
Character Sheet (updated 09/01/20)

All of the characters in this auxiliary chapter have probably already been introduced in the story, so I'm just going to summarize their most important aspects and a little bit of their background. There may be spoilers if you have not read all of the chapters.


Lucien (MC) - 20 years old, 1.85 meters tall, medium length red hair, slim athletic body. Human / Demon / Dragon (?), Born in Bellor (homeworld) and used by his father, Michael (the Evil King) as a weapon to host to the Great Demon Lust.

First appearance: Chapter 1

Primary wish: To protect those dear to him, especially his mother.

Personality: Anti-social, passionate, and affectionate towards his loved ones, cold and ruthless towards anyone other than his loved ones. Extremely possessive.

Current power (chapter 221): Mortal Realm / Second Layer (peak)

Abilities: First Soul Weapon (katana), Second Soul Weapon (dragonic naginata), Create a soul contract (demonic tattoo) with diverse women. Generate demonic energy from any source of pleasure, increasing his power and that of his women. Boost and increase regeneration of any type of energy he himself and his women have, with pleasure (demonic energy). Greatly boost himself with demonic energy.

Skills: Specialized in most physical weapons, focusing his demonic energy, using his energy to quickly increase all of his physical capabilities, and channeling mana through all weapons. Ex: Wind Slash (wind mana from Cassidy and Mia.)


Lust (the deadly sin) - A sexy young blond lady. A superior life form (Great Demon) from the demonic race, that lives in a distant superior world. She was looking for a powerful host in the middle and lower worlds with her companions (six other Great Demons), using her body made of demonic energy (that gets stronger through the connection with her host).

First appearance: Chapter 1

Primary wish: A suitable partner (Lucien).

Personality: Lustful, passionate.

Current power (chapter 221): Her power comes from the demonic energy that she and Lucien generate, so she is always slightly below his normal power level.

Ability: Share her full potential with Lucien through a soul contract tattoo between them.

Skills: She can sense and analyze people from a great distance of almost five miles. Materialize her body one hundred meters away from Lucien (teleport). Great and vast combat experience.


Sophia (Lucien's sister) - 21 years old, 1.65 meters tall, pale skin, and long fiery red hair. Healing mage with a high life affinity. Like her sisters, she received several power increases from treasures and medicines from her father, improving her natural affinity with the life element. Currently, the host of the Sin Sloth, sleeping on one of Argerim's two moons.

First appearance: Chapter 2

Primary wish: Have Lucien only to herself.

Personality: Shy, passionate, stoic.

Current power (chapter 221): Earth Realm / First Layer

Abilities: Mental abilities. Generate demonic energy from keeping her body immobile/relaxing while exploring her mental domain. Life affinity (magic).

Skills: Specialized in most physical weapons


Amelia (Lucien's sister) - 23 years old, 1.68 meters tall, pale skin, medium length white hair, white eyes.

One of Lucien's most talented sisters, known as the genius swordsman. She always had a distant relationship with her sisters because she was always focused on her training, but her relationship with Lucien was "strange" at the least.

Now she is Envy's host and added to the influence of the Bloody Rose, her increased jealous desires are causing her to be more confused and unstable than ever.

First appearance: Chapter 92

Primary wish: Not even she knows exactly (Or doesn't want to admit it)

Personality: Hot-head, Jealousy, Passionate, Possessive

Current power (chapter 221): Mortal Realm / Eight layer

Abilities: Soul Weapon (Dual short white swords), Generates demonic energy from her desires and other people's desires, increasing her power and that of others if she helps them achieve their desires, or gaining all of the demonic energy for herself by stealing their desires and achievements for herself. Copy other people's skills and abilities, only able to use the copied ability a limited amount of times before she has to copy it again. Copy is limited by Amelia's demonic energy.

Skills: Extremely skilled with Swords and Bladed weapons. Specialized in most physical weapons.


Envy (the deadly sin) - ???? years old, 1.72 m tall with a fantastic sexy body. Fair skin, long black hair, and green eyes, in addition to demon race characteristics, like her pointed ears, horns, and wings. Her horns are red, have curves at different angles, and are slightly turned upwards, they are about 19 centimeters long. Her wings are bat-like, very similar to Lust's but red instead of purple.

First appearance: Chapter 92 (voice); Chapter 162 (physically)

Primary wish: Other peoples wishes

Personality: Manipulative, Playful, Jealousy

Current power (chapter 221): her power also grows along with Amelia's demonic energy, and because she doesn't generate as much demonic energy as Lucien, her power is far inferior to Amelia's current power level.

Abilities: Share her full potential with Amelia through a soul contract tattoo between them.

Skills: She can sense and analyze people from a great distance of almost three miles. Materialize her body forty meters away from Amelia (teleport). Great and vast combat experience.


Marie - 21 years old, 1.68 m tall, short blue hair. The ice wizard adventurer who fought mercenaries when Lucien arrived in this world. Second princess of the Bluewind Kingdom.

First appearance: Chapter 12

Primary wish: Knowledge

Personality: Stubborn, rational.

Current power (chapter 221): Mortal Realm / First Layer

Abilities: water/ice affinity.

Skills: water/ice manipulation


Anne - Demi-human fox-girl, 18 years old, 1.67 m tall, long brown hair, and several parts of her body have fluffy light brown fur, and green eyes. She left the fox-clan in the Alliance to join Portgreen as an adventurer.

First appearance: Chapter 12

Primary wish: To live great adventures with Lucien.

Personality: hardworking, optimistic.

Current power (chapter 221): Mortal Realm / First Layer

Abilities: A mysterious second tail

Skills: Short sword skills


Mia - Human, 18 years old. Fair skin, medium length black hair, yellow eyes, and about 1.7 m tall. Princess of Portgreen. She worked as a mercenary for a year, trying to buy an antidote to cure her mother's poison.

First appearance: Chapter 12

Primary wish: To keep her mom (Cassidy) safe.

Personality: Bold, Passionate, Anti-social.

Current power (chapter 221): Mortal Realm / First Layer

Skills: Short sword and dagger skills, Wind Slash


Cassidy - Human, 38 years old. Fair skin, long black hair, yellow eyes, 1.7 m tall. Queen of Portgreen. Declared dead after being poisoned by a terrible poison and disappearing.

First appearance: Chapter 36

Primary wish: To keep her daughter (Mia) safe.

Personality: Bold, authoritative, Passionate.

Current power (chapter 221): Mortal Realm / Second Layer.

Abilities: Wind affinity

Skills: Sword skills (Mainly longswords and greatswords), Wind Slash


Astrid - Half-manticore demi-human. 36 years old. Olive skin, long red-brown hair, 1.7 m tall, and brown eyes. Former member of the manticore tribe. Cassidy's best friend.

First appearance: Chapter 32

Primary wish: Avenge her Mother

Personality: Bold, Passionate, Aggressive

Current power (chapter 221): Mortal Realm / First Layer (top)

Abilities: Powerful claws, Poison extra resistance, fly, poison claws

Skills: Close combat (martial arts)


Rose - Half vampire, (?) Years old. Fair skin, long blond hair, 1.65 m tall, and gray-yellow eyes. Earth Mage, who was recovering from an escape at the Aria tavern (same as Cassidy) in Portgreen.

First appearance: Chapter 46

Primary wish: Become a powerful vampire

Personality: Bold, Spoiled, Passionate

Current power (chapter 221): Mortal Realm / First Layer (peak)

Abilities: earth affinity.

Skills: earth manipulation


Aria - Harpy demi-human, 39 years old. Fair skin, 1.7 m tall, long grey hair, and gray-blue eyes. The owner of the tavern where Cassidy hid when she was poisoned.

First appearance: Chapter 35

Primary wish: To keep her daughter (Ella) safe.

Personality: Bold, playful, caring

Current power (chapter 221): Mortal Realm / First Layer

Abilities: Powerful sound waves, fly

Skills: Sword skills


Ella - Harpy demi-human, 16 years old. Fair skin, 1.67 m tall, long white hair, and white-blue eyes. Aria's daughter.

First appearance: Chapter 35

Primary wish: To fly

Personality: Shy, playful, friendly

Current power (chapter 221): Mortal Realm / First Laye

Abilities: Powerful sound waves; fly

Skills: Short sword and dagger skills


Angela - Human, 40 years old. Fair skin, 1.69 m tall, long blue hair, and blue eyes. Queen of Bluewind, mother of Marie and Lena.

First appearance: Chapter 61

Primary wish: To keep her daughters (Marie and Lena) safe.

Personality: Shy, Hardworking, Stubborn

Current power (chapter 221): Mortal Realm / Second Layer

Abilities: water/ice affinity.

Skills: water/ice manipulation


Lena - Human, 23 years old. Fair skin, 1.68 m tall, long blue hair, and blue eyes. Bluewind's first princess.

First appearance: Chapter 66

Primary wish: To live free

Personality: Bold, Hardworking, Brave

Current power (chapter 221): Mortal Realm / First Layer

Abilities: water/ice affinity.

Skills: water/ice manipulation


Maggie - Human, 22 years old. Olive skin, medium length black hair, 1.69 m tall, and black eyes. Former member of the Black Hand party (mercenary group).

First appearance: Chapter 41

Primary wish: To have a family

Personality: Smart, Hardworking, Insecure

Current power (chapter 221): Mortal Realm / First Layer.

Abilities: Extra vision, fire affinity

Skills: Fire manipulation.


Scarlett - Hybrid Fox-werewolf demi-human, 40 years old. Olive skin, long red hair, 1.72 m tall, and red-brown eyes. Red Lady Party (mercenary group) leader.

First appearance: Chapter 74

Primary wish: To rescue her brother

Personality: Smart, Manipulative, Bold, Affectionate, Loyal

Current power (chapter 221): Mortal Realm / First Layer

Abilities: Super-tough skin

Skills: Sword skills


Olivia - Human, 39 years old. Fair skin, long black hair, black eyes, and 1.70 m tall. One of the two Guild leaders with a mysterious past and horrible scars on her face.

First appearance: Chapter 45

Primary wish: To avenge her family

Personality: Straightforward, Proud, Depressed (changing)

Current power (chapter 221): Mortal Realm / First Layer

Abilities: Dark Affinity (magic)

Skills: Short sword and dagger skills, rogue skills, Dark Magic (learning)


Ghilanna - Forest Elf, 31 years old. Fair skin, long emerald hair, emerald eyes, and 1.74 m tall. Elf-girl who was disguised as a man (Glen) in the Guild.

First appearance: Chapter 48

Primary wish: To find a place to belong

Personality: Kind, Bold, Brave

Current power (chapter 221): Mortal Realm / First Layer

Abilities: Nature (life minor-subclass) affinity;

Skills: Archery; heal


Neola - Human, 20 years old. Tanned skin, long brown hair, green eyes, and 1.69 m tall. Leader of the female members of the forest bandits.

First appearance: Chapter 119

Primary wish: To enjoy the life beside her Master (Lucien)

Personality: Authoritative, Hot-headed, Dedicated

Current power (chapter 221): Mortal Realm / First Layer.

Abilities: ???

Skills: Archery


Kylee- Human, 18 years old. 1.64 meters tall, fair skin but not very pale, medium length beautiful dirty blonde hair, slim body, and medium-size (not too big) breasts.

Formerly part of the bandit group. She has always been weak and sick, unable to fight. Currently the second most powerful woman in Lucien's troops (not including his other wives).

First appearance: Chapter 137

Primary wish: To serve her beloved Master (Lucien)

Personality: Affectionate, Playful, Dedicated

Current power (chapter 221): Mortal Realm / First Layer

Abilities: Super strength

Skills: Pole weapons (mainly naginata and halberd) skills.


Dawn - Human, 35 years old. long blond hair, sexy curvy body, pink lips, and 1.70 meters tall. Daughter of the Light King (princess and only heir). The only Marshal of the Light Empire's Army (highest ranked military position). The personal assistant of the Light Envoy (Amelia).

First appearance: Chapter 92

Primary wish: To keep her people happy and safe

Personality: Dedicated, Faithful, Authoritative, Naive (pure)

Current power (chapter 175): SS-rank (peak); Light Affinity (minor)

Skills: Vast melee weapons skills, Leadership


Jeanne - Human, 39 years old. fair skin, long pink hair, gray-pink eyes, 1.7 meters tall, curvy / slightly muscular body, and medium-sized breasts.

First appearance: 28

Primary wish: Take care of the family of her late sister (old) / New: ???

Personality: Affectionate, Overprotective, Loyal

Current power (chapter 221): Mortal Realm / First Layer

Abilities: ???

Skills: Sword Skills


Kara - Human, 15 years old (almost 16). 1.61 meters tall, fair skin, long dark brown hair, reddish brown eyes, slender body, and small breasts.

First appearance: 60

Primary wish: Belonging to a family and be loved by them

Personality: Affectionate, shy, hard-working

Current power (chapter 221): A-rank (non-combatant)

Abilities: Super cuteness

Skills: Maid skills


Rebecca - Human, 27 years old. 1.70 meters tall, fair / slightly tanned skin, medium length blonde hair, green eyes, curvy/slightly muscular body, and medium sized breasts.

First appearance: 46

Primary wish: Be recognized as a great smith

Personality: Hardworking, determined, optimistic

Current power (chapter 221): A-rank

Abilities: Creation affinity (inferior)

Skills: Blacksmith skills, heavy weapon skills


Madelyn - cat-demi-human, 22 years old. 1.64 meters tall, fair skin, demi-human characteristics such as fluffy ears, small amounts of fluffy hairs over her body the same color as her long light brown hair, yellowish brown eyes, curvy body, and medium sized breasts.

First appearance: 31

Primary wish: To be protected

Personality: Authoritative, determined, selfless

Current power (chapter 221): A-rank

Abilities: Wind affinity

Skills: Wind manipulation (mage)

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