19 hours ago

Chaotic Sword God混沌剑神

Jian Chen, the publicly recognized number one expert of the Jianghu. His skill with the sword went... Read more
Jian Chen, the publicly recognized number one expert of the Jianghu. His skill with the sword went beyond perfection and was undefeatable in battle, After a battle with the exceptional expert Dugu Qiubai who had gone missing over a hundred years ago, Jian Chen succumbed to his injuries and died.

After death, Jian Chen’s spirit was transmigrated into a completely foreign world. Following an extremely fast growth, his enemies piled up one after another before becoming gravely injured once more.

On the gates of death, his spirit had mutated, and from that moment henceforth, he would tread on a completely different path of the art of the sword to become the sword god of his generation. Collapse
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Comments 40

  1. Offline
    I am interested in this novel, but there is too much boredom and water in it. I'm waiting 500 chapters for him to make a breakthrough. I think this is the longest and most tedious path to a breakthrough in the history of self-improvement novels. And, by the way, even in MTL, he still hasn't done it.
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    1. Offline
      Author is milking this dry
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  2. Offline
    An endless stream of the unconscious.
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  3. Offline
    Dark Phoenix
    Am Surprised This Novel Is Still Going On pressure Reading A 3k Plus Chapters In A Novel I Don't Have Brain Cell For That
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    1. Offline
      You should read elephantine Remembrance of Things Past it has a lot less chapters
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  4. Offline
    I like how my review's likes and dislikes are balanced tho it shocks me how 10 people, who supposedly have a functional brain/head, could disagree with what I stated lshock.
    No hate BTW it just surprises me how can someone like this novel.
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    1. Offline
      It still is balanced at 50/50 lmao
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      1. Offline
        check now lmao it's still balanced
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        1. Offline
          By now, it's probably for the memes tho. Still nice to look at nonetheless.
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          1. Offline
            true haha
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    2. Offline
      Now it’s 32 dislikes and 10 likes 😵‍💫
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      1. Offline
        I'm talking about my review below, you know. Not this comment sigh
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  5. Offline
    SIMPLY TRASH welldone

    I've read a lot of cultivation novels and I can say with confidence that this novel is among the worst I have read. Worse than Ancient Strenghtning Technique and War Sovereign which is surprisingly difficult tbh.
    I'm not gonna waste too much time on this review:
    When it comes to the story itself it is average at best, but then this novel has a very very big problem imo. That problem is the fact that 70% of the plot is made of conflicts with young masters/fathers/grandparents/sects/clans etc, which is extremely annoying to say the least. I know this is a very common trope, but in this novel this happens like every 2 chapters especially in the 1st I'd 500 chapters. There's simply no end to this cycle of provocations and slaughter.
    Now 10% of the plot is the MC avenging other people's problems, some make sense, but most of them absolutely do not. Example:
    With his mom OK that can be swallowed, but when he does this with people he met like days ago it's simply stupid and it happens all the time.
    Another 10% of the novel is simply slaughter. I swear I have never seen an MC that kills so many people as this guy. By this point he's killed tens or even hundreds of thousands. He never gives a shit; if someone provokes him, which happens all the time as I said, he will simply slay the entire clan/sect without even a moment of hesitation which to me is absolutely something I dislike. Someone in a position with power should be fair to someone who is not. Fine he can kill his enemies but I hate it when entire clans and sects get decimated cuz a couple of elders pissed the MC off.
    Another 10% of the novel is he being chased for something he has or because of something he did. He literally has been running/hiding the entire novel. Each time for different reasons. He's even got like 4 different names he goes by.
    70+10+10+10=100 and as you've seen I didn't mention the harem nor the romance part cuz that's the importance it has, fuking zero. By the time I dropped this around Chapter 1.1k he has 2 confirmed women and 1 that's for sure to join him later cuz

    His friends and family get some screentime, but tbh I don't give shit about most of them. They're just there.
    Overall it is absolute shit, which is something I rarely say about novels, given the fact that there's always something I enjoy in them, but this one is simply shit. There's nothing to like imo. 0/5 welldone
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    1. Offline
      now try reading emperor's domination
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      1. Offline
        Does it give any important to romance cuz I like those parts more than the action tbh. Just some fluff moments here and there is all I need.
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        1. Offline
          kinda, it has some moments but it's a bit later
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      2. Offline
        I would say that emperors domination is ok till some 3000 chapters. After that i lost the patience to read.
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        1. Offline
          Buddy,isn't there only 700 episodes in the series?
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        2. Offline
          I feel you... That restarting of his cultivation in some unique world really made me decide to just drop it... WTF I was already invested in the previous system and he just goes and starts all over again
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      3. Offline
        Is something bad happening in the novel?
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        1. Offline
          depends what you consider bad
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          1. Offline
            Is a woman in the harem murdered or raped? I don't like either option.
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            1. Offline
              definitely not
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              1. Offline
                my last question, are Karina, Kyoko, Lyonna in the harem?
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                1. Offline
                  Ehh what novel are you talking about lmao
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                2. Offline
                  Man, we were talking about different novels, I was talking about the emperors reckoning. I've realized now
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    2. Offline
      Void master
      perfectly balanced as all things should be yeah
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      1. Offline
        Go back to Reddit.
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    3. Offline
      Because of such incompetent reviews, worthy works are closed. I don't know what novels you've read to make such a conclusion. But I often notice that there is a lot of shit among the 4-5 stars rating! (most likely because of such reviews)
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      1. Offline
        I agree that the way I write reviews is flawed because I'm basically just saying what I think about it from my perspective. If u disagree fine, if u agree fine, it doesn't matter either way. Imo this novel is absolutely shit and no matter how I write about it, my opinion won't change. Does it have good aspects, probably yes like every piece of fiction out there, but since the overall product is so bad I can't help but focus more on the bad things.
        All of this said tho, if u still wanna read a novel then it won't be, my/a negetive review that'll stop you.
        Lastly, everything mentioned in my review is undoubtedly true, because no matter if I like it or not or how I write it, those events I talk about did in fact happen.

        And BTW I do think every novel should be translated until the end, but after your audience has read 50+ Chinese cultivation novels then shit like this will never be good, because it does not stand out in anything and is in fact worse than most Chinese cultivation novels out there imo. I can't be afraid to voice my thoughts simply because the translation might be dropped, as that is simply the unfortunate reality that subpar, or in this case shit, novels have to go through. Simply because after a while everyone stops reading it and consequently it stops being profitable.

        Worse than Ancient Strenghtning Technique and War Sovereign which is surprisingly difficult tbh.
        This is the only bit I could be wrong about now that I look back. This isn't worse than those 2 as they are all around the same tier.
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        1. Offline
          I would like to ask you to indicate a few (how many are not sorry) novels about cultivation that you consider worthy and interesting.
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          1. Offline
            I've only read a couple till the end, like heavenly jewel change for example, but even the ones I've finished are far from perfect. The difference is that they are average in some aspects and excel in others. While in novels like this one they don't excel at anything and are subpar or average in most aspects. Mind you that imo there's no perfect cultivation novel cuz they all have their problems so its all about how much the good outweighs the bad. If an author just recycles cliches and plotlines from already average/subpar cultivation novels without being innovative, then obviously the story is gonna be even worse.
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    4. Offline
      This is one one the earliest cultivation novel, even earlier than Martial Peak, I have read about I think 2.5k chapters of this back then (never came back after gravitytales falls lol), it is ok for new readers (which literally every cultivation novel is) I don't remember much anymore, but I don't think it's this trashy as you described, though I would agree with you that if situations like this are still at the latest chapters then it's probably best not to read this.
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      1. Offline
        Also surprised this novel still alive lol
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        1. Offline
          Lastly why am I replying to this this was from 2021 lol
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          1. Offline
            Nah man. I did read this, at the beginning, at gravity tales but that website ended up disappearing eventually and when i saw it here i tried to give it another chance. However, now (2022) I've read much more novels than back then in 2017/18 and that's why my opinion has changed.
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            1. Offline
              Same I don't even read much cultivation novel anymore. That is why I said these kinds of novels are only good for new readers now.
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          2. Offline
            So much nostalgia in this novel for me, even if it’s a bad novel/translation.
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    5. Offline
      The One Above
      Holy... 51 likes to 51 dislikes. Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.
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