11 days ago

Reincarnated as an Energy with a System by Snoring_Panda

Ning Ruogong died to Zebras as he laid his hands on The Energy System, which reincarnated him to... Read more
Ning Ruogong died to Zebras as he laid his hands on The Energy System, which reincarnated him to the Southern continent of the Planet Kumia.

How strong will he become after cultivating as an undying entity? Collapse
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Comments 132

  1. Online Offline
    Fickle as light
    this is just fluff people so dont expect shit here its plain old fluff like those old jp mangas
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        Fickle as light
        the plot has zero tension and when author triesto build it the execution is shity. its just about a literally immortal with inferior partial minor omnipotent system going around worlds and doing stuff and living his life
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  2. Offline
    Это тот случай, когда задумка офигенная, а реализация подкачала
    Причем основная причина провала - главный герой
    У главного героя ни целей, ни желаний, он просто плывет по течению, сам создает проблемы, сам их решает и дальше по кругу
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  3. Offline
    How can this author not make a protagonist who is not retarded? Is it really that difficult?
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  4. Offline
    warning, its a novel greatly based on energy. The author has no idea of common physics, prepare to turn off your brain and trudge through some radical bull$#@!.

    dont read, its a disrespect to all manners of rational thinking and an affront to anything related to science. Reading this book afflicts severe degeneration.

    Youre a sick, disgusting, cruel individual if you recommend this to even your foulest of enemies.
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      Bard of Anarchy
      Maybe author's understanding of physics is much greater than that Einstein. So that's why normal ppl couldn't comprehend this 🗑 gloom
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  5. Offline
    A great premise ruined by possibly the dumbest mc to ever exist. It's truly phenomenal. I don't want to spend another second remembering this huge disappointment so just read it and you'll understand what I'm talking about.
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      spoil it, so we can save time. im peeved that i wasted time on this.
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  6. Offline
    I love these novels(where time moves, he makes people happy, and then the next chapter of his life starts), but reading this you wish it was a harem novel, and have people like his first disple, princess and others(that i have forgoten(800 ch), be his companions or lovers, at least Saphandra(wont spoil) didnt disapear(there were probably more just dont remeber exact names) as others before, because that would be heart breaking.
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    1. Offline
      The only good thing about this is that when he reaches the pinacle, he should be able to change time(maybe not exactly change time, but recreate beings that have died before, reverse specific timeline or other staff and revive all of his close ones), because teoreticly he(with other energy system beings) is the strongesy existance in the existance only under god of creation, which i believe isnt a being but more like a rule or law of the universe itself.
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    2. Offline
      Ahh yes, how I do wish he slept with every female that stays by his side. Truly can’t understand why people like harem so much, care to enlighten me? Because I’d hate to see Ning sleeping with every female close to him, considering a good amount of them are his students that he’s known since they were children. Either that or they’re the children of his students. I can only see myself enjoying that kind of content as gerk materials(I don’t know what I can and can’t say..). Even then, I may as well look for books that focus on nsfw, smut kinda stuff, rather than, by far my fav novel even slightly focusing on anything as perverted as a harem. Again, care to enlighten me as to why that wouldn’t ruin a story, please?
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  7. Offline
    Short and sweet review:

    Quirky slice of life novel with solid world building, likable characters, and growth for the main character.

    Overall, solid 3.5 to 4 depending on the arc.

    BUT! If your looking for an OP system novel with fights and tensions, this is not it.

    Edit: Slice of Life novels are novels in which plot is less important than the adventure or journey you're on. No over arching plot lines, big bad bosses, or evil organizations creeping it up every other chapter. Just good old fashion travel logs with some world building and character development.
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    1. Offline
      Brain dead Goody two shoes protagonist with no tension narrative. Boring.
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      1. Offline
        Yeah, slice of life... 12
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    2. Offline
      slice of life = fluffy moments within the mundane.
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  8. Offline
    Had nothing to read so i came back and read up to 140 & what do you know, I'm frustrated again ... ... ... Just an honest opinion , don't read it if you easily get frustrated from bad writing, don't read if you don't like an Pathetic Braindead Mc with a HUGE #Hero/saint Syndrome & has an ENORMOUS #Emotional Problem like he cries and complains all the time while playing hero.....
    ...... Guess i gotta read the masterpiece Invisible Dragon To Calm Me Down now...
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    1. Offline
      Eh I wouldn't call this bad I actually used to drop this but I keep coming back since the the I forgot what it's called but it's the energy system and him being energy and right now I'm at chapter 543
      Edit: warning though mc is mostly op as hell since mans nearly immortal and quite boring since hes op and the emotion is apparently amplified and it gets nerfed later by mc recommending it to the creator
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      1. Offline
        If you lived for 10 000+years you would go crazy, million years and you wouldnt be you, so its better to cut a littlebit of emotion, because humans cant understand a time that long, if you are born in a cultivation world your thinking would be different because you have a possibility to live forever(you see time and years as numbers) while if you are born with a 100 year lifespan(Earth) they arent numbers anymore, every year you live will be 1 year closer to the death.
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    2. Offline
      Invisible Dragon is truly a masterpiece. The lore has untold potential, the character development is amazing and I'm only on the 4th chapter. Here's a preview for everyone. Also the comments are half the book.

      4 (2002/07/25)

      I’m stopping writing here~~~

      bya bya~~~ I’ll write tomorrow~~~

      and this is my first time writing so why are you all so mean…

      please gib me sum face~~~

      and is no one going to publish this~~~

      it would be cool if it became a book ;-;

      Continuu tomorrow

      5 (2002/07/25)

      It was than

      “message to HQ over I’ll be shooting the invisible dragon”


      jets came out and shot missiles at invisible dragon

      but since the invisible dragon was invisible and since dey couldn’t see it so dey missed

      it got hit one or two times but it didn’t even tickle the invisible dragon

      “puhaha goodbye you snot-sized things keke”

      the invisible dragon did it so the jets got masacred in 0.001 secons

      it was really cool


      6 (2002/07/25)

      There was a 63 story building no there was a building over 100 stories

      but then the invisible dragon was bigger than that building


      when the invisible dragon hit that building once it fell down the building fell down

      and so the invisible dragon got bored so it spoke to the humans

      “i’m going to live as a human now so serve me well”

      the humans all said yea sure and the invisible dragon turned into a human

      tada~ next, the story of the invisible dragon turning into a human begins so expect it tada

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      1. Offline
        You can't be considered a true romance reader if you've never read Invisible Dragon. Only by reading this masterpiece, will they understand the true value of novels.
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      2. Offline
        Already on the 14th chapter bossgif
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  9. Offline

    Alright i guess i didn't reached my goal of 100ch hum, it was really good at first the world building was good and had lots of potential but then after 15-20s it got difficult to continue as the MC makes lots of childish and Brainless decisions and acts like a Newborn who knows nothing about the world even tho he grew into a strong young man after being orphaned ... Sometimes he acts like he knows nothing at all even tho it's common sense! Some readers might disagree with my comments saying something like ' it's character development & it's like a slice of life journey ' ... But I'm sorry but i can't fathom how could they not be frustrated while reading this ! Sometimes i felt like the author is purposely making him seem dumb for some plots but i couldn't just continue after this point as I've read it by dragging my body through these 80-some chapters just so i can get into the good part as mentioned below by good brothers/sisters comments...sigh!
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      ∆TRUST my Reviews ✓✓
      Everyone tries to break their mortal limit to become a transcend existence but our mc here just does the opposite, becomes a mortal shell...
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  10. Offline
    It's been months since it's been sitting on my to-read list but the mix comments were really making it hard to start it & now that i have nothing to read , i guess i might as well try some 100chapters considering the comments about it getting good somewhere there.......see y'all!
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      ∆TRUST my Reviews ✓✓
      MC's trying to get a human body is making me frustrated when all it has are massive disadvantages and the price is definitely not worth it...

      Ch40 in and let me tell you MC's really acting like a newborn baby now...

      And, guess what?? ... he's starting farming now!
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      1. Offline
        I eagerly await your thoughts on this after chapter 70. I haven't started this yet but will watch for now.
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          ∆TRUST my Reviews ✓✓
          This is childish! Only read it if you want a weakass pathetic MC who is like a brainless Newborn...might be only for those newcomers... I don't recommend if you can't handle the frustration, which started after he gained his emotions back
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      ∆TRUST my Reviews ✓✓

      Worsening It by making he mc who is a "energy" but looks human, acts human, used to be human, has humans companions and is bias to human, etc. Basically he’s a human mc just looks like a energy at first.
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