
Chapter 627: String Of Prompts

Because the Burning wolves are solitary predators, Ye Tian Yun didn't have to face them all at once.

Even though there were fourteen of them, they never came all together at once.

This made dealing with the Burning wolves even easier than the one he dealt with before, the Scorching Wolves.

Ye Tian Yun noticed that each of these wolves stayed away from each other, and it didn't take him long to understand that these wolves had, in fact, divided the stairway into territories and were actually guarding them.

They didn't even initiate an attack on Ye Tian Yun unless he stepped into their territory!

But because the stairway was not too wide, Ye Tian Yun had no choice but to step into their territory to move ahead.

And because he was conserving as much as Qi as possible, Ye Tian Yun didn't use it for anything other than spirit sense.

He didn't know how powerful the Fenrir was, so he was cautious and didn't waste his qi on easy targets.

To be honest, Ye Tian Yun didn't have high hopes for Fenrir either. He had faced two different types of wolves, and none of them was a real challenge for him.

'I just want to finish this and get out of this place.'

Ye Tian Yun effortlessly sliced through the last wolf and reached the end of the stairway.

But instead of a hall, what faced him was something very familiar.

A white screen!

Ye Tian Yun frowned, but before he could think of anything else, prompts began to appear in front of him, giving him a surprise.

[Killed 16 Burning Wolves.]

[Hunter is unevaluated. No exp granted.]

Just as this prompt disappeared, a series of prompts appeared in front of him, most of which he couldn't understand.

[Congratulations Hunter Ye Tian Yun, on reaching the Second Floor]

[You have encountered Soul Gate.]

[Evaluation of dungeon begins]

[Please wait for 10…9… 8… 7… ]

[Dungeon Evaluated]

[Dungeon Rank: Calamity]

[Hunter Ye Tian Yun, you have come across a Calamity Rank dungeon. Preparations to force ejection from the dungeon have begun.]

[Ejection failed. Retrying.]

[Ejection Failed. Retrying]

[Ejection Failed. Retrying.]

[Hunter Ye Tian Yun, the Global Hunter Federation, will soon be alerted by  the information about this dungeon, please survive until reinforcements arrive.]

"What the…."

Ye Tian Yun stared at the prompts, speechless.

He couldn't understand most of the things in these prompts.

'The hall beyond the stairway is Second Floor?... What is a Soul Gate?... What is dungeon rank? Is Calamity Rank high?... What is the Global Hunter Federation?... Reinforcements? From where?'

There were many questions in Ye Tian Yun's mind.

"What are these?" He couldn't help but ask Wang Yao.

Wang Yao also had a deep frown, "The dungeon was evaluated. It's Calamity Rank - the second most dangerous level of the dungeon."

"Oh?" Ye Tian Yun frowned, "How powerful would the enemy inside this dungeon be?"

Wang Yao thought for a moment and said, "If we consider these Burning wolves as mortals, then the level of the main Soul beast inside is on par with Heavenly Emperor  Realm cultivator."

"What…." Ye Tian Yun was shocked, "Heavenly Emperor level…."

Encountering so many things, he thought nothing would surprise him anymore. But Wang Yao's words stumped him. He had no words to describe his emotions. 

Heavenly Emperor was a stage that Ye Tian Yun was earning to reach for two lifetimes. And now, if Wang Yao's words were true, then there was actually someone at that power level beyond this white door!

Ye Tian Yun gulped.

"Don't think about going in." Wang Yao suddenly said.

Ye Tian Yun shook, "The only reason we're even here is that something forcibly brought us to this place. But then what choice do we have?"

"What do you mean?" Wang Yao frowned

Ye Tian Yun shook his head. "I am talking about the quest."

He was currently staring at a certain prompt in front of him.

[Time Left: 27 Minutes.]

The time was still decreasing, and if they didn't kill Fenrir, the dungeon would break, and they would be in even bigger trouble.

A Heavenly Emperor level monster might run amok!

There would be no one to stop it from destroying the whole world!

"How are you sure that Fenrir is not the Heavenly Emperor level monster?" Wang Yao suddenly asked.

Ye Tian Yun scratched his chin, "It's just a bet on fate. Fenrir is most likely not a Heavenly Emperor level monster, and if he was, wouldn't this system already inform us?"

Just then -


[Evaluation forcibly changed from Calamity to D Rank Dungeon.]

[You can continue with the quest]

[Unranked Dungeon: Cage Of The Burning Wolf]

[Goal (updated): Kill Fenrir, King of Burning Wolves]

[Party members alive: 2/2]

[Time: 32 Minutes before the dungeon breaks.]

"The fuck…?" Ye Tian Yun frowned, "What is this?"

"What happened?" Wang Yao asked.

Upon hearing the prompt contents, Wang Yao frowned, "I have never faced such a problem. The Evaluation never goes wrong."

Ye Tian Yun frowned, "Why is it that you can see some prompts, but most of them don't appear in front of you? You saw the evaluation prompt earlier, but this one didn't appear in front of you."

Wang Yao replied, "These prompts were for you. Everyone gets their own prompts."

"Oh?" Ye Tian Yun frowned, "Then do you mind telling me about this Global Hunter Federation?"

"That…" Wang Yao shook his head, "I never heard of this."

"Hm? Really?"

"Yeah, why would I lie?" Wang Yao shrugged, "There is no such thing in the Upper Heavens."

"Oh?" Ye Tian Yun frowned. "Then do you have any guess which organization this could be?"

Wang Yao pursed his lips, "I think I know, but I am not sure about the answer."

"Oh? Then tell me about it." Ye Tian Yun asked.

"No," Wang Yao nodded.

Ye Tian Yun frowned upon noticing his actions.

Saying no but nodding his head….

Wang Yao was lying and was trying to give him a signal that the answer might be related to his enemies in the Upper Heavens!

Ye Tian Yun understood and changed his topic, "Let's go to the next floor."

Wang Yao nodded.

The Evaluation had changed from Calamity to D Rank dungeon.

Even though Ye Tian Yun didn't wish to step in, he had no other choice.

Behind him were endless Scorching wolves, and the entrance had become a wall. Thus there was no way to go but ahead.

Taking a deep breath, Ye Tian Yun spread his spirit sense, tightened his grip around his sword, and stepped through the white gate.

But the sight which appeared in front of him was truly unexpected.

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Comments 2

  1. Offline
    The author keeps adding random stuff what the f#ck
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    1. Offline
      Yeah this novel starts too feel like fortnight where they just add rbadome crap to the game for no reason.
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