9 minutes ago

Divine Emperor of Death by Stardust_Breaker

Tian Long was born an orphan. He led his life in misery while out of nowhere, he chanced upon a... Read more
Tian Long was born an orphan. He led his life in misery while out of nowhere, he chanced upon a Death Note, killing his only enemy who was the cause for his misery. After a series of planning and action, he managed to cross worlds together with his Death Note.

He has no attachments regarding Earth. He has no grand sense of justice, but just follows his heart and does whatever he thinks is right. Join Tian Long in his journey to become the Divine Emperor of Death in the Cultivation World. Collapse
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Comments 329

  1. Offline
    I want to read this again, I left when the MC got married for the first time ig, so in which chapter is that? I want to start it from that I remember the first 100 chapters are just cringefest so I don't want to experience it again
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  2. Offline
    Too many women to the point once I had read to the latest chapters read another novel and returned here I couldn’t remember their names, anything over 3 just ruins the novel regardless of how good the rest of the story is 2.5/5
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  4. Offline
    I started this when it had around 1190 chapters. It was one of the first webnovel i ever read. At first it was good then they introduced harem and all that.
    World building is really good so is cultivation levels and english. But it also a good webnovel destroyed by the ever growing harem and all the annoying women he met.
    So i will only rate it at 3
    If someone asked me rate it 2 or 3 years ago i would have rated it 4.3 but now it has become like all those novels where mc face slaps the strong people and add women to his harem.
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  5. Offline
    good novel but the harem makes it bad
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  6. Online Offline
    I understand that some novels start out bad/medicore and turn into diamonds later, but how long are these cringe chapters going to last? I am at 20 now.

    And the writing too, what the heck with dialogues like " he died permanently "?
    I would understand it if it were in context of a high level cultivator, but that guys just a mortal.
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  7. Offline
    Last Dragon🐉
    The story starts with something new
    so that's a plus and my reason for keep reading it but then it goes back to all that cliche stuff I mean I don't mind them if done right but that's not the case here the dialogue are pretty cringe too and
    so that is why i dropped it at chapter 62
    I might come back but I don't think I will because of the reasons stated above
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  8. Offline
    I've read more than 3,000 chapters of this story over the past couple of years. In the beginning, it's easy to empathize with the MC--He's methodical, cautious, and trying to stand up after being a victim of abuse for years. However, as the story progressed, along with his increased strength, he's become just as proud and arrogant as many of the characters who oppose him. Not cool.

    Nowadays the appealing parts of the story have become secondary to flirtation and increasing the size of his harem. I don't even care anymore. He has his own family, including children, and I don't care. How is that possible? Because they might be referenced once every 50-100 chapters. Even though his family dynamic is written as healthy, with all of them loving him deeply, Davis comes across as a "high-value", neglectful father, like a CEO of some Fortune 500 company that has other people raise his children.

    IMO, going beyond the 52 Territories, while making the story bigger, did NOT make it better. This story would be well served if it were trimmed and condensed.

    I tried to stick it out. But, like many others before me: Dropped.
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  9. Offline
    Divine Emperor of Death my ass. His whole main ability is based on killing to get stronger. Pussy mc values human emotions too much especially for the type of book this is supposed to and its title
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  10. Offline
    Agreed with a comment mention "Devine emperor of cringe". Lots of comments say it wioo get good later on but man i cannot torture myself anymore be forcing to read this. Dropped, the author probably an introvert with no social interaction whatsoever that he consider all of the conversation normal
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