3 years ago

Black Bellied Belle: Demon Lord, Bite the Bait Please卿本腹黑:邪君请上钩

The first time they met they had battled fiercely, just for a mere bunch of herbs. She needed it to... Read more
The first time they met they had battled fiercely, just for a mere bunch of herbs. She needed it to save people, and he wanted to use it to save his own life.

«Let go of it, or you will die.» The man’s violet eyes were cold and sinister as he said in a low voice.

She held on tightly to the base of the herb and pulled its roots right out of the ground, before she turned her eyes back with a crafty smile. «It’s mine now. Snatch it from me if you can.»

When they met several years later they were no longer on opposing sides in hostility. In order to repay the debt for having stolen the herb back then, she went on to miraculously cure his body’s condition, relieving him of the inhumane torment that wrecked at his body day and night. He was amazed by the godly skills in Medicine she possessed and his heart went on to fall irrecoverably head over heels in love. Collapse
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Comments 7

  1. Offline
    The synopsis repulses me, he was tormented for 7 years day and night because she stole his herb, now logically this man should hate her to his bones but after she treated him he instead fell in love? Men aren't mindless fools.
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    1. Offline
      What are you even talking about, it doesn’t say anything about torture in the synopsis, If you’re talking about him not getting the herb well you’re wrong because the herb wouldn’t have been able to save him either way.
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      1. Offline
        "relieving him of the inhumane torment that wrecked at his body day and night" Do you not know how to read? Secondly my comment started by addressing the synopsis, I didn't read the novel that is why I said I despise the synopsis.
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    2. Offline
      Why would you say that i don't think it's because of the herb tho
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      1. Offline
        Don't talk to me if you're under 18.
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        1. Offline
          Tf im very much over 18 in fact im 23 bruh you take me as a child?
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          1. Offline
            Because your previous comment was not very smart and cheers to you being 23.
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