1 day ago

Global Lord: 100% Drop Rate全民领主:我的爆率百分百

Everyone transmigrated to the High Continent and became a Lord to participate in the conquest... Read more
Everyone transmigrated to the High Continent and became a Lord to participate in the conquest between Lords from all the other races.

A few lucky Lords would receive Lord Talents.

“Hah! My talent is the Knight’s Hall, a Diamond-Tier Lord Talent! My subjects can job change into a unique warrior class, the Combat Spirit Knight!”

“My Lord Talent is the King of Abyss. I can summon demons to become my subjects!”

“I have a lot of subjects who are scientists! I can create advanced technologies!”

“My Talent allows me to cultivate! I’ll become a celestial!”

Zhou Zhou received a Legendary-Tier Lord Talent — 100% drop rate!

Not only could he see the things he would receive from an enemy, but his enemies would drop all of their loot when they were defeated.

“Watch as I make you drop your Talents!” Collapse
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Comments 116

  1. Offline
    Humanity number 1! Alien overlords, I am here to serve and submit! Please give me Africa to rule over!
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  2. Offline
    It's disappointing because of his broken ability and his fondness for human/Chinese supremacy, even though other races exist. There is literally a human ancestor cult, I wonder if non-humans are obligated to venerate human ancestors as well.
    I don't see anything more than a cliché Chinese story, not that it's bad, but that there are many and many more like it.
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  3. Offline
    I don’t see how this will work out …
    While reading you get those human supremacy vibes. Under normal circumstances that would not be a problem in a fantasy world, where all races compete with each other, but in this novel the end goal is to become the Lord of all races.
    At one point the mc gets a temple as a reward, that is dedicated to worshiping the human ancestors. Does he expect, that in the future all the other races worship the human ancestors too?
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  4. Offline
    unimaginatively unique, i would define my feelings about this novel with that words.
    The author seems to prioritize the MC looting, going to a fight, watching the loot that is going to drop and looting it, there is some organic interactions for people that suffered diferent grades of brainwash implanted on them, but thats just a small circle of people that have a face, most are just doing a T pose in a corner untill they are needed for 1 scene.
    Yeah we dont come here for full kingdom building logistics even if the story is called Global Lord but also i dont think that you came for a Zerg Rush
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  5. Offline
    After reading about 150 chps i'd say its more of a pass. The concept itself isn't too bad, just gets dry later on since its slow. He becomes a bit too human-centric despite having other races under him lol. Chinese culture or traditions tend to be no.1 like cultivation, martial arts, heroes, deeper interactions with Chinese military alliances etc. The general trend is a bit racist, and it has a lot of nationalism. Its fine to pass the time if you can ignore it.

    It can be a bit boring and honestly there are better versions of what this novel does. ''Global Descent'' being one of them, but its also racist and extremely nationalistic.
    Another is ''Lord of the word: I became lord of the desert from the start'', this one is good, no racist notions or nationalistic views.

    Up to you to decide. There really are better choices for this type of novel if your bored..
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      I see that u are a fellow reader of imita
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  7. Offline
    Good novell. 4/5
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  8. Offline
    Dark Phoenix
    This Is The Best Novel I Have Read So Far In This Category Of Novels.....I Don't Have Anything Bad To Say About It
    1) We Have A Smart Mc Who Knows What He Is Doing
    2)No Brainess Villains Out Of No Where
    3) So Far No Horny Mc Who Thinks With His Dick
    4) No Chinese Dry Comedy
    5)Mc Has Naming Sense...He Does Not Call His Pet Little (Red,Black,Green,) etc....Even His Territory Name Is Awesome
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    1. Online Offline
      We've been traumatized by MC calling pets Little something that its a pro that MC can name things LOL. want
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        Dark Phoenix
        Especially Little Red Or Black forwhat
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  9. Offline
    It's enjoyable enough, not a bad one when it comes to OP mcs.
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  10. Offline
    Author and the MC are complete dumbasses.

    You have a talent that allows you to guarantee 100% drop rate. When you kill something you don't get the drops immediately but have to process the corpses first. So the MC instead of trying to acquire as many corpses as soon as possible , he plays like a typical Lord.

    He doesn't even do something special. 95% of the time he relies on some genius subordinate that got parachuted infront of his territory. Those geniuses don't even submit to him because he is charismatic or a good leader. He has relied on his 100% to gain more loot at the start (the loot that really helped him are tokens that summon ready trained soldier , tokens that can transfer individuals to a profession and special loot like poison potion , antidotes , etc). He has even been using his talent the most inefficient way. Despite that he is miles ahead of others. Imagine if he ever though of buying corpses from other players (it is possible to trade with other players regardless of distance) and rely on his 100% drop rate to make a huge profit.

    The author places a limit in the fact that you have to go to each corpse individually to process it. Later he adds a magic device (a huge furnace like device) that can process corpses dozens or more times faster than one person could. MC can even bless those machines with his talent. Even at that point he didn't bother to buy corpses from other players. He only needed to put a fraction of what he gains from his talent in the market and would be able to buy tons upon tons of corpses. It didn't even matter if other people found out about his talent. He would be so far ahead , it would be the difference between a newborn fighting an elder dragon.

    This literally ruined the whole novel for me. If the author can't even be bothered with something so obvious what else is he going to do "wrong"?
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    1. Offline
      Okay Mr. Genius
      The Corpses have a time limit of two hours and will turn to dust after that.
      So there's no way you expect him to watch the system 24/7 all the time for a corpse to appears and loot it as soon as its possible, right?
      And you don't expect other lords to buy the Golden corpse water, right? They can't even afford food right now.
      And even if author finds a way for him to buy corpses from other lord's, it will completely ruin the story. Cause it will be a pointless story of a man that keeps buying loot from other lords, without any action, adventure and etc
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      1. Offline
        The Corpses have a time limit of two hours and will turn to dust after that.
        So there's no way you expect him to watch the system 24/7 all the time for a corpse to appears and loot it as soon as its possible, right?

        He just needs to calculate how many corpses he can process in one hour and a half and then proceed to buy that many. What else better does he have to do every day ? He literally does nothing and provide nothing as an individual. Besides there are millions upon millions of individuals participating in the market. His processing capabilties are but a speck of dust in the starry sky. If you replaced him with a stone that can automatically process the corpses there would be no fricking difference.

        And you don't expect other lords to buy the Golden corpse water, right? They can't even afford food right now.

        At the start he can just rely on the two hour corpses. Later when corpses of higher level living beings begin to drop it is normal practice to use the golden corpse water. How do you think the rest of world can process that many corpses in two hours. Besides he can just offer more money for corpses that have been treated with golden corpse water. With his talent he can extract hundreds or more times of profit on average compared to other lords. Paying a little higher for the corpse water would be nothing to him.

        And even if author finds a way for him to buy corpses from other lord's, it will completely ruin the story. Cause it will be a pointless story of a man that keeps buying loot from other lords, without any action, adventure and etc

        Then maybe write a freaking proper story ? Or maybe sit down and think how to cover such an obvious plot hole. The could make it so that his talent benefits corpses that have been directly obtained by his territory. In other words , corpses produced by someone other than affiliated with his territory can benefit from his talent. Case closed. My whole point is that the author didn't even bother with such an obvious thing. What else is he gonna do "wrongly" ?
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        1. Offline
          Hmmm you're right bro, I accept My defeat.😁
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    2. Offline
      Well let's just say you can't trade corpses. There, problem solved.
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        Immortal God
        Bro that’s stupid if they can trade nearly anything but not corpse tf
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          they can only trade items/item-drops I think. They can sell the meat, but not the body. He can get bodies from others though not through the system trade.
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            Immortal God
            He can solve that by using real transportation after he acquired the stuff needed
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        2. Offline
          It is, but if it solves all the problems this guy has with the story then it's worth it
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            Immortal God
            That would be the biggest plot hole no one can ignore and trust me it will eat you up
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            1. Offline
              I don't expect an incredibly well written and thought out story when it comes to webnovels. They're pumping out 2000-4000 words a day, no way it's gonna be perfect, mind-blowing & genius.
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        3. Offline
          corpses should just vanish once slain or after all harvesting commonly possible is done
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            Immortal God
            Ok you literally just made his system useless
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            1. Offline
              Yup it should be, the amount of processing power for dead bodies would be simply be enormous
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    3. Online Offline
      Ok, now that I read the novel I can only say trading corpses with other Lords are useless, especially when he can aquire them himself for free, another thing is that what level will the other Lords give him? low level stuff? He is atleast 1 level more than everybody what corpse will he need? Another thing is that you're just crippling yourself, let's say you trade materials for corpse, then because of 100% drop rate, you can profit more and more and more, but that's it, you didn't kill the monster for the xp and you're just staying at your base everyday taking out the loots from the corpses.
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      1. Offline
        Although he can acquire corpses for "free" , the amount he can get is limited vs to how many he can process. This is true especially after he gets those forges than can process corpses en masse (like one machine is dozens of times more efficient than he is) and he can also "bless" those forges with his talent.

        When you say he is 1 level higher than others maybe you mean a whole tier higher ? If yes then it still doesn't matter. He can just build a business empire based on his talent (which he would actually be fully utilizing it). Use the wealth he gains through said business empire to buy rarer resources that are necessary for him to grow.

        Also this mode wouldn't interfere with his exp grinding. Why ? It doesn't conflict with his army still farming monsters. He can just bless those forges to process the corpses and before he got the forges he needed to process the corpses himself. The only thing he needs to make sure is to have enough logistics personel to move corpses to the forges and store the resulting loot. His army can still continue to farm monsters.

        This way he can still be one step ahead and enjoy undeveloped monster resources while at the same time milking the player market as much as possible. Also in this way he can speed up the developing speed of the rest of the players which in turn will result in them able to get more and higher level corpses.

        Lastly it seems that you forgot an important detail regarding his army. Profession summoning tokens are kinda garbage due to the limited potential of the soldier. On the other hand profession transfer certificates is what is truly important early on. For the summoned soldiers experience isn't even that important. They are more appropriate for mass produced disposable troops. Or maybe you could use them as coolies. In other words your statement about losing out on exp isn't mutually exclusive with buying corpses from others. For the items he would be selling he could just focusing on mostly selling the summon token and fewer of the profession exchange certificates. This way although others can grow he can be sure that they can't grow faster than him. Honestly building some type of merchant alliance would be much more appropriate for his talent. Every single second he isn't actively processing corpses with that talent he is wasting his talent. When corpse forges became a thing , it was even more important to trade corpses with others. His talent is a literal goose laying golden eggs. He is akin to handcrafting feed for the goose vs to buying mass quantities of feed for the goose (the goose lays eggs as long as you feed it and it doesn't have a limit to how much feed it can consume any given moment).

        If you wanted to counter my argurment and somehow patch the plot hole you wouldn't put a restriction on whether you can buy corpses from other players. That would just create more problems down the line. Just put a limit to how many corpses he can process with his talent in a set given time (this can be on a per hour or even per day basis). Also make that limit dynamic based on his or and his territory grade. You could also add some other way to increase that limit. For example depending to how many extra talents he has and their grades that limit could be increased. That limit could be point based (basically each corpse is worth a set amount of points) or have a clear cut number limit on how many corpses can be processed of each tier.
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        1. Online Offline
          Didn't read the entire thing but I got the gist of it, so basically what ur saying is that while his army do the killing and plundering, he just extract the loot from the corpses of what his army kills and from his trades with others, also leveling from the process while just sitting in the warehouse of corpses, so that he can maximize his Talent. In other words, what the MC is doing in the novel rn is 100%, and what ur suggesting is 200% though more complicated and boring.

          And about that limited talent of his army thing Big spoiler --

          So basically what ur saying is that while his army do the killing and plundering, he just extract the loot from the corpses of what his army kills and from his trades with others, also leveling from the process while just sitting in the warehouse of corpses, so that he can maximize his Talent. In other words, what the MC is doing in the novel rn is 100%, and what ur suggesting is 200% though more complicated and boring.
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          1. Offline
            What I am basically saying is the beside his talent he is useless as a lord. He is no strategist , nor an administrator nor a politician nor tech savvy. He is basically doing nothing all day long. Having him deal with processing corpses (buying corpses , designating which corpses to process first , which loot to sell , etc) even taking only 40% of his time would be a huge improvement compared to what he is doing. Admitedly I haven't read after him going about eliminating three bronze territories in a row and obtaining a caravan style talent.

            His summon token troops are garbage. They are garbage because their potential is limited to the grade of the token. If the token is upper black iron , then the resulting soldier will have a potential of upper black iron. Basically to increase their potential he would either need potential potions (which are extremely extremely rare) or potentially use a profession exchange certificate (I am not sure someone who already has a profession can use such a certificate). Even then regarding the last option only 10% or lower of his summoned army could increase its potential because he would require a certificate of a higher rank. In other words summoned armies are meant to be either to just bring the numbers up , be used as cannon fodder or delegated to less important positions like guarding unimportant part of his territory.

            Basically to win as a lord you need a couple things : a) an army , b) building , c) logistics , administration and strategist personnel and d) personal strength. All four of those can be solved with money. Not to mention being able to acquire an unprocessed corpse of a higher tier would be far more valuable to the MC than buying any ready made item. He is basically extracting 100% worth of the corpse. Hell he could easily go in the business of buying lord corpses and use those talent fragments as currency. His talent honestly shouldn't exist. It seems that his talent should be beyond of what should have been allowed. The moment he utilizes his talent properly , the rest of the lords just become supporting roles for him.

            I should just remind you that the moment he got access to the forges his efficiency of processing corpses per hour shot the roof. If before that moment he needed a lot of time to utilize his talent , after that he just needs to bless those forges and ensure they are working 24/7.
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            1. Offline
              Thanks for the review. I had read like 30-40 chapters and found many plotholes, with this I can safely go to another novel.
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      2. Offline
        That is indeed true. however later on in the story it was shown that trading with the NPC kingdoms was possible, said kingdoms seemed very capable of preserving high level corpses and therefore trading for corpses with players would still be beneficial as they are literally scattered around the entire map and with little luck would allow MC through the connection of players acquire shit ton off high level loot with a little no effort. Of course these low level lords hunting themselves would be indeed pointless.
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    4. Offline
      you're braindead obviously didn't read the novel thoroughly. he couldn't get and can't get loots from corpses that has been killed by another lord or people other than his servants and followers. Furthermore, people (the lords) would find it suspicious if he buys corpses making people inquire how does he get so strong and relate or connect the connection buying corpses from the Lords. It makes him leave incomprehensible and weird linking to people and suggest that the Lord or the MC should abstained from the battlefield and makes people want to kill him suggesting that he might a threat to the fellow lords. what a dumbass suggestion and story plot that you, Rhael suggest. p.s the lords but have an idea if the MC has 100%, thus blown his secrets
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      1. Offline
        Let me correct you here, this cant get loots if others killed is a lie.

        he could get loots from that aurora kingdom citizens just fine. Also there is whole industry going on for people who are lucky to loot for others after they kill corpses.

        I believe only logical conclusion is that corpses cannot be traded on the system as they are not considered itemized.
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    5. Offline
      Wow 😲
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