
Chapter 3: Leaving

After realizing what she had done, she had dropped the sword and backed away. She was scared and she had every right to be so. Such a pure girl who could never hurt someone had killed for the first time. She dropped to her knees and started crying unsure of what to do next. The only ones still alive was Rou Meng and Teacher Fan, albeit they were quite injured.

Both of them looked at the girl in pity and slowly approached her.

"It's ok now, the danger has passed, we are safe", said Rou Meng.

That was true but the cost was too much, the entire village had been destroyed and they were what was left. Unfortunately that will not stay true for long. Ming Yue was relatively untouched but both her father and Teacher Fan had lost too much blood. They did not have long to live. At best, They had a week and they both knew that.

She helped them back to the medicinal hut and dressed their wounds in vain. It may have slowed the process, but it would not stop their impending death.

"Ming Yue, you should leave us, we will only slow you down, get away from here," said both Rou Meng and Teacher Fan.

"No!" She said," I can't leave you here, what will I do without you?"

"Please, do not worry about us, depart from here."

"I want to stay here with you for as long as possible!"

Despite her protest, she could only follow what they said. And so, she had begun to pack up her belongings and prepared to leave. Although both Teacher Fan and Rou Meng were unable to move much, they did what they could to help Ming Yue be prepared for a life outside of the village.

Teacher Fan told her that in his home is a manual. It was a simple sword manual from when he was in the military and it contained some of his own thoughts and insights. He believed that this would help give her a basic understanding on how to use the sword, especially now that she possessed one.

"Although this isn't some great martial art, Hopefully it will aid you at the start of your journey," he said.

Her father had then called Ming Yue and decided to reveal a small secret.

"This sword Is called, Parting Sun. It was originally created along with another sword called Splitting Moon. Although I do not know the exact origins of these blades, there was story behind these blades. The blacksmith who created these blades was a master. At the time, his wife had just given birth to a beautiful boy and he was extremely happy. In such a state, he created 2 swords, Splitting Moon, a smaller blade that was for his wife, and Parting Sun, a gift for when his son grew older. Unfortunately, some corrupt officials heard of these blades and wanted them but no matter what they offered, he would decline. In anger, he ordered the deaths of him and his family. They tried to escape but did not have much luck. Only their son had survived, holding the two swords. Years later, he would come back as a powerful cultivator and killed the corrupt officials but he had been poisoned and also died. The swords were missing and never to be found."

Ming Yue's father had happened on the blade when he was scavenging through the forest, but he never used it and vowed that it would only be drawn if he had no choice. He felt foolish that he did not draw it sooner against Blood Wolf but he could only sigh in relief that his daughter was safe.

"If only I had this blade before your mother died", he said. A tinge of grief appeared in his eyes.

"Now, I entrust this blade to you and perhaps you might find the Splitting Moon. However, you must remember one thing, once you go out into the world, it is incredibly cruel. You must learn to steel your heart and prepare your mind. The next time, you see another scene like this, you would not be so helpless."

With his dying breath he said one final goodbye,"You will forever be my precious daughter."

With that his hand which was caressing Ming Yue's cheek fell to his side, despite such a sad moment, She did not cry. Not a single tear fell. She only looked at her father's peaceful face. Teacher Fan had also fallen to his injuries and died on his bed.

She dug graves for them and buried them with the proper respect. As for the rest of the village she had burned it all. Her home was gone, the only traces of it ever existing were the pile of ashes.

From this point on, Ming Yue was alone. She had a small bag on her back and her sword in its sheath fulfilling its duty as a walking stick. With each step she grew colder, her emotions locked away. The joyful smile on her face had been replaced with an ice-cold frown. Once the village had stopped burning, any resemblance of Ming Yue was gone from her eyes. What was left was a cold and heartless girl.

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Comments 4

  1. Offline
    А где дух в кольце или еще что-то типо такого пока просто меч ?
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  2. Offline
    That's a quick adaptation to the circumstances. Much faster progress than I expected considering its only the second chapter. I wonder what she did with the bandit bodies? Maybe burned a pile together lol.
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  3. Offline
    Still wondering what situation would be adequate for her father to use the sword. I would thing everyone getting slaughtered, with the threat of rape to your daughter would be enough, but I guess I'm wrong.
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  4. Offline
    The beginning of a Legend.
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