
Chapter 85


In various media, including dramas, relatives are depicted as naggers, shameless, old maids, villains, etc.

It might be partly due to the addition of sensational settings for ratings, but it surely reflects the cold reality of modern nuclear families.

However, to Baek Seol, her uncle was not an extra who appeared every holiday to give unsolicited, light advice on life.

Just as CEO Baek Do-hyun calls his niece Baek Seol his daughter, Baek Seol also regarded CEO Baek Do-hyun as her second father.

Baek Do-hyun felt the same. He looked at Baek Seol, who hesitated to speak, with a tender gaze.


“Yes. What is it?”


“Hahaha! My goodness. I’ve lived to hear Seol call me CEO.”

But now that Baek Seol understood the weight of the title ‘CEO’ that Baek Do-hyun held, she couldn’t dare to pout her lips and grumble at her uncle as before.

She didn’t know when she was younger. But now she knows.

The word ‘CEO’ on that nameplate encapsulates all the hardships and struggles Baek Do-hyun went through. A painful life journey that ordinary people could not even dare to follow.

The title ‘CEO’ meant that Baek Do-hyun managed to protect the business he inherited to the end, involved himself in the princes’ battle of the Baekhak Group, collaborated with the ‘second son’ to enthrone a new chairman, and finally achieved the family’s wish to incorporate it into the Baekhak Group’s main house.

Naturally, Baek Do-hyun’s business also became an affiliate of the Baekhak Group. The nameplate ‘CEO Baek Do-hyun, Head of Human Resources and Strategic Planning’ encompasses such a life.

Baek Seol felt overwhelmed by the weight of that black nameplate.

But now, Baek Seol also had things she needed to protect.

After biting her lips tightly for a moment, Baek Seol carefully spoke each word with courage.

“I came to see you because… I cannot accept some aspects of Department head Lim Yang-wook’s personnel disposition.”

The corners of CEO Baek Do-hyun’s mouth slightly curved up.

Side EP-Princess Maker

Baek Do-hyun is Baek Seol’s second father.

Not because Baek Seol’s biological father is a frivolous man who spends his time exploring omakase and wine gatherings.

Similarly, it’s not because CEO Baek Do-hyun is a competent and charismatic businessman unlike her father.

For a person to consider a man who is not their biological father as their father is a very difficult thing. It’s a matter of instinct, not reason. From this, one can see the extraordinary capacity of Lü Bu, who willingly recognized three men as his fathers.

Baek Seol didn’t have the capacity of a historical figure, so to have two fathers, she needed a cognitive misunderstanding on the level of a newly hatched duckling imprinting on the first human it meets as its parent.

Baek Seol was that duckling.

Baek Seol thought she had two dads and two moms from the moment she was born. And she thought her cousins were her real brothers. Because they all lived together.

It might seem odd for a large family in modern times, especially for an illegitimate child of a chaebol family challenging for inheritance rights, but that’s when scary men in suits start to follow you around.

This was around the time when the Baekhak Group’s founder fell into a coma due to illness.

Baek Seol’s grandfather was the founder’s illegitimate child but wasn’t completely destitute.

He had a company given out of the founder’s youngest love, which included a small share of the headquarters, and that was the beginning of all tragedies.

The family, which jumped into the gambling den with a single penny, faced harsh oppression. Open threats and enticements were exchanged, and violence occurred behind the scenes.

The reason Baek Seol’s family ended up living tightly together in one house was not out of choice but a matter of survival.

During the years of forced large family living, as everyone’s mental health deteriorated, Baek Seol was born as the youngest daughter of the family.

Naturally becoming the idol of the family was a given.

Especially since Baek Do-hyun only had sons and no daughters, Baek Seol grew up receiving plenty of affection and pocket money from her uncle.

With just one display of Baek Seol’s affectionate charm, her father would be overjoyed to death, her uncle would collapse, her grandfather would fret, and her cousin brothers would be smitten.

During the most oppressive times for the family, young Baek Seol became a source of vitality for the household.

Fortunately or not, when Baek Seol grew up a bit, the Baekhak Group’s founder died, and the inheritance dispute ended. The illegitimate family line was completely ousted from the inheritance dispute, and the dark-suited men, surely summoned by black magic, slipped back into the shadows.

Thanks to that, Baek Seol’s family could split back into halves. And everyone went their separate ways.

Her uncle’s family bravely prepared for a statutory share lawsuit, hosting the founder’s illegitimate son despite the torrent of retaliatory tax investigations, while Baek Seol’s “just father” dipped his toes into the chaebol inheritance dispute only to taste the bitterness of life and started a carefree lifestyle.

However, after these experiences, the two families became not just ‘relatives’ but ‘family’. The strong bond formed during hard times never fades.

Of course, it was the icing on the cake when Baek Seol’s “just father” declared his carefree life and generously gave all his company shares to his brother. The brothers, who had maintained a subtle tension for 30 years, became true soul friends at that moment.

In hindsight, that was the wisest choice.

Having inherited the company early from his father, the founder’s illegitimate child, and with his brother’s support securing complete succession rights, CEO Baek Do-hyun finally succeeded.

He protected the company from overwhelming external pressures, continued the statutory share lawsuit despite all threats, and didn’t miss the opportunity to lead a change in chairmanship.

That’s what Baek Do-hyun said.

“Isn’t that obvious?”

“But CEO~nim…!”

“Kim Sang-guk has brought in more money than Lim Yang-wook.”

The logic that Kim Sang-guk, CEO of Baekhak Publishing, unjustly oppressed Lim Yang-wook couldn’t persuade Baek Do-hyun.

Because he was already aware of the whole situation.

“Department Head Lim Yang-wook? I know he discovered a writer. He did well. Not only did he create a writer, but he also contributed to improving our Baekhak Group’s image during these turbulent times.”

“But how could such a person be put on standby?”

“Hmm… While Lim Yang-wook brought up a star author, CEO Kim Sang-guk has been loyal to the company for decades. Of course, it’s well known that CEO Kim Sang-guk can be petty. It was obvious to those above that he was stirring up trouble this time. But it would be somewhat disappointing not to accommodate someone who has dedicated decades to the company just because he threw a tantrum once, wouldn’t it?”

Baek Seol was speechless in front of such a chilling logic.

However, CEO Baek Do-hyun, not wanting to make the atmosphere tense, gently taught Baek Seol like a teacher lecturing an honor student.

“Seol-ah. CEO Kim Sang-guk might be a grumpy old man, but he’s not some villain with unmatched evil. You shouldn’t see someone of his position as an individual. CEO Kim Sang-guk is more like a spokesperson acting according to the mainstream opinion of Baekhak Publishing, not the owner of Baekhak Publishing. That’s why he became the CEO, and that’s why he can keep his position. That’s what company life is like.”


“Lim Yang-wook has indeed broken too many conventions and is a non-mainstream figure who works in a unique way. Frankly speaking, his educational background is also non-mainstream. So, the employees of Baekhak Publishing generally don’t like working with Lim Yang-wook, and therefore, Kim Sang-guk is implementing the opinions of Baekhak Publishing’s employees. Of course, he might think he’s acting on his own will, but if you look at the system, it’s all like that.”


“And, even though Lim Yang-wook and that writer friend brought a lot of money to the company, compared to the money that CEO Kim Sang-guk and Baekhak Publishing’s… how should I say it? Malfeasance cartel? Yeah. Compared to the money that the Baekhak Publishing malfeasances have monopolized in the publishing industry for decades, the significance of that writer is nothing. It’s a very simple issue. Kim Sang-guk is more beneficial to the company than Lim Yang-wook, so the higher-ups support Kim Sang-guk. Do you understand now?”

Baek Seol did not give up.

This time, Baek Seol decided to fight using CEO Baek Do-hyun’s own logic.

“I think… Department Head Lim Yang-wook contributes more to the company than CEO Kim Sang-guk.”

“Hmm. Is that so?”

CEO Baek Do-hyun showed non-verbal signs of listening to Baek Seol attentively, like a kind teacher.

He gently smiled and adjusted his posture.

Encouraged by this, Baek Seol explained the situation of the literary world.

The industry slowly dying.

People not reading books.

Decades of failed innovation.

It was Lim Yang-wook who provided at least a bit of vision in such a situation.

Lim Yang-wook’s true achievement was not just selling a lot of books by the author but making the public interested in publishing again through the author.

He was a game-changer who expanded the entire industry’s pie.


CEO Baek Do-hyun smiled meaningfully and remained silent for a long while.

Baek Seol couldn’t let go of her tension, waiting for Baek Do-hyun’s response.


Baek Do-hyun’s expression hardened.


Baek Seol’s expression also hardened.

“…Yes, CEO~nim.”

“If you want to change something, you need to be prepared for it. Just snapping my fingers won’t make the world work conveniently. I’d do anything for my niece’s words. But many people saw you coming to the headquarters to meet me, and if Department Head Lim Yang-wook is reinstated after that, everyone will know you’ve caused trouble for CEO Kim Sang-guk.”


“Then, you’re not just an ordinary salaryman anymore.”


“Do you really want to get involved in this dirty game?”

Baek Seol, who had been shrinking all this time, stood tall in front of this question.

She now had dreams.

Things she wanted to protect.


Seeing Baek Seol’s determined look, CEO Baek Do-hyun’s expression softened, and he smiled gently.

Baek Seol could finally smile too.

“If Seol says so, I should meet him once?”

“Th-thank you!”


Baek Do-hyun approached Baek Seol, who was repeatedly nodding, and gently embraced his niece, showing her a reassuring warm smile.

“Don’t bow your head too much. Why are you doing this to your uncle?”

“St-still…! Thank you so much!”

“”Don’t mention it. You are my daughter, aren’t you?”

* * *

There are several reasons to conduct important business meetings in a bar. It’s private, it caters well to people who enjoy alcohol, and it can be dressed up with a luxurious atmosphere.

However, the reason CEO Baek Do-hyun used bars was because it allowed him to non-violently intimidate the other party.

Bars are generally spaces for the upper class, making non-experts without knowledge of alcohol feel inferior, and realizing the hierarchy by spending someone’s monthly salary on a bottle of alcohol.

And naturally enforcing authority makes it easier to manipulate the other party. Power is close to oppression, but soft power is nearly akin to brainwashing.


Baek Do-hyun slowly scrutinized Lim Yang-wook’s appearance. He looked neat but nervous. Clearly intimidated.

It seems everything is prepared.

Bringing Lim Yang-wook to a luxurious bar, and demoting him, was for precisely the same reason.

Weakening someone mentally and physically makes them easier to manipulate.

Baek Do-hyun knew everything about Lim Yang-wook’s life. His personality, wealth, secrets, achievements, even before Baek Seol told him, he had already known.

“So, you’re Lim Yang-wook?”

“Ah, hello, CEO~nim.”

“Have a drink.”

Baek Do-hyun started paying attention to Lim Yang-wook around the time his beloved niece began making a name for herself as a world-renowned translator.

Baek Do-hyun saw potential in Baek Seol, and for that, Baek Seol needed her own set of hands and feet.

That’s when Lim Yang-wook naturally caught his eye.

“My niece is close with you, isn’t she? I heard you taught her a lot of things. You must have been a good boss at work.”

“Oh, no! CEO~nim.”

“What do you mean, no? Thanks to you, she even got nominated for the Booker International Prize. Haha.”

The pressure Kim Sang-guk put on headquarters to demote Lim Yang-wook was a great opportunity.

Baek Do-hyun left Kim Sang-guk alone and secretly pushed Lim Yang-wook into a corner.

To make his beloved niece come to him on her own.

“Seol told me that it’s unfair you were demoted.”


“Do you think so too?”

Baek Do-hyun’s plan hit the mark. Baek Seol came to work for Baek Do-hyun of her own volition.

Having his beloved niece, who would never betray him, a blood relative, and a translator who gained fame as a nominee for the Booker International Prize, come to him as a subordinate was very pleasing.

Now, all he had to do was elevate her.

Lim Yang-wook was a tool for that purpose.

“Truthfully, I couldn’t care less what happens to Baekhak Publishing.”

Baek Do-hyun gently patted the startled Lim Yang-wook’s shoulder. However, the words that came out of his mouth were chillingly indifferent.

“Baekhak Publishing is, how should I say it… like a museum. Our Baekhak Group started in bookstores. It shows how much we love culture. So, it’s not bad for Baekhak to monopolize media channels. It’s like an exhibition hall for publicity.”


“So, the money from Baekhak Publishing doesn’t really matter. The decline in publishing is a trivial matter from up here. Our group’s cash cow is finance, after all. Even within the media sector, compared to broadcasting stations and newspapers, publishing is minor. It’s the periphery of the periphery.”

Baek Do-hyun planted an irresistible offer in Lim Yang-wook’s mind.

“So… whether it’s Kim Sang-guk or Lim Yang-wook who leaves the company, it’s all the same to me.”


“How could I refuse when my niece asks?”

Lim Yang-wook wasn’t foolish enough not to realize that Baek Do-hyun wanted something from him.

Now that salvation’s rope had been thrown to him, Lim Yang-wook, with a voice slightly trembling but trying to be as dignified as possible, opened his mouth.

“What… should I do?”

Reading Lim Yang-wook’s desperation, anxiety, and hope, Baek Do-hyun smiled slyly.

“Make my niece the CEO.”

* * *

Shortly after, a shocking personnel notification was delivered to Baekhak Publishing.

A new division within Baekhak Publishing was established, and the entire Publishing Management Department was moved there.

The head of the new division was Baek Seol.


Translator’s Note:

Hi everyone,

This week, I’ll be busy IRL, so chapter releases will be sporadic, and there might not be a chapter on some days. I wanted to let you know in advance. Also, I will try to make up for the missed chapters next week.



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