22 hours ago

Divine Emperor of Death by Stardust_Breaker

Tian Long was born an orphan. He led his life in misery while out of nowhere, he chanced upon a... Read more
Tian Long was born an orphan. He led his life in misery while out of nowhere, he chanced upon a Death Note, killing his only enemy who was the cause for his misery. After a series of planning and action, he managed to cross worlds together with his Death Note.

He has no attachments regarding Earth. He has no grand sense of justice, but just follows his heart and does whatever he thinks is right. Join Tian Long in his journey to become the Divine Emperor of Death in the Cultivation World. Collapse
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Comments 329

  1. Offline
    Hey why is there no update in the past few days?
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    No updates? Why escape
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    1. Offline
      The webnovel is broken, and now it is impossible to copy text from them as before. Now either you need to go and read one chapter a day on the site or wait until they figure out how to get around this problem.
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      1. Offline
        Thanks for telling me i will read it on webnovel
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      2. Offline
        Bro couldn't they just make a screen shot and then turn into a pdf then copy it?
        PS: i appreciate their hard work i am just asking if this is possible.
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        1. Offline
          They have hundreds of novels from there. And chapters from web novels used to be thrown by a bot, but now due to changes, the bot broke down, and with your hands ... I think you can imagine what hundreds of novels with hundreds of chapters that need to be scanned and downloaded every day
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          1. Offline
            Popular king 12
            Will it ever be fixed

            My vampire system is being updated
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      3. Offline
        Hey there brother , mind telling me where do you get this info ? twitter ? reddit ? forum ?
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  3. Offline
    Is it a good read?
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    1. Offline
      For me, it is...if you want a good harem/cultivation novel where women are not forgotten then this is a must for you, mc is also decent...writing is simple and easy to understand.
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      1. Offline
        It just there are alot of segg scene and I dislike it :3 :3 I wanted to read this novel becuz it has 2k chapter joy
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        1. Offline
          Don't worry, it's not a problem here. At the beginning of the story, I just skipped those moments because I didn't like them. The first sex scene with Evelyn is generally stretched over 20 chapters ... But then it feels that the author has become better and these scenes are a good part of the story in which the girls and their relationship to Davis are revealed. So here the 18+ scenes have an important role for the plot which is cool. And there are not so many of them in history.
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  4. Offline

    The MC is literally garbage lol. Female lead such as Shirley, Isabella and Evelynn had depth and were good lead at first but the MC has literally no taste for women. He sees that some girls try to become relavent by doing some bare minimum humane actions and the MC heart is ALWAYS "easily moved". It happened with Natalya, Fiora, Sophie, Dalilah, the girl from the ice sect, Niera, the female wolf beast, 2 girls from Thousand pill Palace, 4000 yr old ancestor that acts like a girl and will happen with Schleya and Ivy Aries. Honestly the aforementioned girls do not have any merit except that they have bob and pu**y. Lately this MC has some addiction with Ellia who was just his slave friend but is being forcefully being evololved to some wierd trash romance. The MC is a hypocrite and has 0 principles and moral and goes along the generic line respect me and Ill do the bare minimum to respect you and offend me and Ill annhilate whoever opposes me. 1 more thing I would like to say is how annoying Ellia is, I assume she she knows Myrias experiiences and is herself 30 yrs old but acts like 10 year old girl slave craving for her sex fiend daddy. And Myria herself is a hypocrite never apologizing to Davis for enslaving him for no reason when she was introduced. I can see Clara will join the Harem because lately the author has introduced to many disgusting concepts with the dragon families and their sibling marrying each other. A friend of Davis, even married his own birth mother and a different women who was the wife of his biological father, impregnating both. That is beyond disgusting. I reckon Davis is going on the same path but the author tries so hard to make him look like a person with moral and ethics. If anyone asks me if this is worth reading than my answer is a resounding no.
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    1. Offline
      I liked the harem at first when the no. Of girls were less and the quality was great but now he is adding the friends of his wife and their friends too i know he is shown as the best talent in novel but that doesn't mean he should take any tom,hardy,dick as his wife
      From his recent women i like lea and ice spirit only

      I like clara the most honestly speaking i wont write anything about incest but damn clara is tye nicest girl i have seen in a long time in webnovels
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  5. Offline
    The one above all P4
    I'm now at the 120th chapter and I see absolutely no reason to torture myself with trying to continue. Please can someone who has read ahead tell me whether to persevere or not.
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    1. Offline
      I personally liked it, but there is one thing that bothers me is that both the MC and the Story progress very slowly, at least there are no holes in the story, nor young masters 24/7 getting slapped in the face and being less cliche and a relaxing progression, but if I'm just going to read this novel directly without doing other things I'm going to get sick, that's why I started reading other novels, every now and then I read a cap of this novel, that way I managed to progress without getting sick, or suffering, because a slow novel requires slow reading, 2 or 5 caps a day and nothing else.
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      1. Offline
        Popular king 12
        No young masters i can name atleast 10
        All his problems occur bcs of women and him saving th if thier was no polygamy in this story it would be 500 chips long
        Just in the latest chap he fought against the sword sect bcs of women
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    2. Offline
      I read to 1000 something or slightly before.
      The story was good, good enough for me.
      And I was delighted with the monogamy for a while, then I begrudgingly accepted some harem. Then gave up when the author was cranking nothing but sex chapters and picking up new harem girls. I saw no more story worth reading. I don't know where my line is for too much harem, but it got crossed at that point and I gave up. From a few random featured comments, it seems like he's still picking up new chicks.
      The current readers hate me when I say I'm glad I stopped reading.

      now if any of this review appealed to you or you're bored enough to put up with this, maybe you'll find a reason to invest some time and see how far you'll go before your lines are crossed.

      Edit: (3.17.)
      The current readers hate me when I say I'm glad I stopped reading.

      Well fellas, thank you for proving me right with my dislike counter.
      And those who agreed with me, I'm genuinely surprised that we outweigh the others! Thank you for them likes!
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      1. Offline

        I 100% agree with you. The author ruined the early female heroines by not only making em accept polygamy but also forcing more women down the MC's throat rather than berating them. They have 100% right to tell the MC not to marry more women because thats unfaithful and selfish but instead they think along the lines of "Is it selfish for me to stop him, ans if I do will he hate me" or "He is strong and talented man, every women should die for him" ideas like these plague these stupid womens mind. Even they know deep down that they have no choice but to accept polygamy or else they are kicked out lmao. The MC has a fragile heart, faith and loyalty towards his women because he is always easily seduced or touched by any random womens sourtship towards him. Another thing I do not understand is, my guy is already 50+ y/o when he met Ellia, and why does he still acts like a teenage boy in saying "return ellia back to me" bs? Now she is free and let her live her life. 2. What is this bs with Myria? Shouldn't Davis be her enemy because she attempted to enslave him and kept calling him beast and all that jazz? Furthermore, this Ellia character is as bland and boeing a character can get. Despite knowing Myria's experiences she acts like a selfish, greedy little bastard and blindly trusts Davis to the extent of going against Myria. WTF is that. My bro, I read till the latest chapter and I agree with you its unbearable and torturous reading this shit. There are so many braindead, lustful and horny bastards reading this shit that they only reading for sex scenes and male dominancy rather than good character developememt and plot.
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    3. Offline
      continue reading it gets better after 300 chapters.
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      1. Offline
        Это больше похоже на то, что ты просто привыкаешь есть говно.
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        1. Offline
          bro pls use english can't understand a word
          also which language is this? Portuguese?
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          1. Offline
            It was russian.
            "its more like you just is used to eat shit"
            Of sort it should be so in English.
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    4. Offline
      The MC is literally garbage lol. Female lead such as Shirley, Isabella and Evelynn had depth andwere good lead at first but the MC has literally no taste for women. He sees that some girls try to become relavent by doing some bare minimum humane actions and the MC heart is ALWAYS "easily moved". It happened with Natalya, Fiora, Sophie, Niera, the female wolf beast, 2 girls from Thousand pill Palace, 4000 yr old ancestor that acts like a girl and will happen with Schleya. Honestly the afore mentioned girls do not have any merit except that they have bob and pu**y. Lately this MC has some addiction with Ellia who was just his slave friend but is being forcefully being evololved to some wierd trash romance. The MC is a hypocrite and has 0 principles and moral and goes along the generic line respect me and Ill do the bare minimum to respect you and offend me and Ill anhilate whoever opposes me. 1 more thing I would like to say is how annoying Ellia is, I assume she she knows Myrias expeeiences and is herself 30 yrs old but acts like 10 year old girl slave craving for her sex fiend daddy. And Myria herself is a hypocrite never apologizing to Davis for enslaving him for no reason when she was introduced. I can see Clara will join the Harem because lately tje author has introduced to many disgusting concepts with the dragon families and their sibling marrying each other. A friend of Davis, even martied his own birth mother and the wife of his biological father, impregnating both. That is beyond disgusting. I reckon Davis is going on the same path but the author tries so hard to make him look like a person with moral and ethics. I would advise you to stop reading this.
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    1. Offline
      Did it start? I stopped reading at around 1700 (Paused reading more accurately)
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  7. Offline
    I was forced to create two webnovel accounts to read the latest chapters. Not enough fast pass.
    Is Panic letting down this novel or is it another website dysfunction. Does anyone know any other website that's up-to-date with the novel please ?
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    1. Offline
      nice try to rickroll people hh
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  9. Offline
    Love this novel but it gets a bit corny sometimes!!!
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  10. Offline
    200th comment.
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