5 months ago

Guild Wars by Kotario

Draco had risen to the top of the world through his exploits in the legendary FIVR game,... Read more
Draco had risen to the top of the world through his exploits in the legendary FIVR game, Boundless.

After years of intense conflicts between his guild, Hellscape, and the guild of his former infidel lover, Darkrow, things came to a head when Draco conquered all.

Now, nothing stood in his way of total conquest within the highly acclaimed second world of mankind, as he intended to fortify his new empire.

Unfortunately, a timely assassination sent him back into the wheel of time for reincarnation, but not even the Gods gave him peace of death.

Thrust into the past, Draco realized he’d been given a second chance at life to start from scratch, with all the knowledge of over fifteen years of almost absolute power in Boundless.

Now, his path to glory will be far shorter and filled with more bloodshed than Hades could handle. Collapse
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Comments 112

  1. Offline
    Just Some High Quality Wish Fullfilment, good to pass time (wait isnt that what people read novels for.. )
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  2. Offline
    One of my all-time favorite webnovels.

    Has its fair share of flaws, but the good parts are truly awesome. Among other things, it's the best-written harem I've ever read.
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    1. Offline
      can you please suggest me some novels like this one
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  3. Offline
    Just gonna put this right out there, but I could not give 1... no, half of a f#ck, about the opinion of pirates.

    If you want to make your opinion valid, actually read it legally or make a donation. Otherwise, shut the f#ck up and read it illegally instead of flapping your gums as if you have a right to.
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    1. Offline
      Braindead author(?) appear again on this site.
      First of all: We don't give a f#ck about any of your word or though.
      Second: I will become legal reader as far as i'm using fast pass. I can use it on chapter that disgust me. Will my opinion about this chapters become valid or you try to find new justification to stay above other's opinion? You also active shutting up legal readers on WN but here you doesn't have power to moderate comments.

      And some thoughts for other readers, not for you:
      All our opinions valid. Especially for other readers. Once you read smth you get some thoughts about it and you have rights to share this thoughts anywhere you want as you can share any of your thought. It's basic human right. If author "could not give 1... no, half of a f#ck, about the opinion of pirates" it's author problem only and moreover their position about their creation: such authors doesn't want to make quality content they want to suck your money and do whatever majority like (why do you think a lot novels so similar). I can only advise my fellow readers to avoid such authors or don't give them money. They don't respect their readers so you should not respect them back.
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      1. Offline
        Oh gee, a bunch of thieves coming together and jerking each other off for their actions.

        Why, I might even be fooled into thinking you're a bunch of connoisseurs who can pass sensible comments on a subject matter and not rejects in basements who think they're justified stealing because they can't afford an OPTIONAL service.

        I mean, if it was life and death, stealing to survive is definitely understandable.

        Stealing to entertain yourself and then insulting the item you stole as well as its creator? Your parents must be proud.
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        1. Offline
          Oh, you have high moral ground i see? Ok, we just bunch of thieves with pitiful life. Who give you right to shutting up our voices by saying "your opinion not valid and you should shut the f#ck up"? You don't respect our rights and we don't respect yours. Fair exchange.

          Many of us can afford some novel to read but we have enough brain cells to know how much our entertainment should cost. WN's cost more than good physical hard covered book when every chapter full of hard work and plot. Do you dare to say your non physical every day posted novel has better quality than real literature? Or maybe you dare to say you don't work for word count?
          My parents really proud because i know where my money should be.
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          1. Offline
            Ah, seeking excuses. You see, I agree with you, WN is a bit overpriced, but it has its own merits and demerits.

            Its good not to spend money on WN for reading too, I agree with you.

            But you're missing the f#cking point. If its overpriced, then simply do not consume it. There are plenty better novels on Royalroad, Fanfiction.net than Guild Wars.

            And they are FREE. No stress, and you can support the author however you want.

            So why the F*ck do you have to go so far to steal mine?
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            1. Offline
              So why the F*ck do you have to go so far to steal mine?

              Wow. It's first time i meet person with so big sence of self-importance.
              No one target personally you. You just one of thousands nobody interested 'creators' (how proud it sound). Just another sprout of big company which can only product similar popcorn-quality brain gum. You really think someone cares about personally you? Returning to start of comment brunch: as no one care about you personally so nobody cares about your opinion (that bullshit about valid opinion you wrote). Go back to WN zoo where you can moderate comments leaving only what you like and let us talk each other here and warn future "non valid opinion wielder" about shittiness of your novel. What a surprise! We write about flaws not for author.

              Do you really care your "creation" stealed? You can stop here your hysteria. You can't convert pirate readers to paying. Can you even imagine that exist ppls who don't pay not because price but because principle? Ppls like me. If i won't get new novels free i will change my hobby but won't start pay. Simple reason why piracy as phenomenon don't influence on sales according to some sci researches about popular media.

              And you write "bit overprices" lol. Street food wanna be 5 Michelin Stars but can afford only price lvl. How much months can i get on Netflix with unlimited content for price of one novel? It's about novel that can give only 15 minute content per day that authors dragged as they can and give us half-baked glass of water.

              And last:
              If its overpriced, then simply do not consume it.

              1) I do what i want. If i want to consume smth i would. Why should i restrict myself? Just because you want it?
              2) I don't even read your crappy novel you know? I'm just accidentally met your first comment. It's some kind of fun, talking to ppls that don't understand how world revolves.
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              1. Offline
                correct me if I am wrong, but isnt consuming pirated content not against the law and you are only eligible for punishment if you are actually sharing the pirated content. At least in the most countries that I know of it is in such a way.
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                1. Offline
                  Depends on country and content type. Somewhere storage illegal, somewhere only sharing illegal. Soft and media has different rules. Using sites like this 100% legal in most countries because you "cant verify" site holder rights and lawyers can't blame you for using eyes without any other intentions except watching.
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              2. Offline
                Jesus, how could you possibly say i am the one with an overinflated sense of self and then spew that shit?

                My man, the entire point is that I do not see the sense behind you doing something illegal, which you can be put in jail for, for something you stated to be common as the hairs in my asshole, and then come and f#cking complain.

                I wish you could show this entire argument to nonpirates with sense in their heads and see how they will look at you like a retard.

                Of course, you can do what you want, read what you want. I cannot stop you either without DMCA's this site, which I haven't and will not because another one would pop up and its better to have one that I know of than one that is hidden.

                But I'm not here to stop you, I am here to shame you and educate you on the true nature of your actions, which given the hot ratio I was given, was very effective.

                Look, I get it man and every pirate reading this. No thief likes to be reminded that he is a thief. In his head, he is just taking what is rightfully his, but you're still a thief in the end brother.
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                1. Offline
                  Reading pirated content isn't illegal, actually even watching an entire movie that's pirated isn't illegal, in my country it's when you start downloading that it becomes something you may be lightly punished for though iirc in most of the western world you have to be the distributer of pirated content for you to be liable, and if you are wondering, ranobes gets away with it since they are based in Russia.
                  Btw you should try to DMCA it for the content, Zogarth tried and he has a way better case then you and better lawyers too, but he failed.

                  Ngl, Not so sure why you would think people would get guilt tripped for reading pirated content, well I'm Chinese, so stealing things and making them cheaper for my benefit is my speciality hahaha, but fr my man, we buy gadgets full well knowing they come at the cost of the lives of a few African kids working in cobalt mines in deadly working conditions and you think we'll feel bad about reading pirated content that doesn't one bit actually deprive the author of anything?
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                2. Offline
                  Guilt kinda complex thing. Especially about things out of our attention field. Like most ppl would not care about murdering on next street if they know murderer is down and no close ppl harmed.
                  African kids so far so they can be not exist, as authors or programmers or any other mind related workers... Not being disrespectful to creators but humans works like this. If someone says different, they feel connections or they hypocrites (like authors who use (or even used once) pirated software but blame readers for not paying) because care of such distant people require active "i'm good" stand (maybe to proof something someone).
                  All words above not even start talking about legality.
                  Internet piracy... huh. We live together over 20 years and this war still no have winner. This winner would never appear because it's sword and shield type war.
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    2. Offline
      lol we're not speaking to you, just other readers.

      As far as I'm concerned, an opinion is valid as long as someone besides the opinion giver thinks it's valid.

      Now, I know why you're angry. You saw people not only reading your story illegally, but they even had the gall to critique it... Tbh, no one cares.

      In the end, we've read it just like anyone else who critiques it has read it. Now if you'd just shut up and take the criticism, maybe you could be a better writer.
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      1. Offline
        You have said nothing sensible in the short time you were given to make a reply. I'd respect no less from a thief.

        Not that it would make sense to someone low enough to steal, but I do take criticism. Especially from my readers on discord and webnovel. Why don't even delete negative reviews and respond to them asking for suggestions as long as the review itself is sensible.

        My point here is that EVEN IF you have something good to say, I don't give a f#ck if it's said by a thief. Remove that shabby outfit meant for stealing and wear a gentleman's suit, then say what you have to say like a proper human being.
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        1. Offline
          Well I'd venture to say that other readers want our opinions. Besides, what do I gain from reading it on webnovel or patreon rather than here. You have to recognise how much it costs for either of those and that readers are not gonna buy every single book. There will always be pirates, it's just the way of the world. If you build up an enormous following it won't matter because you'll be raking it in.

          I'll tell you what, staying on here replying to comments is never gonna make anyone switch to webnovel. Even if it did, 99% won't. Also people are going to continue to leave comments no matter what you do. You're fighting and impossible fight.
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          1. Offline

            Fair enough.
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        2. Offline
          you love to point out that we are thieves and that our opinion does not count so what are you doing here?

          I just want to read some shit. I enter this page because it is convenient, if you want to point someone out, then the administrators are there I do not understand the point of attacking the readers just retarded
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          1. Offline
            Makes sense.

            Consider it like this, someone broke into your house and stole your car. he then takes it to a marketplace and sells it to a buyer who knows the car is stolen and that it's yours.

            Will you have any good impression of the thief and or the buyer? They are both thieves, though one is by association.
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            1. Offline
              here 2 years later... Life is crazy, I graduated, I went to university, I got a job... I lost my job and other things.

              (I'm still at university btw)

              You are right about your comment, my vision was myopic like my English, which is still Google.

              I think that a review from someone who pays to see content is worth more than a guy who consumes pirated content.

              And I think that no matter how second-class the reviews here may be, it's never a bad thing to take note and think about it.

              From time to time you find people with a good critical review, after 2 years of understanding the damage and staying away from a guy from webnovels I came to this conclusion: this site is a shithole of erotic novels with 4 stars guaranteed and if it has less than 4, contains NTR.
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        3. Offline
          You're whining and bitching a lot for someone who apparently "gives no f#cks"

          Just take our criticism and better yourself as an author. Maybe that way you'll be able to write something that isn't a retarded cringefest filled with 80% filler.
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    3. Offline
      We are reading it legally though.....
      There is nothing illegal with consuming(for lack of a better word) pirated content, the illegal aspect is copying/duplicating the content.
      Though maybe you mean morally wrong satisfied ,it's important for an author to be precise in his wording.
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      1. Offline


        Huh??? swim
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        1. Offline
          Just what he said, what us readers do is not illegal. I could tell my brother, a military police and he wouldnt care, actually i know he does a similar thing his self. Other authors are loved here becuz they arent so uptight about it and are chill. Attacking readers and overall being sort of a misguided dick doesn't help your case and projects an image of low self confidence.
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    4. Offline
      If you don’t care about the opinions of anybody here, then why are you here unless you want attention?

      Personally I liked this novel for the most part, but to you I am not a reader or a human, just a thief that that holds less importance than other fellow humans.

      You have basically told anyone and everywhere here that you have an extremely trash personality. There are people here who are happy to support authors they are fans of, but I doubt anybody here and in their right mind would ever support you.

      There are some people I wouldn’t mind supporting myself and do, but you will never be one of them, even if you release other novels that I think may be worth it.
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      1. Offline
        Brother, the exact point of my earlier comment was that I do not give a f#ck. I will not suddenly feel bad because a thief says 'hmph, how dare you barate me for my crime? Even if I decided to be legal, I wouldn't buy your goods!'

        Like, the f#ck? Are you delusional?
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    5. Offline
      Just because people pirate, doesn't mean their opinion is wrong or invalid. And just because people do pay and support your work doesn't mean their opinions are like god's words. Sure, I tried to put myself in your shoes and figured I would be very pissed at people in your scenario, but that's how it is. I can't change anything and neither could you. Will people suddenly pay you for fillers upon fillers of chapters after they read your comment? No. At least I wouldn't, you might guilt trip some but not all of them. When should you be absolutely pissed? When your writing quality is like J.K.Rowling . I could only speak from the movie's perspective because I didn't read the book. You could see that almost everything is crucial to the story and not fillers. I read another novel just now and I didn't even realize there was a chapter missing until someone copy pasted the missing chapter in the comments. That's how bad the fillers are. Hope you have a great day though.
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      1. Offline
        Oh no, you missed the point of my comment. Your opinion could be objectively right, could make sense, and could even be true.

        The point is that I, Kotario, do not give a f#ck about it. As someone said, some reviews are left for other readers to see, and that is fine cuz you don't give a f#ck and I don't either, so everyone walks their way.

        What I am talking about are those specifically written so that I can see it or targeted at me.
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    6. Offline
      69 Dislikes, Good Job man!
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      1. Offline
        Bruh, I got ratioed to hell and back. 9

        I expected all the dislikes and the negative replies, but why the f#ck are there people liking my comment?!
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    7. Offline
      what do you expect from ranobes user, they cant even appreciate writing, i really dont understand how this web grow into like this, the day when i used to trust review here was gone, the good reader overshadowed by bunch of teenagers and bot, for everyone here think author is harsh, every author has its right about his work, they made it from scratch, you can unlock and comment in official chapter which chapter triggering you because some authors listen only in official site, some ignore even if you give him castle or support, some listen to the top supporter and consider, i know a wise author can choose white and black in between even in unofficial site but hey not all people same and i hate this web sometimes because of this cliche comments, you cant click the title on home, no filter for spam or review, search features so tiring, sigh, just sue this web to delete if you cant handle us bro
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      1. Offline
        You know, just for your comment, I sincerely apologize to you and anyone who thinks like you among those who read pirated novels. You do not deserve anything I said previously.
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  4. Offline
    Quote: Hitler
    Honestly one of the most disappointing, sad attempts at writing a novel.

    Let me show you how bad this is through multiple points.

    1) the story has too many plot holes to count. The Mc gets something then it completely is never mentioned again in the next chapter. I've noticed that this is a recurring theme in the novel.

    2) the Mc's personality is literally a shameless cn novel mcs character. Literally almost no difference except for the cultural change being the Mc American.

    4) the mc goes to another timeline and starts fresh. The Mc instantly reaches heights never reached in his previous world. Making his guild the biggest guild in what? 50 or 60 chapters.

    5) the Mc acts like some edgy emo character.

    6) the ntr scene. In chapter 30 to 40 i think the Mc gets cucked by a guild leader that's against him. Completely unnecessary and just ruined the story a lot for me.

    7) the Mc gets op loot and creates potions that almost no npcs or powerful players in his past life could make. And this is like 20 chapters in for f#cks sake.

    Honestly I don't recommend reading this novel. It's a waste of time. There are many better novels than this one. I would give more time to review this more throughly but I feel like I've wasted enough time
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    1. Offline
      So why are you qouting me?
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      1. Offline
        He's just bringing your comment to the masses, showing it on a brighter stage. Perhaps with his help you can be the next great commenteer.
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  5. Offline
    When is the r18 gonna start? And how often is it, to the fellow cultured men monk
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    1. Offline
      It's about once every 50 chaps at the begening but lessens later
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    2. Offline
      Dont wait
      Novel full with fillers
      Use your hand 👍
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      1. Offline
        Use the money you saved by pirating this novel to buy a hooker man. Get laid! monk
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  6. Offline
    Honestly one of the most disappointing, sad attempts at writing a novel.

    Let me show you how bad this is through multiple points.

    1) the story has too many plot holes to count. The Mc gets something then it completely is never mentioned again in the next chapter. I've noticed that this is a recurring theme in the novel.

    2) the Mc's personality is literally a shameless cn novel mcs character. Literally almost no difference except for the cultural change being the Mc American.

    4) the mc goes to another timeline and starts fresh. The Mc instantly reaches heights never reached in his previous world. Making his guild the biggest guild in what? 50 or 60 chapters.

    5) the Mc acts like some edgy emo character.

    6) the ntr scene. In chapter 30 to 40 i think the Mc gets cucked by a guild leader that's against him. Completely unnecessary and just ruined the story a lot for me.

    7) the Mc gets op loot and creates potions that almost no npcs or powerful players in his past life could make. And this is like 20 chapters in for f#cks sake.

    Honestly I don't recommend reading this novel. It's a waste of time. There are many better novels than this one. I would give more time to review this more throughly but I feel like I've wasted enough time
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    1. Offline
      Does the mc really get ntr tho?
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      1. Offline
        Aldo Elias Amaranto
        dejame y te explico, ese ntr es desde su punto de vista, aunque la tipa se vio literalmente obligada para salvarle la vida a el, ella no le dijo nada a el y era además en el juego de realidad virtual (no sucedió), aunque si fuese yo tambien hubiese reaccionado igual.... ella trato de asumir todo para salvarlo sin hablar con el, falta de confianza asi que a la mierda. en fin te recomendaría que te lo leyeras.
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      2. Offline
        I think that was in good previous live that too on the virtual world not real.
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        1. Offline
          And that too didn't happen. I repeat there was no NTR before it could happen MC arrived at the scene.
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          1. Offline
            No, there was a description that said that the female lead turned off the senses function because she did not want to feel turned on by that guy, so the mc came in the middle and this was in his first life, not the reincarnation
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            1. Offline
              Yes but he never got to even touch her she was fully clothed except her lower part that too he didn't got to even touch because MC barged in but despite this it is so frustrating and annoying. They said Lucifer lineage is the strongest and the 3rd strongest PANGU trampled on them wtf is the use of being in a powerful lineage or is there a deeper plot I don't know as I haven't read it.
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              1. Offline
                Its doesn't matter whether the dick is in or not
                Naked or not
                The girl already agrees and wants to accept the rape act, the deal has been accepted with brain heart mouth blah blah 🙊
                Well... dick in front her pussy

                When she agrees for sex...this is cheating
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  7. Offline
    The initial chapters may look a bit similar to 'Reincarnation of strongest sword god', But it gets better and its own uniqueness in few chapters. Plus it has harem so thats good yeah
    So push through if you like vrmmorpg stuff.
    The writing can be too detailed but i dont mind it since it increases the immersion and it reminds me of all the dnd rpg games i used to play! hlst
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    1. Offline
      Devils Advocate
      Not surprising that you noticed the similarity.

      The main motivation that led to Kotario starting Guild Wars, was actually him getting fed up with some illogical things on RSSG and thinking to himself 'think this shit, I can do it better' xD
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      1. Offline
        Well you are not wrong but this novel too is alot illogical, its good but still the way author scaled him so high too early on made me wanna stop reading it.
        I like it but i would still rate ROTSSG higher than this bcoz i like shi feng's character more.
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  8. Offline
    I have read 60 chapters so far. In the beginning i felt he became too OP to fast but the scale kept expanding so his OP'nes felt not so OP at some point. Of course compared to current players hes OP but compared to his future enemies its fine.

    About the story so far.

    The R-18 stuff is decent. Nothing really amazing but not poor either.

    The story is decent and unique, a lot of forecasting. I compare it to an empty big ball. Now i just hope the empty ball gets filled up.

    Characters are quite flat. No real character development you get what you see. Though they don't do things that go against their character either or are illogical but nothing amazing either.

    For me its a 7/10 atm but i don't think the story can keep doing what it is doing because changing the scope can only go so far and having characters being quite flat will get annoying. And how he gets items/gear etc went from 0 straight to 100% makes it that after a certain point he can't get more OP that way.

    I think it will become a 6.5/10 meaning it would be a nice read story but nothing memorable.
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    1. Offline
      Update: Read 353 chapters so far.

      The world is being fleshed out and the pace is getting slowed down. The real world part seems interesting.

      I would say it is a 7/10 and would have been a 7.5/10 direction of the story was better because that is my main critique is that the story seems to have no clear direction so it becomes stale.

      For example (not really important spoilers or anything but just in case):

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  9. Offline
    Mc is chunni boy. Extremely unlikeable i want to punch him in the face.
    Mc behaves like some 8th standard kid.
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  10. Offline
    Fabiano anjos
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