2 months ago

Kingdom's Bloodline王国血脉

A lowly child beggar, a noble prince, a monster viewed as the enemy of the entire world. If you... Read more
A lowly child beggar, a noble prince, a monster viewed as the enemy of the entire world. If you possess all three identities at the same time, which identity would you choose to help you earn a better ending?

Thales did not have the answer.

He only knew that he came to a different and magnificent world, and he had to face a future that was as difficult to handle as a nightmare.

The glorious Empire had already been destroyed for one thousand years, the dying royal family suffered many problems, the legendary sacred battle had plenty of conspiracies, the divided world was in chaos.

But Thales had nothing.

The only thing he had left was an unswerving determination to preserve his own identity, bravery which would allow him to survive in a perilous situation, and a belief that he would never submit to principles he did not believe.

«A King does not gain respect by virtue of his bloodline. The bloodline’s glory rests on the deeds of the King.»

Darkness will baptize light. Fire will create true steel. The forbidden prince’s story starts here. Collapse
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Comments 81

  1. Offline
    This book is amazing. Extremely recommended to every veteran reader out there who thirsts for a good plot.
    The plot is so damn good. It never ceases to amaze its readers. The author constantly pursues those 'gray areas', which thickens the plot. It does not show who the bad guy and the good guy are, but shows who the victim and the victor are in the plot.
    Every character in the story is so interconnected that even an insignificant accountant in the background is part of a huge secret.
    The narration and grammar are so good that I came to admire the translator and the author of this novel. It always amazes me how almost every chapter is so well written that I, an aspiring author felt shame (Still planning to right one).
    The Worldbuilding is so damn good. It's not like the other web novels that emphasize on adding new shit. It prioritizes the culture and history in the story. Which I deeply admire.
    The one thing that's unique in this novel that's different from the others, is the 'Politics'. Something that might be non-existent on other novels.
    The pacing is so damn slow. Especially in the early chapters. There were many times I almost drop this novel due to its slow pacing.
    The author tends to put a plot twist in a plot twist in a plot twist.
    Multiple POV. Mostly in the 1st arc.
    The MC in the 1st to the 3rd arc is weak. But he gets a time skip and receives some good perks. So he's fairly strong after that.

    PS. To those who read this novel, this is not a typical web novel where the MC merely kills his enemies. But a battle of politics and wits. If you cant handle the 'Bad' stuff on the list then don't read this and give a negative review. This is a literary piece. A masterpiece, in fact.
    That's all bond
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    1. Offline
      GOT IT. Now I'm definitely hooked. The synopsis couples with your comment. I'm In. reader
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  2. Offline
    is this on hiatus or dropped?
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  3. Offline
    2/5 (meh)
    A world with everyone's perspective,
    7 year old mc tries to survive, While yearning true freedom. I'm not a fan of this kind of writing where the focus will goes else where, it's annoying
    Overall it's good give it a try.
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  4. Offline
    Real quality novel. If u r sick of one dimensional characters then go for it. Chapters are long. The enemy and allies are freaking smart. The most fascinating thing is: The story is from our MC`s perspective. Everyone wants to become your allies... And they lie to your face. It`s really good brain teaser. Betrayal is a common thing. And again makes you think there is no eternal enemy...
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  5. Offline
    If you know where can I read machine translation of this novel after ch580, please reply me.
    Even if you know where I can get original chinese text and use Google translate for reading it, please tell me. Its just that great.
    I have opened all chapter on webnovel too but the translator had stoped working on it. So, if you can help, please do.
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    1. Online Offline
      https://www.mtlnovel.com/kingdoms-bloodline/ This has more


      For searching MTL's for Chinese novels at least, use these 2 sites. They usually tend to have them. Or you can copy-paste the name (English or Chinese) in google.
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      1. Offline
        Thanks for it.
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    2. Offline
      Does the MC get a time skip? I'm already at chapter 130 btw
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      1. Offline
        Nope, if you will just keep looking at MC than you might feel that story really progress very slow.
        Just also look around the rest of Char and World... The author leaves just too many clues for so many Legends and many future events.

        Don't read it like webnovels.
        Its a LITERARY piece.

        Just Enjoy the Stories along side Thales, their is no Godly Narrator,
        Thales and you have to watch and listen to world, World will tell you its story.
        Its a World which don't have eyes only on MC.

        Their are just too many emotional stories about so many char which seems side char but later reveal to be imp. [Author leaves clues and Explain complete stories later on]

        Their are Stories about legendary Kings, Race fights, Continental Fights and Fights of Gods.
        Fights of whole race Vs 1 Mystic. [Hope in darkness]
        Fight of few Warriors breaking through after getting surrounded by large army.
        Fights of Mystic VS 1 Swordsman

        You will have goosebumps from their fights.
        You will have goosebumps after knowing the planing of kings and for how long they have planed.

        Lastly, after watching Thales finaly able to take action, you will admire his intellect and powers.

        Its completely worth reading and going side tracks
        A Famous man once said :-
        Enjoy the journey, maybe you will find something more beautiful than what you were looking for.
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        1. Offline
          Agreed. The fillers are really good. But I think I will stop reading for a while. I'm already at chapter 210 and the author is dragging the story in Dragon Clouds City. It frustrated me and killed the hype. I just wish the MC will get some rest sigh
          I'll stop for a while, but I might pick it up when I have time.
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          1. Offline
            You should definetly take break. I also felt it was wrong for the prince to remain their after such an epic fight.

            Wait then later watch the epic politics and negotiation skill of Thales, Our Prince is not only a superpowered warriror But a prince worthy for becoming King.
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            1. Offline
              Yeah, but I'm really curious how old the MC is at chapter 500. I hope you reply again. Thanks.
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              1. Offline
                Thanks to you for replying and sharing same intrest. But I don't know the answer, maybe this curiosity will help you keep anticipitating something.
                I have read only upto ch 273 after that I have started reading the novel from start Because I was just mystified by what he is capable of as 7yr old kid. And their was too much info, so I had to sort all that.
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              2. Offline
                Im un to date with the novel (which I love so much), and around 400-500 there is a time skip and hes now 15 if im not wrong. But its totally worth it. I mean, sure there are some parts that are slow or seem without sense but the writer just manages to connect everything in a way that the most insignificant thing turns unto this powerfull truth, hes awesome, and he allways manages to surprise me with something that manages to chance how i see the World. In other words, dont give up on it even if the translation is sht.
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