1 year ago

My Idle Gaming System by Adui

Dimensional Rifts permeate throughout the Chaotic Universe, bringing with them immense dangers… as... Read more
Dimensional Rifts permeate throughout the Chaotic Universe, bringing with them immense dangers… as well as innumerable treasures.

In a small Realm, a destitute boy awakens the Idle Gaming System.

Countless Dimensional Rifts later, he lazily raises his head to realize… he is invincible! Collapse
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Comments 172

  1. Offline
    + 102 -
    You can't really trust most reviews in this website. Some really good novels are only rated 3 stars. sigh
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    1. Offline
      + 222 -
      For me, it's the reverse, a lot of trash novels are rated 4.5+ stars, usually low stars rating means that not a lot of people had rated it because usually people rate novels 5 stars but if a few people have rated it that means that every rate affects the total a lot more, you know because the total is the average, so it's more about a novel being popular rather than how good it is.
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    2. Offline
      Lord of Origins《♧》
      + 30 -
      Oh do try Valhalla saga its damn good sad it only has 1000+ views
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  2. Offline
    + 410 -
    Author made this mc retarded and lazy.
    Major of the problems especially his parents dead could have been avoided if mc stop being a lazy asshole and grinded properly but to bad the author thought otherwise
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    1. Offline
      + 163 -
      yeah sorry bro how was he supposed to know the literal future my guy. If you got a power that literally had the name IDLE in it what would you do?? Stay Idle. Any other answer is wrong. He didn't act because he didn't see a reason to. Because he cant read the goddamn future.
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      1. Offline
        + 00 -
        it's just common sense. When you get easy way to obtain power (magic, strength, money, politic) you will do everything to obtain max power in min time.
        For example: idle money system - receiving 1$ per hour and x100 with some effort. Would you do some activity or be lazy around like mc?
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    2. Offline
      + 00 -
      i'm not sure but i think the MC didnt know that in the future his parents will die. i like how you put it like its the MC faults even tho he has no "know the future" shit
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  3. Offline
    + 77 -
    From chapter 29 the MC becomes stupid and only thinks with his dick, from there on he becomes cliché (coincidentally he meets when and where the princess TWICE and instead of protecting himself or hiding he goes to save her endangering himself and his sister for someone he doesn't even know, plus he reveals so many things that even a preschooler could find out about his system, yet "coincidentally"(plot armor) they don't find out).

    In short, the MC is a fool who doesn't think with his head and is only alive because of the plot armor (for God's sake, he can't even stand behind a wall so he can't be seen at least).
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    1. Offline
      + 75 -
      Well tbh, he's not trying to hide his power at all ... Later he even openly shows it to the girls. But he did a good job explaining it. He and the girls form a deep bond and are working together with trust in each other. For revenge. Not all mc has to be a selfish stinky-ass bastard. And yes he did save the princess but did you read the same chapter I did. Because it was his sister who went balls deep and he was helping his sister more than the princess.
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    2. Offline
      + 64 -
      Bro what? His sister went after the princess first and he followed her so he can protect her? And where does he simp
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    3. Offline
      + 73 -
      Lol i agree totally. I also read till Chapter 29 and dropped it. People say his Sister tried to save the Princess so in my opinion she is the stupid person and MC has the power to stop his sister from getting involved in Royal Family Matters but he stupidity decided to help her. I don't like both the Sister n Brother.. That is a fking Princess not just a common City Girl. Think before doing things man, it might get ur family into prblm. I hate the way MC does things without thinking of the outcome.
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      1. Offline
        Defying demon
        Defying demon
        + 21 -
        But the problem was always going to happen it’s not like saving the princess caused this. It’s not like he wanted to save her he didn’t even want to get involved and b4 he noticed his sister was already running to them drawing attention. At this point it’s to late. And one of the reason he had to tell them even a little bit about the system was because his situation didn’t allow him other wise to keep all of it a secret he wanted to get him self and his sister stronger quickly and they literally shared a room together so wtf was he supposed to say when he kept disappearing and coming back with skill books cores weapons and more. All they know is he has his own private dungeon he can go to and nothing more
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        1. Offline
          + 22 -
          I know things would hv been same even he didn't save her, because we already read the future chapters so people don't care about what happened that time. But i don't like the side characters as of chapter 29. Maybe in future chapters this Princess would be great help to the MC but current one is a burden. I dont like female characters who increase MCs burden instead of helping him carry it. MCs sister made that stupid decision that's why i don't like the character. I don't care what will happen in future CHAPTERS. If i can't get through the current without getting triggered there's no point in reading.
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          1. Offline
            Defying demon
            Defying demon
            + 12 -
            How are they burdens they have done nothing to be burdens 😂 literally the only stupid decision was her trying to save the princess after that all the have done is help the mc nothing else literally helping him clear the dungeons quicker. So tell me where is the burden
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            1. Offline
              + 21 -
              Well I didn't read later Chapters so i don't know what happens in future. But as of where i last read i don't enjoy MC bringing an unknown Girl to his house. And creating more problems for his already hardworking Parents and family. She may be Princess but MC only met her once. Now MC had to take Responsibility for her. And take care of her.
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              1. Offline
                Defying demon
                Defying demon
                + 22 -
                No he didn’t want her to stay it was his mom who forced her to stay when the girl said she wanted to leave to not cause trouble for to the family that saved her her mother forced her to stay and both the mc and the father couldn’t do anything about it. He only brought her to his house because she was out cold and they couldn’t just leave her there on the floor why save her just to have her die on the floor it doesn’t make sense. Plus bring her to the house didn’t cause problems as the world though she was dead so I don’t know where your going.
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                1. Offline
                  + 11 -
                  Well if you can read i said I've read till Chapter 29. What happens in later Chapters i don't know. But even if she didn't want to stay, in the end she stayed with the MC. i don't know how that happened but i saw a glimpse of the later Chapters where MC gone out with her sister and the Princess. and ur saying her mother forced her to stay but so its more of family problem to do things on emotional level instead of thinking of the consequences? I know they might be some righteous family who doesn't want anyone to suffer but still they should think about themselves first before emotionally coming to a decision which might get ur family into problm.
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          2. Offline
            + 22 -
            How boring will it be to read a novel that doesn't trigger any emotions in you ? wiseacre
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            1. Offline
              + 41 -
              I don't mind Sad Happy emotions. But i hate when Novel Characters Irritates me by doing something i don't like. You might like being irritated but i dont. If a novel drops my mood by reading them why should i read that book? There are plenty of others to read.
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              1. Offline
                + 34 -
                Sorry to say this but things we do not like happens all the time. Even the ones we love the most do sometimes things we don't like. That is life. imagine you have a teenage daughter dating a boy you don't like? He did a good deed to save his sister. Not the Princess. And accepted the girl in his house true because of his mother that is because he loves his family you keep treating it like he's using his dick as a brain. maybe that's what you don't like. Most hate "good guys" all want to see demons burning everything to ashes to express the hatred they feel in life. And that ok. I guess. But That part you didn't like does not represent the whole novel. I'm just saying.
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                1. Offline
                  + 22 -
                  Well the Mother part came later after MC brought her home. You says he saves his sister. but he has the power to stop her sister because he is bronze but he didn't and tried to be the righteous guy by involving in things like Royale family Assassination. Does the MC ever think of the consequences? If somehow other assassins followed them? What would happen to his family? If she was just a Normal Girl i would have understood MCs reasoning but with a princess that much carelessness isn't what i want to see in a MC. Thats all. I don't care MC being a Good guy or Bad Guy i just want MC to have Propar Reasoning to do somethings not do things on a whim.
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                2. Offline
                  + 23 -
                  Ok, so I read correctly the problem you have is that he didn't opt to stop her sister, instead he helped her and didn't think of the consequences?

                  First of all, he knew he could beat the shit of that assassin?
                  Second what consequences did happen? You are fabricating something that is not even in the story. What are you so bent on a happening that didn't even happen? He killed the assassin and went home that all.

                  Now seeing that you like to speculate so much what do you think will happen between him and his sister if he had to stop her and she saw the princess die. How will she look at him later in the future? Will they still be the same after that? Even if you try to convince her later that it was the right thing to do they will never be the same again. The sister seems like a righteous person the mc is an indifferent person. You should be able to see that. And she got it from her mother too that why she got killed. That scenario had bad consequences that you talk about and what does the mc do? He stayed out of it and watch his mother die like you want him to. O and also watch his father die too + points.
                  He did it with his sister because he understands he had a chance to win. At his mother's death, he didn't do shit. Why? because he knew he would have stood no chance at all.

                  shit, you won't even do yourself!!!!!

                  I hope you can stay still and see someone kill your mother and step on her deadhead and stay out of it. Does it even make sense?
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                3. Offline
                  + 21 -
                  Are u fking braindead or something. I didn't read later Chapters but you don't get that dumbas. The later Chapters are released thats why u talking alot. If the Chapter stopped at 29 and you didn't knew what would happen in the future thn you wouldn't argue this pointless things. If read more Chapters because u like it. I don't like it so i stop reading. I don't want this kind MC that Author is writing, very simple. As for his moms death. I haven't read but you're saying MC didn't do shit when his Mom died because he Couldn't fight against them. Thn i hate this kind of MC too. If you're saying in real life this would happen , i would've tried to save my family even in cost of my life because saving family members isn't part of Kindness or Righteousness. Its kind of a duty to a human. And i hate those MC in novels who watch their family die by Hiding because they're powerless and says i will take revenge. Its a Matter of Preference or taste. U might like this MC but i don't like it.
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                4. Offline
                  + 23 -
                  Why do you need to get personal to prove your point? lshock I just ask you a few questions I'm sincerely sorry if I hurt your soft spot. happy-birthday2
                  And I'm not trying to convince you at all to read this novel. At all.
                  I just was thinking that you drop it because he helps the princes and that in my mind was incomprehensible. So I was trying to find out why. And no I'm not braindead I just forgot you drop it. That's all. Do I have to remember all your choices? All stories need to have a troubling scenario where the mc can shine and show its power.
                  And yea I agree with you I didn't like it that the mc did nothing when his mother and father got decapitated and I never said I like it. That is why in my previous comment "like you wanted " for him to not do shit.

                  That why I feel confused you don't want him to take risks but you hit when he does not take risksbond
                  Or I'm not understanding your point here . anyway.
                  I was hoping for at least some plot armor shit but yea.
                  I respect your preferences. No need to feel triggered monk
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                5. Offline
                  + 12 -
                  It's the difference between helping family and random people.

                  The princess didn't have any relationship with him so why should he help her when his family may die because of it? That's being a simp. He should've knocked out his sister and taken her home.

                  As for helping family it's different, because they are the ones who raised you and usually will always love you. So, helping them is something you should do as a human being.

                  Do you understand the difference?
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                6. Offline
                  + 42 -
                  Bro wtf you're talking about ...
                  Ok, let's say the princess I an old woman is that still simpping ? Or let's say he's a little boy is that still simping? Helping others does not make you a simp. Get your point straight.
                  And when did I say he shouldn't help his family?
                  You're the one not understanding the conversation here.

                  You all have one point wrong. it's not about having a relationship dictate if you can help others or not it's in the consequences.
                  He taught about it but again his sister did not think about the consequences. And knocking your sister out would have not to work because the Assasin already saw them. they are witnesses the moment she made a move they were already part of this conflict. Stop bitching bout helping others. Or the princess. If you don't like it it's okay. But saying you need to have a relationship with someone before you help them makes no sense. If I can help I will I can't I don't that all.

                  And saying that you only need to help your family is also stupid. You don't only have your family in your life. What about those you interact with. Being friends or just an acquaintance. Don't bring me that bullshit of only caring for your family. If you don't care about others how will YOU make new relationships? Tell me will you marry your family? Your mother or sister? No right! you need to care about others so that they can care about you. And if he did help her because he had some interest in her so what? It's the life he live and helps whoever the f#ck he wants. I can't tell you how you live your life right? No one can. If you don't like the story don't read it !!!!
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                7. Offline
                  + 14 -
                  If the assassins saw them, he should have killed the assassins and take his sister to go home. He shouldn't take the princess home like a moron, why did he do that? She is a liability. Actually he should kill the princess and erase all evidence, that may be a smart move!

                  Between helping family or strangers I'd say if there is danger, you should still help your family. But if it's dangerous, you probably shouldn't help a stranger. If you help a woman because you want to f her, then yeah you're a simp.

                  As for getting married, when he is strong enough he will have thousands of bitches who only want him. Is that a problem to get married when you have influence and strength? nope!. He doesn't need to risk his life to get some.
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                8. Offline
                  + 43 -
                  Whatever life your life killing Princesses being a dick and f#cking bitches whatever. I already told you. don't read it if you don't like it. That all. go read demon emperor slaying everything f#cking every woman type of shit or some shit like that.
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                9. Offline
                  + 26 -

                  Go live a life saving random girls and offending people whom will kill your family and probably r*pe your mom and sister.
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  4. Offline
    + 16 -
    I have read till Chapter 6
    Man I never understand what talent are they talking about like you live in a world of mana, magic or qi can't you create your own magic or technique ? Like most novel do this shut where you need talent for it like wtf. Some I can understand because the author made it that the world has put some restrictions on the people not being able to do that , but come on man like most mc don't even try .
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    1. Offline
      + 72 -
      Well said. You don't understand. And maybe you never will. But let me try to explain it as simply as possible to you. I assume you did follow some education right? Let's take mathematics for example. Everyone in that room listens to the same lecture reads the same text. Has a good function brain. Otherwise, you won't be there. Let's say everyone did his best equally and study the same amount of time. Even after that, not everyone will have the same result. And the higher the degree of math the lower the percentage of people will understand it's not that others are stupid it's just how it is. talent. The same goes for magic and mana and abilities.
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      1. Offline
        + 40 -
        Mate I am not talking about that I am saying it because the mc in this like did not even try . Fu#k mate there are many characters who don't have talent either rised through hard work or luck and of course plot armor.
        But like I meant I wish the author shows him trying and failing to make . The mc did not even try until his sister forced him . I mean as a guy who has read about these type of worlds and has experienced society the mc should at least try . Also sorry for if my English is bad . Also I am just ranting whatever I think . bond
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        1. Offline
          + 30 -
          Ok i can respect that... But when you klick on a novel who's name is idle gaming system what did you espect ? I'm very curious! constraint
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            + 20 -
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  5. Offline
    + 40 -
    I hope these two become allies because noah has a bottomless pit of a need for resources and this guy would solve that in a flash
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  6. Offline
    + 93 -
    Review for chapters 1 to 58.
    I can say I like it I like the idea. His power is interesting a little too easy to power up but hey, that's how the author likes his books and we respect that.

    The mc started with a lazy-ass attitude but paid for it and he waited too long to share some of his power with his family or ask his family for help. I believe if he had told his parents about his ability and join his parents to a higher level dungeon. Things may have gone differently. So he was lazy and stupid. I don't understand why you never get an open and free relationship between parents and their kids.

    The story pace is good and it seems the author is building a grand universe. So I wish to see where he will take the story.

    A good book and a fun read, I have nothing to complain about. Enjoy it, it's promising.
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  7. Offline
    Dao Slave
    + 70 -
    Hope the system is not another god like shitty being
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  8. Offline
    Immortal phoenix
    + 101 -
    °MC that goes by the name Noah(not osmot), is a transmigrater from earth. He is said to be a useless brother (at the start) because he doesn't have a skill (even though it is rare, and everyone doesn't have it). So he mostly relies on his family and sister until the day he awakens the all-powerful-super-godly-system.
    He has a lazy personality (too lazy—i mean it), that even when all he does is lying on a hill covered with grass, he says that he had worked hard enough by idling around.
    From my perspective MC seems to have less confidence, as can be seen when he sees the princess and says that he doesn't know if he will even be as strong as the emperor even though he has this godly-system.
    He loves his family, his sister, doesn't have friends upto this point in story.
    He likes to remain low-key (good behaviour), but I would like he would become more known in the future (always remaining anonymous doesn't mean good thing and I personally don't like it!)
    °World background is good, similar to the post-apocalyptic earth, but with apocalypse having fallen beforehand (not that we know of, not at least yet).
    There is this strongest emperor who rules the world, but I can tell just by looking at other work of Adui that there will be more (may be at the multiverse level).
    °As author has said, it is not harem unlike the other one, so romance might be late.
    °Not-good points:
    >From the moment MC gained his system, his rise was inevitable, no problems there.
    But here comes the problem, when I said MC has all-powerful-super-godly-system ,I mean it because he gains the loot of the dungeons he has raided alone or in party within the time it him to clear it, ex, if he completed a dungeon raid in 60 min, the he will gain FULL loot every 60min from then on no matter where he is or what he is doing.
    Now what my point is that, when he became a peak bronze rank with the loot gained, he still had enough left to level up two more people to peak bronze from zero, but instead of giving them to his sister he keeps them for himself (I understand he wants to surprise them, but what use is it if they were to die right!).
    And not just cores he can also give them equipments but alas.
    Other than this, I don't need to say a thing just the name of author is the biggest assurance that this novel is going to be great.
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    1. Offline
      Asura Road Master
      + 41 -
      as for me, if he does not give resources, it will be much better than if he gives them to his family (that's why I don't like such systems that are not completely aimed at the main character and also help others)
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      1. Offline
        + 12 -
        Nice way of seeing life. Let's say you win the lottery or some lucky shit happens to you and you become a billionaire. But you came from a poor but hardworking family. Will you sit your ass there enjoy your life selfishly and seeing your family struggle every day for endneed. Because that's what's happening in the story.

        It's the same as the system he just relaxes and shit keeps coming to him every hour. After he passes the iron rank what will he be doing with all the loot he gets every hour from the iron rank dungeon? Tell me he's on a higher ranking getting better thing. You still don't want him to share ? With his family? Your selfish piece of dudu.
        But it's ok I respect your view on life and sure pity the ones around you.
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        1. Offline
          Asura Road Master
          + 00 -
          not quite so in most of these novels, the main hero gives resources to others, although he himself is still a weakling, so you can also say his sister is a genius, and if he donates resources, she will quickly catch up with him and become just as strong or just not a lot (well, in this I and I do not like such systems that are not aimed only at themselves because the main character helps others and he does not get anything from this, and it drives me away from reading such novels) google translator

          well, I would not say that he has problems in his family
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            + 02 -
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              Asura Road Master
              + 00 -
              I read the comments and found a kind of suggestion that because of his sister he ran to save the princess of the navigator, he creates problems for himself and the sister is not very smart if she went to look for problems and the main character did not stop her

              all his problems because of the family, if it weren't there, then he could sit somewhere and rock slowly
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              1. Offline
                Defying demon
                Defying demon
                + 01 -
                Her saving the Princess didn’t cause no problem what are you talking about 😂. If he didn’t save her she would of died. And when he saved her still everyone though she was dead. So the outcome would of stayed the same
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                1. Offline
                  Asura Road Master
                  + 00 -
                  Well, if he died, what difference does it make why climb where you don't need to
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                2. Offline
                  Defying demon
                  Defying demon
                  + 02 -
                  One he didn’t die he even though if it was to much he would of left he noticed that the guy was weak and could have handled it. And it was his sister who ran first and started it he was just going to leave his sister. But Yh if he noticed that it was impossible he would of left and took his sister with him but the guy was close to death anyways

                  And why do you hate it that he gives resources to his family. Wtf
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                3. Offline
                  Asura Road Master
                  + 01 -
                  I generally don't like when the main character gives resources to others, it doesn't matter if it's a family or other characters, of course, if the main character has not reached a level of power that is not his family, not his friends, the girl could not catch up with him in level even if they swing 24/7

                  I can say I love the main character who does everything for himself and helps if he knows that they will never catch up with him
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                4. Offline
                  Defying demon
                  Defying demon
                  + 01 -
                  Wtf is wrong with you 😂😂 literally all those cores are a waste he doesn’t need them. He uses all the cores to level up the rest he gives to them literally. What’s he going to do with the silver and bronze cores when he’s already peak silver. What waste them. It’s not like he splits it with them every time after he reaches the peak he gives it to them. And tbh I like mc who are solo but I like how the mc helping his family.
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                5. Offline
                  Asura Road Master
                  + 00 -
                  everyone has different tastes I have read too many novels where the main character gives his resources to everyone who doesn’t care and he himself does not benefit from this, for example, I read a novel that I liked One Click Cultivation System where the main character gave all the same powers as he did some kind of girl and she that everything is also behaving arrogantly asks him to make her an artifact helped with cultivation and she herself sees herself as a fool (google translation)
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                6. Offline
                  Defying demon
                  Defying demon
                  + 01 -
                  Ur saying the mc in this novels sister doesn’t care 😂 at least make it make sense. And In this novel it does benefit him if they both keep rising it will help him with his plans ( more gold/diamonds/platinum people to fight for him) and it’s to make sure that his sisters not weak. No one wants a weak family member who always needs to be saved if she stayed bronze she would of been captured or used against him
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                7. Offline
                  Asura Road Master
                  + 00 -
                  that's why I don't like family in novels, it would be better if he was left alone so that there is nothing to limit him, it is better to be alone than to constantly spank into problems because of the family and if he was strong why would they need helpers Elsiba he took up raising his strength instead of getting into where he doesn't need
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                8. Offline
                  Defying demon
                  Defying demon
                  + 01 -
                  Tbh I understand what ur saying I like a lone mc. But not all the time it’s boring if I every novel I read the mc is alone. But Yh everyone’s got there own preferences and there own opinions there’s some novels I think are my favourite while others think are just rubbish so Yh I can get where your coming from. But it’s not like they’ve held the mc back so far so you can’t say that. And you can say they will because that’s just speculation
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                9. Offline
                  Asura Road Master
                  + 00 -
                  just how many novels I've read friends and family are mostly useless she is either too weak or too strong but she doesn’t care about the main character and they leave him without resources yes even no talent but the main character that oh I have to find my family and help her or find a father and help him find his wife or you were left with your sister, of course, her talent will be better than yours, someone will take her to a powerful sect and you will try to become stronger to get her back, this is so annoying
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                10. Offline
                  Defying demon
                  Defying demon
                  + 01 -
                  I don’t know what novels ur reading but that’s not the type I read. But Yh there a loads of novels with that element but not as exaggerated as ur saying. But let’s forget about other novels where talking about this one how has she held the mc. She hasn’t done anything yet so you can’t say that and you can’t say see will or probably will
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                11. Offline
                  Asura Road Master
                  + 00 -
                  I have already written in other comments I do not like at all when someone from the family is close to the strength of the main character or is stronger than him, I do not mind if he gives resources, but only if he is much stronger than them, even if they attack him all together, they could not inflict even harm to his hair
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                12. Offline
                  Defying demon
                  Defying demon
                  + 01 -
                  Why would his sister attack him😂 again stop using other novels to compare it to this. And Yh me Il would like the mc to be stronger of course but I would hate for him to leave his family behind by being selfish. Stop making speculation this sister will probably never attack him
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                13. Offline
                  Asura Road Master
                  + 00 -
                  Where did I write that she would attack him? I wrote that let him give resources only when his strength greatly surpasses her and even if she became stronger every day she could not catch up with the main character no matter how she tried to give it all her life
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                14. Offline
                  Defying demon
                  Defying demon
                  + 01 -
                  You said you would want it so even if they attack him together they couldn’t harm him like I said b4 I’m talking about this novel to others. And you said you would want him to give resources to his family only when his strength greatly surpasses them. So what is his supposed to do wait. Why be selfish and just leave all those cores when he can’t even use them. You want him to just watch his sister being weak while he grows stronger knowing he could of given her cores which would not affect his strength at all. That’s why I said in this novel his family wouldn’t be trying to attack him so ur point doesn’t apply to this novel. If you have the means to make ur family stronger with out hindering ur own strength why not. Why does he have to wait until he’s so much stronger then them
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                15. Offline
                  Asura Road Master
                  + 00 -
                  about the words that even if they all attack him together, I didn’t mean that they would attack him, but that no matter how much stronger she became, the main character, if she wanted to, could kill her with a wave of his hand about the fact that he didn’t give resources, therefore I don’t like this work because she relies more not on a strong hero, but on a hero a little stronger than her sister, because he gives her the same resources as him and therefore she does not lag behind him almost and yes I like a hero who does everything for himself and only himself and I am still of the opinion that the family only prevents the main character from moving freely as well as friends, girl
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                16. Offline
                  Asura Road Master
                  + 00 -
                  further I see no reason to correspond, we have different views on the novel and there is nothing not to change (the light novel did not work for me, as I already wrote above)
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                17. Offline
                  + 01 -
                  It seems you have novel PTSD. Did some novel traumatized you so much that when you read about the family you internally think of negative things. You seem to have some personal issues. not that it's my business or that I even care. But reading your comments you seems a very self-centered egoistic type of person. Put your self in his place for ones! What if it was your sister? Your mother? Because even if you agree or not we look in stories/novels what we can see ourselves as. E mental stimulation of power. So ... Yeah.
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                18. Offline
                  Asura Road Master
                  + 00 -
                  moreover, the family here, I already wrote that I love selfish main characters who think only of themselves and do everything to be the strongest and no one could bring him at least some damage and in his place I would have left the family for the sake of them and myself
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                19. Offline
                  Defying demon
                  Defying demon
                  + 01 -
                  What are you taking about all the passive skills and the main ones he keeps for Himself. He literally has 5op silver summons and one op gold one and more to come. How is she even close to his strength. He’s also got a skill that can literally dominate people’s minds who are lower level then he is and he can also dominate people who are on the same level as him aswell depending on there state of mind. So even if there the same rank there not the same. He also gives them the left overs he uses the core advance himself and when he can’t use them no more the rest are for them so i don’t understand. He uses all the silver cores for himself because he needed to be strong and when he can’t he gives the rest away. What’s he supposed to do hold them until he surpassed them by a lot. And the reason she has to rely on him is because there country was taken over and now they have to give 50% of all bronze cores and 70% of all silver cores away how are they supposed to get stronger if the place there at isn’t allowing them there basically almost no way for her to get stronger anytime soon
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    2. Offline
      + 20 -
      His work is like continuous expansion toward outside for a larger scope, like if the first apocalypse or problem is on earth, then the next one will be an inter planetary war or invasion. Then the next scenario will be the story within a galaxy followed by inter galactic scenarios and then it goes further ahead to become a universal story and it still does not stops there because the next will be the battles between universes!!! swim swim crybaby
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      1. Offline
        + 00 -
        And then we go beyond the cosmos hokage
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    3. Offline
      + 00 -
      Waw you must have hell of a free time on your hands
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  9. Offline
    + 30 -
    Noah Osmot 2
    farted: BOOM BOOM
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    1. Offline
      + 10 -
      I just can't read Infinite Mana Book Anymore. Here is the gist of later chapters...


      A shocking development…


      …astonishment at the shocking scene!


      Shocking words were released…


      …Resplendent essence erupted out…

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    2. Offline
      + 10 -
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  10. Offline
    + 00 -
    Loving this novel so far. Promising start, and it seems the power creep will follow IMITA(his other book), so I'm hyped for what's next.
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