3 days ago

Reborn as a Demonic Tree by XKARNATION

Ashlock awoke in the courtyard of a demonic sect… as a tree.

A tree that eats... Read more
Ashlock awoke in the courtyard of a demonic sect… as a tree.

A tree that eats people.

And one that grows stronger over time due to a daily sign-in system and cultivation. Collapse
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Comments 148

  1. Offline
    Ok, so I've read all the available chapters, including the 15 extra patreon chapters, and I can safely say I find this novel EXTREMELY enjoyable. I'm not going to write a 5000 word review because tbh I can't be bothered, but this is one of my top 15 novels even with how few chapters there are.

    I should mention that this probably isn't for everyone.
    1. Since the protagonist is a demonic tree, his existence is intrinsically tied with death and "evil" things, so if you don't like the idea of people being eaten then don't read this. (Though when I say his existence is tied with evil that doesn't mean the protagonist is evil. He never eats innocent people and I'd say he's chaotic neutral)
    2. There's a system. For some people that's a dealbreaker, which I don't understand.
    3. The mc is friends with 2 girls. For some people this is once again a dealbreaker, because "HaReM iS bAd!!", even though there has been literally not even the slightest hint of romance in all 43 chapters I've read, given the fact that, you know, the mc is a TREE!

    Oh yeah and the grammar is almost flawless so no complaints there.
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    1. Offline
      I get u BUT being a tree doesn't mean u can't have a Harem. U know what is analogous with tree roots?
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        I don't want to
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          Good u understand
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          1. Offline
            i hope that for the love of god this doesnt go the harem route 😔
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              Don't we all
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        2. Offline
          you dont need to, you already knew deep down
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      2. Offline
        why? why do you even read book at this point and not go watch xxx vid and be done with it so we can all enjoy a normal book.
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        1. Offline
          Well let's put it like this...
          Once u learn cheating is a thing u start suspecting every action that the person takes. Until then those interactions are normal... but after...
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    2. Offline
      From my understanding people dislike system novels because it's so overdone and unoriginal, and because it often creates poor characters and hole-filled plots.

      Personally I'm on board that second one, though I don't expressely hate system novels. I just dislike how they so often host poorly made stories and characters.
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      1. Offline
        Yeah but some people will refuse to read a good novel just because it has a system in it. I don't understand that.
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      2. Offline
        Though this isn't really true.

        Like half of the system novels could just be the equivalent of the MC running in forgotten ancient and immensely powerful artifact at the start of the story. The MC in that case would run in extremely lucky situations every other day. So yeah the fact that the author writes a novel with "poor characters and hole-filled plots." has nothing to do with the fact that it has a system.

        A system genre novel has two very distinct features : a) it quantifies progress with numbers so the viewer can better visualize what is changing , b) systems are usually built with the aim to nurture , thus it is normal for the system to have several paths that can allow an individual to grow stronger. In other words it is far more believable that an MC has become strong because there is artifact (System) that specialized in training people to grow stronger on a specific path compared to the MC being extremely lucky constantly till he reaches the apex.

        Tbh system novels are misunderstood as well as harem novels. Just because the author is objectively bad doesn't mean that the tags themselves are bad. Arguably the tags should be considered of higher quality due to the demand they have on the skills of the author. Besides these last days I have grown to believe that 99% of webnovel authors shouldn't be considered legit authors. Just because you wrote a couple hundred thousand words online doesn't make you an author or to be more specific a half decent author. Most of these so called "authors" would have never been able to publish a paperback book.
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        1. Offline
          I believe your views might be rather biased towards idealized perceptions and purist exclusion. (To be clear, this isn't an attack on you. I'm just being forthright in case it's escaped your attention.)

          Sure, system novels CAN be what you describe, but based on apparent proof they clearly aren't. A substantial portion of these systems are just crutches for both the MC and their author.

          It's a convenient, ever-present hand-waving device that can free authors from having to create 'reasonable-enough' systems of magic and physics.

          It also allows authors to create poor characters capable of doing far more than they should be able to in a less immersion-breaking way, again because of a convenient, ever present hand-waving device. And that means author who don't even know what makes up a great, admirable person to create characters capable of great things.

          And that's not to mention the frequent power-gain euphoria in such an efficient package in a way that is familiar to all gamers.

          Achieving all that a system novel does without the 'system' device is faaar more difficult.

          And yes, they are authors. They've published a medium of storytelling that is available to be consumed. What's important is context.

          Must all 'authors' be highly skilled, financially successful artists? Why? All it means is that they've created something which is relevant in some way.

          Gatekeeping descriptive words and titles is the territory of nonsensical purists, monopolists trying to eliminate competition, and safety-minded governance bodies trying to avoid undue harm and death. Leisure literature sure as heck doesn't fall under that last one lol.

          Don't let the overly celebrated 'cool kids club's fool you. The 'air of authority' is just another tool of business, capable of being employed in all manner of deceit. Just take a loot at your email spam folder and all them phishing scams lol.

          Art award shows and organisations are just a different kind of fraud. Not being chosen to partner with them doesn't mean you aren't an artist. It just means you aren't doing business with them.

          Plenty of great artists have foregone the scams of big publishers, distributors and awards to self-publish and even protest the big scam machines that habitually take advantage of and destroy young promising talents not wise to the ways of the world.

          Fu#k, sorry for the essay. Got carried away.
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          1. Offline
            Sure, system novels CAN be what you describe, but based on apparent proof they clearly aren't. A substantial portion of these systems are just crutches for both the MC and their author.

            What you are describing isn't a flaw of the system tag. The system tag is the system tag. What you are describing is the inability of the "authors" to write a proper story. The same way a system can be used a crutch any typical magic or cultivation system can be used as a crutch. Just write what has already been written. It isn't specific to the system genre. This is what I am trying to tell you but you refuse to listen.

            Maybe what we both consider a "system" tag might be different. For me the system tag doesn't represent a golden finger or some kind of artifact. For me the system tag represent the clasic character panel that is a staple of many games. In other words the system tag is the panel. The artifact part can have such a large variety that it would be pointless to judge the whole thing from only part of one of the two aspects of the system genre. Can the system genre be dumbed down to the bare minimum ? Yes , this can happen. Though that also stands true for many other genres. Forget the harem genre , just the romance genre can have such a large variety and a certain requirement to the skills of the author but that doesn't make it a genuine bad genre. Both of those just have a low entry point but a very very high skill ceiling. Some of the best system novels used the system for the part I was telling you. They focused on the ability to quantify progress. The rest of the aspects of the system can easily be independent from it. For example RSSG (Reincarnation of the Strongest Sword God) is one of the best VRMMORPG novels out there hands down. Being a VRMMORPG the system tag is basically indispensable. Despite that you won't see anyone bashing the novel due to the system tag (it is more likely to complain for the lack a close relationships than anything with that). That is because you could easily remove the character panel and it wouldn't change that much. The way to become stronger in a sense is independent to the character panel. Though that doesn't mean that the character panel is useless. It is just properly used.

            This is a clear cut example of how the "character panel" (which is what the system tag is) doesn't make it expressely easier to create a magic or physics easier. It doesn't make it expressely easier to give the MC power. It isn't a hand-waving device. Any kind of traditional artifact that a cultivation novel has can do those things. Depending on the novel the author can always find excuses whether good or bad to do those things. It isn't something unique to the "system" tag. It is present in any cultivation (growing stronger through one's efforts) story. If you boil down all the systems in all the novels out there , you will end up with just a "character panel". I am saying this again and again because you are simply ignoring this fact. All the other "abilities" could have been easily been an or multiple innate talents of the protagonist. Being able to summon individuals from a different dimension whom are characters from various anime ? This could have easily been a talent that the protagonist was born with. The ability to connect with other dimensions and summon individuals from there. This could also have just been a system. It's dumb to think otherwise.

            Someone (like me) could easily say that a proper system novel needs much more work than you can possibly think. Strength attribute ? So how much strength does an average male possess in numbers ? Is it 10 or is it 1 and you have increases with one decimal ? Do different races or classes have a different modifier to what that number translates into force (kg/m2) ? Are there thresholds when you reach certain numbers like 50 , 100 , 1000 , etc where that modifier increases ? Does the strength stat just translates to physical force ? Or does it represents muscle density and volume ? Can you increase attributes outside the system ? How much experience you get from each action ? How do skills work ? Do you only get them from the system or can you self create ? And a myriad more things that you need to consider. You literally need to set up tables upon tables on excel to just keep track of all this stuff. You need to take in account everything. What you also pointed is that "authors" simply don't do what they should. They just vomit out walls of text and call it a proper novel. You don't explicitely need a system tag to just be a poor skill author.

            Must all 'authors' be highly skilled, financially successful artists? Why? All it means is that they've created something which is relevant in some way.

            Gatekeeping descriptive words and titles is the territory of nonsensical purists, monopolists trying to eliminate competition, and safety-minded governance bodies trying to avoid undue harm and death. Leisure literature sure as heck doesn't fall under that last one lol.

            Don't let the overly celebrated 'cool kids club's fool you. The 'air of authority' is just another tool of business, capable of being employed in all manner of deceit. Just take a loot at your email spam folder and all them phishing scams lol.

            Art award shows and organisations are just a different kind of fraud. Not being chosen to partner with them doesn't mean you aren't an artist. It just means you aren't doing business with them.

            Plenty of great artists have foregone the scams of big publishers, distributors and awards to self-publish and even protest the big scam machines that habitually take advantage of and destroy young promising talents not wise to the ways of the world.

            I think you misunderstood what I meant. The gist of it is quite simple. Just because you wrote a hundred thousand words doesn't mean you are a legit author/writer. The same way just because I painted the walls of my room doesn't make me a decorator.

            Regarding my comment about paperback books : Publishing such a book takes risk and requires a certain level of quality for a true publisher to commit funds to your book publication. 90% of the novels on webnovel and similar sites can barely called amateur. There are those that the author is simply inexperienced and he is exploring this wonderful craft through trial and error. Then there are those that really lack any skill regarding writing or simply never put nearly enough effort to make any decent book. The first case of people I can wholely accept being called authors. The second group though don't deserve any sympathy. The best I could give them is to call them amateur authors. And that is me being generous. They are simply on a completely different level from the rest. I myself probably have written a couple hundred thousand words in various comment and posts but that doesn't make me an author. Even if a written a novel that was objectively shitty I would still not call myself an author. I am not being condescending to others just for the sake of it. I would hold my self to the same standards that I am judging others for.
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    добавьте тег "система"
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  3. Offline
    Gentle Snow
    Quite nice not too evil and not too good essentially balance for mah taste I don't need to worry about a tree getting naughty tho since he doesn't have the necessary 'stick'
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    1. Offline
      Tree can do a better job than a human ever will, if it has the necessary intent. ahaa
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        drink some holy water
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    2. Offline
      Never stopped an 🐙
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  4. Offline
    wtf, it’s some kind of trend/joke that I miss, why tree?
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    1. Offline
      tree of aeon is a thing, obvs ppl will try to copy popular things
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      1. Offline
        except this is also good (in my opinion it's even better but that's debatable)
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  5. Offline
    Not enough total chapters to get a proper review...
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  6. Offline
    Can someone recommend me some sign-in novels?
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  7. Offline
    Interesting concept. Similar to the poster below, I haven't seen Aeon in a long time. I hope this demonic tree doesn't care about anything, and waits for eternities to sign in and become invincible and NOT WANT TO WALK THE MOMENT YOU GET THE ABILITY TO.
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      Not very chill of you, Chill
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        Merely a title
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  8. Offline
    Another sign in novel in pocket of reading list but kinda similar to tree of Aeons plus cultivation hmmmm.... Hope their is no young master troupe for a tree who is not op from start welldone

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  9. Offline
    What do we have at the moment?
    - Stupid protagonist.
    - Strongly emotional protagonist.
    -If he had turned on his spiritual brains, he could have avoided many problems. The main character just exists. He does not try to understand himself or come up with something new.
    Average novel. You can read.
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    1. Offline
      He's a tree tho, no need to think.

      It's a decent novel considering it being an isekai.
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      1. Offline
        With your thinking, you can jump out of the window. If you are put into slavery. Your thoughts will... I'm a slave, I don't need to think. He has the soul of a man. What's with isekai? If this is an isekai, then you need to turn off your brain and read about an idiot?. I understand that everyone just turns off the brain and wastes time in vain.
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        1. Offline
          "He's a tree tho, no need to think." is the joke, cause he does the thinking part, but not quiet well.

          "It's a decent novel considering it being an isekai." my honest opinion on it. The isekai genre is filled to the brim with poor grammar, ever repeated tropes, and overall uninspired wastes of time and brain cells. I think it's too early to make a final judgment this early in the story's development.
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          1. Offline
            Can't say anything about bad grammar, I don't speak English.
            I disagree that this is not a cliché novel.
            1. The cliché system.
            2. cliché plot.
            (Reincarnation, emotions - little reason to care about characters, emotional protagonist, protagonist surrounded by a bunch of girls.)
            The only thing that is more or less new in this novel is that the main character is a tree.
            The novel itself is also a brain cell killer from the protagonist's stupidity.
            I wrote at the beginning of the comment "What do we have at the moment?" what makes you think that I make the final judgment on the novel?
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            1. Offline
              A decent grammar is one of the most important aspects of a book's success, whatever language it was written in. The system is a cliché at this point, yes, but the overall story development isn't. When was last time you saw an MC reincarnated as an object and not unlock 'telepathy' or 'teleport' or something similar of nature at the very beginning of the story, and keeps getting skills that make the whole reincarnation plot utterly irrelevant. As for the MC being slow of thinking, he did acknowledge his mistakes and impulsive decisions. As for being surrounded by girls (which he isn't), is not giving off any harem or annoying female-lead vibes, mainly because he is a damn tree that is going nowhere anytime soon (was implied by the author in one of their comments).
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              1. Offline
                I read a novel where the main character is a stone, the main character is a stick, the main character is a sword, the main character is a computer, the main character is a system, the main character and much more. A novel in which the protagonist is an integral entity. For example, I remember a novel where the main character was a sword (Chinese novel) And there is just a gorgeous plot, but it's a pity that the novel was abandoned. If you compare 27 chapters of a Chinese novel with this one, you can immediately see a huge difference. If I remember the name of the novel, I'll give a link.
                The protagonist of this novel, although he says that this is a mistake, does not try to cope with it. How did he live in real life? That's probably why he died. He does not even try to study information about the world in which he found himself. He directly says that he is not interested. A real idiot is saved only by plot armor. At the expense of the girls in his environment, they simply are. And they added him to the novel and made him emotionally attached to the hero just like that.
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          2. Offline
            Everytime I hear someone mentioning cliché/repeated tropes and bad book on the same novel I roll my eyes. With the amount of novels being written these days it would be a miracle to find a book that doesn't draw some sort of trope from another book. The problem isn't about repeated tropes. The problem how well though out they are written.

            I remember seeing the anime 'Kenja no Mago' which is one of the most cliché anime I have ever seen. Despite that it is quite enjoyable because the author knew how to properly implement those tropes instead of blindly matching them together like some Frankestein monster (which usually happens with most authors).
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            1. Offline
              Endlessly recycling tropes to the point of being able to precisely predict future events is no fun, no matter what glue is used to keep that mess running (unless that glue is a one of a kind charming comedy, or a pure satire, which effects start to wear off if not properly balanced with good grammar and storytelling).
              But if you, or anyone else for that matter, still finds them entertaining regardless, then more power to you.
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              1. Offline
                It seems you didn't even bother to read my comment properly.

                I am pretty sure that I wrote that "tropes" is clearly a stupid point to judge a book. With the amount of books that are being pumped out yearly it is next to impossible to have something completely original. There is gonna be some kind of trope. I am expecting sooner or later that with this attitude people are gonna call breathing oxygen a trope.

                The only thing authors , especially new authors, that can do is mismatch "tropes" in such away that it might seem original and make people like you shut up for a second. Though you are gonna realize after a second that these are still tropes and be completely confused as to why you were complaining about tropes being bad but still continue to complain because you are already this far in.

                The problem with tropes is clearly that authors are repeating the same template. The probelm is when they are "badly" or even "wrongly" implement that template. We don't need as readers everytime a newer and higher high to enjoy a story. This thinking process is simply ruining novels these days. Sometimes stability in this sea of unstable novels that are seeking something different for the sake of difference is a bit more appreciative.

                That is if you hate those "templates" then more power to you. You are going to shout cliché because every song uses the same seven notes and their many slight variations. So there is a difference to 'I personally hate those specific tropes' to 'novel with tropes are objectively bad'.
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                1. Offline
                  Novels with tropes and bad grammar are bad.
                  Novels with tropes, good (and even slightly bad) grammar and interesting writing are most likely fine, and no one can complain about it.
                  Novels with ever repeating tropes, are without a doubt bad no matter what you use as an excuse to keep reading them. Example:

                  Isekais are the most prominent example, as they excessively use the
                  truck-kun - high schooler - a senseless harem, slaves, or both - MC with cheats or an undeserved edge - dumb writing
                  combo (or template if you like), and is just lazy work to be frank, and does not matter if it's used by a newbie or a veteran writer.

                  But not all isekais are bad, cause there are some rough gems amidst the seasonal trash dumb, and I've just recently finished watching Isekai Ojisan recently, Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken before that, and KonoSuba much earlier than that, and i can say with confidence that they are good shows because of the good comedy and wholesomeness despite the story sometimes being a wacky isekai.
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    2. Offline
      But... he has no problems? Literally the closest thing he's ever had to a problem is one guy stealing all his fruit, and then promptly dying from eating poisonous berries. Have you even read this?
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      1. Offline
        He has a lot of problems. Lightning bolts, cultivators, the world itself, after all, it is its own problem. And don't insult me. And don't comment on me again. I have already expressed my opinion about this novel.
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        1. Offline
          Damn bro, who pissed you off? And literally none of the stuff you listed off are actually his problems.
          - He got caught up in stella's tribulation, and was struck by lightning. What the f#ck was he meant to do about it? Move away? Oh wait, he's a TREE.
          - Once again the only 2 cultivator problems he's had are the berry guy and the grand elder. And what was he supposed to do to avoid them? Hide? Oh wait, HE'S A MOTHERFUCKING TREE!
          - What does "the world itself" even mean? He isn't getting attacked by the world, so how is the world a problem? I'm starting to think that you have no idea what you're talking about and just want to hate on this novel for some reason.
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            I will explain what I meant. The main character turns into a tree. He has the soul of an adult. Unwilling to understand how to survive in the cultivation world, he sucks up all the nonsense and blames the system. And I don’t need to write that he is a tree, he can’t do anything. This is complete nonsense. By learning the system, you will be able to understand how it works and use it correctly.
            “He got caught up in stella's tribulation, and was struck by lightning. What the f#ck was he meant to do about it? Move away? Oh wait, he's a TREE."I re-read to answer you correctly. HE DATED HEAVENLY ANGER, not Stella, she said so herself. There was also a storm. The answer to your question is: what should he do about it?
            Even before the lightning strike, he had already seen that the lightning had not spared the other dervi either. And he could deduce that the lightning might have struck him. And come up with a solution. And don't say there is no solution.
            The world of cultivation is a huge endless hydrogen of events. Anything can happen. It would be necessary to at least err on some kind of event.
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              Damn, the text is wrong. As I said, I don't speak English well. I am using a translator. So the correct text is in Russian. I was, but when writing this comment, I realized that I copied the wrong text and I was too lazy to write again.
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  10. Offline
    How is there a mature tag when the MC is a legit tree???
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      Ever heard of tentacles?.. Loool
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    2. Offline
      Literally getting fed dead bodies from day one. Plenty of mass killings, idk what more you want
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