
Chapter 179: Alone

When Quinn had first come to Logan and made his request, he had explained that his system had hidden the level of his actual ability. So it made sense why he needed to be able to adjust the score on the watch. When Quinn made the same request for Peter, it had made Logan secretly happy inside because he thought that Peter also had a system ability.

Because of this, he had hoped Peter would be another test subject for him. Even though he saw Quinn as a friend and was happy to help him, his urge to find out more about the system far surpassed that of their weak bond.

After touching Peter, he quickly realized that he didn't have a system ability like Quinn. He immediately knew because he didn't get the same reaction from touching Peter that he did from Quinn, it had made him a bit disappointed.

He couldn't think of a reason why Peter would need to change his level. If it was something simple like avoiding others from bullying him, it didn't make sense because it was too risky to do.

Once everyone found out how weak he was, someone would report him, his watch would get replaced, and they would keep an eye on him from then on.

So he concluded that Quinn and Peter were hiding something from him. That is when he came up with the idea to put a recording device inside the wristwatch, so along with the number modification, he also added the recording device.

He was going to do this with Quinn, but after he realized they were quickly getting closer as friends, he decided not to invade his privacy. He enjoyed their small interactions, and if Quinn found out he wouldn't trust him anymore, he thought Quinn would eventually tell it to him himself.


After they left Logan, it was time for them to split up, Peter would head to the elemental class with Vorden while Quinn would head to his beast weapons class.

In Quinn's class at the start of the lesson, they continued to practice the kicks that had been taught the other day. Quinn worked on perfecting them, while in his head he imagined the feeling of blood swipe going through his legs.

Usually, he would just have to think about activating the skill and the system would do the rest for him. But it was only the basic skill that would get performed. When this happened he could feel the energy moving through his body, but it wasn't something he did consciously, it happened automatically.

If he wanted to combine his blood swipe with his leg techniques he had to recreate that same feeling in his legs while throwing out a kick, this way he could consciously move the energy through his body to make variations in the skill.

It was too bad he had been too preoccupied to test it yesterday in his free time, Quinn felt like he was getting the hang of it, but because they were in class now, he couldn't test it out right now.

While practising, he noticed that Fex was standing on his own again. Not a single person had approached to spar with him. It got to the point where Fex was just lying about and looking at the ceiling in boredom.

Leo didn't do anything about students who refused to learn. In his opinion, it was up to them if they wanted to participate or not. In the end, it was they who needed to get stronger, not him. However, if one were to disturb the class he would deal with them.

Seeing this Quinn decided to approach Fex. He didn't feel like Fex was a bad person but more like a child who didn't know how to behave in the human world. If Quinn could approach him and become closer to him, maybe he could learn more about the vampires that might be after him.

"Hey, do you want to spar?" Quinn asked.

Fex got up from the floor and looked around him, noticing that there was only one person Quinn could be speaking too Fex said, "Who, me?" While tilting his head a bit.

Quinn nodded. "Maybe I can use my full strength against you this time?"

"Yeah, right! But if you insist on an arse-kicking then I'll be happy to give you one." Fex replied with a smile.

Fex was a good fighter, and Quinn was hoping to learn from him. If in the future, they did become his enemies, it would be useful to learn how he fought, and maybe it would give him some insight into how other vampires fought as well. Quinn had also gotten a stat boost recently, and he wanted to see how much of a difference it would make. He knew he wasn't as powerful as Fex yet, but maybe slowly, as he consumed more people's blood he could change that.

The two of them sparred using the kicking techniques only, and Leo also noticed that Fex could perform the kicks quite well. It looked like he hadn't been performing them correctly before just because he didn't feel like it.

Still, the two of them knew not to show their true strength or speed otherwise the others around them would start to get suspicious.

While Layla and Erin were practicing their kicks against each other, Layla noticed Erin was incredibly distracted, and she was constantly looking over at where Quinn and Fex were. She was never interested in Quinn before, even after learning he was a vampire. So it had to mean she was looking at Fex instead.

After last night Erin tried to repeat the movements she made while she was under Fex's control, she tried multiple times, but they just weren't right... She wanted to feel them one more time. Erin felt like she was close, but something was just missing.

But as she looked at Fex's face, it filled her with disgust. She would never allow herself to be controlled by another person.


In another training hall, the elemental class was taking place again. Vorden and Peter did their usual thing, they kept their distance from each other but at the same time didn't go too far from each other. The lessons usually started off with an explanation, then a demonstration, and afterward, students would try to replicate what they had been taught.

At the end of each lesson, there was always some free time. Students could practice fighting against each other. Or they could practice on their own, trying to get the hang of and perfect their skills.

So far, the whole lesson had passed without anything strange happening, and it was only during the last part of the lesson that the same men that had approached Peter the other day had approached him once again. Again they indicated to Peter to move to the back of the class so they could talk without being overheard.

"So Peter, I see you finally reached the level two earth ability, good for you. But your progress is a little slow, don't you think?" The student who had approached had quite a skinny frame, and it looked like he hardly had any fat on him. His face was sunken in, and his cheekbones were sticking out.

It was as if fate had decided from birth how he would look, and had given his parents the idea for the name they had given to him which was Bones. Although Bones himself didn't look intimidating, Vorden could see he was confident when approaching Peter.

While looking around, he saw a couple of other students also looking in their direction. They were probably working for Duke as well.

"The Duke wants to make sure that you progress as fast as possible, and the best way of doing that is through a practical assessment, wouldn't you agree? Why don't the two of us have a little spar?" Bones said.

Although Vorden wasn't close enough to hear what they were saying, he was able to tell they were in some sort of trouble just from the look on Peter's face. Then when he saw them walking off in a certain direction and clearing a space around the two of them, Vorden knew what was happening.

They wanted to test his abilities, but Peter had no abilities anymore.


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