him a level of safety he did not have before!

[Now that you were able to form a Realm, the next steps are relatively easier as all you have to do is fuse into your Realm the Worlds present in the Light Expanse, Dark Expanse, and Letalis Expanse.]


Jaws would have dropped down if there were any other beings listening to this conversation, but Noah managed to release a question during this time.

"How many more Stars will have to be fused…?"

[This, I have not been able to confirm. There is a last stage you must still complete after the fusion of many worlds into your Realm. I will know if you are ready for that final stage as you fuse the worlds, and the Trait that shall stand against any enemies will be complete.]

A Trait unlike any other!

A Trait that would be able to stand against Outsiders and anything that had appeared before and destroyed the Novus Galaxy, causing it to experience rebirth over and over again until this current era!

As Noah arrived at this point and tried weaving everything together in his mind, he was reminded of the accusatory words of the Cthulhu, and the fact that the actions of Aldrich shattering a portion of the barrier of the Novus Galaxy had sent out a signal which actually let unknown beings know exactly where their Novus Galaxy was.

It was a signal that effectively called Outsiders over to them! 

Noah locked his gaze with the apathetic eyes of the entity residing in the 1st Infernal Lord as he asked.

"If in the past eons you faced destruction and rebirth multiple times because of Outsiders or other sources...why allow for a signal that would invite disaster to be released by Aldrich this time around?"

He could feel the space around him beginning to shake as he asked this same question that the Cthulhu had asked and was forcefully teleported away for. He asked a question that demanded an answer!


Lines of Fate and chaotic particles began to swirl around them as Noah actually observed the emotionless and impassive face of the 1st Infernal Lord show emotion for the first time since this entity had taken over it and adopt an extremely enigmatic and cruel smile, a smile that would cause the spines of beings to curve as their very Origins trembled!


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Comments 8

  1. Online Offline
    + 20 -
    Nahh more accuratly would be saying endless mana instead of infinite but author said so so its true ven tho endless makes more sense than infinite since anything infinit can never be truly touched by finite.
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    1. Offline
      soul crusher
      + 10 -
      infinite isn't touched by finite here it's just the requirements to give out the trait are finite in nature and used to give the trait which then becomes it's own thing
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      1. Online Offline
        + 00 -
        You didnt understand the comment despite what you said being right considering that everything that is written by the author is true (story wise, world bulding etc that is)

        that doesnt change that pretty much by logic there isnt such a thing that is infinit in something finit.
        the only thing that can exist is endlessness in this case since if you have more mana and mana reg than you can possibly spend than its still not infinit thats a big diffrence the thing here is he never truly uses aspekts of infinit mana only endless mana infinity breaks many many things regarding logic etc with it there pretty much are no limits so obviously having that is problematic to say the least from an author Perspektive. Meanig that it should be endless mana the trait name doesnt make sense if you think about it this way it doesnt need infinity to work just more than theorqticqly useable
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        1. Offline
          + 00 -
          Nah soul crusher is right, the requirements are there to build the concept of "Infinite Mana". After the concept is built, It's brought into reality through turning the concept of "Infinite Mana" into a Trait.

          Tl;dr, the requirements give the illusory feeling of having Infinite Mana, while the Trait forces that illusory feeling into reality, thus granting a true Infinite Mana.
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  2. Online Offline
    + 30 -
    Lines of Fate and chaotic particles began to swirl around them as Noah actually observed the emotionless and impassive face of the 1st Infernal Lord show emotion for the first time since this entity had taken over it and adopt an extremely enigmatic and cruel smile, a smile that would cause the spines of beings to curve as their very Origins trembled!


    Ну... Потому что я мазохистка... pressure
    Well... because I'm a masochist... pressure
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  3. Offline
    + 70 -
    Lines of Fate and chaotic particles began to swirl around them as Noah actually observed the emotionless and impassive face of the 1st Infernal Lord show emotion for the first time since this entity had taken over it and adopt an extremely enigmatic and cruel smile, a smile that would cause the spines of beings to curve as their very Origins trembled!

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  4. Offline
    + 220 -
    The last step is to merge the Realm with the Universe
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    1. Offline
      + 110 -
      Yeah but i think he needs a thousand or a million galaxies before he can call himself and his strength a being the universe
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