
Chapter 461: A small drama

Rei watched as Teresa was toying with Kurotsuchi and Samui, having quite a lot of fun witnessing their struggles. When he proposed to them to fight Teresa, he had already expected something like this to occur.

Unfortunately for them, Rei wanted to kill two flies with one hit. This way, he fulfilled the promise to Tsunade while testing their level, flaws, and preferences in combat so he would know how to train them.

The least they could do for their bright future was to suffer a bit, no?

He let the three girls play for an entire hour before he decided he had enough data to make a proper training schedule for Samui and Kurotsuchi. By now, both of them were wheezing and panting in exhaustion, and Rei decided this was a passable show for them of what to expect during his training sessions.

Throwing a kunai in front of Teresa who was leisurely walking toward the two exhausted kunoichis with a small smile on her face and her hand on the hilt of her Claymore, Rei attracted her attention before gesturing that the match is finished.

Teresa looked at Samui and Kurotsuchi with a mild discontent, unnerving them for a moment before she finally spoke, "You two are boring!"

Her piece said, Teresa was satisfied and walked out of the arena.

Both kunoichis could only depressingly watch as their opponent disregarded them. In their respective villages, they were in no way on the top but this kind of disregard was felt for the first time by them.

Yes, Kurotsuchi fought against her grandfather at times in the guise of training but he never so mockingly toyed with her.

Unknown to them, this moment of frustration would motivate them throughout the hell that awaited them.


Evening came and Rei's group relocated to the Senju Mansion.

Surprisingly enough, Kumo was still resisting the Kiri Swordsmen but it mattered not. Kiri army was already encamped around the village, the mountain mist superbly helping them with staying hidden.

Tomorrow morning, their attack will commence and Kumo will fall. There was no need to intervene and Rei was happy about that. He didn't feel like helping with it at all.

A decade of nurturing subordinates... In Rei's opinion, it should better start to pay dividends!

He didn't train and teach people for so long in order to have to end everything by himself. He finally had entire armies under his command so he had to use it and sit back, enjoying the peace while others fought for him.

His hard work finally bore fruits.

The only Kage that was with them in the Senju Mansion was Onoki and that was because of Kurotsuchi's request. Sarutobi, A, B, and Mabui were given to the tender care of Morino Ibiki since Rei didn't want to hear their complaints about his actions against Kumo.

Even Sarutobi tried to use his 'disappointed grandfather' routine on Rei when he saw it had no effect on Tsunade. Alas, when he looked more like an angry pimple than an old man, it was more cringe than effective.

Tsunade had no intention of having them tortured and Ibiki was just supposed to put them into VIP cells in the most guarded area in Konoha's prison but they didn't know that at the time. When the man showed up to take them away... even Sarutobi looked a bit frightened.

Needless to say, with their chakra restricted to genin level, there was nothing much they could do.

Thanks to getting rid of the annoyances, Rei's evening was peaceful as he sat in his comfortable armchair with his family sitting around him and Tsunade comfortably seated on his lap, cuddling to celebrate their easy victory.

Maybe it was too soon but there was no longer anything in the Elemental Nations that could stand in their way unless some unexpected hidden force revealed itself or Madara was somehow brought back.

But there was no way that could happen, no?

Konan's information network would reveal any such hidden force and Rei made sure to destroy any way for Madara to resurrect.

The only pair of Rinnegan eyes was destroyed and Kabuto was just a little whelp who was barely jonin level. There was no way he could learn Edo Tensei. Especially since he was already arrested during the invasion.

He was the reason why Anko was still in her hobby job at the Torture and Interrogation Department. The poor bastard. But Anko's tender care was totally deserved in this case.

Since Tsunade became the Hokage, she made sure that Kabuto would be unable to do anything too nasty but before that...

Let's just say that once upon a time, he was one of the trainers for the orphans taken to ROOT. It wasn't like his medical proficiency fell from the sky. He also needed some... guinea pigs to train and his intimate knowledge of the human body was definitely not acquired by practicing on fish.

Unfortunately for Rei, his expectations were betrayed and Anko actually didn't intend to spend her night having fun with her new toys in the T&I. His peaceful evening was ruined when she appeared at the door, glaring at Tsunade and clenching her fists.

"You promised that Orochimaru is mine!" Anko petulantly screamed, making the whole room speechless and dissipating the merry mood in the air.

Tears streamed down Anko's cheeks as she stomped her way to Tsunade and started weakly hitting her while wailing like a child. Tsunade was too stunned to react and even after she recollected herself, she didn't just slap Anko away. Anko grew on her and Rei knew she regarded the crazy woman as sort of an adopted daughter.

Speaking of Rei...

The poor man on whom Tsunade was seated could do nothing more than inwardly groan as this was happening. Not only did he feel every impact of Anko's fist, no matter how weak it was, as Tsunade shifted her weight on his lap, but his ears also protested due to Anko's harpy-like shrieks and incessant cussing.

Sure, he understood that Anko was angry, but... His peaceful evening!

Noticing that Rei was on the verge of lashing out, Tsunade quickly caught Anko's wrists, stopping her temper tantrum as she stood up and dragged the unruly girl towards the empty spots on the couch where she sat down, forcing Anko to also sit on the spot next to her.

Rei had a lot of patience for his girls, but Anko was not one of them. As patient as he was, there were a few triggers that would make even him annoyed. Having his quiet and peaceful evening disrupted after a hard day was one of the bigger ones. Rei worked a lot, whether on seals, plotting, or governing his village and forces, so he utterly hated having to deal with more drama during his free time.

He didn't mind witnessing it. He may even like that. But he totally hated it if he was involved in any way. That's why Tsunade decided to relocate from his lap to the couch, swapping Rei's position from participant to a silent observer.

"Don't be silly, Anko." Tsunade coaxed, looking at the sorrowful and tearful girl who was sullenly pouting. Wiping her tears, Tsunade continued, "I will resurrect him for you once per week so you can have your fun. How about that?"

That got Anko's attention, "You can resurrect him?" She hopefully asked.

"Mhm." Tsunade nodded with a small smile, "So, deal?"

"Yesh." Anko sniffed, a smile returning to her face.

The drama dealt with, Rei relaxed again and Tsunade looked back toward Rei, about to relocate to his lap again, only to find out that Mei took the opportunity to take her place, causing her to indignantly huff.

In response, Mei just stuck her tongue out at her.

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Tbh the sole fact that he could do something like merging fking souls in such a short time is already retarded. God literally gave him the talents he own. He shouldn't be able to share as it should be in the core of his soul not in some cornor of his soul. Tbh this whole merging thing was just unnecessary. It would have been way way better if konans individual talent was explored. In conan it was enough for her to become an s rank. If explored more it could probably make her quite op.in future mc could probably make her more powerful with his seals or something. He didn't touch senjetsu because it was dangerous but he touched his souls and merged them when he doesn't know shit about souls??? tbh I like the story so I won't drop but this soul thingy took it down to four star for me. It was too forced. He should just remove the whole soul part as it doesn't affect much rn but his choice I guess

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All I ican say is in the gif ...................................... ...................................... ......................................

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