24 days ago

Re: Evolution Online by Yolohy

Liam was a nobody, whether it was grades or sports or appearance or social life. Not because he... Read more
Liam was a nobody, whether it was grades or sports or appearance or social life. Not because he didn’t have a brain but because his luck was just that bad. However, everything changed when a mysterious game called 'Evolution Online' was suddenly launched. The world he knew changed upside down!

There was blood, death, and carnage everywhere. While everyone from small companies and big governments scrambled to get a foothold on this mysterious video game, some people’s lives turned for the better and some for the worse.

Liam, unfortunately, being the latter, still somehow ended up at the bottom of the barrel. His insignificant life was squished like an insect and his loved ones were destroyed right in front of him. In the end, he was already dead without ever having a single chance to fight back.

But his story did not end there. Liam found himself returned back to the time before everything began!

Watch as the young man who was once a nobody reaches for the pinnacle of strength and power wreaking havoc on the world that destroyed him once! This time everything will be different! Collapse
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Comments 306

  1. Offline
    Is the author on haitus??😓
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  2. Offline
    Sure, this novel has good points, but they just aren't enough to outweigh the dogpiss portions of the show. I'm not going to give a list of pros and cons or try to convince you either way. Try reading it yourself.
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  3. Offline
    Não perca o seu tempo lendo isso, a avaliação de 3 estrelas não faz justiça a novel, isso é no máximo 1/5.
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  4. Offline
    I wanna protect this comment section because 3 star is not justifieable at all if you read to recent chapter you know every plot has its meaning and that's why it's unpredictable, if you want op mc with smooth sailing this isn't for you, mc isn't retard lol, just his experience was rather bland because he's just a nobody in his past life wtf do you mean
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    1. Offline
      Imagine if I see the star rating and didnt choose to read it I'll miss this good shit
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    2. Offline
      [im going to repost this since you obviously didnt understand it previously.]

      our issue isnt a tested mc with difficulties. The problem is the mc keeps blindly heading into trouble when it was easily avoided, or predicted.

      Also ignoring a kidnapped maiden for over half of these chapters lowers the mcs respect by more than a few pegs.
      Especially when hes hanging out with her best friend and brother like nothing happend. MC trying to take advantage of someone with an infant mind is also not just a low blow but due to her jellyfish king of tbe universe background, its totally seeking death. These are just some examples his actions doesnt match his 2 lifetime of experience.
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    3. Offline
      I think you need to remove the author's ball bag from your chin. I'm trying to read comments, and most of them are you tossing the author's salad. This novel will stand or fall based on it's own merit, regardless of your digital fellatio.
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      1. Offline
        what are you even trying to say? all i see is a chip on the shoulder claim, and gradeschool genital jokes with an undertone that thinks hes well read.

        Also whomever it may be responsible either author, TL, editor doesnt matter here. Because, dont worry im blaming all of them equally.

        Your comment just proves the brainless nuance that too many truths invokes rebuttal. But i dont have the time to let my comments simmer.
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        1. Offline
          What else do you expect from a teenager who spends most of his time on twitter.
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  5. Offline
    [spoiler alert] but if read you would seriously save time

    one of those novels where one of those women gets kidnapped for 100s of chapters and mc with the initiative of some third world country'S corrupted cop who thinks the kidnapped rich beauty is fine. and found them in dirt and rags. [what a surprise]

    kidnapped victim had stockholm syndrom and wipe MCs team and he had to restart everything all over again, but got himself arrested in the process.
    The story is just a mess with constant added elements that aithor feels obligated to add because of his fan raffle rewards to add new characters. While that is happening author would pepper issues here and there and make a mess. He would later trys to pan it out for the next few chapters while forgetting some ongoing plotholes on the way.

    Thats this novels destructive life cycle
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    1. Offline
      Waste/Retard but wilful MC
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      1. Offline
        more or less i agree
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    2. Offline
      Oh, but I don't see a retard here? It's just the plot really cornered mc, if you want a smooth development this is not jt
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      1. Offline
        our issue isnt a cornered mc. The problem is the mc keeps blindly heading to corners when it was easily avoided, or predicted.

        Also ignoring a kidnapped maiden for over half of these chapters lowers the mcs respect by more than a few pegs. especially when hes hanging out with her best friend and brother like nothing happend. Him trying to take advantage of someone with an infant mind is not just a low blow but due to its background, its totally seeking death. These are just some examples his execution doesnt match his 2 lifetime of experience.

        if you still dont understand what im saying, i prefer natural difficulties over something stupidly contrived. like a car crashing due to low gas and worn brakes due to speed and terrain over long durations so he travels on foot after a long journey.
        compared to him trying to hit a roadkill for fun and veered off course and still continued off course knowing its a bad idea whens hes been warned to stay on course until he flee off a cliff to land on some beast nest containing convenient treasure etc.
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        1. Offline
          Mia Was kidnapped by Angel who literally control the freacking tutorial vr world..How the freak can u rescue someone from them?.They can manipulate the freaking quest so that the mc wont get enough power to fight back just like what they did when the mc almost get enlightenment and the angel just ended the freaking event half way like wtf(Its before the game descend in the real world)..Ignoring the fact about them controlling of the tutorial world the strength of the angels is just of the chart, even if the mc tried to rescue mia he will just fail miserable because mia is in the freaking heaven realm or what not the moment mc step in there he will get 50-70 De-buff because of he Sss-affinity to nether energy while angels get buff based on there affinity to holy energy, mc minions is obviously weak compared to a angel use buffed by the heaven realm plus there ton of angels there not just one ore two even if they lure the angels out of there realm so what? the mc cant do a shit againts the highest ranking angel all he can do is use a freaking soul shield so he wont freaking die a single hit...So its not the mc sont want to resue mia its just literally cant he way to weak...Then about mc taking advantage of the jelly girl the infant mind...let look at this at that giels pov or dad is way too busy even your sister when you try to find friends to play with no one wants to because they are afraid of your status so when the mc just pop out and plays with you wont you feel like hes a good guy and will do anything to keep that relationship?...Its like how we can live with out phone but still need it cuz will be bored to death with out it,so the girl giving gifts is understandable and the mc accepting it is even more so becoz of the constant threat of angels...There also issue about mc heading to blindly to trouble.Yes, the mc experience of two live but you need to remember the mc was a potion making slave most of he's life..What can he know about the world beside when he go out to buy ingredients or when he hear gossips fron fellow slaves but most of the time he's lock up inside a alchemy room to make potion for obvious reasons he's knowledge about the world is few only big enough news that even a slave cannot ignore is known to him so yeah thats that......

          Im not saying this ln is great but give it the benefit of the doubt, its not that good but its also not that bad, and people have diffirent preferences so dont be afraid to read it
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          1. Offline
            i cant read that, but from what i picked up it needs spoiler tag and all the meaning changes when you input what and when information is released to the reader compared to what the mc should already know that the readers doesnt yet know at the time of reading.

            because readers are newly experiencing a single "time line"
            while MC was given a second chance, may or may not experienced events in the readers current perspective time line during his first time line.
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    3. Offline
      the girl was kidnapped by someone who could easily destroy the world, then are you going to save her without any preparation???
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  6. Offline
    I read till ch 43 and the novel is absolutely cliche a 3star avg at best.
    But the people below are making a lot of g
    Hype so I'm gonna give it another 60 ch before my review
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    1. Offline
      Read till ch75 but it's just too average and to someone like me, who seeks unique plot

      Ill read an interesting story in MTL quality rather then read an avg. Cliche normie shit.
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    2. Offline
      Bro a novel like paragon sin need 500 hundred for me to even like it, and this? The development not cliche at all, give it at least 200 chaps, but if it's not ur taste nvm
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      1. Offline
        Thanks fellow daoist I'll give it another try.
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  7. Offline
    There's a reason this sits at top of webnovel ranking, I love that's it's generic but the development won't be generic at all I assure you, R18? no, it's barely even skipped, harem? Only person of interest, plot twist? many times
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    1. Offline
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    2. Offline
      When will it get interesting how many chs?
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    3. Offline
      The reason why its top on webnovel is that their taste are awful look what webnovel trial read novel feeding into its readers
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  8. Offline
    By the way what is mc,s current lvl? I dropped this around 450+ at that time he was somewhat near lvl50, so by now did he reach lvl100 or so?
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    1. Online Offline
      Around 80
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  9. Offline
    Is there alot of focus on r18 or is it balanced or is it not there at all. constraint
    And does other characters have personality or just treats mc as god and blindly follow him. bond
    I havnt started it yet cuz the story seems pretty generic but i wanna try if the characters are developed and its not too slow paced with some good r18 in between
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    1. Offline
      it has zero sex scenes if thats what you are looking for. harem tag is also complete bull.
      but a good read for sure
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  10. Offline
    So the apocalypse finally arrived! CHAPTER 775!

    Also I dont get all the negative reviews, this is a great novel
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