
Book 7: Chapter 2



Floating on the threshold of death, Miko——saw a

distant dream.

That was a distant...... comparable to eternity for a

dead person, a far old memory.

But for the undesiring girl, wandering alone for an

eternity, falling asleep at last——such a dream......

The girl recognized for the first time——was the

universe wriggling into creation.

It wasn’t even creation and destruction, the wriggling

heaven and earth merely painted over creation with


The girl asked——[What place is this], [Who am I].

The universe had nothing that could reply, but what did

——was the girl’s [Quintessence].

Her [Quintessence] replied——[This is a



[Thou is a G.o.d].

But the girl’s next query, her [Quintessence] simply

remained forever silent without responding.

——[What is a G.o.d] ——......

In that long silence, the girl simply took up a single

brush, continued questioning, continued writing.

Just a few words, she waited to the end for something

to reply, but what arrived were only the fires of war.

Turning towards the conflicting G.o.ds breaking the star,

the girl who asked merrily——received only an idle


Who are you——I am a G.o.d. What is a G.o.d——A G.o.d

is a G.o.d——............

——The girl didn’t know, but Miko drifting in her

memories knew.

She didn’t have an “ego” on that star——to still

question [why].

The lonely philosopher who held her knee questioning

eternity, disappointed——fell into an eternal slumber.

Just one at the end of eternity. Finally getting an

answer, she embraced it lovingly——

【————Yes. Until thou awakened me. 】

With the resounding voice, the drifting far away

Miko’s consciousness was lifted up............

[......I wonder......? Why, am I still alive?]

Looking around to her surroundings, Miko noticed her

eyes were——no.

She didn’t have any of her senses.

Within the unclear silence, she heard the familiar

voice echoing inside her consciousness.

【——Denial. If you release this hand, then your soul

will soon fall off the dew and disappear. 】

Those words belonged to that girl, the [Quintessence],

she harbored within her body for many years.

It was a voice that sounded to be emotionless, lifeless

——without any warmth.

[I see. But we can’t talk if I die, you know? See, it’s

exactly because we can’t, you even became the dew,


Somehow, it seemed her soul was being held——

literally, “in the palm of G.o.d’s hands”.

Although she didn’t seem to not only have a mouth and

throat, but not even a body——Miko laughed loudly.

Maybe it was because that didn’t please her, but......

【——Thou. For scheming against G.o.d, know your

place. 】

For one instant, Miko’s consciousness was certainly

cut off.

She surely should’ve “died” in the palm G.o.d put her

power into——but she remained completely aloof


I admit it. Even proudly. That I deceived an Old

Deus, and used her——and that’s because——

[Isn’t “the one who got deceived the one at fault”, a

rule of


this world?]

——Once again, her consciousness got cut.

Did she die for a single moment again?

[I wish you’d stop killing and resurrecting me as you

please. It’s making my blood run cold——ah but I also

don’t have blood, do I?]

【——Thou schemed. Twice. 】

The G.o.d’s words of condemnation were words that,

just by themselves, would bring annihilation if it weren’t

for the [Ten Oaths]. But——

[Why are you sulking? I guess that means the game

must be proceeding as expected, huh.]

That’s right, if it’s proceeding just like she schemed,


As if replacing the reply, Miko’s field of vision

opened even though she didn’t have even one of her five


She saw each one of the partic.i.p.ants proceeding on the

spiral drawn by the lands and separated as squares.

Apparently, things are all proceeding as planned——

[——You will lose you know?]

She laughed pleased, even forgetting she was in a

situation where she was immersed in death to the top of

her head.

【Affirmative. That may happen to a G.o.d deceived

twice by the Provisional Fee——everything is possible,

with nothing to be gained. 】

The G.o.d’s face as she said that couldn’t be seen.

But her voice didn’t contain any traces of emotion,

concern or interest at all.

Desiring nothing, expecting nothing, discarding

everything as if it was meaningless, the same as worthless

【I care not for what will happen. Winning or losing

——all that changes is the [outcome]. The [conclusion]

will not change. 】

——It seemed to be...... just like a child sulking.

【Thou schemed and betrayed——from the moment

thou sold me, the limit of the solution thou seeks would not

change anymore.】

Miko gave a wry smile since the girl wasn’t aware


Miko knew——no, she couldn’t understand.

She simply found out that it was like that.

For an Old Deus——for that girl, even the way to

measure the time itself seemed to differ from theirs.

Those eyes overlooking countless branches of futures,

and even the possible worlds, could already see the

outcome of this game——in that case, surely it must be

seeing what lied ahead of that outcome, as if it were

countless predetermined facts.


[It’ll change...... the outcome and also the conclusion,

along with you.]

——It’s useless.

For starters, from the moment she was deceived by

Miko, it was clear there were things unknown even to the


That’s even more true when it’s about “this girl”

——Miko erased her laugh from her voice.

[I schemed, deceived, and betrayed you. The first time

unintentionally, the second time intentionally. Still——]

With a tinge of loneliness dyeing her voice, Miko even

so spoke——aggressively.

[I did not tell any lies. If you didn’t understand that,

then that’s the limit of what you can see.]

——When she told Miko, “thou sold me”.

In the end, the transcendental race’s recognition, its

range of comprehension...... was “just to that degree”,

she thought.

[I——and those people; they will also bring you

along, beyond that.]

That’s why she still declared, fearlessly.

[Skepticism is synonymous with trust. The move

which you don’t know of and I also once gave up on——

that will drag both the outcome and conclusion along with

the entire world, and change it all...... don’t you think the

move that will pull in such a future——will be a sight to


【So they are what will pull it in——I see, so that must

be what thou calls a ‘spectacle’.】

The scenery captured in G.o.d’s eyes.

It was reflected in the vision it shared with Miko——

the figure of the ones approaching.

[P-Probably...... surely...... ah...... I wonder if it

was too precipitated......?]

——It’s alright...... it should be. Probably,

maybe...... surely——


th square.

The place they are aiming for with their third move

was the 204

th square.

Based on s.h.i.+ro’s map, it was a plain grazing the

country of Haywest, the Elven Garde’s territory on the

Andalusia Continent.

From the rocks, it dissolved into an aqua color until

the barren wilderness halfway forming a desert.

The ones gathering attention from the pinnacle,

reaching for the ends of possibilities even G.o.d didn’t

know of were——right now,

“Hyaahahh screw that about walking with a person’s

legs, relying on tools is how we do it!”

——The potential of humans lies not on their bodies

but on their wisdom! or so he was shouting loudly.

A Harley ran through——splitting the wind, and

tearing through the wasteland.

The roar of the engine hit the atmosphere as it went to

the end of the period, literally roaring through it.

“S-Soraa!? Just what is thisssssss!?”

“......Ni, Nii...... r-reduce...... the, speed......”

The middle-aged man, pus.h.i.+ng the two screaming

children (provisionally two years old) into the sidecar,


“Don’t say something so rude, sister! Can’t you hear it

——the voice of the wind, telling me to become the


Towards her older brother, whose eyes through the

rider goggles were harboring madness while saying some

ambiguous things.

s.h.i.+ro thought——it traced back to a few hours



It’s been 14 days since the start of the game——they’ve

ran out of food supplies.

“I’ve had enough...... I wanna go home, or rather, it’s

already over so everyone will die ahahahaha.”

“......Nii...... can s.h.i.+ro...... reach, the......


“Ah, a pink elephant is flying~...... it won’t take much

if we ride on that♪”

The three of them were still in their second move——

walking like ghosts on the 58

th square, where they

performed the


random number a.n.a.lysis.

......In the first place, it was by a miraculous luck they

managed to get hold of a cart so quick.

Losing the cart, they procured subst.i.tute legs, and in

the end they even made a bicycle on their own and


But the road-less path extending for 580km was far too

harsh for such a quickly-made ride.

Every time they lost the ride they struggled to obtain,

their hearts came closer to breaking——and unaware of it.

——I would rather walk than that, and the three of

them unthinkingly stepped forward with their own legs.

Only their dice increased smoothly, depending on

whom stepped on Sora and s.h.i.+ro’s tasks——but.

Sora and the others simply kept walking mindlessly,

evading the sun, escaping from the rain and getting

frightened of wild animals.

After spending more than two weeks like that, they

exhausted their food supplies, and finally fell into despair

——it was at that time.

Their vision blackened——they reached their

destination——at the end of the 119



Square Movement].

The place where the outcome of [58] pointed to......

was the 120

th square, the one with the【Task】.

Those three were standing up lonely on the open

wilderness——and like them, there was a single billboard

standing alone.

——【Answer the name of this motorcycle’s maker. If

you can answer it, then you can take it! 】

At the side of the billboard, where they read one

sentence written by Sora and s.h.i.+ro themselves, was that.

A high-consumption large-sized motorcycle vehicle

with a side-car attached, making its engine growl and with

the fuel tank full.

Like always, it was a task that only Sora and s.h.i.+ro

could answer——and, although unlikely, maybe Jibril

——in other words.




Throwing the dice once again, Sora rode on the Harley

smiling at the miracle witnessed by G.o.d——

“Hahah!! Using over half of the Tasks for [legs] really

paid off! Roar, V-Type Air-Cooled DOHC Evolution



Run through the spiral’s horizons, now, until

the sky!!!”

——And that’s how it became like that.

“......Ni, Nii, did you, have, a license......?”

s.h.i.+ro asked the obvious while the wind hit her face,

trying distract herself from the fear.

There’s no way he had that.

Forget about the license for a large bike, he had no

experience on driving anything aside a granny’s bike.

The community of the hikikomori NEETs don’t even

have the slightest motivation needed to obtain something

like that.

“The license to ride a Harley? Hah, of course I have

But the reply of her older brother as he raised his

thumb with all his heart went over——diagonally above

her expectations.

“The burning soul of an old man! The American

spirit!! Right here in my heart!!”

“......Nii, we are, j.a.panese...... also, it’s unclear if

we, have even the Yamato-Damas.h.i.+

[26]...... since we

are hikikomoris.”

The shout came from provisionally 43.2-year-old

virgin, Sora, who collected s.h.i.+ro and Steph’s dice——

“......Furthermore, that’s a ‘misrepresentation of age’

......come back, to sanity......!”

Regardless of the age he appeared, she a.s.serted the

inside was definitely the 18-year-old virgin Sora, but.

“Calm down, sister...... your brother’s heart had

never before been this much enlightened. It’s alright?”

s.h.i.+ro nodded insecure, as her brother once again

started speaking weirdly while smiling like a Buddha.

That change without any context was the best proof

nothing was okay at all, but——

“People are distinguished based on the country they

were born——would you say something so sad?”

——We are the world; we are the children.

Seeming about to sing like that, Sora looked at the

distance through the goggles.

“Would you be unable to know about Yamato if you

haven’t been born on j.a.pan? Feel the Yamato and honor

the Yamato...... Is that something you cannot do, as long

as you weren’t born inside the frame border known as the

j.a.pan drawn on the map? Your brother doesn’t think so.”

“......That...... is...... b-but, Nii——”

“America——that’s a good example. The only ones

considered Americans are its citizens——right?”

“......Y-yes...... it’s a country, of immigrants......but”

“However, both those of American birth and the

immigrants pride themselves of the America. Touch the

heart and know the mind. Not as a frame border——but on

the moment they touch that heart built up by the people,

that heart will also dwell in them.”

——Therefore, it’s not a problem of birth.

As her brother revised his Buddha smile and yelled

with a Kongōrikis.h.i.+


smile, s.h.i.+ro became convinced.

“I touched the


Harley and an AMERICAN dwelt there

——I already am America!!”

——What should I do...... Nii is broken......

“W-Well, besides, that’s just in public isn’t it? Aren’t

those Earth’s legislative regulations? There aren’t any

policemen here either, are there?”

The self-proclaimed American complemented while

mumbling with such a chicken heart.

“s.h.i.+ro, it’s not just my impression right~ Sora is

already no good.”

Although reluctant, s.h.i.+ro held the exact opinion as that

disheartened comment, so she said out of despair.

“And also——well, isn’t it about time to consider a

serious problem......?”

“Problem!? There are no problems! Put the love from

the America, and——

what will be will be

let it be!!!”

“......Nii...... the Be○tles


, are...... from


“As if I’ll let that whatever it may be happen!! S-s.h.i.+ro

understands too don’t you? Like picking up flowers——”

“......s.h.i.+ro, is a bishoujo...... and bishoujos, don’t

use...... toilets......”

“Eh, what did you say!? It’s hard to hear due to the

engine and the wind so please speak louder!!”

The flow went with her older brother developing

(physically) a protagonist’s deafness disease followed by

a combo of s.e.xual hara.s.sment, but she went with the flow

and ignored it.

s.h.i.+ro took out a tablet PC from the rucksack crus.h.i.+ng

Steph, and thought.

......Rather, it’s normal for her brother to be this


——It’s been over 18 days since the game started......

436 hours and 18 minutes to be accurate.

Their food supplies been exhausted, the fatigue was

piling up, let alone they haven’t had much sleep.

Even if it’s not monsters...... dangers enough to kill

people, like wild dogs, insects, and weather where


It was a long journey that’s scarce even in

environments where one could relax and rest——it would

be weirder if one didn’t break down.

......Though there was one exception, who was

carried on the back whenever she got tired of walking, and

would rest on the chest when laying down.

Except for s.h.i.+ro, who had “Nii” ——the best

portable bed that allowed her to have a sound sleep

regardless of the place.

Then from here on it’s my own job, s.h.i.+ro murmured

on her mind, and started her thoughts——sorting

situation, start.

——The names, number of dice possessed, including

their provisional ages——are as it follows:

Sora with [24] dice——43.2 years old.

s.h.i.+ro with [2] dice——2.2 years old.

Steph with [1] die——1.8 years old.

The reason why s.h.i.+ro and Steph are infants obviously

wasn’t for the sake of the

Old man Soul

Harley’s license.

If they become smaller, then the amount of food

supplies they need will reduce.

When walking, they would give priority to the stamina,

and would redistribute the dice.

The reason why s.h.i.+ro would keep two dice and Steph

one, was so her dice wouldn’t reach zero if her task was

coincidentally broken through.

It was exactly because they repeatedly adjusted the

dice based on the situation accurately that they came this


The one who carried the burden born from that

repet.i.tion without letting even a single complaint slip out

was——her brother.

And as a result, Sora suffered a major damage——one

making people think the only reason he hasn’t sunk yet was

because he’s the flags.h.i.+p.

Steph——had excluded her requests along with her


She would live strongly with ‘there’s no shame since I

don’t even have panties’ spirit——conclusion.

(......There’s an urgent need to secure...... food

supplies, for Nii...... and an environment, which Nii can

get, a good sleep......)

——Current position, 152

th square.

At somewhere grazing the western border of a country

on Elven Garde’s territory, Haywest.

Number of dice and number of remaining squares until

the [Objective], the estimated

time and amount of fuel



Pinching the LCD of the Tablet PC, s.h.i.+ro widened the

map showing there.

Discovering “a certain thing” barely included on the

current coordinates’square, she raised her voice.

She immediately made a formula——no, she indexed

a calculative formula, and murmured.

“......Nii...... at 2.4km to the east from here......

there’s a small city...... and an...... ‘inn’......”

“Inn!? Lodgings! Aren’t inns good when you’ve been

camping outside without taking a bath for more than two


Being crushed by luggage and s.h.i.+ro, Steph reacted

with full force to that murmur, even faster than Sora.

——There’s also a toilet there, though Steph didn’t

say it, she took a single glance at s.h.i.+ro, who nodded.

But Sora slightly frowned his eyebrows, dubiously.

It’s just natural, s.h.i.+ro thought inside her mind.

That’s because s.h.i.+ro did not mind it even though the

word “bath” popped up——but.

“It’s fine! Hurry up and go already! Hurry, hurry up!

The flower! The flower is!!”

“......You, saying flower in a situation like this, you

sure are strong huh...... what will you do with something

like a flower, eat it?”

“Right! Now! If you don’t head there then——I’ll

jump down, alright!?”

“I-I got it, I said I got it! Really, and we finally got that

tension out......”

Sora said in a good condition, but just good enough to

not let her notice it was the last s.h.i.+ne before the candle

burned out.

Pouting——he reluctantly lowered the bike’s body.

Drifting loudly, he made the sidecar float while

making a turn and raised up sand——

“Hyaaaaaaaaaah is this vehicle unable to turn around

without doing thissss!?”

“That is right !!”

——s.h.i.+ro even got moved at the lie her brother

instantly replied without a single moment of hesitation.

“Is that so! Then it can’t be helped rightttttttttttttttttttt!!”

With Steph’s screams as the klaxon, the bike went

heading towards the small forest.

■ ■ ■ ■ ■

——On the same 152th square...... coincidentally at

the same time.

There was a figure of a man kicking the ground while

running on all fours, trying to overtake that klaxon.

It was Hatsuse Ino with four dice——provisionally

39.2 years old, wearing a black and red aura.

The red vapor, was proof of the [Blood Devastation]

——it was the vaporization of the boiling blood, but,

“Yes, well, it was my mistake alright? It may be a

blunder I committed without a single speck of intention,

but you know what?”

——The pitch-black color was proof of the laughing

beast’s boiling killing intent while baring its fangs.

Ino was enraged. He was boiling with more rage than

he ever did before.

Two moves before, Ino stopped on a certain square

and was told so by the voice that echoed:

————[Pluck out the thingy in your crotch and die

for the sake of the world.] ——Death, through

the【Task】he wrote himself.

Naturally, Ino closed his eyes——You’ll kill people,

so you also will get killed.

He long since prepared himself for that natural

retribution, but he still shed a single tear for the sake of his

prided son who would get plucked out.

And then, after a few minutes, or maybe a few hours,

waiting for his own death after accepting everything ——

he finally noticed.

His tasks didn’t contain any specifications and, as such,

there was no coercive power......

——At the same time, he cried in relief since he kept

praying Izuna wouldn’t step on his tasks.

He prayed...... every hour he would bow down on the

ground and make a wish for Miko-sama.

He burned with regret and repentance.

He prayed...... he even wholeheartedly begged that

Sole G.o.d for the first time in his life while shedding tears

of blood.

Hey almighty s.h.i.+tty brat residing on the heavens, do

something good once in a while.

His prayers were answered——the cute Izuna

wouldn’t die due to his own foolishness anymore.

But it wasn’t goodwill making that come true——it

was a mocking voice.

Thus he realized that——in this world, there isn’t

anyone who will listen to prayers of goodwill.

This world is simply and merely filled with evil

intentions...... it must be corrected no matter what.

And for the moment, there was someone who certainly

noticed it yet still incited him——that monkey.

——Ino’s initial speculation was this.

Unlike himself, the clever Izuna would certainly

notice the true intention of this game, and be victorious.

Then it’d be fine if I just obliterate Sora without

fail, and transfer the dice to Izuna when the opportunity


But——that’d be troubling now, Ino thought while

shaving his own life, sprinting towards the goal.

If he reached the goal, then all of his requests would

be granted——then.

——I must run aiming for the world’s victory known

as “make Sordono die” no matter what——!!!

His rationality spoke...... you reap what you sow.

Rather, there’s too much leniency since the retribution

for trying to kill someone ended up being just that.

Why do people fight——they fight for the sake of

peace, isn’t that putting the horse before the cart?

But after things came this far, it’s too late to act

intelligently now.

Why do they fight? ——It’s because they are stupid.

Then as the fool strangling his own neck while going

for yours and holding a misplaced anger now, I’ll bark

like the fool I am.

——In other words.

“It seems I can’t calm down unless I bury my fist in

that face at least once, isn’t that so, d.a.m.n monkey?!”



“Eh, excuse me for the rudeness, although I don’t think

I’m being rude in the least. Are you Hatsuse Ino-sama?”

......Ino hardened his resolve, and even shaved off his

life as he sprinted in order to surpa.s.s that sound.

But then that absurd——Jibril abruptly asked with an

air of composure, while going in parallel with him.

“Hahaha...... although it can be expected of a

birdbrain, but even birds have good sight, you know?”

Even if he became younger, there was but one single

male Warbeast in this game.

After Ino acted sarcastically, Jibril gazed at a book for

some reason——gave a single nod, and——

“Please excuse me for that...... I never really cared

much about the distinction between a


Warbeast and a



aside from whether they walk on two feet or four legs, so

something like their gender is——ah, how about this: if

you remain on four legs for all eternity, wouldn’t you also

be cla.s.sified with the [beasts] and decrease the number of

items in the dictionary by one!?”

Jibril said so with a full smile, Ino unintentionally

stopped on his feet.

——He quietly stood up on two legs and showed a

wordless rejection.

“ah~...... what a pity——well, let’s put that aside

She made a regretful face for a single instant, but

maybe she didn’t really care about that——she suddenly

pointed to the forest,

“There are three presences of Imanity over there——

two of them are the Masters, right?”

“......? ......Why, would you ask that to me?”

“No, it was just a little greeting and...... ah, please

continue crawling on the ground from now on too ♪”

——The sub-audio said “I have no more use to you

so disappear”.

Sending off Jibril’s back as she jumped and went off

with a smile, Ino said out doubtful.

“......Why, is she still here?”

That absurdity can teleport as much as she wants——


Even if it was sealed due to the rule of proceeding

through the squares with the dice, it was someone who

could calmly follow him, even though he was running with

enough force to reach the speed of the sound.

What reason could she have for still being here——


Why would she purposefully tell Ino she was going to

greet Sora and s.h.i.+ro——?

“......Are you telling me to cool down my head a bit

——and ‘question it’?”

That uncomfortable feeling——the true nature of this

game Ino had yet to understand.

That act was something far too unbecoming of

Jibril...... but——

■ ■ ■ ■ ■

——On the eastern border of the 152

th square, there

was a city...... just like s.h.i.+ro calculated.

Elven Garde, in a country town in a remote place at

the suburbs of the Haywest province——a fragment of it.

There was one part of a [human village] barely

reflected on this Sugoroku, since the square breaks down

just a little further ahead.

That place was nothing more than sc.r.a.ps just a little

further ahead from the border of Elven Garde——but.

Compared to Elkia——no, even with the previous

world, the cultural differences were dimensions apart.

A style with its own sophistication that one would

hesitate to call it an “architecture”.

The house and the road woven with trees elegantly

blended into the forest filled with gorgeous colors from

the watery light released by the jellyfish-like flower

swimming in the air.

Though in such fantasy-like [


Forest] taken out by G.o.d

——there weren’t any signs of elves, the residents.

——Everyone must have let out exclamation marks at

that scenery, and stood still.

That highlight was one that must’ve made the game

designer display all the sense he had in his spirit.

But what had echoed without any intention of reading

the mood was——

——Popo-papapararara~n ♪

“Sora obtained a mysterious gra.s.s——wait, this

again, I’ve already had enough of you, d.a.m.n it!!”

Making the sound effect himself, the middle-aged man

shouted while slamming the flowing [mysterious gra.s.s] to

the ground.

Before the urgent hunger, both admiration and

emotion won’t be of any use.

Fully ignoring the scenery, the 43.2 years old Sora

violently rode through the house, Harley and all, and

rummaged it.

“......Nii, the elves...... are, vegetarians......”

“That’s a lie, right!? Then where the h.e.l.l did the

nutrients from Fiel’s b.r.e.a.s.t.s came from!? Even for cows

with their fats, they don’t inflate like that, right?! There

should be at least rice, meat and meat somewhere right!?”

Guessing by the sound effect——it was the “Hero’s”

privilege of the eight Dra*** Que**



After arbitrarily entering people’s house and making a

household inspection, he then claims a mysterious

authoritarianism, but.

When a grimy middle-aged man does that, it’s

unmistakably the burglar act of a “bandit” ——

“......Can, I ask...... something......?”

“Hii!? W-What’s it is? D-Does s.h.i.+ro wants me to, w-

wash your clothes too?”

The young girl secretly drying her washed clothes

jumped at s.h.i.+ro’s voice and laughed nervously.

Having fully ignored the scenery just like them, she ran

around searching for something at the same time they

invaded the house——and then.

——After a [Biee~en] voice echoed, the 1.8 years old

Steph came back with a single towel.

While measuring the distance with a shuffle——

s.h.i.+ro asked.

“............L, size......?”

“It’s S! ——wait that’s wron——wha——I have no

idea what is this talk about——*Biee-en*!!”

Noticing there was no smoothing it, Steph dived onto

the bed as if to run away from s.h.i.+ro.

And then in just a few seconds, she sank into a dream

——this time, it was to run away from reality.

......For starters, they were completely exhausted.

Not a single one of them could afford to care about the


Sora couldn’t nor did Steph and——obviously s.h.i.+ro

couldn’t either.

That’s right, that was because even now, s.h.i.+ro was

ferociously filling her small head with a certain


The reason they came here, the reason why she

induced her brother to come to this place, and even the

sentences threw at Steph, everything.

It all was for the sake of the “formula” that would be

perfected if she removed Steph from this place——

——Theorem Proving Project, commencing the re-

verification of the



Induction of [


Point N] into the

this house

Specified Coordinates


Existence of the


necessary project values in

this house

Specified Coordinates——Confirmed.

Established Project, variation of the


variable values

by three points——Confirmed.

Turning the Established Project’s


variable values



Point N twenty-four,


Point S two——

Confirmed to be possible.

Removal of


floating random number——Confirmed.

——Re-verification is over.

Induction’s Functional Equation——Proving is


(...... Now, Nii——let’s, start, the




Saying so inside her mind, s.h.i.+ro showed a wicked

smile behind Sora’s back——Sora and the two gourds.

Sora sensitively perceived that disturbing presence

and what lied beyond his gaze was——.

“——Wait, whaaaat!? s.h.i.+ro, tha——that’s


s.h.i.+ro’s figure could be seen extending her hand above

a high shelf after piling up many platforms.

Sora hurriedly embraced s.h.i.+ro, her foothold was

wavering unstably as if almost collapsing, and roared.

“——d.a.m.n! Just why are you pretending to be playing



while letting a two-year-old infant work, are

you stupid or what, Sora provisionally 43 years old! It’s

exactly because you’re like that you’re still are a virgin

even after your forties!!”

Until now, Sora has been accurately and finely

controlling the situation and adjusting the number of dice.

But now that exhaustion reached the extreme, he

noticed, although late, he forgot about the distribution of

the dice and said.

“......My bad, s.h.i.+ro. I should’ve noticed it earlier


While being held up by her brother, s.h.i.+ro lowered her

face——and thinly laughed.

Sora was looking at the shelf s.h.i.+ro extended her hand

to——and this...... is what he is thinking.

——How about I return a few dice to her.

That’s what he’s thinking...... that’s what you would

definitely end up thinking.

For starters, it was a height s.h.i.+ro couldn’t reach, even

if he returned eight dice to her and she went back to ten

dice——her original age.

The brother’s excellence on situation judgment would

fetch s.h.i.+ro’s intention——desire to help with searching

for supplies.

And he’ll will determine that——it wouldn’t be bad

to have more manpower.

“Hm. Then, I’ll keep ten——I’m alright with the 18-

year-old body, so I’ll hand you the remaining fourteen,

okay s.h.i.+ro?”

——That’s right, he’ll definitely do that.

s.h.i.+ro gulped, and nodded with her head.

Until here it’s exactly as I calculated——s.h.i.+ro

seemed apologetic, though it was to hide the faint smile

she let overflow.

Those dice he shared were age.

The original value was equivalent to [ten] dice, so if

you increase or decrease it by one——the age would

increase or decrease by a tenth.

And so, if s.h.i.+ro who’s holding two dice were to

receive the fourteen dice handed out by Sora,

——She would possess [sixteen dice].

Receiving the long-awaited dice——s.h.i.+ro laughed.

(...... Bye bye, loli body...... Bye bye, flatness——)

Immediately following, s.h.i.+ro’s body got enveloped in

light——her limbs suddenly grew and stretched.

The little Steph was sleeping peacefully——s.h.i.+ro

envisioned her original appearance.

She had b.r.e.a.s.t.s filled with dreams——even though

she’s just a Steph.

She had a gorgeous and selfish body——even though

she’s just a Steph.

That was...... but now, laughing with her nose, she

murmured in her heart.

——I feel bad for tricking you, but this is also part

of the


job, see...... I’ll be going ahead of you, Steph.

Farewell, the s.h.i.+ro with an underdeveloped body......

Welcome, the s.h.i.+ro with a gorgeous body......!

With that body, the first formula would be completed

——basically, if she’s just seducing Nii then——!

...... If she did that, then......


The one who murmured that was Sora——who

returned to being 18 years old with ten dice.

“............What? ......? ...... Nii, this......?”

But——Is it just my impression? the one troubled

was s.h.i.+ro who looked up to her brother.

The fact her height of vision remained the same as

she’s used to was only her impression...... wasn’t it?

s.h.i.+ro tilted her neck, gave a smile, and suddenly let

her hands slip on her b.r.e.a.s.t.s,

...... Flat. Flat, flat flat flat......

“......Nii, it’s as flat as a board, you know? ......

It’s quite flat, isn’t it!?”

The lights disappeared from s.h.i.+ro’s eyes at the

sensation of stroking nothing but air.

s.h.i.+ro couldn’t help but laugh at the sensation of the

ground beneath her feet collapsing——along with her


“Ccaaaalm down s.h.i.+ro! I-It’s alright, you have grown


It was the greatest shock she suffered ever since the

game’s start——no, ever since she was born.

Seeing s.h.i.+ro burn out and her already pale face turning

gray, her brother gave a follow-up in panic.

“It’s, well, that thing! Even if the number of dice

increase, it doesn’t necessarily mean everyone will grow

up equally or something like that!?”

The brother who was a middle-aged man until a little

ago lied——no, he attempted to make a gentle hypothesis


......I know. That’s wrong, s.h.i.+ro self-deprecatingly

smiled deeper.

Indeed, it’s exactly as her brother said, she certainly

had “grown”.



Her limbs had extended slightly and her fat loli

stomach, too, had recessed.

——By the way, it’ll deviate from the talk, but.

You knew she’d be fine even if she continued being a

truant since there’s no [grade repet.i.tion] in j.a.pan’s

primary schools, didn’t you?

Even s.h.i.+ro, who didn’t go to school even once since

enrolling, is listed as a [primary school fifth grade

student] on paper.

But——including the fact she was aware her own

growth was bad even for a fifth grader, she wondered.

How about we liken this “growth” or whatever to this:

——After multiplying her age by 1.6 times, she finally

became a fifth grade schooler.

If you line up by order of height, then out of the fifth

graders——she’ll be the first one in the front, right!!

“S-s.h.i.+ro, stay strong!! It simply proved that s.h.i.+ro is a

perfected beauty!!”

“......I, don’t care, anymore...... Nii...... s.h.i.+ro......

is, tired......”

“Wait wait wait, hey s.h.i.+ro! Don’t raise your thumbs

and try to go to heaven with a nice smile, hey!!”

——A smooth breeze rustled gently.

While she felt her soul turn into dust and blown by the

wind, her brother’s voice sounded distant——

s.h.i.+ro cursed——everything, had betrayed her.

She had been betrayed——by the future.

She had been betrayed——by the world.

A selfish and gorgeous body...... b.r.e.a.s.t.s filled with

dreams——she would never become like that......

While s.h.i.+ro’s consciousness fell, as she gave up on


“Uwaaaah!? W-What is it this time!?”

——Suddenly, a lighting ran through as if anchoring

her consciousness as it sank.

And following the tsunami of information surging

through her brain, s.h.i.+ro firmly stepped on the floor and


——When people confronts death, it’s said they see a

revolving lantern.

That is, in order to escape the predicament, they

search through each and every memories and knowledge.

It’s said it’s a phenomenon of abnormal activity——

where the brain would overcome its limits.

......About the matter of it being a despair worthy of

death for s.h.i.+ro, let’s put it aside for now.

s.h.i.+ro entrusted her body to the sensation of her brain

circuits burning, and ferociously pulled the information in.

I feel like——there’s something——

She felt it was an “insight” ——one that would

rebuild the collapsed equation——!!


Every entertainment product like games, comics and

movies her brother played, watched and finished reading

during the span of eight years after meeting s.h.i.+ro.

Normal games: a total of 23.671.



: a total of 1.852 t.i.tles.

Comic t.i.tles and erotic doujin


magazines: a total

of 85.743 volumes.

Anime: a total of 2465.

Live-action dramas and movies: a total of 867 series.


Characters from within those who are specially liked

by her brother——A total number of 874 [brides].

Without missing a single one, she forcefully aligned

her mind with videos, manga, and voice, adding up the


Every kind of information described in magazine

articles, conquest guides and collection of settings——In

other words.

Along with various other information, the settings

about their age, height and three-sizes!

They are coherently being digitized, turned into

statistics, graphics, and a.n.a.lyzed——!

“......Erm, s.h.i.+ro, -san? Now what are you——”

——s.h.i.+ro’s brain probably has the most prominent

capacity out of all humanity.

And right now it was being unknowingly abused,

overcoming its limits in an unprecedented waste.

As s.h.i.+ro simply glared ghastly at the floor, Sora

timidly asked.

But time pa.s.sed without it reaching her ears, and after

a few seconds s.h.i.+ro concluded.

——[Work out].

Sora——her brother’s liking, his tastes, preferences

and fetishes, all of these were mathematically indexed and


That’s right, mathematics doesn’t tell lies...... putting

it bluntly——her brother’s tastes are:

Age——the person’s exterior settings will be

calculated with the average height and age——average

value [12.344...... old].


Body type——bust-waist-hip——average value [77.2

: 59.873 : 78.23].


Settings——younger ratio [61.1%], little sister ratio

[48.4%], big-breast ratio——a minor [3.2%].


“....... I’m, glad...... so Nii...... was......

undoubtedly...... a loli-con......”

——The world got filled with light, as if an aurora

ripped through the night.

s.h.i.+ro fell into her knees, and looked up to the heavens

——there was still hope, a future.

“——Hey little sister. I don’t know what’s going on,

but wasn’t Nii-chan greatly insulted right now?”

The brother who had mathematically and statistically

been defined as a pervert groaned with his eyes half-open


Insult? No way, it was salvation itself.

s.h.i.+ro wiped her tears and stood up, as to not look


——I see, it seems that no matter how old I become,

I’ll remain with a loli body.

I don’t know if it’s the truth, or if it’s only within this


(...... Bye bye...... b.r.e.a.s.t.s filled...... with

dreams...... but——)

——There’s no...... problem.

Right, it’s not a problem.

s.h.i.+ro clenched her fists and howled, while pretending

that she didn’t notice that her heart was bleeding.

Now that it was revealed that her brother was a loli-

con, there’s no problem at all——!!

If Nii doesn’t like it, then——

——If Nii doesn’t need something like b.r.e.a.s.t.s, then

——I don’t, need——!



......Holding such a fierce resolution in her chest,

s.h.i.+ro pretended to be calm, and attempted to rebuild

the [Calculation].

The first equation crumbled miserably. But——

“......Nii...... s.h.i.+ro...... is, tired...... I’ll go......

take, a bath......”

“O, oh...... stay strong, okay! N-Nii-chan likes s.h.i.+ro

no matter how you look, you see!”

——That’s right, if it’s Nii then, he will say that.

With s.h.i.+ro’s dream——the future of a gorgeous body

breaking in front of him, he will definitely say that.

But that’s exactly why! It’s still possible to prove the

formula...... and the second equation is——!

■ ■ ■ ■ ■

......Sora followed s.h.i.+ro’s back, as they tottered

while walking powerlessly.

“H-Hey s.h.i.+ro. There’s still room for growth even after

seventeen years old. Cheer up, okay?”

“......s.h.i.+ro...... is super, alright...... super,


She answered so with a voice that was like an

example of the antonym of fine.

As s.h.i.+ro voluntarily went to the bathroom of all

things, Sora seriously reflected.

s.h.i.+ro is 11 years old...... it’s 1.1 years for each

single die.

With 16 dice, it’s 17.6 years——he shouldn’t have

handed out so many.

He knew s.h.i.+ro was bothered by her child-like figure

——although it’s natural, since she is a child.

Not only that, but spending 18 days in such an extreme

game, it’s just natural for the mind and body to become


At such a time, what if he was carelessly handed more

than the initial amount——and ended up looking different

than his own idealized appearance?

——Surely, it would be a shock.

It’s because you don’t understand that side of a girl’s

heart that you’re no good——Sora clenched his teeth.

He followed the figure of his sister entering the

dressing room with uncertain footsteps and called out.

“W-well, it’s that. Take a rest. Right? Hurry up and

enter the bath——”

——If she takes a good sleep and some rest, maybe

she’ll recover a little bit.

“......Hm...... wash...... my back......”

“That’s it! Get your back washed! Get refreshed,


Sora brightly nodded diligently at s.h.i.+ro’s answer and

came out from the dressing room.

“......Wash...... my hair......”

“Yeah! Doing this stop-it-right-now great adventure

for over two weeks is just too much, isn’t it!?”

And then...... in what must be the bathroom since he

didn’t really understand the Elves architectural style.

Steam was rising without having a roof, so rather than

a bathroom with the ceiling open.

——It was a hot spring.

Sora couldn’t afford to care about something like the

scenery until now, but his heart jumped at this open-air


If one were to forget about everything and be healed

in this bath, he would surely recover in one go, wouldn’t


“......And so...... while...... was.h.i.+ng...... s.h.i.+ro’s


Sora stood still as if he got charmed by the bathtub, but

s.h.i.+ro was——

“......Nii...... who’s been storing it up...... will

violate...... s.h.i.+ro......”

...... Hm?

“......Being rough...... to s.h.i.+ro...... like in a, erotic


“......like, in an erotic, doujin......?”

“No, this silence isn’t to make you say it twice you

know? Erm?”

Though s.h.i.+ro essentially remained with her back

turned to Sora,

“——Why are you making it seems like we’ll be

entering together. Both your back and hair, the one who

will be was.h.i.+ng it will be——”

Having told her so, Sora looked around——but, the

ones standing there,

“......Who...... will be the one was.h.i.+ng it......?”

——Was just s.h.i.+ro, who turned around showing a

smile, without a single thread covering her body.

And Sora——who felt a s.h.i.+ver run down through his

back, wearing a single towel wrapped on his hip.

He finally noticed he was in a situation where he was

alone with his naked little sister, facing the bathtub.

“——No, no, no, no, that can’t be HAHAHA, well

well, you, wait a little?”

Sora diverted his gaze in a panic and stood still while

sweating cold like a waterfall.

“S-s.h.i.+ro, you’re 17 years old, aren’t you!? You must

consider the rating, because how would you take

responsibility if it gets prohibited——”

“......Nii, that’s wrong......”

——Why is it.

With a smile that didn’t hold a single speck of malice,

s.h.i.+ro took one step closer.

Taking one step back in follow, Sora thought.

——Why is s.h.i.+ro’s smile this scary——!?

“......Each one of, s.h.i.+ro’s dice...... isn’t...... [1.1

years] ......”

——I see, Sora understood.

Although it’s obvious, s.h.i.+ro’s age isn’t exactly eleven

years old.

Reaching her eleventh birthday, they came to


this world——so it’s eleven and seven months.

A single die for s.h.i.+ro didn’t turn into [1.1 years] ——

but [1.15833...years].

——But what about it. That’s just a “measurement

error”, isn’t it?

*step* *step*——

Step by step——as if seeing through what Sora was

thinking in his mind while backing away,

Step by step——while s.h.i.+ro approached smiling,

Sora certainly heard what she answered.

——That’s correct. It’s just a “measurement error”.

The worst kind of stuf that would confound every

equation——a “measurement error”.

With that measurement error, two of s.h.i.+ro’s dice

changed from [2.2 years] to [2.3166...years].

And it changed the [17.6] years s.h.i.+ro have from the

sixteen dice——

——Into [

18.533... years old

Above 18 years].

“......I failed...... at fascinating you with a gorgeous

body...... but......”

——This is bad.

Sora understood that he failed since it was too late.

Seeing his little sister murmur like that——he heard

his instincts shouting.

——He didn’t really understand why but, this is——

“......The operation...... went exactly as I calculated,

you see? Nii——”

——A pinch.

She let her mild voice bounce joyfully.

The smile that floated thinly trembled faintly with


Revealing her flushed body, the little sister leisurely

approached——and behind her,

“......With this, Nii...... has no other option, besides

entering the bath together, with s.h.i.+ro...... right♪”

Sora certainly felt like he saw——a





laughing evilly while holding a great scythe.

*step* *step*

As the Death G.o.d——rather, his little sister

approached step by step, Sora desperately attempted to

resist with a hollow voice.

“B-But your looks haven’t changed that much——ah,

no, f-f-for starters what’s inside is——”

“......Nii, had said...... Old Man Soul...... the

current s.h.i.+ro...... has an above 18-year-old soul......”

“No, no, no! Somehow that’s no good! According to

things like law, regulations or organizations!?”

“......The Earth’s law......is unrelated...... so does the

policemen...... that’s...... what Nii, said......”

——But, as Sora backed away, his back finally hit the


Sora, whose words and escape had been cut off, was


This is——a [lip attack].

Using Sora’s own words as a weapon, s.h.i.+ro was

cornering him——

“......Nii, self-destructed...... you don’t have, any

excuse...... to escape......”

And then——she finally “slammed it on the wall”.

Both of her hands, obstructing his left and right sides

——though it was around his hip, due to the difference

between each other’s height.

Looking down on the ruby eyes which showed a joyful

look, Sora thought.

——Now, what will you do, Sora virgin,

provisionally and also confirmed to be currently 18

years old.



escape was cut off...... no——the fact that he cut

it off himself “was used”——!!

Losing to s.h.i.+ro——it would be a lie to say he wasn’t

frustrated, but it also happens everyday——but.

Sora felt the ground collapsing beneath his feet, having

lost at [tactics] of all things——

...... Wait. Wait wait wait——!?

“——Hah...... haha, hahahahahahahahahaa!”

Sora laughed loudly, as a flash of light ran in his mind

——in other words, an insight.

——He was about to get deceived.

Escape? An excuse to escape? That’s unnecessary!

“Fufu, my little sister, listen well, alright? I’ll accept

your proclamation we’re both 18 years old——but!”

That’s right, this is still [Check]——it’s not [Check-


For starters——

——Just why would they have to enter the bath

together just because they’re both 18 years old!?

“Siblings who enter the bath together even after being

18 years old is truly the height of the unnatural!! If s.h.i.+ro is

also 18 years old, then you should go alone——”

Sora roared as he was convinced that the Check had

crumbled, but——

——It had already been over 18 days since this game


They kept going on extreme situations, with fatigue,

hunger, wild animals, 【Tasks】and——

They managed to survive until now while constantly

feeling the Death G.o.d’s scythe on their necks——and yet.

“......Nii...... do you, hate...... s.h.i.+ro...... that


——s.h.i.+ro lowered her face and let her voice escape,

a few words that sounded like she was hurt.

At that, Sora finally felt like the scythe had cut a piece

of his neck’s skin and his view darkened.

While hugging the naked s.h.i.+ro whose face remained

lowered...... Sora thought.

——What would be the reason for still saying [NO]

even after receiving that line?

Is it because she’s a child?

He had accepted the proclamation that they were

both 18 years old——Refuted.

I-Is because she looks like a child?

Then will he insist on calling s.h.i.+ro a child for her

entire life? ——Refuted.

Is it because we’re siblings? Refuted——It had been

refuted by those few words——!

It was exactly because they were siblings, because he

didn’t hate her, that he could proudly stay together with

her without any guilty feelings——

——Guilty feelings?

...... There’s something bugging me, Sora thought


(...... What. I feel like I’m about to notice something I


With the height difference, s.h.i.+ro’s heartbeat could be

felt at his hips through the skin.

The girl looked up to him, with her heart beating

soundly, strong and big, like an alarm bell——

(...... Just what is it! Those eyes telling me to “notice”

——It’s a game where people deceive and betray each


But why is it that s.h.i.+ro of all people——the only one

who definitely wouldn’t betray him,

——Was cornering him this much——!

That’s right, in the exactly moment when the Death

G.o.d’s scythe was about to slash Sora’s windpipe——

“Excuse me for my rudeness, Master...... Is Sor


“Uwooah Jibril-kun!! Hey you!?

Your dice are~erm~oh me! They

decreased to two, didn’t they!! What a

serious deal, so hurry, I’ll give you

eight of mines! What, no need to hold

back you mustn’t alright heeey!?”

“Eh? Ah, haa......?”

——A brutal angel descended into the b.l.o.o.d.y


So no matter the number of her


age, it won’t affect her

appearance huh——in any case.

For some reason the


brutal angel appeared with sharp

eyes, he then threw some dice at her.

——Immediately after, it seemed like her expression

eased somewhat——but.

But for now, that doesn’t matter in the slightest, Sora

singed like he was dancing.

“Aah, what a tragedy! All people commit mistakes

——My heart that accidentally turned into that of a minor

due to the erroneous judgment! It has completely distanced

itself from all erotic things, and is now within the h.e.l.l of

despair, aah G.o.d! Once again you would steal from me the

opportunity of bathing together with a girl——Is my sin

that heavy of a thing!?”

Acting like an actor of a Shakespeare play, Sora,

provisionally 3.6 years old, trembled in delight.

——I’m saved.

From what exactly, I don’t really know.

Anyway, I survived from something, Sora turned to the

heavens and showed his grat.i.tude——but.

——*whoosh*...... A wind filled with killing intent

brushed him, giving him gooseb.u.mps.

“......Jibril...... you really, don’t...... read the

mood...... I definitely......!”

The small Imanity girl s.h.i.+ro spoke with a voice that

echoed from the depths of h.e.l.l——and behind her.

Now, which could be visualized clearly even by Sora

and Jibril——that.

“Ah, this, I’ll die, won’t I...... Master, what would be

the great sin I’ve committed?”

“......My bad, I don’t

I don’t really know, either. But, seems

like it was a really heavy sin......”

It even made the


Flügel count her own sins with a

trembling voice.

——Nothing was saved at all, that was enough for

Sora’s eyes go blank.

The Death G.o.d holding a great scythe with an evil


Now its face was distorted with killing intent, and was

about to throw the scythe with an overthrow.

Sora didn’t know. Let alone Jibril, who didn’t have

any way of knowing.

For s.h.i.+ro, this was truly a golden opportunity, a once-

in-lifetime match.

Making her brother——become conscious of her.

In the span of eight years since she met him, not even

once was a better situation, condition, and suitable time


And with Jibril’s arrival, it was ruined.

Even though she could have

gotten Nii

completed the formula if

she just had a few more hours, no, a few more minutes

Yes, s.h.i.+ro’s view burned with rage——but.

More importantly......

——A red cloth swayed with the wind......

“......Hmm. When you’re being this carefree, it even

makes my rage and resentment disappear......”

A red cloth——a young macho stood erect in the

bathtub, and his loincloth swam in the wind......!

Aah, no matter how you distort the logic, s.h.i.+ro is a

child——s.h.i.+ro thought.

Muscles pulsing like an independent organism——this

indescribable shocking footage.

If one says watching R18G


that violates her mind

——is a right, a duty of those with 18 year olds, then,

“......s.h.i.+ro, is fine with, remaining......


an 11-year-old soul......”

Leaving behind that murmur, s.h.i.+ro fainted on the spot.

“Fainting at the physical beauty of my body from my

glory days...... Geez, falling in love once again?”


The lump of meat soaked on the bathtub with the

worries of his younger days——thinking of the “time

when he was too popular”, which was wholeheartedly


“......Hey, Geezer. Could you answer my question that

suddenly sprouted just now?”

Making an effort to not look at him directly, Sora

asked in a low, yet, shrunken voice of a 3.6-year-old.

“Would appearing in front of the ma.s.ses fully naked be

a rights infringement——a violation of the [Ten Oaths]?”

——Hmm? he lowered his gaze.

Ino then answered with a good smile.

“There’s no one who would be afraid of such a small

thing. How about you live true to your desires?”

“What I’m asking is if it isn’t a violence to show

around the grotesque footage of the ‘muscle doing fetal

movements’! Like always, you don’t even get sarcasm, do

you——also, don’t say small thing, it’s the circ.u.mstances

of age, you know!?”

It’s just that a lot of things shrank because the dice

decreased, Sora raised an a.s.sertion.

And as he strolled through the bathtub——he simply

made a screen.

s.h.i.+ro’s hand, which he was holding under it, trembled


His little sister who suffered a deep trauma from that

very violence was——

“......Machos are scary...... uuuhhh, the meat, is......


She kept repeating delirious words due to the

punishment that was far too heavy for a rating scam.

Likewise, from the other side of the screen——one

more voice said.

“......Being hit awake and getting told [go wash

s.h.i.+ro’s hair] isn’t violence?”

“It can’t be helped right...... since s.h.i.+ro completely

snapped at Jibril......”

Like the flow of a river, Steph, taken along by Jibril,

said sleepily.

Sora couldn’t see the other side of the screen——but.

Steph received six dice from s.h.i.+ro and was was.h.i.+ng

her hair with the figure of a 12.6-year-old.

By the sound of the bubbles, Jibril should be getting

stepped on by s.h.i.+ro and at the bottom of the bath.


“......I can’t believe how you can give away the dice

like that so carefree——that’s [life] you know?”


Skepticism, confusion...... Ino’s murmur contained<

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