13 hours ago

Nine Star Hegemon Body Art九星霸体诀

Long Chen, a crippled youth who cannot cultivate, is constantly targeted and bullied by his fellow... Read more
Long Chen, a crippled youth who cannot cultivate, is constantly targeted and bullied by his fellow noble heirs. After a particularly vicious beating, he wakes up and realizes a Pill God’s soul has somehow merged with him, giving him some additional memories. Within those memories is the mysterious Nine Star Hegemon Body Art, a cultivation technique that even he can train in, but whose secrets and origin are still a mystery to him. Relying on his improved instincts as he finally begins to cultivate, he realizes a huge conspiracy is underfoot within the Phoenix Cry Empire, one involving his father, members of the imperial family, and even the Emperor himself.

In order to solve the mysteries around him, he must rely on his new alchemy techniques and the powerful but baffling Nine Star Hegemon Body Art. Countless enemies block him as he attempts to climb to the peak of the cultivation world.

Fate destined him to be only a chess piece, but he would not bow to the will of the Heavens. Collapse
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Comments 129

  1. Offline
    Does Long Chen keep doing alchemy throughout the novel or does he drop it?
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      he keeps doing it
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  2. Offline
    Mister potato g123
    This novel needs a face slapping tag soooo bad
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  3. Offline
    This harem tag that makes me unwilling to read... sigh
    Essa tag harém que me deixa sem vontade de ler...
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    1. Offline
      To be fair this novel has the best harem of any I've read. Even 3700+ chapters in, not a single woman has been forgotten and they are all powerful enough to fight alongside the mc and even save his life sometimes. They don't just live in an estate world because they're too weak to do anything (unlike most other novels). In fact, they are away from the mc doing their own thing half the time.
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  4. Offline
    #panic# there's a bunch of strange chapters in here
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  5. Offline
    It's ridiculous how CN authors look down on girls who are using their body in a cultivation where strong eats the weak and arrogant young masters are everywhere. Girls here can only be damsel-in-distress. Such narrow-minded writing.
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    1. Offline
      idk why theres dislikes. A majority of novels are this way. Now many of them may be great novels and im not saying they arent but just a bit annoying to see that they are so narrow minded.
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        Thirsty Reader
        I view it as more of a cultural difference rather than a reflection of narrow mindedness on the part of the author. I understand your point but it's important to note that this is a Chinese novel primarily intended for a Chinese audience, the majority of which are young men.
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          Just because there is a f#ck ton of misoginy on chinese culture (just like islamic, mormon, christian, etc.) doesn't justify the existence of such, that's like saying well in my culture bullying the living shit out of queer people to make them "normal" is the norm so you shouldn't criticize it. That's just you having internalized/being ok with these attitudes.
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            Misoginy on Islam? Don't talk like You know everything about the Islam
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    2. Offline
      Not in this one. Some of the most powerful cultivators are women.
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  6. Offline
    Has ranobes and freewebnobel stopped updating this story? It is 40 chapters behind wuxiaworld..
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    1. Offline
      Because there is a lock on wuxiaworld chapters and are not easy to get anymore. They'll probably be updated when they find a way to get access to it. However, they are free to read on the original site so you can directly go there^^
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    2. Offline
      We are not affiliated with "freewebnobel" and stuff.

      Of course, it is unpleasant that these neighboring sites suffer from the disease of black advertising / copyrights, but this does not concern us. whoknows

      About the update: "Wuxiaworld" made the chapters paid.
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      only we
      1. Offline
        Got it. I brought up free Webnovel because I checked it once I noticed removes was not updating. I know about the pay/time/karma wall on wuxia wold. But. Prices that this was the only one suffering because of it- keyboard immortals and others did not suffer under the same probl m.
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        1. Offline
          Send me a link where there are open chapters.
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          only we
          1. Offline
            I meant other stories- keyboard immortal , over geared both are updated in both ranobes and free Webnovel.
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          2. Offline
            go on novel hi its mtl but the translations feels like it was manually the only problem is that they get the genders wrong sometimes.
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  7. Offline
    At the time I'm writing this I'm on chapter 803 so I havnt finished it. This is a decent novel good humor and alright fights but it does fall into a very repetitive cycles quickly usually being along the lines of Goes to new area, learns that there are heaven defying guniuses that are way stronger then him, secret realm opens, MC struggles a bit, he breaks through a major realm, dominates secret realm, exits secret realm to enemy elders yelling at him but don't achieve anything, gets reward, rinse and repeat. It has nice aspects about it like how he isn't going solo like most MCs do but personally it doesn't have me completely hooked. I'm going to continue to read this but it'll be on the side when I don't have anything else to read. All in all give it a try even if it Is just for the face slapping
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  8. Offline
    #panic# Update please 23
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  9. Offline
    I believe beginners are going to enjoy this novel, because it has a lot of literal face slapping moments, good humor(at least first few hundred chapters), MC can be a badass, it really can be entertaining. But as much it can be fun to read, it can also be really frustrating, if you are readers that get really immersed in the novel. Long Chen struggles a lot, the whole world is against him. Just by existing, he offends idiotic young masters, he can't go for a walk without somehow offending a rock by the side of the road, i'm exaggerating, but not much. Enemy characters are basically the same, just with different names, arrogant young masters and shameless elders. His harem isn't really special either, you have gentle and kind jade beauty, jealous tigress, ice cold beauty, erudite girl that knows everything, psycho, loli... Highly repetitive, Long Chen goes to a new place, makes a lot of enemies, some secret realm opens, he slaughters his enemies in that realm, exits the realm and elders of the people he killed want him dead, saying stuff like: "Long Chen, how dare you kill our descendants, you're a devil, we're taking Heavens place to punish you", and crap like that. His allies arrive, arguing that Long Chen is really a good person and it isn't his fault, that he was just protecting himself. Few chapters of trash talking and everyone scatters because they find themselves in stalemate position. Rinse and repeat. It's the same if you read 300 or 3000 chapters, nothing really changes. Cultivation is easy, too many geniuses who can kill people across 1, even 2 great realms. Somehow, every enemy Long Chen makes is heaven shaking-earth shattering genius and when he finally kills him after 3-4 battles(because every enemy is an undying cockroach), he finds out that enemy he killed was just some ordinary genius, not worth mentioning. Here are levels of geniuses: favored, chosen, celestial(ranked 1-9), quasy empyrean, empyrean, sovereign sprout, primal, heaven mandate(1-9 Stars) and possibly many more. P. S. Long Chen is a hypocrite, nothing surprising, because every chinese novel MC is. His favorite phrase: "In front of absolute power, schemes are useless". He never has that absolute power. Author loves to hype up battles. Every battle is heaven shaking and earth shattering, ten thousand daos collapsing, gods cry, ghosts weep, sun and moon changing colors, laws destroying, heavenly daos bowing and so on.
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      Mr. Harem
      wow that's very scary, btw thanks buddy for giving useful information boast
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    2. Offline
      repeated? Of course, after all, this is a man-made story, there are bound to be flaws and importantly, doesn't real life repeat itself too?
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        You're dumb fr
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    3. Offline
      This is a pretty accurate review, but I still really enjoy this novel for 3 reasons:

      1. As you mentioned, mc is not alone. He raises up an entire army with him, and they're actually strong enough to assist the mc in battle so they don't feel like a useless resource drain only there to slow the mcs growth.

      2. The harem, although cliche, is one of the best I've seen (that's not saying a lot since harems almost always suck but this one's alright). What I mean by that is I actually remember the name, personality and power of every single woman, so they're at least fleshed out enough for me to give a shit about them.

      3. The writing style is above average for face slapping chinese novels. The humour is pretty good (I occasionally even laugh out loud, especially at his divine face-slapping art), the action is good, even if it's kinda repetitive (I sometimes get genuinely hyped for the fights), plus the mcs cultivation technique and all his power ups are interesting.
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      give me six digits
      The perfect review. Everywhere I look everyones always hyping up Nshba when is honestly one of the most generic Chinese novels out there. Guess it's cuz they like the type of Mc Long Chen is
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    5. Offline
      dude jsut described 99.99% of chinese novels. cheerful
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  10. Offline
    mc is too horny for his own good..
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