12 hours ago

Return of the Runebound Professor by Actus

Lives are a currency, and Noah Vines is rich.

Reincarnated into the body of a poisoned... Read more
Lives are a currency, and Noah Vines is rich.

Reincarnated into the body of a poisoned magic school professor, Noah is given more than just a second chance at life. Every time he dies, his body reforms. With infinite variations of runic magic to discover and with death as a painful soul wound rather than a final end, Noah finally has a chance to wander the lands of the living once again.

And this time, he plans to get strong enough to make sure that he never has to wait around in the afterlife again.

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Comments 86

  1. Offline
    + 129 -
    You know this novel has a big potential for "adult" genre (only who read it will understand the joke) even it is not harem... what a pity. wish
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  2. Offline
    abishek narayanan
    + 311 -
    When you guys read a book how is it constructed in your mind? Is it words or images or full-ass film?

    For me it is a film that is as detailed as the author describes the surrounding. Till recently i didnt even realise it. Only when i was reading house of horrors late in the night i got jump scared. I was like wait a minute i am reading a book, how did i get a jump scare😂.
    Then it replayed in my mind the whole scene, without the audio, but i could feel the vibrations of sorts during fight sequences😂.

    Anyways share your thoughts 💁
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    1. Offline
      + 180 -
      For me it's like a stop-motion film. It isn't smooth like a video but I do imagine most of the scenes. Which can be a bit annoying sometimes as reading speed slows down and I am like: my break is over and I have only read four chapters? (┬┬﹏┬┬).
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    2. Offline
      + 110 -
      Like a film. Sometimes the mental film is so good that I get shivers
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    3. Offline
      Immortal Venerable D
      + 70 -
      Just a bunch of words, that have meaning. The same way i read textbook or guide
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    4. Offline
      + 80 -
      I view it as a comic/manga with Gifs for action scenes
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    5. Offline
      + 70 -
      For me, It depends on how well author described a scenario. Like in HoH and LOTM I can vividly imagine the scenarios as if a video is playing out but in other cases I try to atleast get a picture or two. As for MTL if I can even barely understand what's written there it's enough for me. pressure
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      1. Offline
        + 00 -
        Do you mind enlightening me what HoH is? If it's being compared to LotM then it must be good.
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        1. Offline
          + 00 -
          My House of Horror. One of the rare gem. Especially if you like horror genre. But it has good comedy as well. Sounds weird mixing both comedy and horror but it was executed nicely. Should definitely recommend.
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          1. Offline
            + 00 -
            Much appreciated!
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    6. Offline
      + 30 -
      I'm usually reading too fast to visualise much, but when I slow down a bit it's usually images, just so I have an idea of what the scene looks like.
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    7. Offline
      + 51 -
      For me it's like a dream. Some vague shapeless space which contain everything like i knew it forever but appears only when i'm recall it with incoming words. Author form this space for me. If narration highly detailed, it will be bunch of "rtx on" screenshots, if it's flow with minimum words, it will be film. Style of details depends on associations so in one scene i can image anime character, real human and some eldritch monster without dissociation.
      You can say my type of reading very flexible and immersion.
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    8. Offline
      + 40 -
      Moving pictures is what I imagine
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    9. Offline
      + 30 -
      Normally I just read the words and remember the plot, if I try or decide to daydream I might make a whole scene out in my head but normally it’s just words and sometimes a flash of images (ie in forest on horses or smth)
      Oh, the characters though (normally the mc and important characters, but sometimes side characters are explained really well) I tend to get a very good image of them in my mind.
      Also depends on my reading speed & probably some other factors
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      1. Offline
        + 00 -
        In my case its moving images .my mind imagine the written text and various scenarios that arent even written starts ongoing like sitting in front of many screens. hokage
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    10. Offline
      + 00 -
      4 me it depends on how invested i am and how fast im reading
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    11. Offline
      + 00 -
      I try to consider all the aspects. Especially in battle it hurts a lot, but I'm getting stronger. And when they slap me in the face, I punch through the planets
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  3. Offline
    + 01 -
    Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.. A. Aa ohno
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  4. Offline
    give me six digits
    + 56 -
    From 6k in chap 1 to 100 as of rn in chap 90. Mustn't be that interesting
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    1. Offline
      + 12 -
      damn I just realized, is that weird arrow circle-y thing a view count?
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      1. Offline
        give me six digits
        + 20 -
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  5. Offline
    + 63 -
    Fun premise, I'll give it that. The story is moving pretty slowly, but it's engaging at the same time.
    The power system based on runes seems to be a bit unnecessarily complicated but nothing too bad. It's consistent, but just confusing. I'm not sure how the limits of the number of Runes work either. (When the Ranked runes come into play, things get a little complicated) It's a confusing system but the story is kinda engaging so not too much of a problem for me.
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    1. Offline
      + 00 -
      still feel the same ?
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  6. Offline
    + 20 -
    1this is like jackal among snakes in other words it takes a long ass time for the plot to get anywhere witch is both good and bad
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  7. Offline
    + 20 -
    Beware, google translate below.

    A small review of 80 read chapters. For 80 chapters, we were shown and slightly revealed the motives of the characters, the world is not revealed, there are some conspiracies, mc who is not friendly with his head, given his excessive goodwill, impatience and obsession with his students (yes, there is a reason for this). But this is only the beginning of the story. I would suggest bookmarking this story and coming back when it's 300 or 400 chapters.

    I like it so far, I will write a new review when the story moves further and it can be properly assessed.
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  8. Offline
    + 53 -
    Quote: gfcz
    Story is good, but it gets very frustrting with illogical plot point. MC is hellbend on adopting his student and teaching them everything instead of integrading himself to the new world and learning the most basic things. After 80 chapters he still dont know about his family or anyone above teacher level who have real power in the world. There is noway a world or civilization could function if even the most basic information/knowleldge is inaccessible. 99% things could be solve he mc communicate properly instead of being vague and harming his own chances.

    It a very one dimentional story which only stand if you view it from the pov provided to you, if you think outside the story everything just came crumbling down. In short, read if you can turn off your brain and get the logic spoon feeded to you.

    I agree with this statement if the Mc spends more time on learning basic knowledge about his environment like his Family history, the proper curriculum, just by asking questions and going to the library since nobody can really kill him he and also ask Moxie who is more knowledgeable
    . Instead he keeps everything vague in answers (I think to give the author more leeway on the plot) and goes around in Adventures and killing monsters dying and reviving while also insisting on teaching his students. Just join the military he would be better, the teaching feels forced.

    Writing Quality 5/5
    World background 3/5 (it’s not properly explained you learn the word background has you go)
    Characters design 3/5
    Story plot 2/5
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    1. Offline
      + 30 -
      I would think it's that he is impatient, he still has his memories of the waiting for what felt like an eternity, and when he dies part of his soul get's damaged, and he can't think straight.
      He gets to know the power dynamics in the end, and yes, it was in purpose, and what we see as basic knowledge isn't accessible. Just by looking at the people that he interacted with.
      The seamstress was nervous and scared, the villagers in chapter 80 something were also scared of the MC and others, it was on purpose. To keep the nobles in power, just like in real life in the Middle Ages and before.
      Books are scarce and the only way a peasant is going to learn anything is if the nobles let them, by accident or from parent to child.
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  9. Offline
    + 22 -
    The pacing is a little slow but it's fine. The characters seem well developed and this story has a different power system than what I have read so far. The characters don't feel 1 dimensional to me.

    I expected the story to concentrate on teaching students since the summary said he is a professor. And that's fine.

    The only problem I can find is the slow world building. Everything is through MC's perspective. And I understand that a man just can't gain a lot of world's knowledge in a few months but it's still a little frustrating. I hope that is rectified soon.

    Edit: At around chapter 80, it starts getting boring for me.
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  10. Offline
    + 235 -
    Story is good, but it gets very frustrting with illogical plot point. MC is hellbend on adopting his student and teaching them everything instead of integrading himself to the new world and learning the most basic things. After 80 chapters he still dont know about his family or anyone above teacher level who have real power in the world. There is noway a world or civilization could function if even the most basic information/knowleldge is inaccessible. 99% things could be solve he mc communicate properly instead of being vague and harming his own chances.

    It a very one dimentional story which only stand if you view it from the pov provided to you, if you think outside the story everything just came crumbling down. In short, read if you can turn off your brain and get the logic spoon feeded to you.
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