
Chapter 628: The Second Floor

[Hunter Ye Tian Yun, you have entered the Second Floor: Wolf King's Courtyard.]

[Goal (updated): Kill Fenrir, King of Burning Wolves]

[Party members alive: 2/2]

[Time: 24 Minutes before the dungeon breaks.]

As soon as Ye Tian Yun passed through the white screen, he found himself in a much spacious hall.

The quest prompt appeared in front of him, but he couldn't be bothered by it, because of the scene in front of him.


A huge beast stood in front of him.

But the important thing to note was that it was turned the other way and Ye tian Yn was facing its back.

'What's it doing?'

Ye Tian Yun couldn't see what it was doing because there was a cloud of dense dust and rubble on the ground.

'The whole place is a mess.'

He frowned while spreading his spirit sense.

The hall was huge, but its condition was much worse. The whole place was broken, with cracks and craters everywhere.

'A big fight must have taken place here…'

This was an instant conclusion.

But it also raised a question.

'Who was fighting?'

Ye Tian Yun didn't sense any presence around him, so he spread his spirit sense even more and sent it in the direction of the beast.

The beast had a brownish-violet fur on the tail, but its tip had a golden glow, and upon careful inspection, one can see that this golden glow was actually because it was burning!

Its body had a thin layer of fur and the end of hind legs had a stone-like bonnish appearance.

But the most important thing to notice was its sheer size.

It was more than twenty feet high!

And its leg was thicker than three people standing side-by-side.

'Is this Fenrir?'

Ye Tian Yun couldn't help but think.

But just then, Ye Tian Yun noticed something else.

There was someone else in the hall!

He frowned and immediately jumped behind a raised floor, and observed the wolf.

The presence was on the other side of the hall, and it was most likely what the wolf king was fighting.

'Who is it? Is it the girl who's cry I heard earlier?'

Ye Tian Yun was curious, but he didn't want to be reckless.

First, he needed to understand the situation and the strength of the wolf and the anonymous person who was fighting the wolf.

'Wait, the quest said there were two people…. The second person is him? Or is Wang Yao?'

This question suddenly flashed in Ye Tian Yun's mind.

Just as he thought of the prompt, it appeared in front of him.

[Goal (updated): Kill Fenrir, King of Burning Wolves]

[Party members alive: 2/2]

[Time: 22 Minutes before the dungeon breaks.]

Ye Tian Yun thought that Wang Yao was the second person in this quest, but now there was a possibility it could be the person on the other side of the hall.

'I should still be on my guard.'

Ye Tian Yun continued to observe.

Just then, someone jumped from the rubble in front of him!

Ye Tian Yun stared at it and was quite confused with the scene.

Because the person who jumped seemed quite human, and just with one look, Ye Tian Yun could tell that it was a woman, mainly because of the bulge on the chest.

But this was not what confused him.

Instead, it was the outfit of this person.

She was wearing something which covered her whole body!

No, she wasn't wearing any type of robe. Rather, it was much more complicated than that.

"Hunter Mecha!" Wang Yao shouted.

"Hunter Mecha?" Ye Tian Yun frowned. He was unfamiliar with both of these words.

"That's Hunter Mecha!" Wang Yao rubbed his face, "It's something only very few people can wear."

"Who are these people?" Ye Tian Yun asked, "And what is this… mecha?"

Wang Yao explained, "Mecha is similar to battle armor. But it's much more sturdier, safe, and most importantly, it gives the ability to fly!"

Just as Wang Yao's words were finished, the person in the mech flew back towards the ground and took a punching stance.

"Is she dumb?" Ye Tian Yun frowned, "She will die like this…."

The beast had already noticed her, and it jumped right at her with its mouth wide open.

The person was now literally flying right into the beast's mouth!

Ye Tian Yun didn't move to help, and he wanted to observe more. Stepping out and bringing trouble in his own direction was not something that Ye Tian Yun preferred.

He would rather sit on the sidelines and watch the whole show to better understand his enemies' weakness.

On the other side, as the wolf jumped with its mouth wide open, ready to crush its enemy in its jaws, the person flew directly towards it.


As soon as the person reached within the range of its jaws, the beast snapped and closed its mouth!


There was a crackling of teeth as the beast landed on the ground and looked around in anger.

"He killed her…?" Wang Yao asked, surprised.

"No," Ye Tian Yun shook his head, "Can't you see its reaction? There's definitely nothing in its mouth."

"Hm, now that you say that…." Wang Yao frowned.

Indeed, the beast was looking around in anger while crackling its jaw. 

There was really nothing in its mouth!

"Where did that person go?" Ye Tian Yun had his spirit sense spread out, but he didn't notice any presence.

He hadn't enclosed his spirit sense because he was a guard for him against sudden ambushes.

Even though there was Qi, Ye Tian Yun needed to save it as much as possible. He couldn't put himself at risk just because of that.

"I can't find the person. Did she disappear?" Ye Tian Yun asked once again.

Wang Yao shook his head, "I have already told you whatever I know about these mechas."

Ye Tian Yun frowned, "Where did you see these mechas in the first place? The Upper Heaven?'


Before Wang Yao could respond, the ground below the beast in front of them suddenly exploded, and the person appeared from the ground and flew right at the beast - but this time, there was a spear in her hands!

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    What is even going on at this point
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