3 years ago

Throne of Magical ArcanaArcane Divine Throne • 奥术神座

An ordinary young man on earth, Xia Feng, traveled to a world of sword and magic, and took the body... Read more
An ordinary young man on earth, Xia Feng, traveled to a world of sword and magic, and took the body of Lucien Evans, another ordinary young man. Seemingly this was a world of traditional western fantasy, yet he discovered the astonishing similarities between the earth and this world, and between science and the so-called arcane magic…

«Knowledge is power»? Soul, magic, quantum, Theory of Relativity, cognitive world, music and real world……

What was the true nature of that world? Collapse
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Comments 55

  1. Online Offline
    Btw, I had stopped reading this novel long back (didnt drop it, just ended up stopping cuz of exams and then never got back), since around an year back(?). Can someone tell me where I am? I think I was reading smth like Lucien being given a mission to go to some mountains for smth, he had just completed his demonstration for some "how the world started" thing, exploded quite a few heads and got that ring award. So which chapter is that?
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  2. Offline
    This is definitely a good read but oh my God is the mc frustrating. Every battle he wins is like it's by luck as every encounter happens to be with powerful adversaries. The items he uses have amazing descriptions but when it comes to their usage surprisingly the enemy always has a way to resist them which further grows my frustrations. I like competent enemies but not to the point that every battle against them is a major battle for life and death, I would like Lucien to sometimes have an edge against powerful foes. Lucien is somehow strong against the weak but utterly weak against the strong, it's like he has bad luck as a trait or something. I know every plan doesn't always work out as planned but seriously just once let it happen just for the sense satisfaction it provides sigh .
    Damn I've been ranting a lot sorry senior martial brothers this junior is just having a mental demon. pressure
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  3. Offline
    What a novel!
    World building is great 8/10, really really interisting plot 8,5/10, storytelling from different perspective and it's really that good 9/10. honestly this is my first time reading Cuttlefish novel. I know LOTM is a masterpiece but i really scared to read it soo i'm start reading this first kef
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    1. Offline
      interesting that this is your first Cuttlefish novel considering it's his first novel
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  4. Offline
    Henyee Translations… are there missing parts in the novel's chapters?
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  5. Offline
    Mc plot armor
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  6. Offline
    Muito bom. Gosto bastante do desenvolvimento do protagonista ao decorrer da história. O mundo é muito bem construído, apesar de não ser inovador, é uma boa leitura.
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  7. Offline
    I had to return to write this review even tho I finished this novel before the last 2 books I read and it still bugging my mind even now for only one thing this author is just a genius, no filler, no chapter without you getting your adrenaline rushing up to your head from excitement and full of science facts that you never heard of, just the amount of searches and effort the author out to put all these scientific theories with a way you find it not boring for not even one chapter and the best part of this novel is about blown heads 😂 won't talk about spoilers all I can tell you when heads start to blown is when the real fun is starting, so at the end of all this blabbing is that this one is a masterpiece of Chinese novels that after you read it you will start to see all other Chinese novels as average or below average that it can put all other authors to shame with their incompetent so give it a time you won't regret reading it
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  8. Offline
    Currently at Chapter 24, the novel is great so far. But nothing could've prepared me for the amount of Lord of the Mysteries spoilers in the comments LMAO. I know it's probably my fault for still not reading LoTM (I'm scared to read it), but holyy 😭
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    1. Offline
      thank you for warning everyone else.
      i shall not venture deeper in these comments
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  9. Offline
    I do really like this, but all the Arcs where MC actually goes out and fights people on an 'adventure' of sorts, is just really boring. The best parts of the novel is when MC is just in the city, researching stuff and not actually going on missions.
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  10. Offline
    Quote: OverLord
    Is this Cuttlefish’s dark past? Lol
    It is funny how bad it is and how similar it is to other Chinese novels.
    The novel is average at best: 3.7 stars
    It is good at the beginning gets worse as it goes on. I couldn’t continue after volume 3 as MC Keeps getting dumper by the chapter despite growing stronger.
    Seriously, what kind of man hiding his identity doesn’t change his name? Or uses his old alias that is on the wanted list?

    W Chinach, poczęstuje cie kolacja. Wszytko będzie przebaczone
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