2 years ago

I Have A Super USB Drive我有超体U盘

Who could have guessed that the accidental discovery of a pitch-black USB drive would one day turn... Read more
Who could have guessed that the accidental discovery of a pitch-black USB drive would one day turn Chen Chen’s world upside down?

He quickly realizes that this was no ordinary USB drive — and it came with mysterious powers, along with its own hidden rules. Equipped with his skills and intellect as a student of biological science, Chen Chen strives to uncover the limit of the USB drive, and the limit of his own ambition.

Follow Chen Chen in his pursuit of lofty aspirations — wealth, immortality, and otherworldly powers! It is a path that will lead him to a grand plan, one that will change the fate of humanity forever… Collapse
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Comments 91

  1. Offline
    + 99 -
    Unfortunately, almost always, when author try to write about some genius, and we known that, the person who takes NZT becomes a genius, we get gibberish as a result. Simply because the author himself is not only not a genius, but also tries to write about what he does not understand.
    An example from real life, according to the author, what we need to build a nuclear power plant? Yes, it couldn't be easier, 1 year and a little money... licenses, certificates, registrations in such an industry either do not exist or are taken from nowhere. And all this despite the fact that even a project to make for a certain territory takes much longer, because a nuclear power plant is not a shed.
    From the fantastic part, according to the Author, it is enough to make an adapter with 16 wires to USB and the connection between devices made in different worlds is ready! By about the 200th chapter, it was apparently explained to him that everything is not so simple, there are communication protocols, encodings, and so on. But he apparently did not understand well. For example, if you take two people, one of whom knows only English, and the other, only Chinese. Blindfold them, and let them communicate to themselves. There is a communication channel-mouth and ears, please. Will they understand each other? But these are people, or even devices, and the encoding languages are much more different from each other, they also have differences in the signal itself, it can be of different voltage and current, which will not be perceived by other devices at all. In addition, if we understand from a person what exactly we can expect, but that is not for device. What kind of program is there, what database does it access? how will it react to the absence of a return signal or an incorrect response? Protocol? Ha-ha... data formats and their contents. Its imposible to adapt with no important knowledge and research.
    And what do we see as a result? The main character, a clinical idiot who does almost nothing on his own, and having received a certain super opportunity, implements it in the stupidest possible way.
    It is possible to read only for an uneducated person, if you are at least a little versed in any scientific aspect, it will break your brain.
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      Immortal God
      + 232 -
      If you came to learn about real life stuff I suggest you don’t read
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    2. Offline
      + 140 -
      The previous owner of the USB drive called it the Dimension key.. its not your regular USB.. perhaps its an alien technology.. looking it from technical perspective communication is done through electrical signals, protocols just help transcribing them to understandable form.. And as an advanced technology, it doesn't seem impossible for the USB to transcribe by itself..
      Author has made enough references and explanations for readers to understand, so what 'gibberish' are you referring to.. watch 'Limitless' to know more about NZT..
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      1. Offline
        + 40 -
        Pretty sure he was referring to a bit later in the story , for ex his first factory turned into a mega generator , i had to just shut off my brain for that part , or how and when he made the AI , it was just nonsense , but there isn't anything else that's like this so I just ignored the glaring fallacies in logic and knowledge.
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    3. Offline
      + 121 -
      You disliked the novel so this degree cause the building of a nuclear power plant wasn't completely scientifically true to real life? It must be really hard for you to find books to enjoy cause, as far as I know, this author has done far more research and learning in order to write a realistic book than 99% of authors.
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      1. Offline
        + 46 -
        I'm talking about his primitive approach to areas of knowledge. The author is an amateur and has no idea how everything works and works, and therefore everything is too simple for him. Especially in things where no intelligence and no abilities will solve anything, at least in the way he does.
        Imagine the Middle Ages, if a person gets a calculator circuit, he will be able to assemble it without having any electronic components and other things that were invented and created before? Never!
        The same goes for programming, it's not so obvious, but the meaning is the same - to decrypt what was encrypted by technologies 10 or 100 years ahead of ours? it's just ridiculous, no one would even take it if it was a question of deadlines in months.
        The construction of a nuclear power plant is not a problem technologically. The problem is that no one will let you build it. Global bureaucracy and competition. It is necessary to conduct heaps of IAEA examinations, before construction, after construction, to solve a bunch of problems with the supply of radioactive fuel! Look at the same Iran for example. And for the author, everything is solved as simply as going to the store. 5 years is a world record for the construction of nuclear power plants, and this is done by a company that has made dozens of them, in a pre-established and approved place. Therefore, when you understand the issues that the author writes about, you see utter and unfounded nonsense, and this kills all the interest that could be in the story.
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        1. Offline
          + 31 -
          I suppose that's true. I don't know anything about the correct way to build/plan those kinds of things so that didn't even occur to me.
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    4. Offline
      A Man Of Culture
      + 20 -
      I understand you. I just wish it was a fantasy novel. Right . Right?

      Jk. A friendly reminder is that to enjoy a narrative you gotta take the writer's perspective with a grain of salt and sugar. Cringe, cliches, unimaginable or idiotc plot poits? Who cares. The writers here are average joes like you and me and not professionals or Stephen king, Jk, GRRM etc.
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      1. Offline
        + 20 -
        It can be evaluated as you suggest. However, the author uses real things with incorrect parameters. His world is our real world. It is he who uses this as the basis of the script. Therefore, the qualities of the real world that exist must be respected. Otherwise, the story loses its meaning. What is the coolness, then, if amazing things do not fall into the real world, but into the same unreal and even "broken" one? A lot of things are devalued. And if some actions are simplified to such a level, then what is the hero's achievement?
        But the main claim, of course, is that the author himself gives this world as real, not fictional. And only some of the events in it are fictional. For example, "What would happen if I had a magic wand?" Whether it's the World of Magic, it's one story, and the real Earth, it's another story.
        Remove the real difficulties, and the creation of novelties, programs, algorithms, the construction of nuclear power plants, if everything is so simple, then nothing special is required.
        There is another novel, Tranxending Vision • 超品透视, where our real world is the same, but the hero gets a certain feature and undoubtedly becomes a genius, and even if there are simplifications, they do not look so ridiculous precisely because the way to achieve results is justified.
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          A Man Of Culture
          + 00 -
          I agree with you brother. Also read Tranxending vision years ago on wuxiaworld. Good old times.
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  2. Offline
    Immortal phoenix
    + 164 -
    *Spoiler alert*
    This is one of the best Sci-fi novels i have ever read.
    °MC is smart, thinks before doing anything and isn't arrogant. His shrewd and ruthless personality is what i like about him. He also doesn't expose himself to anyone the only one to know his secrets are previous holders of USB drive + Little X(A.I)
    °The story itself involves many Sci-fi stuff, like production of modern bio-weapons, space explorations jets, teleportation devices, advanced A.I,etc.
    °MC although does everything for himself, but he also thinks of humanity and it's safety(not totally selfish)
    °Although there is a subtle racism present it isn't to the point of being unbearable and other countries are shown as idiots.
    °In this novel, you will see many dimensional travels, mostly to Sci-fi movies, like Resident evil, Elysium, The Prometheus,etc, to gather high tech stuff.
    ------My grievances------
    °I wanted MC to have a subtle romance (with Little X, i know most of you think the same)
    I have wrote other part of thr review please check it.

    I think i had achieved max for my previous review so i will continuing here.
    °So the point i mentioned previously isn't that important to me, but i have to say this that i am very disappointed at the ending.
    When i started reading this novel, it was so slow that i thought this novel was definitively going to continue for another year or two (i started reading at around 400 chapters)
    The pace although was slow but i still continued because the novel was just that good.
    I thought we will get to see fully fledged development of human race, and most i was looking forward to was space explorations.
    But the ending was so rushed that i couldn't even comprehend what author was even doing.
    By the chapter 480 or something, people of earth had just began understand the mematic effect and i thought we will get to see space explorations after this but no, author actually concluded his novel with the mention of secret of USB drive and the confrontation with the previous holder.
    I will just say this, NOVEL IS GOOD!
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    1. Online Offline
      Immortal God
      + 20 -
      Did you actually skip 400 chapters
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      1. Offline
        Immortal phoenix
        + 10 -
        I meant it already had 400 chapters translated when I started reading this, so looking at pace of novel at that time I had thought it was going to be long journey but alas author cut that journey short
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    2. Offline
      + 70 -
      Bro, I've seen you comment "One of the best novels out there" on like, 6 different novels. At least say "one of my favourites" or something.
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  3. Offline
    + 13 -
    Great novel but I'm getting bored of this... I'm at chapter 83 and MC still has not touched to superpower or horror movies. It's great that he's using his brain, he's building his dark organisation... BUT NO CLASH! I might continue reading this later but not before a long moment.
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    1. Offline
      + 10 -
      yeah there is some wind up but it rams up later
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  4. Offline
    + 111 -
    I used to be able to ignore racism and china supremacy in novels but now, although not blatant in this novel a slight hint of these things just puts me off. Almost like i'm allergic

    It's a decent novel but not for me....
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    1. Online Offline
      Immortal God
      + 16 -
      If you keep going the racist we drop untill mentioned no more
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  5. Offline
    + 40 -
    This is 100% a horror novel
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  6. Offline
    + 63 -
    Mc with 100% brain
    Great story, Great starting (but progress slowly, you may feel bored)
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  7. Offline
    + 71 -
    But, is it waterproof?

    Equipped with his skills and intellect as a student of biological science, Chen Chen strives to uncover the limit of the USB drive

    Don't tell me that MC will seriously insert that black carbon rod shaped Super USB into his body!!!!
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    1. Offline
      + 161 -
      I’d insert a carbon rod shaped USB into my body, I don’t see why the MC won’t.
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      1. Offline
        + 130 -
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      2. Offline
        + 10 -
        lshock fhdhduddudbudbdjdbdjbdjsjdifofoconewj
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      3. Offline
        Lord of Origins《♧》
        + 50 -
        Down bad
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      4. Offline
        + 90 -
        …. Interesting kink u have sir….
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        1. Offline
          + 90 -
          btw what I was referring to was, as in "Winner Takes All" manga, MC was surgically implanted with a chip slot where 'Talent Chip' can be inserted.. with that, he could use the talent stored in that chip..
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    2. Online Offline
      Immortal God
      + 00 -
      Of course not you dummy
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      1. Offline
        + 21 -
        r/whoosh ~
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  8. Offline
    + 151 -
    Great novel that has great quotes: "This was because memes cared nothing for the laws of physics."
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