11 months ago

One Last System by MotivatedSloth

Scorned by the world he was born in, Arthur had no other choice but to learn how to deal with it.... Read more
Scorned by the world he was born in, Arthur had no other choice but to learn how to deal with it. Yet, just as his hard work and dedication were about to pay off, the hate towards his origins brought him to his death.

But that wasn't his fate. His future wasn't supposed to end with his head cracking against the edge of the stairs. His bloodline could not die as that would be against the wish of the universe itself.

Thrown to another world, he found himself in a situation where the skills and craft he honed would be no longer of use. His patience, his creativity, his logical thinking were no longer in demand in a world where strength reigned supreme.

Or was it?

"My system is overpowered. I'm not shameless enough to deny it."

"Scores of women and slaves all around? Those are the wishes of a naive kid, not mine."

"Lower the price of those apples by a quarter and we will have a deal!"

"Dear, stop, I cannot hold any longer!"

Jump in and follow Arthur's adventures as he proves that even the illogical world of sword and cultivation has its own rules. Laws, that one can learn, laws, that Arthur sets off to use to his own advantage! Collapse
  • Views: 37 909
  • Total views: 337 922
  • Comments: 63
  • Total comments: 120


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Comments 63

  1. Offline
    The author really dropped the ball on this novel, it was coming along fine in the beginning especially when the MC was a virgin, after he had sex, he just turned retard, its just dull and we have no idea about their current world and size.

    Every chapter the MC is with the girlfriend, its pure SIMP BETA cringe , might as well skip whole chapter. Its such a waste of what could have been a good LN
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  2. Offline
    [Dropped at c63] The novel starts rather well, with interesting points and potential from the get-go, plus the MC's real background and the system being more mysterious adding some liking to the work.

    Unfortunately, the world as in the rules, background, the characters, aren't well developed. To the point that feels like the author just had an idea and rushed with that without trying to think of the world that he/she was trying to make.

    Then there's the beta MC, doing beta things and actually wasting time and resources just to scare away the random mobs working for the trash-level antagonist... even though he doesn't have to do anything with their little games being too pathetic. As if that isn't enough, the MC, who is supposed to be an adult before the transmigration, acts more timidly and naively, and stupidly than anyone else when the girl appears. Oh, and did I mention the eternal love formed after 2 weeks of basic training?
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  3. Offline
    These comments be saving me from a whole lotta trash on foenem
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  4. Offline
    This review is flawed, just till chap 29.
    Novel type: reincarnation. MC type: strange, insecure, OP.

    - A more complex world that what fills one chap.
    - The system it's not typical, in fact, it seems to be pretty mysterious and doesn't give straightforward information bout its use.

    - A beta MC that cant really stand for himself unless he's feeling right for doing it. Insecure but powerful.
    - Plot is...slow. So slow. Too slow.
    - A lot of bs bout how to feel for pple but also beating pple just as fine.
    - Hard to empatize with MC (imho).

    To sum up: cant keep it up. Too much BS. Going elsewhere is better.
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  5. Offline
    Razial Amin
    This is pure sh*t
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  6. Offline
    Hmmm. . .
    so far. . ..
    Having read the available 231 chapters. . .
    This is quite a good story.
    There is an unsavory element to it in how the MC experiences some pretty heavy betrayal more than once with the saving grace being in the fact that it wasn't the FL who betrayed him.
    Still was people he chose to trust and that's what lead to his rape. The MC didn't however forsee exactly that like some of the other comments imply. He just foresaw a troubled event, thought he could trust some people and took a step of cautious faith that didn't reward him but raped him. And to be fair, we had quite a few dark chapters. Though unfortunately, this is not the darkest I read. . . maybe that contributes to why I haven't dropped this yet while dropping darker stories.
    Though I'm not entirely sure my partial empathy can understand why some of the comments radiate such hate for the story, such is life. We're all pretty different. And I can disagree.
    In my current boredom, this is a step up from some of the other disappointments I have read.
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    1. Offline
      Night Edge
      Who got raped? Because your comment is saying "his".
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      1. Offline
        his rape

        took a step of cautious faith that didn't reward him but raped him
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        1. Offline
          Night Edge
          So a guy got raped by a girl?
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          1. Offline
            MC got raped,

            Yup, was a obscenely disgusting girl that raped him, his backdoor is still intact to my knowledge
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  7. Offline
    Scores of women and slaves all around? Those are the wishes of a naive kid, not mine."

    Nahhh, that's the goal of man of culture
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    1. Offline
      The likes and dislikes on this comment are perfectly balanced, as all things should be.
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      1. Offline
        ThE bAlAnCe Is MeAnT tO bE bRoKeN!!
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        1. Offline
          I have restored it.
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          1. Offline
            So have i
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            1. Offline
              So willl i
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              1. Offline
                Muhahaha fix this shit peasants
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    2. Offline
      And just have BROkEN it ..
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      1. Offline
        Balanced again
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        1. Offline
          Broke it hokage
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          1. Offline
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  8. Offline
    Immortal God
    For those who came for the cover pls stop before the author’s start click baiting y’all
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  9. Offline
    Is it jus me or did ranobes just crash
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    1. Offline
      No it's really crashed on 4th of March for full day what a sad day
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  10. Offline
    This one is bad. If you don't mind reading about a man getting raped by a huge ball of meat that calls itself a woman then go ahead, mind you our "genius" MC already saw it coming but decided to go ahead and fall for the trap anyway.
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    1. Offline
      Well was ABT to read it but senpai here to save the day
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    2. Offline
      But it says “Beautiful Female Lead” is it her? I came here when I saw the cover art. I’m just here for faps. I don’t mind the story so is it her or someone else you meant?
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      1. Offline
        I made sure to use the name of the first person to request this novel to be pirated somewhere in the eighty-x chapter. I guess making the holder of their name get anally raped by a group of ugly bastards wasn't a message direct enough. Making him a thief as deplorable as I could make him be neither. So if you ever wonder why the plot develops the way it does around chapter 100, then now you know the answer. On Webnovel, people can swallow that, they won't drop the story because of it. But on all those self-righteous pirate sites? I can already hear the sound of their butts cracking :D

        - MotivatedSloth
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        1. Offline
          Tell him that his best novel can barely be considered average. We don't give a single f#ck about his opinion.
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          1. Offline
            Fun thing is, you claim not to care, bash on the novel and yet - you read them. How else would you be able to claim they are average? And if you did not read them, then you are just a filthy liar.

            I contacted Sloth on the discord and asked him on his opinion of this place. And guess what he said?

            "I don't write to satisfy people on the pirate sites. They do not pay, they do not have any say. I write stuff that people on webnovel like and dig. And whatever pirates think? I consider it just as much as they do put my situation in consideration when they are actively participating in piracy."

            Oh, and he promised something pretty fun. It involves a lot of dcks, your nick and all the means he has to make a character as loathsome as possible.

            Personally? Can't wait. You will be immortalized in the only way you are worth. As cumsack you are.
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            1. Offline
              You must really be butthurt XD. First people reading on a pirate site or just using FP aren't any different. Second I have barely touched a couple of his filthy creations , knowing I can bring him this much anguish is bringing so much joy. He can go back in his cave and write as many shit stained novels for his fellow apes as he wants. Being aware now of both his incompetence as an author and the filthiness of his as a living being I can safely disregard his existence from now own. Not even worth the attention of a single braincell from now on.
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              1. Offline
                So he hates pirate sites but has an account?????
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              2. Offline
                At least the comments on pirated sites are true compared to the webnovel.
                I've read many novels on webnovel and most of them has only comments like "best novel i've ever seen blah blah"shit like that....
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            2. Offline
              Your opinion regarding to this novel is useless in this site and no matter how many times you justified the work of the author towards us pirates, we don't give a single care we just read and go if its mediocre its mediocre, if its treasure its a treasure.
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              1. Offline
                Said what we all wanted to.
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              2. Offline
                W well said
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            3. Offline
              get some help :)
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        2. Offline
          So, Sloth changed his story just for a petty hate against pirates? Not a very story-centered reason man, reality and book are different and book progression should not be related imho. You saying he included a rape in his story just to offend a person in a pirate novel? I may be getting it wrong.
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          1. Offline
            I think he included a chapter that was all about bashing piracy and a certain person in particular. I'm caught up and so far I have yet to see that chapter mentioned, referenced, or having any influence over the story itself. I asked for clarification if I'm right but gotta wait for him to reply.
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