7 hours ago

Eternal Sacred King永恒圣王

He is a young man without a spirit root. It is believed that this denies him the chance at... Read more
He is a young man without a spirit root. It is believed that this denies him the chance at cultivation. However, a mysterious lady imparts a Supreme Demon Classic to him and from then on, he starts his path of cultivation.

He undergoes a total transformation to emerge as the most fearsome and powerful fiendish demon in his era, that even immortals and fiends are fearful of him, and saints are at his beck and call.

Mastering the Supreme Demon Classic is the turning point in his life. He is able to unleash his immense and divine power from within, illuminating the entire universe! Collapse
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Comments 76

  1. Offline
    I'm not gonna lie, the plot armour is very strong in this one.

    The author seems to have fully lost the ability to move the story forward using anything but plot armour. He continuously puts the main character in situations he would have absolutely no way of surviving even if he were 10 times stronger, and then bails him out through absolute bullshit. It's becoming really annoying.

    Plus, he always ends up stronger afterwards as well. In one of the more recent chapters I read, one of the mc's clones somehow soloed an entire army of people almost as strong as him, and was then stabbed in the chest by the general with a divine weapon that can one-shot people a realm higher than him with just it's aura. Once he's stabbed he obviously starts dying very quickly and decides to sacrifice the clone to buy time.

    I was like, cool, he's finally suffering from a setback and will lose this clone. Thank you.

    Except this all HAPPENED to take place in a realm where power above a certain level triggers energy storms that can kill anything very fast, and the sword HAPPENED to trigger it. The general, a being a whole major realm above him, was killed in less than a second, while this guy just HAPPENED to be cultivating a technique that just HAPPENED to be able to absorb a type of energy that just HAPPENED to be contained in the storm, and the weapon just HAPPENED to have an energy drain feature so he just HAPPENED to not explode from absorbing too much energy.

    And shit like that happens every 30 chapters.
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      Show me a good xuanhuan novel without several instances of plot armour and I will call you sensei.
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        it's all a spectrum, and this goes so much further into that spectrum than any other xianxia novel I've read.
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    Mister potato g123
    Does he reached the immortal world ?
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  3. Offline
    MTL Denier
    You either love this novel or you hate it. I feel both ways about it, but i still rate it 4/5.
    The action is cool, the mc is a jack of all trades that learns everything, but he prefers fist fights, so confrontations feel visceral and satisfying. He learns everything he gets his hands on, and he doesn't limit himself to them, even creating techniques and a path for himself. He doesn't just learn ancient techniques from the proverbial grandpa, he actually innovates. He was born a mortal that had no spirit root and couldn't cultivate, so after a certain event, you get to see the transition from weak scholar to baddass chad, which is satisfying. However, everything else just causes me great grief and angst. The world building is rich enough, after all, it's based off of chinese mythology, so if you're used to the genre, you'll pick it up pretty quickly. My gripe with it is that this world is deeply malevolent towards the mc. The author tries to weave the story in such a way to not make it too jarring, but the more chapters you read, the more pissed off you are. Everything that could go wrong, will go wrong, and unfair things will happen to the mc constantly. He could just be minding his own business when suddenly a young master bumps his shoulder, setting of a sequence of events that turns an entire sect into the mc's enemy, forcing him to run away all the time. If that's not enough, these sects will target the mc's friends and family, which makes the mc rush all over the place without rest. This is also a huge gripe i have with this novel, JUST LET ME RELAX FOR ONCE! Fight after fight, rescue after rescue with not a single chapter of rest that can provide some measure of catharsis, over and over again: a roller coaster with no stops. It's extremely tiring. Plus, it's a racially diverse land, with demons, gods, witches and many other creatures, and almost every single one seems to hate the mc in some way because plot. Worst of all, all humans are extremely malevolent, petty, small minded, greedy and never help anyone outside their sects. The author made humanity so pathetic i'm surprised they even existed to begin with. AND! AND! Despite being pathetic, there was no unity! You would think that if humans are so pathetic, they should at least unite and be more charitable towards each other, but nope! I won't go into details, but it's deeply upsetting. Despite all this, i still find the novel competent enough and still read it often.
    P.S The mc knows formations but barely uses them. They would have saved him from great troubles if only he ever remembered to use them but whatever. Thanks for reading.
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    1. Offline
      Wow, good review. I will give it try.
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    2. Offline
      Thanks for the review bro!
      Will try this next
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  4. Offline
    The mc courts death way too easily, but the worst part is you'll agree with him as well, because it fits with his character
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  5. Offline
    What is most annoying? This is a form of idiocy of the author, when he describes one situation, and then completely discards it and creates the exact opposite. Only because he wants to. There is no common sense here, the continuation of the plot. There is just some nonsense.
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    Я бросаю роман на моменте, когда он сделал себе 2 тела
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  7. Offline
    is there romance ? or any meaningful interaction between sexes. I would hate to read a dry cultivation journey diary where the only other meaningful people are male.
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    F5 Sect Disciple
    I haven't read his novel in a while, cuz it got really boring for me around 400 something. I read a random chapter in the 1700's. Classic Xianxia a frog in the well. Why the F is there a higher realm? You ascend to become an "immortal" only to literally go back to being the equivelant of a qi refining basic bitch.
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  9. Offline
    At this point I just feel that all the MC do is just reliaing on blind luck and plot armor to continue his journey. He is never cautious, he never thinks ahead and is just blatenly don't care about how it goes either for him or his friends cause guess what? Plot armor will always arrive on time. The story was kinda great but the more I read the more I despise it.

    MC just keep rushing into everything, and even if it's in MCs character it just doesn't make sense in like 9 of 10 times, like almost every situation it's almost certain death and the fact that plot armor make him get out alive isent even the worst part, the worst part is that the MC know what kind of situation it is and still rush it. It's so stupid, so brain-dead that I don't even know how to describe it properly. It this point maybe I just drop or read some more out of boredom and have already gone this far (Ch 716), don't really know. It's just a good setting ruined by garbage setup, don't know man...
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      I dropped it at chapter 2 after he let Zhou Dingyun go free after being able to kill him cuz I knew it was gonna be the type of cliche where Zhou Dingyun would go and get "revenge" and then it'd take a few hundred chapters, he'd also probably forgive the Shen girl and fall in love etc haha
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        He couldn't kill him because the cultivator dude was still around. You should read it some more, it's good.
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    2. Offline
      When I see this I feel vindicated knowing I'm not the only one who feels that it was great at first but it just stops being logical at some point and plot armour takes over. I mean like the dude was going into every f*cking dangerous situation that should lead to his death but somehow always surviving in the end... And what's with the endless enemies for our MC?? He can never catch a break. I stopped after the
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  10. Offline
    I've caught up and my conclusion is: Worth it.

    The novel is really good in the first 1000ish chapters, but then becomes progressively more boring, with occasional interesting moments. It then starts to pick back up after around chap 1600. So go ahead and read. Definitely in my top 5 cultivation novels.
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    1. Offline
      Hello there fellow daoist, could you tell me your top 5 please ? Maybe I'll see a novel I haven't read yet cuz man it really is hard to find a good cultivation novels with a good amount of chapters... Either that or wait more than a year for those who currently have 100 chapters to grow...
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        1. Desolate Era is my undisputed number one, while the ones afterwards are more or less equally good.
        2. Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao is second, partly because it was my first ever cultivation novel but also because it's genuinely good even after I reread it recently.
        3. Eternal sacred king is third, because few cliches + intelligent/ruthless protagonist = good.
        4. Hail the King would have been higher, but the way it used football clubs and players to name stuff was really weird. Plus it's not fully a cultivation novel.
        5. Nine Star Hegemon Body Art, because the mc builds his own force from the beginning instead of soloing the world.

        Honourable mentions to It's Lonely to Be Invincible, which would be in top 5 if the translation wasn't on hiatus.

        Other cultivation novels I've read are: God Of Slaughter, Crazy Leveling System, Profane Prince of Domination, Birth of the Demonic Sword, History's Number 1 Founder, Ancient Godly Monarch, Martial God Asura, The Strongest System, Reverend Insanity, Defiance of the Fall (kinda cultivation), The Primal Hunter (kinda cultivation) and I Am Loaded with Passive Skills.

        Just because something isn't in my top 5 doesn't mean it's not as good, it just means I remembered it later. Though some of them are worse than others. I've left a review on most of these so if you want some more information check out their pages on this site or just ask me.
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        1. Offline
          Brother... It seems you're still in that point in your journey where the classics are your favourites. I personally started with desolate era and I still love it to today but that together with those I read when I had just started reading cultivation novels cannot be said to be in my top 5 but they will always hold a special place in me but once I found others such as Reverend Insanity, Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor, Profane Prince of Domination, Paragon of Sin, (not really cultivation novels but still power progression : Lord of the Mysteries, Supreme Magus) etc my favourites have been constantly refreshed with each new exciting journey
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            F5 Sect Disciple
            To much harem degeneracy. In all your years, have you ever read a harem novel where the members of the harem don't 100% go along with what the MC wants? Do they have any free will? Any goal that would divert the MC away from their objective that isn't family or young master related? Are they ever more than "the girls?"

            Sure, maybe for an arc, one or two of the harem members will disagree with the MC. But ultimately, they're there to get into trouble to make the mc look like a big strong man. If you've ever interacted with a woman for more than three sentences, or even dated one, you would know how much of a hardship running a harem would be. I can understand getting your dick wet, we all get horny. But all this shared romance between 4+ women? Impossible. That's a bigger fantasy than xianxia.
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            1. Offline
              Is this about Profane Prince of Domination and Paragon of Sin in the examples I give? I agree with Profane Prince having too much harem and yeah Paragon of Sin does have a large harem as well but it's one of the better done ones where the members keep getting "screen time" and do have their own personalities and thoughts. Much more well done in the harem department than other novels out there constraint
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              Mister potato g123
              Even if one of his harem having a problem with the harem idea they can't do anything! Why ? Because the MC is hundreds of times stronger than them ,for example, reverse harem ? I didn't read a novels about that , but the women who had harem in the novels I read are all , strong ! In cultivation novels if you are strong then you can do whatever you want.
              Sorry for bad English.
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          2. Offline
            I've read reverend insanity, and I love fang yuan, but the progression in it is a little too slow for my taste and the power levels are also pretty close together, which is why it didn't make it into my top 5. The only difference between a rank 1 and a rank 3 gu master is their stamina and strength, so they hit harder and fight longer, but that's it. There's no qualitative difference between them, and a group of rank 1 gu masters can take down a rank three if they have enough people.

            Profane prince of domination is hilarious and fun to read, but it's just a smut novel. There's absolutely no way it could end up in my top 5 for a variety of reasons, number one being it's length.

            I'm planning on reading paragon of sin so I might change my mind later.
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