1 year ago

My Idle Gaming System by Adui

Dimensional Rifts permeate throughout the Chaotic Universe, bringing with them immense dangers… as... Read more
Dimensional Rifts permeate throughout the Chaotic Universe, bringing with them immense dangers… as well as innumerable treasures.

In a small Realm, a destitute boy awakens the Idle Gaming System.

Countless Dimensional Rifts later, he lazily raises his head to realize… he is invincible! Collapse
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Comments 172

  1. Offline
    + 20 -
    I just realised that this has a evil protagonist tag
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  2. Offline
    Noah Osmont
    + 10 -
    Arghhh evil
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  3. Offline
    The lazy one
    + 173 -
    Killing monster to upgrade, that is a privilege only Mc of novel usually get yet every being in this entire universe has it. Universe filled with cheaters but their progress isn't much difference from primal cosmos.

    Imagine if people of Primordial Cosmos came here.
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    1. Offline
      + 50 -
      Also, how is that kind of world sustainable. MC with system cheat is basically stealing cultivation from opponent in the form of XP but if everyone have it then nobody gonna spend time growing normally and the whole society will collapse.
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    2. Offline
      + 11 -
      From what is the Primordial Cosmos
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      1. Offline
        + 10 -
        Primordial cosmos is reference from Infinite mana in t... in later periods i wont spoil it for you as its a main plot
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        1. Offline
          + 00 -
          isn’t it infinite cosmos or r u reading the raws?
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          1. Offline
            + 00 -
            (IMITA is an original english, when reading it on this site, you are reading the 'raw version' )
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          2. Offline
            + 10 -
            Primordial cosmos is the name of his home cosmos and infinite cosmos is the name that he gives his treasure at some point.
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  4. Offline
    + 1114 -
    I believe this should have been ended before chapter 100. Why? Because in this way it would be story that is not too boring. But it didn't and this is the problem because in this way it's never ending story about when you reach mountain top another peak bumps out from nowhere. There are other problems like at some point system still giving low level useless rewards, no romance, story to focused on battle's until you become tired, no character development except rank's.
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  5. Offline
    + 317 -
    Overpowered MC due to overpowered system.
    The character of the MC is mediocre, he's either lazying around or going through the dimensional rifts.
    There is no romance, or comedy and most of the time the chapters also lack dialogue.
    Everything is just monotone with the constant "WAA!, THRUMMM, ..!, RUMBLE" and so on....
    The system had great potential but the MC and all the other characters are lacking development.
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  6. Offline
    + 4312 -
    (Note: I will or have posted this message across many of the top novels from Webnovel)

    CatsAreOverrated's response to people trying to shame people who read and comment on sites such as Ranobes

    If I am not mistaken two authors have already voiced out and complained about Ranobes specifically, more so a hoard of their sheepies cry out with out a brain, a good example would be Lioner( he posted a comment in Blood Warlock), attacking us readers and especially those who comment with criticism.
    Therefore I will attack their notions used to attack and shame us readers. I will present three arguments, the first is how these sites do not hurt the author, the second is how it helps the author, and the third is why we readers may still criticize(As long as it is valid and not nonsense with no reason) the works of these authors, as many point to our criticisms as shameless and worthless.
    1. They say that we hurt the author in that we take away their source of income by reading in these pirated sites, they argue that because we do not read in Webnovel we are leaching of the author, draining the author of his or her's blood sweet and tears. To this I say nay. My first argument, pirated sites do not hurt authors, to go further, we have to first understand how they get payed in the first place. They get payed by coins, coins used to unlock chapters, or to get the privileged ones. To them, I propose the fact that those who do read here, do it because they do not wish to spend, if so then even if they do read in Webnovel, they would only use Fast Passes. They may use one, or like I have, used over 20, to get Fast Passes to be used to unlock chapters, Fast passes in which no way benefit the authors. Therefore since the demographic using these pirated sites will still not give coins to the author even if they use Webnovel, then therefore the author does not get harmed losing this demographic. ( This demographic mainly consist of People who live in love-income areas, third-world nations or rural areas in the more developed nations, Minors, Seniors, people with financial problems, there is something called the corona crisis ever heard of it, and people who will not spend because they are not financially secure yet. Though I do concede that there are many who do so just cuz I think my positive case on arg 2 will suffice.)
    2. In the shallow case that they say we steal views from the author, which is near worthless btw, then I propose that we readers here still better and help the author more than a tiny few views. How? simple, recommendations thru any form, any medium, any site. Those people who write recommendations are not people who spend hours a day farming Fast Passes, or spending thousands upon thousands to read, they are us, people who read from these sites, who are able to read quickly and continuously. We write recommendations, which may bring more people to the fold, people who may choose to use coins on Webnovel, people who may love it so much, they choose to maybe even buy privilege, allowing them to read further than we here have.(additional info: Privilege chapters do not and should not be posted on these sites, this furthermore proves my point on how if you really do want to read further than like it works as a gateway, the first few are hooks to keep you want to keep reading further propelling the chance of people giving Author coins)
    3. They Like to silence us, berate us for our criticism, however why should we be able to criticize if it is free? Isn't it shameless? How evil and uncaring! To them I ask, why do we criticize the works? Why? Do we have no time as to just want to smear there names? So again we need to understand, there are mainly two types of criticisms, the first is about recommending, it is about telling others what the novel is about, the good and the bad, the second is a form of just saying what you think off the top of your head, whether this be an applause of a criticism. To them I say we say the first type not as an attack to the author, but to spread the word to our neighbors, we tell them what we think, and if it suits them then go for it. Its to spark a conversation or at the very least to share your thoughts, however I do not think this is what most of the sheepies refer to as shameless, so I shall move along. The second type is more direct, just criticism straight to their face, maybe we say its sad or disappointing or stupid, now I ask the sheepies this WHY? Is it because we are lazy asses who do it just cuz? We do it because we care, because we want the novel to be better for us, for everyone, we do it because we may feel sad that our favorite book turned trash, or angry that the author betrayed us, we do it because we care and love the book as much as you do.
    3b. The clearer and more concise version of arg 3. Though it will only tackle the first type of criticism mentioned above.
    Criticisms is criticisms. There aren't some higher goal. People read something -> they got some thoughts -> they write some thought. When people read comment section most do expect all the different opinions, not plain ass licking. But WN have some funny thing where author can delete comments for no reason. They basically make comments their own temple for mindless prayers. The comment section is mainly not for author, it's for readers to exchange their opinions and find novels they like faster and easier. But ofc there should not be direct attacks against the personhood of the author, just the book, it's common sense.
    "Find novels they like faster and easier" does not only benefit the readers but authors too. They will get more readers that love their type of novel, that just read comment and go ahead if it fits them.

    This ends my rant, and if any sheepie wants to mindlessly berate me again, well my brothers and sisters will hopefully defend me in the comments section

    *Props to Penguin who created arg 3b and also reminded me to give examples of the "target demographic" I was talking about in arg 1.
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    1. Offline
      + 220 -
      i couldn't agree more. I hate when i see these dumb people claiming that we're reading for free and shouldn't complain when whether or not we read it here doesn't even affect the author's income.
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    2. Offline
      + 210 -
      You put more work in this single comment , on this random site , in this random novel , than a vast array of author put in their works of literature , it's just as you said. The author who complain on track with your arguments are simple minded individuals who subconsciously refuse to see the truth.

      Imagine going on Webnovel and seeing a "novel" of 4k chapters and every ch. beyond 40 requires 6 or more coins , the amount needed to read the entire work. The amount is stupendous to even conceptualize , pure greed and in line with the xianxia behaviours..
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      1. Offline
        F5 Sect Disciple
        + 00 -
        Ik it's a late reply, but this guy's posting this same comment in a TON of threads, and tbh it just looks like clout chasing.
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    3. Offline
      + 00 -
      If the novel is from RR then that may cause some problems
      Its already free there and some authors try to publish their work on Amazon and remove it from RR after a time period.
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      1. Offline
        + 20 -
        I mean yea, thats why I supported removing Primal Hunter from Ranobes. But, when I said this I was referring to those from WebNovel.
        Though maybe I will have to edit these, been a long time though
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    4. Offline
      + 00 -
      man wrote a fricking novel about authors
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  7. Offline
    + 133 -
    This Novel..
    written by NOVICE WRITER~
    With stupid logic rescue princess who will be hunted by imperial and noble.
    And then mc parent dead.
    And many more stuffid logic..
    ??..Maybe you like it and maybe not
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  8. Offline
    The lazy one
    + 162 -
    I think it would be better if Adui focused more on IMITA.
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  9. Offline
    + 845 -
    This novel is such a masterpiece, like it's has all the things I look for in a novel.
    => Op mc
    => Unigue system (my first time reading auto hunting system)
    => No clichè plots
    => Isekai
    => Smart and cautious mc.
    => A Grand plot.
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    1. Offline
      + 10 -
      Bruh... Just no
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  10. Offline
    + 308 -
    This novel is exactly same as the late chapters of Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse
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    1. Offline
      + 284 -
      This makes me cringe from my soul. That book had such potential and author forgot to end it in time and turn it into a dumpster fire.
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    2. Offline
      Void Progenitor
      + 00 -
      😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 This one gave me a good laugh
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