
Chapter 351: Omniscient Sacred Book

The official chapter will be updated later, please hang on, lords.

At Hidden Spirit Sect, Xu Fan, who was communicating with the dragon eggs, suddenly felt someone waiting for him outside the Array that sealed Spirit Liquid Lake.

“You guys have fun, absorb the Spiritual Qi quickly and try to break through the shell as soon as possible,” Xu Fan told the dragon eggs that were joyfully frolicking in the cyan Spirit Liquid Lake.

“Understood, godfather.” All the dragon eggs nodded in response.

When Xu Fan left the Array sealing the Spirit Liquid Lake, he saw Zhang Xueling.

“Greetings to the Great Master,” said Zhang Xueling with a bow.

“Not bad, It’s rare to see you step out of the Scripture Repository,” Xu Fan said with a smile.

“Great Master, there will be a great catastrophe in the sect today. After my calculations, it should be the Fox Demon who escaped from the channel between the two realms,”

“I suggest that the Great Master should move the sect to another place,” Zhang Xueling proposed, who felt that the Great Master should be informed as soon as he predicted that the Demon Clan would attack the Sect.

“Haven’t you seen the message sent by the sect,” Xu Fan asked with a strange look on his face. Was this kid turning stupid from staying in the sect’s Scripture Repository for too long?

“What message?” asked Zhang Xueling as he brought out the long-unchecked Communication Talisman.

“Great Master, I have been reckless,” Zhang Xueling admitted, blushing.

“That’s alright, your intentions were good,” Xu Fan replied with a smile.

“Have you been contemplating the cultivation technique of Divination recently?”

“Heavenly Calculation Skill, It’s considered a part of Divination,” said Zhang Xueling.

“Heavenly Calculation Skill is indeed suitable for you.”

This skill was created by Xu Fan during his closed-door cultivation at the Foundation Establishment Stage. He needed a lot of mind power and had to add every factor he knew to predict the future. It could be seen as a rather general skill, but definitely with late-stage potentials. He was, however, too lazy to make later-stage forecasts.

“Great Master, then I’ll return to the Scripture Repository,” Zhang Xueling bowed and prepared to go back to his little world to continue his contemplation of the skill.

“Wait a minute.”

A storage bag appeared in Xu Fan’s hand, which was full of Jade Discs and Jade Slips.

“These are the new divine abilities I created recently, you should put them into the scripture repository according to the level,” Xu Fan instructed.

Zhang Xueling’s eyes lit up.

“Great Master, may I study these divine abilities?”

“As long as you don’t spread them,” Xu Fan waved his hand and said. He was never afraid to spread the cultivation techniques he created.

Not only did he like planting backdoor on his Magical Treasures, but there were also traps within his cultivation techniques and divine abilities. Whenever someone practicing the Yinling Sect’s cultivation techniques and divine abilities harboured ill intentions against the Sect and him, he would sense it.

“Thank you, Great Master,” Zhang Xueling said cheerfully.

“You can go now.”

Zhang Xueling, who seemed to have received a treasured toy, was overjoyed like a child.

Seeing Zhang Xueling’s departing figure, Xu Fan gave a gentle smile. In his eyes, the prodigious disciple of the Sect, after experiencing the tempering of time, would astonish everybody once he burst out.

In a mysterious Ocean Territory, there were figures lying low on every reef, blending with the rocks.

Xu Yuexian, looking at the lake in front, was wondering why her master had driven her out, was there any opportunity for her outside?

“The sect is about to relocate, and the Master still doesn’t call me back. It’s making me guard this stinky fish,” Xu Yuexian grumbled.

“During the time I met with the shop that connects the Great Thousand World, I’ve almost run out of Spirit Stones for the lucky draw.”

In the time Xu Yuexian spent outside, she had encountered shops connecting to the higher realm twice, drew many good items, and almost spent all the Spirit Stones she had.

A book emitting a seven-coloured radiance appeared in Xu Yuexian’s hand.

She gently flipped to the first page. There was a countdown at the top which would reach zero in an hour.

It was the Omniscient Sacred Book she won. As long as she paid a certain price, she could find out what she wanted.

Now, through this sacred book, Xu Yuexian knew the time and place where the Six-Tailed Treasure Fish would appear.

Han Feiyu and Sword Wuji exited their individual illusion rooms. They gazed at each other, falling silent for a long time.

“I was just being arrogant.”

Han Feiyu’s voice was very low. If it hadn’t been for the momentary slack of his mind even that senior brother who transformed into a shadow wouldn’t have been able to successfully ambush them.

“Compared to the seniors who grew up here, we still have a long way to go.” Sword Wuji said.

He bore the heritage of a top sect, but despite giving his all, he still could only rank among the top two hundred or so.

“Wuji, I want to finish both the basic and advanced courses before I come out.” Han Feiyu said with a determined look in his eyes.

“I’ll join you. We can’t disgrace our master.” Sword Wuji, inspired, responded.

Right then, all disciples of the Hidden Spirit Sect received a message.

“The sect will soon be relocating in its entirety. All external disciples return. For those with families in the mortal world, a large city has been established in the plains behind the main peak of the sect, where they can bring their families.”

“Feiyu, I need to make a trip.” Sword Wuji said.

“Go ahead, bring aunty here, it’s been a long time since I’ve had her cooking.” Han Feiyu nodded.


Watching Sword Wuji’s retreating figure, Han Feiyu took a look around the sect.

“It feels so good to stay here. Should I do something?”

Han Feiyu exited the Trial Tower. Standing on a pavilion view platform and looking out at the Sea of Clouds spread out below, he spoke.

This period of time, since he entered the Cultivation World, had been the most comfortable for him.

The sect was large, with just the right number of senior brothers.

There was no scheming, the brothers all spoke kindly. Apart from their methods being a little cruel in the Great Escape Killing Game, no other faults could be found.

All that the Hidden Spirit Sect offered met Han Feiyu’s idealistic expectations of a sect.

At this moment, Xu Fan was considering where to take the sect for a little excursion.

On a giant light curtain map, Xu Fan was selecting a location.

“Where should we go?” Xu Fan said.

The battle at the two realms channel had ended. Two of the Demon Clan elders had fled back to the Demon Spirit World. Of the six Demon Venerables that emerged, five had died and one was injured. The injured one, with the help of a Snow Fox Clan elder, was able to escape.

Ever since Xu Fan received the battle results, he had felt a sense of impending danger.

Without even resorting to divination, he knew the future would bring a great tribulation.

At this moment, Xu Fan’s eyes brightened upon noticing the location of Nine Phoenix Island.

Lately, Xu Fan had clearly seen the merit and destiny flowing from the Nine Phoenix Island increase, resolving many of his problems.

“Teleporting near the Nine Phoenix Island and offering one-on-one support for a while is also a good choice.” Xu Fan said as he stroked his chin.

When Xu Fan advanced into the Nascent Soul Realm, he found the use of merit and destiny more handy.

“However, before we go, we need to check on Number One.” Xu Fan said.

In the Supreme Immortal City, Volcanic Mountain Immortal Town, No.1 Refining Room in the Refining Palace.

Xu Fan was watching his first clone refining Dao artifact accessories.

At this moment, his first clone was simultaneously refining two Dao artifact accessories.

“Impressive, your mastery in artifact refining now surpasses mine.” Xu Fan marvelled.

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  1. Offline
    Quote: The rest of the chapter from MTLnovel
    Now Xu Yuexian knew the time and place of the six-tailed treasure fish through this holy book.

    Looking at the information on the Holy Book of Knowledge, Xu Yuexian felt a little distressed. In order to know this news, she spent 500 high-grade spirit stones and a random magic weapon on her body.

    "This time, after I go back with what Master wants, I must show him off with the Holy Book of All Knowledge."

    "This holy book of all knowledge is definitely more powerful than Xianqihua."

    At this time, somewhere in the Great Thousand World, a true immortal was updating the news of the spirit book that had been passed on to the lower world with an impatient look on his face.

    "Another poor man, when you get this book, your destiny will be completely in their hands."

    "But as the carrier of a big man, this life is enough for you." Zhenxian showed a sympathetic smile on his face.

    Where Xu Yuexian was hiding, a six-tailed treasure fish appeared beside the reef.

    She was about to grab it, but thinking of the time on the Holy Book of Knowledge, she began to wait patiently again.

    As a rare treasure, the six-tailed treasure fish has top-notch means of escaping and hiding. As long as an ordinary cultivator shows a clue, it will disappear instantly.

    When the time was about to return to zero, a group of colorful fish slowly swam to the side of the reef.

    At this moment, the six-tailed treasure fish suddenly appeared from the corner and rushed towards the colorful little fish.

    In just an instant, the six-tailed treasure fish swallowed six or seven small fish, and then rested beside a reef.

    The time on the Holy Book of Knowledge has also returned to zero.

    Xu Yuexian directly sucked the six-tailed treasure fish into the treasure palace.

    "Okay, live together now." Xu Yuexian said with a smile.

    Now she can finally go back and deal with her master. When the sect is in danger, she feels that she must be there.

    A day later, Xu Fan looked at the rare treasures, spirit fruit, and spirit wine in front of him, and couldn't help falling into contemplation.

    Is there something wrong with his divination method?

    "Master, let me tell you, I got a treasure that is even more powerful than a fairy weapon." Xu Yuexian said mysteriously.

    She proudly put the Holy Book of Knowledge into Xu Fan's hands.

    "With this book, you can know everything in the world, as long as you pay the corresponding price."

    "I found all the treasures you asked me to find through the Holy Book of All Knowledge." Xu Yuexian said proudly.

    A flash of light appeared in Xu Fan's eyes, and he scanned the Holy Book of Knowledge.

    "This is what you drew from the fairy bag." Xu Fan said with a headache while rubbing his temples with both hands.

    "This time it's a fairy egg, the first one is free, and I got a spiritual mine of the Taoist level." Xu Yuexian took out a piece of extremely lucky stone and said happily~www.mtlnovel.com~ hey~~" Xu Fan sighed .

    A spirit rabbit playing among the mountains appeared in Xu Fan's hands.

    "Yuexian, my teacher knows the way of divination. Do you think I can calculate the future of this rabbit?" Xu Fan said.

    "Yes, because Master can completely control this rabbit, the future is not what Master said."

    At this time, a tool puppet appeared beside Xu Fan.

    "The head of the rabbit is spicy and the body of the rabbit is red-hot." Xu Fan said and handed the rabbit to the tool puppet.

    "Don't you understand, in the eyes of the immortals of the upper realm, we are similar to this rabbit."

    "And your holy book of all knowledge, any immortal who knows the way of divination can do it."

    Xu Yuexian looked at the Holy Master of All Knowledge and did not believe Xu Fan's words. She had used the Holy Book of All Knowledge and knew the magic of it.

    "Master, this Holy Book of Knowledge is also fake!"

    "You can tell the truth by asking two questions." Xu Fan said with a smile.

    "what is the problem?"

    "The first question, who is the enemy following Ye Xiaoyao's remnant soul."

    "The second question, the... on Han Feiyu's body, uh, forget this, you ask the first one first."

    "This holy book of all knowledge can separate cause and effect. You should be fine when you ask the first question."

    Xu Yuexian took the Holy Book of Knowledge and asked the first question.

    At this time, a real immortal said dissatisfiedly: "Every day I know it's such a shit."

    Zhenxian followed the cause and effect line provided by the spirit book without hesitation.
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  2. Offline
    #panic# chapter repeats its first half
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