
Chapter 178: Spying

Many vampires had weird habits, most likely because they were in the dark most of the time. Others started showing strange behaviour after being stuck inside for a long time to avoid the sun. These thoughts were going through Fex's mind as he was looking at Quinn.

Fex himself was also considered as weird by his fellow vampires because he showed so much interest in humans. However, so far, his experiences with humans hadn't been that great. No one would talk to him, and all the other interactions he had with them was him getting attacked. First, it was Erin in the library, then his two roommates, and also Peter and Quinn had assaulted him in the forest.

Finally, when the female student's leg had fully healed, Peter no longer felt weird about eating the limb in front of him. Now that she had both of her legs again, it didn't feel like he was eating a part of her anymore. So without further ado, he started eating. It would be a shame to let fresh meat go to waste.

It was still hard for him to take the first bite, but when the juicy taste of human flesh registered in his brain, he actually started drooling and couldn't stop himself from devouring the leg whole. The only thing left when he finished was the bone.

Trying to lighten the mood, Fex said, "Ghouls, such messy eaters! Aren't they?" It was his attempt at a joke, but Quinn wasn't in a laughing mood.

[Quest update]

[3/7 Pieces of human flesh has been consumed by Ghoul Peter Chuck]

Energy surged through Quinn's body, just like it had done the first two times. It had the same feeling as when he was getting stronger. But he knew it was actually Peter.

The message had actually soured his mood further. It made him realize they would have to go through this another four times before Peter would evolve.

'Maybe we should take the easy way out?' Quinn thought to himself, but only for a brief moment, and he quickly changed his mind.

They took the girl's blindfold off, and then Fex used his charm skill to influence her. First, his eyes glowed with a red light, then the girl's eyes did the same. He gave her some simple instructions and an alternate story of how her evening had been, then to finish it off, he told her to sleep for another hour. Fex continued this process with the other 6 students as well.

While one of them watched the hallways for any students walking around, the others would carry them and place them somewhere other students wouldn't find them for a while. They picked out of the way places like certain spots in the library, on the stairway leading to the top floor, and so on.

"What if someone seems them lying here?" Peter asked.

"Because of all the fights happening in and around the school, students are knocked out all of the time. On the watch system, it will look like they are sleeping, but any student who sees them knows they got on the wrong side of an argument," Vorden explained. He then continued, "Think about it, when you were sleeping outside the dorm room, apart from the first day, did people really bother you?"

When he thought about it, Peter realized Vorden was right. He actually felt he got more attention from other students because he was only a level one. But just as Vorden said, after the first day, most of the students just ignored him. It had felt like he was a homeless dog left out on the street.

After they had placed the last student somewhere around the school, they left Fex in his own room with his two roommates. As they started to go, Fex said, "If you need me, you know where to find me."

After the three boys had left him, Fex started to feel a little bored. The things that had happened today were the first things of interest he had experienced since arriving in the human world. Actually, when he thought about it, it was the single most riveting thing he had done in his entire life.


The next day had arrived, and because Peter had eaten a fresh meal last night, he wasn't feeling hungry this morning. However, there was still a long list of jobs for them to do. They had more problems right now than just trying to find meat for Peter.

Duke had ordered Peter to upgrade his abilities to level four, and he was hot on their heels. They needed to convince him that somehow Peter was learning the ability books handed to him. So the three decided to once again split up for the day. Vorden had memorized the students who had the regenerative ability, and while at breakfast, he would try to track them down and find out what classes they attended and when would be the best time to nab them.

Meanwhile, Peter and Quinn had decided to pay a little visit upstairs to the VIP area. Their aim for today was to visit Logan. Not once had Quinn seen Logan in the canteen, and he realized he never saw Logan around the school much even before that.

While he had been training in the pod that Logan had, Quinn realized he never really left the room, and there was actually no need for him too. The VIP room had facilities such as a shower and a toilet, and whenever he wanted, he could call and ask food from the shop to be delivered to his room.

Logan greeted them, "Long time, no see." As he opened the door for them, they noticed he still had bags under his eyes. When he finished rubbing his eyes, he noticed someone else behind Quinn. "It looks like you brought a friend with you this time."

They entered the room, and Peter couldn't stop looking at all the strange gadgets inside. He also noticed Logan's watch displayed the number eight, this frightened him a bit. 'When did Quinn get to know someone so powerful?' He thought.

Quinn sat down and started to explain what he wanted Logan to do. However, this time, Quinn was afraid Logan might decline. He had already asked so much from him, and he had nothing to give back in return.

But without speaking, Logan put on his metallic glove and got to work on the watch while it was still on Peter's wrist. After a few minutes, he sat back in his chair. "All done," He said.

Now on the watch, the number two was permanently displayed. "If we want to come back and increase the number, are you okay with that Logan?"

"I thought you might ask something like that, so I already did it for you," Logan said. "The numbers will change when you twist the top of the watch, you can adjust it going from one all the way up to six. So you will be able to fool anyone into thinking you have a high ability." He looked satisfied with himself and added, "I amaze myself every time I work on something."

Quinn was feeling guilty, Logan had helped him out so many times, and he hadn't even asked any questions. On top of that, he was providing his services free of charge.

To appease his guilt Quinn said, "If you ever need any help, Logan, feel free to ask me any time. I know, there probably isn't much I can do for you, but even if it's only for testing something in the game, please don't hesitate to ask, I want to help you."

With that said, it was almost time for the combat classes to begin, and the two of them had to leave. As they left the room, Logan quickly booted up his computer and started typing away until he suddenly stopped.

"If I do this and he finds out, he will probably never trust me again. It was nice speaking to a person for once, rather than a machine..." Logan said. "But at the same time, I can tell you are hiding things from me, and I can only help you if I know more."

"Recording device activated," The computer system said.

As he activated the recording device he had installed inside Peter's watch, he could now hear everything.

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    Quote: Zalgo-dono
    Que bastardo al menos es inteligente

    The only thing I understand is the bastard word...🤣
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    Que bastardo al menos es inteligente
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