1 year ago

HP: A Magical Journey by FictionOnlyReader

[A Harry Potter Fanfiction]

Follow Quinn West, who finds himself in the world of Harry... Read more
[A Harry Potter Fanfiction]

Follow Quinn West, who finds himself in the world of Harry Potter, but are things as they seem, is the world he has landed in the same as the one he once read about.

Will Quinn able to find his way in this new world? Will he ever be able to feel like he belongs here?

What opportunity would the magic of this world provide him? Will it lead him to the light or drown him in the dark?

Tag along as Quinn makes his way into the world of magic as he discovers the secrets behind the infinite potential behind the magic that is within his grasp.


This novel is my escape from the burnout that I suffered from my other novel. I have no solid plotline planned, there will be no definite release schedule. The reason for me writing is to improve my writing skills, light my brain cells.

As you know that there are so many Harry Potter Fanfictions out there, it is the largest FanFiction community out there, and as I write this novel, I don't have anything in my mind that isn't already out there, but I am trying to create a piece of transformative work that would pick up ideas from that wide community and create a work that would be enjoyable to read.

So, give this content a chance, and I hope that this novel would stand up to your expectations. Collapse
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Comments 184

  1. Offline
    For me, the novel starts out strong and progressively slips as it goes on. A lot of people say the romance is the element which spoils the novel but I feel the bigger issue is how the author purposefully designs the MC and writing in a way that leads the reader to believe that the canon plot is merely going to be a small part of the entire novel when this ends up being not the case.

    The author captures readers through the detailed and immersive magic system and supports this by having the MC possess grand ambitions of being the greatest wizard of all time. Although the canon plot is put on the backfoot it still gets adequate notice as we are kept informed of what is going on either by the MC himself or another characters POV. This works for quite some time until the author, for some reason, decides to do a complete 180 and starts writing predominantly about the actions of You-Know-Who and his lackeys. If this was all it would have still been fine. The problem here is that the magic system which readers have come to love is completely thrown out the window and isn't even explored once in nearly 150-200 chapters (a sizeable part of the novel). During these chapters the author drags out killing Voldemort by including filler upon filler of death eater nonsense that has no use being in the novel at all. In the author's note, even the author admits to having issues with pacing as well as including things that simply weren't necessary.

    All in all, the problem here is that the author betrays the readers expectations as we never get to see Quinn's future as the greatest wizard or if he even reaches that level
    which is quite frankly a huge disappointment considering the expectations I had. In the author's defense, they did say they are going to write an epilogue volume which hopefully will tackle this issue.

    Although there are other problems with the novel such as the romance or the
    these issues to me were much lesser problems compared to this, although other readers may disagree on this.

    Now, despite being full of critiques I would be lying if I were to say I didn't enjoy the novel. I found the first half vastly more enjoyable than the second but even then the second half was still better than other novels I've previously tried to read. If the novel had started with a plot-centred approach from the beginning I doubt i would've taken issue with it like I have.

    To sum everything up, I would give the novel a 7/10 and would describe it as safely above average. If you are considering reading it I would encourage you to go ahead as it is a novel that is enjoyable despite its flaws.

    This turned out longer than I intended.
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    1. Offline
      Great review, you really encapsulated the way I felt about this novel, and how the author is leading readers on with a fully fleshed out magical system, but just kept drowning readers in filler and useless povs.
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      So how strong is he? I read the first 15 chapters and i got the impression that he was going to be a bad ass and the novel would move relatively fast. If you dont mind can you give me comparisons to his strength and where the novel would end? Please use the insert spoiler just in case it may ruin the others journey
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  2. Offline
    This novel is a true masterpiece. The world building, character development, story all are very thoughtful. It's like one of those stories that once you start reading you won't be able to stop. I am not saying that it is perfect, but that is what most readers want , something in the novel you can love and something you hate, it's what bonds a novel and a reader.
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  3. Offline
    I'm leaving for only one reason! what a template and cliché to hide your powers and get slapped in the face, and then bam and an answer. I just hate stories like this. This is not Chinese culture! It's a Harry Potter fanfic. why the hell hide and behave modestly in front of relatives? and then all that. ahhh
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  4. Offline
    This is the first fan fiction novel I have read and it was fantastic. It kept me entertained and most of all intrigued for the entire story.

    To me the best part of the story was the MC. It’s so hard to find logical, cunning and smart MCs now. I really hate reading about those dumbass simps, so this was super refreshing.

    Out of curiosity does anyone know when the epilogue will be released?[/quote]
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      Maybe i haven't payed enough attention when reading this, but who are the 2 girls?
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              Ivy bro
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                Ahh ivy, sorry bout that. Unsurprisingly my brain has almost died from life.
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  5. Offline
    Romance sucks. f#ck you author for ruining a good book
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      Now that i've cooled down after writing this I still agree with this. Can anyone recommend a novel similar to this without harem/stupid love triangles/drama with multiple woman. Dont get me wrong romance is sometimes good if done properly but this novel does it annoyingly via harem/love triangles. Thanks in advance
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      1. Offline
        Man I feel you … just finished the novel and I really enjoyed it.
        But dating the two girls was unnecessary.
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      2. Online Offline
        Depends what kind of similar you want, Martial Arts Master is the best romance action novel i've ever read though beware of diabetes
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          I'm reading martial arts master and I've been wondering when the romance gonna develop? Plz do tell me
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              Thank you senior brother hokage
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    2. Offline
      Ancient rune professor of hogwart. Better than this, just bear the first few chapters.
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  6. Offline
    #panic# please please add harem tag to this.
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        Wut? Look what is harem
        It is 2+
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          Actually the strictest definition of harem is the wives and concubines of a king or emporer. So it wouldnt fit either.
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          1. Offline
            Ofc yes
            But, like u wrote it was for his wives and/or concubines. That is 2+
            Or maybe there was harem with only 1 wife and no concubine? Rly dont know

            And in novels now its more like
            No harem=monogamy or no romance at all
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  7. Offline
    Anyone who recommends similar works or long and well-structured fanfics?
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      I would recommend "Super Detective in The Fictional World". It's the novel that actually got me into Fanfic novels in the first place, plus it's a long novel. Chinese guy finds out he transmigrated into the MCU movie universe as a son of a police officer in Texas. The guy never really got too invested into Marvel movies so he knows some things but it's not like he really knows the plot to most of the movies (I think he mentioned that he watched Thor, Avengers 1 or 2, and knew about Thanos from the internet but never watched the movie). The best part of this novel, for me, is that it's really a Fanfic on a sh*t ton of different movies that are just broken down into their own arcs. I don't even know if there is an Arc that is original since it seems like every story arc is some kind of movie plot. These movie plots all interconnect with the MCU plot to make it make more sense. For instance, there is an Arc for "The Mist" that ends with the MC escaping with a few survivors and SHIELD coming in to contain the situation. One of the survivors ended up being a mutant that the MC later has to save from one of the Xmen villains who wanted to weaponize mutants. There is also The Hand from Daredevil is actually one of the 12 organizations that make up The High Table from John Wick. It also seperates movies by the countries they are in so at one point the MC goes to France so there are a few french movies as the story arcs so it's good for learning about movies you might not have known about.

      It's also pretty much the only MCU fanfic I've found where the MC doesn't overpower the Avengers to the point where they become obsolete. I remember reading one fanfic where it starts out in the late 90s, so I thought most of the time would be spent powering up before canon starts only to be disappointed when the MC is fighting literal gods within the first 2 or so years. It's a little over 2000 chapters long. Story isnt to the point where it would hook you but it's pretty good for a casual read. It's mostly just detective work through various movies with a Marvel movie arc happening every now and then so I can see why people would call it filler.
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        very good novel if you want to increase your pop culture and movie reference knowledge lmao
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      2. Offline
        I already read it to the end in MTL, I started reading it here, it's amazing, I kept glued to the screen reading and desperate for it to be translated faster, it's great writing, But I'm up to date with the translation and that's why I'm looking for new things, something from Harry Potter would be nice but I doubt there will be more because I've already read all the halfway decent ones out there "magic journey" "HP:New world" (I recommend the latter, even though it is not on this page and has a rushed ending, but the whole plot is quite good, with a Cold MC who tries his hardest researching magie etc, you should also read "HP:Dragon Blood" it has nothing to do with Harry Potter But it's a great kingdom building fanfic and mixes up the whole plot from before the birth of Harry Potter when voldemort was just coming to power and has an MC op
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    2. Offline
      Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan
      One Piece Talent System
      Reincarnation Paradise
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        can you tell me аbout: Reborn in Naruto world with tenseigan?
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          Transmigrator from earth gets reborn into the naruto world. He enters in during a dangerous time where a war is happening so in order to survive he works under orochimaru. Luckily for him, he was in a body with byakugan, so he tries to research how to awaken the tensaigen from the movies to ensure his survival. This is pretty much just the beginning stuff to start the mc's journey. You'll see him interact with everyone in the series someway, use his future knowledge, avoid being cannon fodder like most ninja's and keep his life happy with his fiance etc. Its pretty well done as fanfic, very faithful to lore and accurate to characterization. MC is smart, ruthless, strong and still cares for his friends and loved ones. Hope this description helps, i've just read up to 341.
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            I started reading it a long time ago thanks to your recommendation, I only have one thing to say whoever it is PLEASE TRANSLATE FASTER. Fu#k, one chapter per day and they barely go for 500 of almost 1500 and the MTL are HORRIBLE, it becomes impossible to read, pf, I really need more, it's great.
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      2. Offline
        Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan is one of the best naruto fanfics out there
        only gets beaten by Naruto: Dream to Immortality. Sadly not the entire novel is fully translated and the MTL version is super bad.
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  8. Offline
    As the first full fanfic story I’ve ever read I’d say it was pretty good. It took a world in which the setting was well fleshed out and expanded in a way that many fans would love, In this case, more magic.

    This is the story of Harry Potter if magic was actually important and not just a setting. Magic battles are intense, magic is varied and exciting, the world is full of different types of magic like blood magic, body magic, runes and rituals. This fanfic is a solid retelling of the original story from a new non-canon character who is our MC.

    Overall I’d say it earns a solid 4 out of 5. Good story and writing, solid understanding of the base materials, and an interesting twist that makes it possible. The only thing I think could have been done better is if the story didn’t end as soon as the 7th book was finished. I would love a few bonus chapters even, giving us a look at the future of Quinn West and how far he could go.

    Still read it if you’re a Harry Potter and you won’t be disappointed.

    Edit: Check out my profile for my recommendation lists.
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  9. Offline
    A rather enjoyable read, but most of which if because of what this novel is built upon. The revisit of the world of HP has a strong setting as foundatiin to build a story on.

    Although there are some ooc [out of character] moments the characters motives are easiky believable, minus the sordid business ventures.
    totally got an azn wish fullfillment genre vibe to it, perspective wise. Which is bizarre regardless of authors nationality, effort was put in but you must understand that you are reading through the authors lenses of HP.
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    If I'm completely honest, I think that's how the original books should have been, don't misunderstand, like any other I've read the original saga and it's good, but it always bothered me that the concept of Magic is so ambiguous, they never explained the processes of the spells or how they were developed, they simply said the spell and that's it, without further explanation, it always bothered me. Here Magic is explored from research, we understand the processes that lead to the spell and the methods to develop it, and the truth is that I really like it, I think that if the original work had Explored the magic more thoroughly it would be more than a "novel for young people"
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