2 years ago

A Cultivation Tale: The Godly Punisher by koladeizdavid

When Alex was twelve, he was told that his destiny was to protect the sea of worlds that made up... Read more
When Alex was twelve, he was told that his destiny was to protect the sea of worlds that made up the realmverse and the large numbers of races living in them, as they felt he was chosen by the realmverse because he had a peerless and unique Body Constitution.

Born with vast and astonishing godly abilities, he is now in a race against time to reach the apex stage of cultivation called: 'Guardian of Sea of Life' or 'Master of Realms', a stage where he would possess the absolute power to defend the realmverse from an enormous, overwhelming armies of tremendously proliferative Alien beings; strange humanoid lifeforms that also practice cultivation and whose sole intent is to maraud realmverses and enslave all inhabitants in them.

But this cultivation stage is impossible to attain as he must comprehend and cultivate the ultimate energy called 'Genesis Realmforce Energy', an energy that would result from the fusion of hundreds of Originforce energies.

Although the 'Master of Realms' cultivation stage is an impossible stage to reach, Alex would try to attain it by seeking for the lost 'LIBRARY SYSTEM' which would infuse his memory with the complete comprehension of the mysteries of Originforce energies, and the hidden 'GENE SYSTEM' that would inject his powerful divinely blood with the primordial genes of extinct, monolithic ancient races whenever he accomplishes insanely difficult tasks set by the godly, primeval creators of the systems.

Also, he would seek for the 'ANCESTRAL BEAST SYSTEM' that would produce mutated or evolved copies of extinct primordial beasts that once existed countless eons of years ago. Then he would try to augment his damaging power to unparalleled degrees by seeking for Marvel-Weapons; Treasure-weapons of tremendous, apocalyptic-level devastating power which belonged to dead, ancient divine experts that birthed the four forms of cultivation.

But would he be able to discover the Library System and the Gene System to gain new powerful abilities? The Ancestral Beast System to summon cloned versions of inexistent, planet-sized, havoc-wreaking abyssal creatures to aid him in the far-future deadly battles? And ultimately, Marvel-Weapons to vastly increase his overall destructive power?

Would he able to achieve all these before the next, full invasion of his Realmverse? Or would he grow to become very powerful that he would then invade other Realmverses and become their hegemon? Collapse
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Comments 8

  1. Offline
    Where the system?
    From 1~10 i dont see any level when mc killing the monster?
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  2. Offline
    This is an interesting story,but d cultivation speed is too f#cking slow,but I do hope it continues being translated
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  3. Offline
    The writing style is sort of orthodox type... Words don't flow... It seems albeit a bit forced... I don't get the feeling. The readers are not here for literature but for fun... And what's with the long grading systems for everything...

    Chapters feel like a delusional idiot's divine idiotic blabbering. World building literally sucks. And I have feeling that this might get me killed while reading... Enough of my ranting... Anyway I am dropping this farce... Thank this venerable one for his divine guidance !!!
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    1. Offline
      Ugh 🤮
      my brain cells are not enough for this kind of novel
      I love simple novel
      I am a simple man
      When I see boobs I press the nipple button
      I mean Like button
      My bad
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  4. Offline
    The romance is very forced, the dude is naive but smart but he begs too much and doesnt have a heart of a powerhouse like he should. Gives in easily.
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  5. Offline
    The romance is so forced it makes me angry
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    1. Offline
      E MT ruim?
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      1. Offline
        Essa web novel não é ruim, mas também não é perfeita. Definitivamente não está no nível do autor TJSS (autor de novel como Douluo Dalu/Soul Land).

        Pode parecer forçado, mas na maioria das vezes tem uma razão por trás dela, abaixo estão três dessas razões:

        Essa web novel tem os clichês de web novel Xianxia, como aparecer alguém poderoso do nada para proteger o protagonista e outros clichês.

        O protagonista recebeu a riqueza e o poder do pai dele. O pai do protagonista foi alguém muito poderoso e muito rico (tem outras coisas que eu não contarei).

        Se você consegue suportar alguns clichês, eu digo "Boa leitura", mas se não suporta eu digo "Procure por alguma novel que lhe convenha".

        Minha resposta saiu maior do que eu pensei que sairia, desculpe por ter sido grande.
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