
Chapter 22-24

22 (2002/07/27)

The invisible dragon trainled like shet for 300milion years

now everything starts for real now

the invisible dragon shouted

“just come at me you bastards!!! heh”

so humans and evryon else all attacked super lot but

they were all like dust to super duper strong invisibl dragon

“kekeke you small fris take this!!!”

when the invisible dragon shot out a beam from his pinki finger that big big crowd

disappeared int an instant there was blood everywhere everyone’s heads were getting cut off it was awesome

now the invisible dragon is really awesome no one can fight him

since it was invisible it was even more scary so everyone was trembling



Invisible dragon wanted to test how strong he was so

He used 1/1000000000000000000000000000000000000th of his power


and 350,000 meteors fell from duh sky and suddenly

everything went all bambambambam everywan was ded it was bloody it was awesome

“hahaha I used 1/1000000000000000000000000000000000000th of my power and this is the result you insects keke”

invisible dragon who trianed like mad… he got hella strong in one word he was simpley awesomestrong

he defeted the demon king dragon master with just his pinki pinger suuuuper easily

but there was one enemy left

“Hmm now I have to beat my old bro”

The invisible dragon old bro was strong cuz he was older bro he was stronger than dragon master

Now the invisible dragon went to look for his bro so they may fihgt

Expect an awsom thrillin bloodie fihgt really

Aw~~some fight!!!

24 (2002/07/27)

By the way everywan some dude asked if the demon king dragon master trains

but then the thin is that the demon king dragon master is a shitty immature lazy jacass

so he just played around and not trianted and died hehehe okey???

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Comments 5

  1. Offline
    He used 1/1000000000000000000000000000000000000th of his power


    and 350,000 meteors fell from duh sky and suddenly

    everything went all bambambambam everywan was ded it was bloody it was awesome

    “hahaha I used 1/1000000000000000000000000000000000000th of my power and this is the result you insects keke”

    I think it's pretty impressive that the author bothered with counting the zeros again
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      ctrl + c, ctrl + v
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  2. Offline
    “hahaha I used 1/1000000000000000000000000000000000000th of my power and this is the result you insects keke”
    Shiiit bro's already so strong and it's only chapter 23 lshock

    Loving it so far, I wonder how strong the old bro is...

    Can't wait for the battle between the ancient bros

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    1. Offline
      invisible mf really used a whole undecillionth of his power
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      1. Offline
        I'm impressed you know the number 🤣🤣🤌🏻
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