
Chapter 298: Halles’ Restriction

Geffuli’s agonized roar could even be heard by Su Wen and Riser, who were fighting on the other end.

As the two of them fought, Su Wen saw that Riser’ expression had turned even darker!

While the two of them fought in the air, black Qi constantly surged around Riser’s body. He had released this demonic Qi to probe his surroundings.

‘Once he sensed a spatial rift, he would then quickly adjust his body.

The reason his expression darkened was obvious. Geffuli would not have roared like this if he had not been severely injured!

“Hehe, looks like your subordinate isn’t in a good state! Did you see that? He even lost a leg!”

With his Pupils of the Vermillion Bird, Su Wen naturally could observe the scene of the battle in the distance.

Riser however remained silent. He knew that no matter what, he had to get rid of this guy in front of him!

But if Geffuli were to die, Halles would definitely be in danger!

And he was right!

On the other side, Geffuli was already at his limits!

At the moment, his left leg had been broken by the Qi-force, yet Su Su seemed to have no intention of stopping her advance!

She drew an arc in the air and flew straight behind him!

Demon Left, Phoenix Right.

Both of her fists punched out again!

Such a battle tactic was completely out of Geffli’s expectations.

It was as if he was facing two people at the same time!

Not only that, but as Geffuli swung his fist to meet the blow, he realized that the same problem had repeated itself.

After the first collision of fists, Su Su’s second attack landed on the weakest point of his Qi-force.

It was as if he had been completely seen through in front of Su Su!

This made Geffuli feel even more horrified.

“Who the hell are you!”

Geffuli roared as he took another hit, a bloody hole appearing on his ribs.

But Su Su attacked again!

Geffuli was already at the end of his rope!

Even though he was an 8th Grade Heaven Rank expert, he had been severely injured by Su Wen’s Holy Vermilion Flames and had even encountered such a strange technique from Su Su. He really couldn’t hold on any longer!


The golden holy flames pierced straight through his chest this time!

An 8th Grade Heaven Rank expert had fallen just like that!

Su Su breathed a sigh of relief as she panted for breath.

Then, she tumed at Halles, who was fighting with Tibbers. At this moment, Tibbers had already beaten up badly.

“Little Ha, you’re bullying Tibbers again!”

Su Su said angrily.

Seeing Geffuli die, Halles was horrified. He spread his wings and prepared to escape!

But how could the current him now be Su Su’s opponent!

With a flash, Su Su arrived in front of Halles. She stretched out a hand, grabbing onto Halles’ head.

Her hand was small and warm. However, Halles’ body instantly stiffened.

Halles wanted to move, but he realized that there was nothing on his body that he could use.

He was completely suppressed.

Inan instant, a strange energy invaded Halles’ brain!

An extremely terrifying restriction was weaved within it.

Halles finally realized that Su Su’s power was completely beyond his imagination.

Feeling the complicated restrictions in his head, Halles was on the brink of tears.

Finally, when the restriction had been constructed, Su Su injected a large amount of energy into it!

A burst of golden light erupted from the restriction before it returned to normal.

Su Su finally let go.

She laughed as she commanded, “Little Ha! Don’t move!”

How could Halles listen to her? Seeing that she had withdrawn her strength, he immediately wanted to move, but he belatedly realized that he could not move at all!

Even though Su Su had no contact with him, his body felt as though it was still being controlled by someone.

“Mother’s research is still amazing! She can really completely take away control of his body!” Little Su smiled.

Much of her current repertoire of knowledge was given to her by Ni Hongxiao.

“Kill this guy!” Big Su said in a deep voice.

Little Su shook her head and said, “No, Little Ha is still very comfortable to use as a horse. Although it’s a little disobedient, it’ll be fine after a while!”

Obviously, the two sisters had fallen into an argument.

However, in the end, Little Su, who was controlling her body, still had the upper hand. Big Su fell silent.

As the battle ended, Su Su’s cultivation base gradually returned to normal.

However, she was now at ist Grade Heaven Rank even after her seals were completely reapplied.

Su Su looked at the terrified Halles as she smiled, “Little Ha, don’t be afraid. I won’t kill you. As long as you’re obedient in the future, I’ll still give you delicious food! Now, giddy-up!”

‘As she spoke, Halles realized that his body had regained control.

He could not understand what the restriction in Su Su’s head was.

He forced a smile. “Miss Su Su, it’s my fault. I know my mistake now!”

Although he said that on the surface, he did not think so in his heart.

‘Forget it, let’s fool this girl first. When she’s not paying attention, I’ll kill her. No matter how terrifying this restriction is, it doesn’t matter if she dies, right?

Halles started to scheme in his heart!

But suddenly, he felt pain all over his body!

He had never felt such pain before. It was heart-wrenching!

He instantly fell to the ground, his body convulsing.

Meanwhile, Su Su squatted down and sighed. “Little Ha, you’re not obedient… Are you thinking about something bad? Let me tell you, you can’t think about it… Otherwise, it will hurt.”

Halles continued to twitch.

His palm dug deep into his flesh and blood flowed, but he did not feel it at all.

He gritted his teeth and continuously smashed his head on the ground to try to relieve the pain in his body.

However, it was useless!

Halles was even more terrified at this point!

‘What kind of restriction was this?

In fact, Su Su’s restriction could be understood as a sort of invasion and domination of Halles’ mind.

With her powerful mental strength and consciousness, she constructed a complete restrictive seal in Halles’ mind.

Su Su’s voice, name, and existence were all factors that affected whether this restriction was activated.

So one word from her could strip Halles of control over his body.

If Halles wanted to harm her, the restriction would make his brain and nerves feel extreme pain.

Even after their battle ended, Su Wen and Riser were still fighting.

The battle prowess of these two people belonged to the extremely strong category. As they clashed continuously, neither of them could do anything to the other.


The two sides exchanged blows and dispersed again.

Acold glint flashed across Su Wen’s eyes at this point!

Shortly after, something strange started to happen behind Su Wen.

A golden dot appeared, and flames rapidly surged within it!

Aminiature sun the size of a head appeared.

It took a long time, yet it was as though it was immediate. Nine miniature suns were condensed behind Su Wen1

Nine Brilliance Sun Fist — Nine Suns Brilliant World!

The last time Su Wen used this move was when he was facing an 8th Grade Demonic Tribe General!

However, at that time, the other party fled in fright. This time, Su Wen used this ultimate technique again, against Riser!

It could be said that this was Su Wen’s strongest attack!

Nine suns appeared, illuminating a thousand miles!

Before the Yang fires, Su Wen was like a devil god.

He looked at Riser and muttered, “I hope you can take this move and not disappoint me!”

Riser also had a solemn expression… The energy contained within the nine Scorching Suns behind Su Wen were just too terrifying!

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    Chapter 299: You Didn't Say You Wanted It

    Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

    Riser looked at Su Wen as his eyes narrowed.

    This guy… was really too strong!

    Even 9th Grade Heaven Rank experts that could erupt with such combat might were few in number.
    Along saber suddenly appeared in Riser's hand.

    The entire blade was pitch-black like ink, it was unknown what sort of material the blade was made of.
    However, the moment the saber appeared, the surrounding demonic Qi surged into the saber!

    More and more Demonic Qi surged into the saber, but it seemed like it was not enough for the ravenous blade!

    Even the Heaven Earth Origin Qi in Riser's body was also constantly being infused into it!
    In a moment!
    Riser's body could be seen to have shriveled visibly.
    Su Wen also noticed this fellow's abnormality. It was obvious that the saber in his hand was not ordinary!
    Even a 9th Grade Heaven Rank cultivator would need to infuse their flesh and blood into it!
    If an ordinary person were to receive a slash from this saber head-on, wouldn't they die?
    Su Wen moved, and the nine suns behind him glowed with a red light.
    His speed also increased to an extreme level.
    Riser finally slashed out towards him!
    However, Su Wen remained fearless.
    His Nine Suns Brilliant World was also an ultimate technique. He wanted to see if this Demonic Saber was stronger or his own flames were hotter!
    A scorching sun behind Su Wen charged forward!
    The black and red colors each stained one side of the landscape.
    A mournful blade aura emitted a roar.
    “Endless Purgatory Slash!”
    A cold glint flashed across Riser's eyes as he chanted. This was his trump card.
    Taking the souls of all living beings as a guide, using Resentment Stones birthed from the heavens and the earth to forge weapons.
    Gathering the Blood Qi of Heaven and Earth, the power of flesh and blood.
    The power of this strike was limitless!
    At this moment, the saber Qi was actually trying its best to devour Su Wen's Great Solar Flames.
    Upon seeing this scene, Su Wen on the contrary laughed maniacally!
    “It's only one scorching sun, yet you're swallowing it so slowly! I'll give you nine to eat to your fill!”
    'As soon as Su Wen finished speaking.
    The remaining eight Scorching Suns flew out from behind him.
    The eight suns formed a line and instantly descended!
    A thousand miles away, golden light exploded and the temperature soared!
    Fortunately, Su Su and Halles had already run far away at this point.
    They only needed to withstand some residual heat as they looked at the golden radiance in the distance!
    Su Su smiled. “Little Ha! Your father can't take it anymore!”
    Halles was speechless
    That fellow was a human? Even he had never seen such a vast might.
    He rolled his eyes and smiled apologetically. “Miss Su Su, can you spare my father's life for my sake?”
    Regardless of whether Riser could win or not, Halles felt that there was no harm in taking the initiative.
    Su Su chewed on her finger before saying, “I have to listen to what Daddy says! I'm a good child.”
    Nine Suns Descent!
    The energy that erupted was too vast!
    While the Endless Purgatory Slash was indeed very powerful, directly cutting through four suns.
    When it came to the fifth sun, the saber Qi started to show signs of weakening.
    The sixth sun!
    The Saber Qi was completely shattered!
    The remaining three Scorching Suns directly smashed into Riser and exploded!
    However, Su Wen did not stop and charged straight into the flames!
    These flames could not harm him at all.
    But to others, it was akin to a fatal sea of fire.
    Within the flames, Riser panted heavily as he ran for his life!
    He couldn't care less about anything else!
    This strike completely shattered his courage to fight.
    Right now, he was in an extremely sorry state.
    One of the flesh wings on his back had snapped from the impact, and half of his left arm disappeared. Many parts of his body had already been roasted!
    He could only protect his vital points!
    However, his speed had not diminished.
    After all, his base cultivation was still at 9th Grade Heaven Rank.
    The two of them rushed out of the flames one after another, soon disappearing into the horizon.
    This was the norm for Heaven Rank battles.
    Can't beat them? Run!
    Especially when their grades were similar to one another, how could it be so easy to catch up?
    “Heavenly Fiend Blood Escape!”
    Seeing that he could not shake Su Wen off, Riser immediately disregarded all consequences. The blood in his body burned as he used a secret technique!
    His speed suddenly dramatically improved.
    Under Su Wen's surprised gaze, he turned into a black light… and flew straight away!
    Su Wen stood in the sky and shook his head before turning around to leave.
    While he had the means to pursue that guy to the ends of the earth, there was no need to pay such a price to chase after this stray dog.
    Furthermore, looking at the speed of this secret escape technique, Su Wen might not be able to catch up even if he used a secret technique as well.
    “What a pity!” Su Wen shook his head slightly.
    He turned around and flew towards Su Su.
    When Su Wen arrived at Su Su's side, he realized that Halles was standing by the side with his back bowed.
    He looked surprised and asked Su Su, “What's wrong with him?”
    Su Su smiled. “Little Ha is my pet!”
    Halles nodded in a subservient manner.
    He was convinced now that this man was too scary.
    That battle just now was absolutely the strongest battle he had ever seen in his life!
    Furthermore, the loser was one of the generals of the Heavenly Fiend Clan, his father, the 9th Grade Heaven Rank Riser!
    Su Wen frowned and lectured, “Su Su, you can't learn from your mother and raise strange things!”
    This sort of trend was not good!
    Furthermore, Su Wen was not happy with this Halles!
    “You're that guy's son, right? And I remember what you said just now. You're quite arrogant, kid,” Su Wen said softly.
    Halles had behaved pretty arrogantly in the air before.
    Halles' face turned ashen when he heard this. He hurriedly knelt down and wailed, “Lord Su, I was wrong! I know my mistake! Please give me a chance!”
    In the face of death, Halles did not dare to be impudent.
    At this moment, Su Su came forward and hugged Su Wen's arm. “Father, it's alright. Little Ha has already been tamed by my restriction. There won't be any problems.”
    Previously, Su Su had placed a restriction on Harres, but it was relatively simple.
    This was because her cultivation was not enough for her to create overly complicated restrictions.
    However, it was different now. The restriction in Halles body could not be undone even with the Heavenly Fiend Pearl.
    Su Wen rubbed his chin. It was fine if he didn't kill this Halles! After all, he was the son of a 9th Grade Heaven Rank. Who knew what use he would be in the future?
    As for the restriction Su Su had mentioned, Su Wen placed his hand on Halles hand to confirm its presence and efficacy.
    Su Wen's jaw dropped the moment he sensed it!
    What was in this guy's head?
    Wasn't this thing too nonsensically complicated?!
    That's right, the restriction array was so intricate that even Su Wen felt his scalp tingle.
    He recalled the Realm Essence that Riser had mentioned earlier.
    Su Wen coldly questioned Halles, “What is that Realm Essence your father mentioned?”
    Su Wen was very particular about this point. After all, it was the reason why they got hunted down!
    Halles shook his head in confusion. “My father never told me in detail about this thing, but it seems to be the source of another world, right? After obtaining this thing, it seems to have great benefits.”
    Su Wen frowned.
    At this moment, Little Su climbed onto Su Wen's shoulder and hugged his head to give him a kiss. She smiled and said, “Daddy, do you want Realm Essence? I have one here!”
    'As she spoke, she opened her palm and a chaotic mist appeared in it.

    Su Wen: “??? Why didn't you say so earlier.

    Su Su looked aggrieved.. “Father, you didn't ask for it either

    Edited By: AnimeRoJa (I got rid of some MTL level quality towards the end)
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