
Chapter 16-18


Oh and everywan is typo really that bad sigh

everyone keeps dissing me about typo lol lol lol

its not lik your can write well lol lol lol

if its fun then say its fun dont keep saying typo this typo that

the content is fun tho look at the polls and see how dey r

for real tho seriously it’s not like im perfect jus dont read if you don’t like seriously


And so the invisible dragon went to find the demon king dragon master


There was a lot of wind and stuff it was super awesome…

The two stared at each other it was then


the bastardly deragon master attacked first our invisible dragon unfortunatly got hit once

and vomited blood

Invisible dragon:Ugh shit

So the demon king dragon master spoke

“Keke you insect”

But invisible dragon had a trump card

“It is time to show my rael power”

Demon king dragon master laughed his ass off

Demon king dragon master:yeah sure go ahead

Invisible dragon super enraged invisible dragon originally coud olny show his tru strength when he was enraged the enraged invisible dragons true power

look for ward to it tada~~~


Everywan i sleep after this

And dont keep doing pranks really ;-;

Please commenat a lot no swearing~~~!!!

Hahagh I’m off

Bya bya~~!!!

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