3 days ago

Reborn as a Demonic Tree by XKARNATION

Ashlock awoke in the courtyard of a demonic sect… as a tree.

A tree that eats... Read more
Ashlock awoke in the courtyard of a demonic sect… as a tree.

A tree that eats people.

And one that grows stronger over time due to a daily sign-in system and cultivation. Collapse
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Comments 148

  1. Offline
    I guess Evil protagonist is the new trend. It's amazing that so many people idolize Evil characters these days. BTW not talking about this particular novel but in general.
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    1. Offline
      well, yes, many are tired of the good main characters, but unfortunately, so far many authors make them a psychopath or a normal hero who says that he is a villain (not all, but almost all)
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      1. Offline
        Yup. I have no problem with Evil MCs in general. But I just can't connect with their actions of killing innocent people.
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        1. Offline
          Yea, i too like antihero character but not one of those sadistic psychopath who cause misery for misery sake. I think its because of good character becoming too frustrating with their high and mighty morals even when it cause more damage indirectly, Just look at batman refusing to kill villains even why they keep blowing up cities for fun.
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            someone's Hero is someone else's villain.
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          2. Offline
            Anti hero mc's does not mean evil mc. I would say an anti hero would be someone that is selfish while a hero is selfless while good vs evil is just the moral compass.
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            1. Offline
              Good evil mc arent always mindless killers, even the wrose one i have read 'fang yuan' didnt kill mindessly and only did it when it benefits him. Yes, he was a demon and there were some extremely graphic and horryfying things in that novel but mc didnt feel crazy psychopathic. Nowadays there are books with evil mc tag that makes you feel like its written by serial kiillers, just a product of a sick sadistic mind.
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              1. Offline
                I stopped reading "reverend insanity" at @200 something. Because I read too many spoilers about the MC's actions in future. Maybe some will say that you can't judge a book without reading it, but it will be very hard for me to connect with an Evil character. I will have to waste too much time while justifying his actions using absurd logics - Like it's okay until he didn't kill innocents for fun.
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                1. Offline
                  Why you should justify their action? Will you try to justify autobiography of some serial killer or ppl like hitler? It's reason to read evil mc stories: you don't connect with them and you can don't approve their actions but you read good story about intresting (and most likely smart) person.

                  If you need logic to justify them, use that: It's okay till mc move with their heart and who care where heart going.

                  Look like you don't understand what evil mc is. It's not about serial killers but it's about overly pragmatic ppl without bottom line. Benefits are first priority. They just use shortest ways to get their target. Yeah, it's not against killing innocent in core but what goal can take mc to become serial killer? Just too much work without result.
                  And we reach part where mc kill ppl who block the way of plan. When you read hero type mc, opponent are guilty just because trying to stop mc who burdened with glorious purpose. No matter why because they are guilty and evil by default. Like demons in stories with killing demon king who almost always have absolute control over them.
                  Evil type opponents don't have such default tag so reader suddenly place them on higher moral position.
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                2. Offline
                  Chill dude, why are you getting so defensive?. I just don't like Evil MC, Why would I invest so much time reading about someone who kills innocent people. I never said i like Hero type MC, you made it up by yourself. And it doesn't matter to me if Evil MC is interesting, smart or cool.
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                3. Offline
                  Because only hero/anti hero type MC's don't kill f#cking innocents, I think he made a perfectly right assumption that you like Hero type MC's. Anyways most of the "Evil MC's" aren't even evil, like the goat Gu Nan. For example, why the f#ck does systemic lands have evil MC tag?
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                4. Offline
                  I wasn't defensive but i'll start it now. Did you even read what i wrote? You couldn't even recognize words... Killing innocent without reason happens at best in 1% of all so called evil mc stories.
                  Your loved hero kill more innocent just because author pull out of his ass stupid reason to mark opponents as evil and clear any moral questions. Even if they innocent in real. If hero type don't even kill it's mean they kill even more but indirectly. Hypocrisy disgust me more than several killed innocents for reason.
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                5. Offline
                  Fellow brother from the pragmatic DAO, can you please recommend me more evil scriptures ?
                  I'm running out of them, don't hold your self back, you can recommend materials of pure madness, this old man has no bottom line, this old one is tired of selfish hero, please give this one some righteous evil hokage
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                6. Offline
                  Можете тоже порекомендовать истории со злым ГГ
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                7. Offline
                  I'd want to but it's so hard to find one so i gave up. If i find some true evil mc eventually i would really happy but i don't look for them anymore.
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                8. Offline
                  The dude explained calmly and logically.
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                9. Offline
                  Gu Nan ?
                  The Ruined Death Knight is good.
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    2. Offline
      True evil protagonist is very rare thing...
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  2. Offline
    This story is fun, im really enjoying, i hope the author can update daily.
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  3. Offline
    Почему так мало глав :(
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  4. Offline
    Gweek Patato
    Mr. Tree tree
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  5. Offline
    30 chapters in, super good.
    the system is a lucky draw and never exacly whats need at a given moment but still progressive and usefull.
    while being a tree and not having to worry about worldly things like money taxes or food, he still needs to be tactfull so not to bring attention to him self, least someone enslaves him for his fruits or burns him down / destroy him out of rage or greed.

    I think the system is an easily abusive thing in the story(with regards to the writer) but so far the writer hasn't abused it or used in a way to cover for writers block in stead its being used to troll while giving progression.
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    1. Offline
      Is it a sign-in system ?

      99/100 sign-in systems suck because the MC always gets unreasonable things that he shouldn't have at that stage.

      I would prefer if he were to slowly grow up for low-level things and develop highp-level stuff on his own compared to be spoonfed advantages every other day.
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      1. Offline
        I would prefer if he were to slowly grow up for low-level things and develop highp-level stuff on his own compared to be spoonfed advantages every other day.

        Then you'll like it
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        1. Offline
          I checked a bit quickly the first chapter to see what kind of system he had. The first thing he got was an A level skill that had God tree in its name.

          How in the hell is he beginning from low level stuff and developing to high level stuff when the first thing he got had the words "God Tree" in its name ?

          Besides I have read quite a few comments mentioning how the MC refuses to do anything actively to better his position ? Trying to understand the basic situation of the world he is in ? Not important. Facing a difficult situation and trying to change his way of thinking ? Nope that is for losers. Realizing that he is doing something wrong but proceeding to do absolutely nothing about it. He is just sitting there doing nothing and complaining to the system. How am I supposed to enjoy this. Not to mention there are too few chapters currently now. I would read them in less than a day.
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          1. Offline
            How can a tree know something without anyone telling it about it. And about the god's eye
            . And about the moving out the demonic sector, how the f#ck does a tree move. Also there a lot of strong cultivators who have their eye on the tree due it's abnormal growth rate.
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          2. Offline
            Ah yes, because the ability to see is so very overpowered...
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            1. Offline
              The problem is the rank of the ability. Author could have just given him an f-rank perception ability that he would have to develop before he gets that ability he is handed to.
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              1. Offline
                Regardless of the rank, the ability to see is not an advantage, it only puts him on equal footing. If he had to develop the ability then that would be a disadvantage.
                You see, if I called [talking] an A rank ability then I still wouldn't get an advantage.
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  6. Online Offline
    First chapters are SOLID. Story and MC live up to the name with a daily login, yet with enough events happening around it spliced in to make it a compelling story. However, the author decides to add unnecessary and contrived subplots and unnecessary and unlikeable characters just for the sake of it. Truly disappointing.
    FYI: The Diane character feels unnecessary and forced.
    TLDR: Demonic Tree becomes Simp Tree.
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  7. Offline
    This is really good, much better than 4 star rating it has rn.
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    1. Offline
      I wouldn't say. He has enough clichés. and if this continues, then he will be surrounded by many girls who will protect him ... don't you get tired of this every time too? and I even start to get upset because of this
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  8. Offline
    The best work of this release. I used to read where mc was a tree, but it's all garbage compared to this. Despite the fact that this is an Englishman, combining magic and qi together, everything turned out well. Most of all, I liked the new system of cultivation forces, quite original. 10 out of 10 cookies
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    1. Offline
      This guy has more than 3 active novels, he's trying to bust his ass, I'm afraid there won't be any new chapters in the near future (
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      1. Offline
        oh man, i have seen many WN authors do similar thing before. All of them burn out and dropped the novel, never seen someone succeed, it'll be a bummer to see this one get dropped crybaby
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      2. Offline
        What are the other novels like?
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        1. Offline
          One work about a ghost lich, mediocre. The second one is about a vampire, very similar to jackal vs snakes, but at a worse level, especially since the author abandoned it halfway because he was tired of writing, reading at his own risk
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          1. Offline
            Oh I see... Thanks for the info bro
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    2. Offline
      I have been summoned
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  9. Offline
    Good novel, with few chapters. 4.2/5
    Liked what I read up till now (Ch. 40 Patreon) but I will wait for more chapters to come out before reading it.
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  10. Offline
    It's fun to read.

    Quite lacking in building the characters and the world, but he still doesn't cross the 50 chapters mark, so the final judgment shall wait.
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