2 years ago

Stacking My Abilities by SmallFries

Jeff Norman cut down a mist monster.

[Your physique has increased!]
[You gained a new... Read more
Jeff Norman cut down a mist monster.

[Your physique has increased!]
[You gained a new ability: Blessing of Wind!]
[You gained Passive Ability: Aura Vision!]

Before knowing it, Jeff had already accumulated pages of abilities. Turned out, these abilities could stack on top of each other, without limit.

Detection range. Damage reduction. Maximum health. Regeneration speed. Movement speed. Reaction speed. Physical strength…

Jeff: «Guys. I know I’m a bit invincible. But this is totally normal interaction. Please don’t report.»


Story Type: You’ve read about reincarnation, transmigration, world hopping…

But have you ever read a story about parallel transmigration? Imagine transmigrating into multiple worlds… at the same time!
I haven’t seen any story of this type on this site. This might be a fresh experience for you.


Other names for this story: [Stacking My Abilities (Censored)], [Stacking My Passives Starting From Today], [My Isekai Clones], [Me, Human, From Earth], [I Have Unlimited Passive Abilities!], [Regarding that time when I got transmigrated into many otherworlds at once], [Me and myselves in my Chat Space] Collapse
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Comments 49

  1. Online Offline
    I've read up to chapter 90 now
    It's rather well written
    Little down time, it's almost always plot back to back but the pacing is such that it isn't too jarring
    I have enjoyed it, binging from start to now in one sitting

    Fights are well executed, life in fog world could do with a bit more explanation but nothing too confusing
    Just hit the point where mage Jeff's story starts
    And it seems to be going well...
    It's a difficult concept to write for sure
    Parallel storylines with the same character
    The author hasn't flubbed it from the start, so they're doing pretty well imo
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  3. Offline
    The idea is very interesting, parallel multiverse but I don't think the author can pull it off unless if he's a god.
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      So did he pull it off?
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  4. Offline
    So does it mean he has other self in other dimensions and the skills they get can stack 😮?
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  5. Offline
    It is quite comfusing
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  6. Offline
    Chinese stories are well developed and well structured world building level but most are often too cliché while those written by Westerners are too absorb on the power of the MC and therefore forget the development of the rest around the MC and they are more stuck level romance they do not have the thick face that the Chinese have when he writes their novels
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      Dao Slave
      of course japanese novel story go around with power of friends even that is some bullshit.
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    2. Offline
      I can say that western authors have image of perfect novel but it's unreachable. They want make thing more realistic and live but often overload with it and ruin all. They almost always make too much drama, inner mc drama and moral choices, power system description, romantic (just every second novel have half of content is romantic), etc. If author want make different pov, they put it in every possible way, like they can't describe emotions other way except direct char saying "i'm feel ___". Maybe it's happen bcoz authors growth on world famous classic fantasy and sci-fi and want to be next "classic"... However in western webnovels i see more new ideas, unluckily most of them ruined by "realistic".

      Chinese authors use one setting with little variations, they don't need focus on power system and common worldbuilding things, they can write about worlds, organizations and persons more freely, but this shared setting include all cliches so they forced follow all cliche or this setting will break. Chinese authors make mc's thoughtway more straight, they almost never make their mc's self-criticism in dozens chaps and so. And surprisingly it's look more liveish sometimes than western endless moral drama and endless reasoning amoral actions. Chinese webnovels is readable bubblegum at most, but most of my top 5 is Chinese.

      Jap authors just make some lighthearted stories with alot of slice of live. Mc almost always have 0 ambition or so dumb so they can't change their goals, like: "You have power to wipe off entire world, why you keep go to school? I must doing the right things!" or "You transported another world, why you still respect Jap laws? It's right". World around mc always go with mc's viewpoint (mc want calm live and world extremely friendly). I barely can't read Jap novels bcoz mc and friendly world, it's so forced that become annoying.

      Korean novels main themes is games, society and personality. Games aspect like cultivation - have one face for all novels. Society aspect about cooperation, command work, government and corps. Personality aspect about description actions reason, mc's thought and char grow. These stories very balanced except game aspect, a lot of game. Korean novels are good, but there aren't much masterpieces, only commons. After reading dozens of them it's become boring.

      And last part that always need to be in such comments: i'm not talking about absolutely all novel in the world, but about most of them, at least most of readed by me.
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      1. Offline
        Try Classless Ascension, Vigor Mortis, Beware of Chicken, and Desolate era. These are my top 4 favourite novels, and each of them is balanced and good.
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        1. Offline
          Classless Ascension very good but it's only started, will see whats going on further.
          Desolate era - when i was reading it i thought it's good, but after passing some time i'm realise that it's another cultivation with almost none pros for me.
          Vigor Mortis, Beware of Chicken - i saw it several times but didn't want read it.
          My top if you interested:
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          1. Offline
            If you like those you'll definitely love Vigor Mortis. Beware of chicken might not be for you though. Classless Ascension has 220+ chapters, so it's enough to make a judgement, and it's insane. Also, where did you drop Desolate Era?
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            1. Offline
              I dropped Desolate Era about going into chaos or smth like this. Far cosmic travel through special passage. It's 24 volume first chap. But i won't continue coz i read it about 3-4 years ago and not going reread so much.

              Yes, i'm reading classless ascension. I'm talk about future this novel. It's may be amazing right now, but will it still be? Till it's not reach late stages i'm not add this to my top coz lots novels die after halfway. It's have great potential to rise, but it can fall if author make wrong decision at one point (author too much communicate with readers so this chance increase). Let me say that my sixth sense something suspect, just my irrational decision.

              Thanks for Vigor Mortis, i'll check it.
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              1. Offline
                Well, if you read that far and didn't like DE then fair enough. Though why you read that far despite not liking it is a question. And you're right CA might flop, but I really hope it doesn't cuz so far it seems really awesome.
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          2. Offline
            I'm a big fan of Against the Gods and The Mech Touch. ATG is very slow to update, less than one chapter a week, while Mech Touch gets two chapters every day. I really like everything holistically about MT, which I love the ebb and flow of the story in ATG.

            Although... well, ATG has some really dumb parts too. There is a surprising amount of 'having sex with a beautiful woman will heal either the MC or her life-threatening wounds' situations, which also happen to be unconsensual more times than I felt were reasonable... like many more times.

            But Mech Touch is almost a perfect novel.
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        2. Offline
          Desolate era has so much plot holes I mean half of the characters mentioned by the author are just forgotten!!
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      2. Offline
        You forgot some negative point with Korean stories, it's that the MC still always wants to save the world and become a hero and they still have a problem with the United States like Talented poaching in their country that goes to the USA or the monopolization of everything supernatural .
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          I don't care about national disgusting to the USA especially and other countries (even my) in general. You also don't write about Chinese to Jap hate. Not every nation maximum tolerate and i'm accept it till it's not become extremely annoying (mc goes around and call for genocide for example).

          Korean savior complex your good point but it's correct for all webnovels. Savior mc can sell more chaps then egoist. In my "hero rate" only Chinese authors make true evil\antihero protag. Most of Western authors just pretend to write "evil" or "antihero" when all mc's action lead to others good. I read only one true evil mc out of 50 westen novels and i'm search for it.

          Update: i'm remember one korean thing: Dungeon defence. I'm not read myself but reviews and comments say that mc psycho sociopath.
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            Dao Slave
            thats how japanese, chinese, korean novel author works. They want to fight for supremacy specially korea and chinese, they hate other countries to the bone, because of they want to tell the world that they are also supreme race and spread their culture, a culture to become patriotic and hate all humans with different nationality. Just like solo leveling 😂😂😂,,, human shits on earth are all like this, no one can escape the reality of becoming top race in hundreds of countries.
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              Except national supremacy they have historical reasons to hate each other like nanking massacre (cn to jp hate). Japan always wanted piece of continent.
              Moreover historically they all was very closed so Japan still treat foreigners like rare animals or at least inferior then they (many immigrants say that they words no one hear at the work for example).
              China historically was on edge of progress (like paper, powder and other) and war power, they named theyself like center of the world (i can wrong this point). Now it's more political reason to stabilize citizens feels but not conquer the world. Authoritarian country must have outer enemy and strong belief or political system will broke. They literally forced to make propaganda to keep young ppl stay on gov side. In China you can say or good thing about country or be quiet
              otherwise you got problem.
              I'm not sure about Korea but i assume that hey have territorial issue with cn and jp and problems with north Korea. I'm actually know about nothing about Korea outer relationship.
              Oh, i remember another thing: USA have big influence to jp, so CN never be in one party with them, KR maybe also not so happy about it.

              In summary: they can't love each other coz they have 1 bad guy, 1 passive aggressive greedy guy with same greedy friend and hating each other twins between them.
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                The One Above
                This goes for everyone here, its simply cultural differences and the history between countries that guides the way that individuals write but that doesn't always happen. Some western stories take great inspiration from Chinese novels whilst some Chinese novels take notes from Western stories. Korean novels may take inspiration from Japanese LN whilst LN's have taken inspiration from Korean stories. There is no better or worse type of writing, only generalised and stereotyped views on what countries produce what.
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      3. Offline
        My goodness, this is big
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    The One Above
    My name is Jeff
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  8. Offline
    A pretty good idea gone to waste to make a bland story with little world-building or character development.

    Overall I wouldn't recommend this to anyone in particular. If you want a good parallel worlds novel look at 48 hours a day. If you want a good multiple selves story look up a novel series called: the Bobiverse.

    dropped at ch34
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  9. Offline
    Top Air luck Providance = Too many World
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  10. Offline
    I think the story is going way too fast and way too many timeskips if I have to say but the idea of parallel worlds of themselves meeting is cool and all but I think this progressed in a different direction than I predicted after their meeting as I thought it would typically go to where they can actually share their thoughts and exchange consciousness with each other tbh or somethin like that either way very few details because of timeskips so yeah I only read until chapter 52 so far
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