
Chapter 2: Disaster

The group of 15 men nodded their heads silently and waited until midnight before they struck. The leader was a sinister man, He was known though out the southern part of Blue Bamboo Province as "Blood Wolf." His group of bandits were known as the Wolf Bandits.This was due to the fact that every time a village was attacked by them, no one was left alive. Everyone was to be slaughtered, women and children were no exception either. It was as if a pack of wolves had run through, destroying everything in their path.

Blood Wolf stood up and said,"Leave no one alive, except for that girl, she looks quite delicious. let us capture her and give our brothers a little fun!"

The men were excited, they couldn't wait to taste her flesh. Blood Wolf even had a disgusting look on his face, it was obvious that he was already planning all of the vulgar things that he would do. Within minutes they had arrived to the front of the village and attacked. Soon screams could be heard, scenes of men and women being cut down happened.

Teacher Fan had run out of his home with a sword, screaming,"It's an attack! If you cannot fight then run! If you can, pick up anything that can be used as a weapon and defend with me!"

The villagers heard his instructions and began following them. Any able-bodied man took whatever could be used as a weapon: sickles, machetes, etc. The elderly, women, and children ran towards the opposite end of the village where there was another entrance. Teacher Fan led this group of men to fight back against these bandits. The fighting was gruesome and unfortunately, the villagers were taking heavier losses. They were not as experienced in fighting as these bandits despite having more numbers.

As Ming Yue and her father could not fight, they quickly packed up and joined with the escaping group while the others stalled. As they reached the exit, they saw a man there. With a sabre in his hand, he began cutting down anyone who tried to escape. It was Blood Wolf and he seemed to have predicted that they would leave through this path. He was walking towards them and sliced whomever he could reach. Horror soon crossed through everyone's face and they panicked even more. With no choice, they were pushed back to the center of the village where Teacher Fan and what was left of the village force were fighting. At this point, It was only him and 3 other villagers out of around 30 compared to the 5 remaining bandits.

Blood Wolf looked at the scene.

"Hmmph, what is going on? How come so many of our brothers have died?" He said.

As he watched, he soon realized that Teacher Fan was different, he was adept in battle and quite skilled. The fight was nearly at its end and Teacher Fan had just cut down the last bandit. Then he saw Blood Wolf.

"You must be the leader. You will pay for what you have done to this village."

"Hah, I have plundered countless of unfortunate villages, this is not the first time someone had said this and this will not be the last! Come!"

Then the battle had begun, Each swing made by both fighters aimed at the vitals. As Teacher Fan was already tired, he could barely attack and mostly defended. With each swing, Blood Wolf became even more ferocious and attacked faster, adding more pressure on Teacher Fan, whose body was already covered in cuts. A manic look could already be seen on his face as victory was soon his. But then, a boy ran in with a knife and stabbed him in the back.

It was Chen Xiao! Seeing his teacher in such a desperate situation, he rushed in to help, with a victorious look on his face, he believed that with this, the bandit would die. But that was not the case, Blood Wolf turned around and saw him.

Then, he chopped off his head in front of whoever was left. It was fast and no one was able to stop it. Chen Xiao's body fell to the ground and his head rolled towards the remaining villages which included his mother. She had a look of shock and froze up. Evidently, the scene of her son being beheaded in front of her was too much. But soon after, she was sobbing as she held her son's head in her bloody arms. She was wailing, calling for her son to come back to her.

"Cheh, your crying is annoying. Shut up" said Blood Wolf.

Then he walked up to her and cut off her head as well. Afterwards he started beheading the rest of the villagers until the only ones left was Ming Yue, her father, and Teacher Fan. Rou Meng, Ming Yue's father, held her tightly using his walking stick to defend.

"No, please sir, not my daughter, Forgive us, I beg of you."

Blood Wolf saw the pleading look on Rou Meng's face and sneered.

"Heheheh, Don't worry I won't kill your daughter. Not until she services me and the entire Wolf Bandit group."

It seems that Blood Wolf did not come with his entire group but rather a small detachment. He did not think that this village would be hard to conquer.

A look of anger could be seen Rou Meng's face as he pointed his stick at Blood Wolf. But Blood Wolf did nothing, the stick could not threaten him at all. He knocked the stick out of Rou Meng's hand and stared at him.

"Say goodbye to your precious daughter, but don't worry, she'll join you soon enough"

Then he started attacking Rou Meng. But he didn't just kill him immediately, he intentionally missed, creating small incisions on his back. It could not kill Rou Meng, but it was excruciating.

Then, he told Ming Yue,"That walking stick is a sword, I'll give you some time but when you reach it, pull it out and attack him."

Ming Yue was surprised, she did not think that the walking stick that her father always used would be a sword. However there was no time, she silently agreed and waited for her father's signal.

Then, Rou Meng shot towards Blood Wolf and tackled him to the ground. Ming Yue rushed towards the sword and pulled it out of its scabbard. It was a beautiful single edged blade. It was taller than her and had a length of over 5 feet, the width was 2 fingers apart, the thickness was 7 millimeters, and it weighed around 5 pounds. Ming Yue was only 4 feet and 6 inches and the sword was too large for her to hold correctly. Nevertheless, It was a pristine blade that sparkled under the moonlight. It was had a simple handle but the blade itself had a name etched on it. It was the name of the blade and it was called "Parting Sun". Ming Yue did not know the meaning of the name and She turned around to assist her father. However, Blood Wolf had kicked him off and turned his attention to her.

"A girl like you shouldn't being holding a sword like that. Come to me, I'll show you what a real man can do."

Ming Yue was scared, she had never touched a sword before and she could feel her body freeze. Blood Wolf noticed this and had a disgusting smile on his face. He thought to himself that once he was finished with her, he would kill her.

Blood Wolf had lowered his guard believing that this girl could do nothing, not even with such a sword. Unfortunately, this mistake was a fatal one. As he approached Ming Yue, he had his arms open preparing to embrace her.

Suddenly, Rou Meng screamed out,"Swing! Don't be afraid! I will always be here for you!"

MIng Yue suddenly awakened from her state and swung towards Blood Wolf's torso without thinking. He was surprised and tried to defend against it or dodge it but the strike was too fast. Not even a breath had passed and Blood Wolf was split in half. He could not see the blade, all he saw was a flash. The final look on his face was shock, but nothing could be done, he had died.

Day had come and all that was left of the village was Ming Yue and her sword.

Comments 2

  1. Offline
    Почти все китайские романы про женщин начинаются с кровавых сцен . Нет бы написать про счастливую героиню .
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  2. Offline
    Interesting start + already 0 comments lshock butwhy
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