3 years ago

X-ray Is More Than I Thought思った以上に透視能力

Suzuhara was a man who was born with a unique ability. That ability was x-ray vision, but it had... Read more
Suzuhara was a man who was born with a unique ability. That ability was x-ray vision, but it had evolved in a bad sense as he abused its power. But one day Suzuhara was given a big chance to use his ability effectively.

※The protagonist is complete scum. Collapse
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Comments 20

  1. Offline
    I am just going to say something about how dumb people can be, x ray power would just show you the bones or metal not skin it might show cancer but not the butt. This is why I would not want x ray powers I would want a power like teleporting things like clothing or people.
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    1. Offline
      In the story his ability isn't actually X-Ray, he just words it that way because it allows him to see through things so its the easiest way to describe it. later in the story
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  2. Offline
    This novel could of been really good but mc is just an asshole to his women if he was kinder to them then it would be actually enjoyable
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  3. Offline
    My fellow bros I have compiled a list of all hentai novels that are available on Ranobes

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    1. Offline
      you are a f#cking god send
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  4. Offline
    Is there any form of character development. If not i dont wanna waste my time on pure criminal mc with no emotions and feelings.
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  5. Offline
    What a fcked up environment must the author have grew up in.

    Schools, people, successful or not, beauty or not aren't that f#cked up. I get that he's depicting part that is the most messed up. But yea… this is definitely destructive influence for people to read.
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    1. Offline
      Bro tgis is japanese novel so
      It is expected of that right?
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    2. Offline
      You are definitely the type of person to think video games cause violence
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  6. Offline
    If this novel depicts truth about how youd use x Ray To rape and black mail People sorry but i do not want To be assosiated with rapists you should be given free ticket To jail
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    1. Offline
      I dont condemn reading rape In novel but if you think "yes i would do so aswell" you should have your freedom taken from you
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  7. Offline
    But in reality with this ability who wouldn't try to do what he want like became rich or blackmail who you want and the only problem is that the MC couod have been rich but he don't try to be rich
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  8. Offline
    "mc is complete scum" is an understatement
    First mc rapes a virgn and then mc refuses their advances because they are not virgin
    MC is the type To never sleep with a girl More than once and on top of that is only with virgins
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    1. Offline
      Rain of tears
      virgins are power-broken shoes suck
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    2. Online Offline
      Okay just one question what's wrong with sleeping with virgins? They are far more likely to remain loyal cause your their fiest and it means more to them. If your a girl you should know this better than anyone.
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      1. Offline
        I think it's not that he sleeps only with virgins, but how he treats women from whom he took their virginity, read more carefully to understand the essence of the comment
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    3. Offline
      This comment is just all wrong and most of it completely false. I'm on ch 40 so far and all the girls he has slept with he has done multiple times with the exception of the virgin girl (whose name I forgot how to spell) because he wanted to train his ability to pleasure women before doing her again so that he could make her ahegao the next time they have sex(pretty much his exact words) also when does he "refuse her advances" as you so put it. So you saying he is the type to only have sex is wrong because everyone he has had sex with he sleeps with multiple times or in the case of the virgin will soon. and even though he says he will throw them away multiple times he never does. Also while he does like virgins(who doesn't) he doesn't only like virgins and far from it as two of his three girls so far are not virgins and in fact one of them has even had sex with probably dozens of men( so by no means even close to being a virgin). I get that you don't like the story but please don't spread false information bout it just to force other people to also hate it by exaggerating some things.
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  9. Offline
    Absolute shit
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  10. Offline
    This novel depicts the truth if somebody got a x-ray powers
    Not some saint
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