15 hours ago

Harry Potter and the Secret Treasures哈利波特与秘密宝藏

A teenager named Evan Mason was reincarnated into the magical world of Harry Potter and goes to... Read more
A teenager named Evan Mason was reincarnated into the magical world of Harry Potter and goes to school at Hogwarts!

With only his knowledge of the future and great talent for magic, he takes the path towards the top of the magic world, only to realize that every step he took, changed everything! Collapse
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Comments 32

  1. Offline
    Initial thoughts after ~50 chapters,

    After 900 chapters, adding on to my previous thoughts,
    imo the novel's MC needs a different background.
    Instead of a reincarnation, he should be just a normal 10 year old kid who had a prophetic dream of all HP movies' synopsis. Assuming that, will make reading the novel easier as that will explain his childish character (or author's writing to be exact). It can get annoying otherwise. Also MC has no knowledge of anything other than the said HP synopsis' from his past life, literally no other memory.
    Then there's author's hate for certain many characters (like Ron for example), he made them into clowns, to put it simply. The plot (the main one) looked interesting to me but the scale is just too big for HP lore that holes are inevitable, I mean
    All in all if you are tolerant of the above flaws, it's a good read to pass time.
    Also I think author did proper research after ~150 chapters, because his canon references get better, rather than making everything up or outright ignoring them.

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    Quote: Alx2hawk
    The romance is so cringe and idiotic, Hermione was 13 and evan was 12 ( mentally 40+) acting like a married couple puke

    Author hate Ron because in original he end up with Hermione and author hate that, he wish Hermione to be with his delusional ass, so author make Ron the bad guy, always envy toward evan,
    The way Ron hate Evan is so abnormal, author make Ron hate evan because Evan is so close with Hermione, not to mention in the prisoner of azkaban Ron didn't even like Hermione yet and Ron yell at Evan that he stole Hermione from him sigh

    Beside all this stupid and cringe drama, anything else is okay, I dropped multiple times because of this, one to confirm is author is a delusional middle age man who obsessed with Hermione and hate everyone who have felling towards her, if he can't have Hermione, NO ONE SHOULD!!!!😡😡😡
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    Evan was 12 (mentally 30+) and Hermione is 13 but they acting like old married couple is so disgusting puke

    Author clearly hate Ron, not just take Hermione but make Ron turn evil to replace Evan in trio eyetwit
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    I'm making another review after venturing into MTL territory to finish is. I think it's going to be a long review so TLDR - It's a pretty decent novel with a pretty rushed ending (Literally they defeat Voldemort and it ends with the MC wanting to return to his bed to sleep, there isn't even any post-battle story). If you want to continue reading, I recommend reading at https://novelhi.com/s/Harry-Potter-and-the-Secret-Treasures. It has very few translation errors with the main one being the MCs name is changed to Elwyn and Fleur Delecours name is Hibiscus Chenisis. It honestly could pass off as an official translation with a poor editor. The only problem is that I believe the bottom 1/5 of the chapter is cut-off so you could go to the next chapter and it doesn't connect immediately. Also the novel is incomplete on that site so I switched to MTL Novel once I got close to the end, which isn't as well translated but at that point it didn't matter since I was skimming a lot anyways.

    Power scale from what I know from weakest to strongest

    Modern Wizards - Wizards from 1000 years ago - Ancient Wizards - Gods(Ancient Wizards eventually got strong enough to seal the gods but very few actually died by their hands) - The Titans(colossal beings that essentially created all life) - The Abysal Beings (translated as "Evil Gods" in the story but they are essentially the same thing)

    On to the actual review-

    The Good

    One of the major pluses of the novel is that the authors added story is really interesting with the Evil Gods and the "Evil Gods" (AKA Gods. They are gods throughout history that basically enslaved humanity. There's no good God, with the better ones brainwashing people into worshipping them). Though I do wish there would be more answers on what the Evil Gods are, though they do get a brief overview. I also wish more Evil Gods appeared throughout the novel. I'm pretty sure there is only one or two incomplete Evil Gods that show up throughout the entire novel with a real one peaking in for a couple of seconds in the last two chapters.

    Another plus is that there is an actual explanation on how the MC transmigrated. Essentially, the normal HP timeline Evan doesn't exist and it goes about the normal story with eventually the World ending much later on after Voldemort dies since some group will try to summon the Evil Gods. Evan theorizes that for a reason that isn't mentioned, the Titan that controls the Laws of Space chose him to be brought over to the HP world essentially creating an entirely separate timeline from the original.

    Nobody really dies in this version, not even Snape who somehow the MC saved from the Killing Curse (Voldemort might have used a different spell but mtl made it seem like he used that one). The only casualty is
    who pretty much had a choice to come back to life but chose not to.

    The Bad

    The Author really loves to over-explain things. Literally 1000+ chapters in and in the middle of some pretty important stuff, he starts going on a tangent on why Staffs aren't as popular as Wands. It makes sense with the context that they are searching for the Legendary Magic Staff but still.

    The Author really hates Ron for some reason. They just make Ron unbearable and every school year, something horrible always happens to him. It's revealed later on that
    . Honestly, if he wasn't part of the main cast, I doubt he would have survived.

    Many plotholes with adventures I was looking forward to happening after the book ends (
    ) or things not being expanded upon like with how the MCs Wand has the same core as the Elder Wand and it mentioning that it has some control over death at the very beginning of the novel. I don't think his wand was made special in any way besides the Ministry not being able to detect what the core is and the Workers there getting mad about it. Theres also something inside the Slytherin Locket that isn't expanded on.

    I mentioned it earlier, but it just ends abruptly. Too many arcs got more chapters than they deserved like the whole Sicily trip and the ending arcs got barely anything.

    The "Secret Treasure" of Hogwarts is a complete disappointment. Don't get me wrong, it is pretty inspiring but I thought it would be something like the MC getting the bloodline powers or magic capability of the founders but nope. The "keys" to the secret treasure were extremely helpful with them all essentially being a Philosophers stone (though the MC only used Gryffindor's and Ravenclaws). Slytherins key showed up at the end and was never used beside putting it inside they keyhole and Hufflepuff's literally didn't show up unless all the Houses worked together on something as allies which didn't happen until the second to last chapter. The Secret treasure was essentially

    I mentioned more bad that good but I would still give it a 3.7/5.
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    MC is an embrassement as a transmigrator. He keep saying he want to fix the things for better but end up following the cannon plot always. Even doing stupid things like going in flying car knowing dobby will seal the wall, failing to get the diary from ginny saying he tried his best but whatever etc...

    He is also the worse kind of fanfic MC, the fangirl type who is infatuated with the cast and will follow them around like lost puppy. He goes around like he have plot armor like harry, planning nothing knowing voldermort coming back in a few years, facing and lying to dumbledore knowing he can get mind read anytime, getting into gryffindor like a brainless baffoon he is and stalk harry. He also comes up with most generic ideas ever and everyone treat it like greatest innovation since merlin invented butterbeer.

    I just couldnt handle his brainless actions so i dropped it, I'd recomment you not waste your time with this book.
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      thanks for the heads up!
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      Thanks for warning
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  7. Offline
    Hi,Happy New Year.This book was an enjoyable read
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    The only thing more frustrating than a 500 chapter dropped novel is a 1000 chapter completed novel with only a quarter of it translated.
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      i hear translator died, may he rest in peace.
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  9. Offline
    It's a pretty interesting Fanfic. The beginning chapters can be a bit off-putting since it seems the MC is just going to be a Potter follower and it doesn't really change much of the story. Thankfully, this changes after Chamber of Secrets (which ends around chapter 60), with the MC learning that the Founders of Hogwarts each left a secret treasure somewhere. This leads to a completely different story than the original with a much more sinister plot involving evil "gods" from another Dimension that Ancient wizards accidently showed a path to Earth. Of course, Voldemort is still a major villain but you definitely feel that he isn't the final boss anymore, unless he ends up wielding the power of these entities.

    One thing I hate is actually in the most recent translated chapters (around 460). The author decided the MC would just forget the Death Eater attack after the World Cup at the beginning of "Goblet of Fire". It's literally the first time Death Eaters fully show up in an attack the the MC has the audacity to act surprised when he learns Voldemort might be planning an attack there.

    The romance is a bit weird since Hermione, the main love interest, seems much more "feminine" ( that's the only word that comes to mind) when it comes to interacting with the MC. It is kind of cute but it doesn't really match up with the character in my head who would ignore romance because of school work. When fluff bits happen, it makes sense with it mainly being outside of school time but she still seems more like the character to hold that stuff off until after graduation when that is definitely not her character here.

    Also, author just shits on Ron for the first 200 or so chapters. He's still bad with his jealousy of the MC and Harry but it's definitely a lot better compared to then.

    I only wish the MTL would get the MCs name right so I can keep reading. From what I have seen, it's a pretty good MTL, it's just that the MC is called Ai Wen and it just ruins everything when the MC is clearly non-Chinese but still has a Chinese name.
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    It says there is romance. Can someone please give a spoiler and tell me who the female lead is?
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      It's slow and sometimes cringy, but except for that I like it.
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    2. Offline
      The romance is so cringe and idiotic, Hermione was 13 and evan was 12 ( mentally 40+) acting like a married couple puke

      Author hate Ron because in the original, he end up with Hermione and author hate that, he wish Hermione to be with his delusional ass, so author make Ron the bad guy, always envy toward mc,
      The way Ron hate Evan is so abnormal, author make Ron hate evan because Evan is so close with Hermione, not to mention in the prisoner of azkaban Ron didn't even like Hermione yet and Ron yell at Evan that he stole Hermione from him sigh

      Beside all this stupid and cringy drama, anything else is okay, I dropped multiple times because of this, one to confirm is author is a delusional middle age man who obsessed with Hermione and hate everyone who have felling towards her, if he can't have Hermione, NO ONE SHOULD!!!!😡😡😡
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