
Chapter 471: Slow beggining of the battle.

"Time out!" Rei shouted, putting his hands in the T sign.

Surprisingly, this worked and both Kaguya and Isshiki who were glaring at each other stopped and turned toward him. The first with curiosity while the latter with slightly hostile irritation at being interrupted yet again.

No matter, Isshiki did stop for a second but it was apparent he was just a moment from attacking. That's why Rei quickly said his piece, "Just give me an answer to one last question, will you? I am interested in the opinion of someone who spent his life pursuing knowledge."

Fortunately, Rei's wording seemed to intrigue Isshiki who stopped himself from pouncing and gave him a pondering hum.

Rei inwardly smirked. He knew best about the researcher's pride. The best way to get the desired reaction from a person similar to you was to do what you think would work against you, after all.

"I guess I can entertain you this one last time before you die. Ask. What would you like to know?" Isshiki stated, his tone conveying a slight interest.

"Mhm." Rei nodded in faux gratitude. He then opened his mouth and paused for a second and gave Isshiki a meaningful look before he uttered his question, "How stupid do you have to be to give your opponent time to prepare a trap while you are leisurely chatting like some third-rate villain?"

Isshiki barely got enough time to process Rei's rude words before he saw the space around him crack, separating a massive circular piece of everything around him, with Rei and Kaguya included. Isshiki then started to feel nauseous as the space twisted and he, alongside everything around him, was literally spatially ripped from its place and thrown somewhere... else.

When Isshiki finally shook off the shock and looked around, he found himself in an unknown place... when his ears suddenly caught Kaguya's voice, making him realize that his enemies were still in front of him as they got teleported too.

Which... was weird, in his opinion.

"Your dimension?" Kaguya curiously asked Rei, tilting her head.

"Yeah," Rei nodded, "I am not happy with wrecking it but... it's much better than destroying my planet or my moon." He shrugged.

Plus, he had made extensive preparations inside of his dimension for this eventuality. Er... to be truthful, he made them in case Kaguya became hostile when he finally released her but she didn't need to know that. He had a fight with an ultra dangerous godly being in mind when he was devising these precautions so they should hold for Isshiki too anyway.

Granted, Rei was pissed that his house in the middle of this small dimension would most likely be blasted to smithereens once Isshiki and Kaguya got serious but houses could be easily rebuilt, unlike planets or countries.

"I don't understand. Is this it? Your attempt at surviving me?" Isshiki raised his eyebrow with a deadpan look decorating his face before he sighed as if he considered the situation too troublesome, "If you think that teleporting me somewhere will increase your chances at victory," He slowly raised his hand, "then you are woefully ignorant."

He dramatically clenched the fingers of his outstretched hand into a fist...

An awkward moment passed through the surroundings as nothing happened, much to Isshiki's inward bewilderment. He blankly blinked and tilted his head as he looked at his hand in incomprehension.

Rei couldn't bear it anymore and started chuckling. The look of utter confusion on the dude was pure gold!

"My abilities..." Isshiki whispered and raised his head towards Rei. Narrowing his eyes, he threateningly asked, "What did you do!?"

"W-who i-is the ign-ignorant one n-now, h-heh?" Instead of getting his answers, Isshiki's questioning just sent Rei into another fit of chuckling.

Isshiki didn't even have the time to get mad at Rei's behavior because Kaguya, in the true ninja style, recognized her opportunity to strike and Isshiki only barely managed to raise his arms in front of his chest before Kaguya's bone bullet hit them, aiming straight at his heart.

Isshiki was pushed back, creating a small trench with his feet but he was still immensely physically powerful and managed to withstand the momentum behind the bone bullet. His heels dug into the ground as he braced himself and cracks spread all around him from the sheer force he exerted onto the ground before he swept his arms out, pushing the bone bullet away from his arms and sending out a small shockwave.

The place where the bone bullet impacted his arms was releasing a slight smoke as Kaguya's ability to disintegrate anything that touched her bones battled with Isshiki's immensely powerful physique, finding its match.

Kaguya scowled when she saw this, expecting to quickly end him and return home with Rei for some nice cuddles but apparently, Isshiki's thousand years of research was not for naught as he withstood her ultimate killer move despite being hit by it.

Isshiki was however too mentally preoccupied to even notice that he had just evaded a certain death. With a small frown on his face, he wondered what was going on while ignoring the sting in his arms as his biologically-enhanced body battled Kaguya's chakra.

There were supposed to be weapons withdrawn from his inventory space and thrown at Kaguya but the same as his attempt to teleport away, it didn't work!

'Anti-space seals?' Isshiki thought and glanced around but he couldn't see any, making him disgruntled.

During this exchange, Rei finally stopped chuckling and straightened out, giving Kaguya a grateful look before he turned away from Isshiki and started quickly walking forward.

The reason why Kaguya didn't ferociously attack Isshiki when she had the chance was that Rei was still on the battlefield without much protection. She couldn't go all out with him there! Even if she knew that he had his tricks capable of immobilizing and restricting even her... as he demonstrated in some of their spars... she still couldn't help but worry about his safety.

So, she dutifully stayed near him in case Isshiki realized it was Rei's existence that anchored the space restricting the function of this dimension, and preventing him from using literally half of his most dangerous abilities.

Though... it didn't seem that Isshiki would realize that anytime soon if the stressful way he was looking around for any hidden seals was any indication.

'Rei's techniques are just way too strange.' Kaguya thought with a measure of pride mixed with exasperation. She knew of many techniques of various Otsutsuki but Rei seemed to think out of the box so much that it baffled even her.

Imbuing a property into his dimension... now that was on the level of her dimension creation. An unbelievable ability for a human.

Neither Rei nor Kaguya was in any hurry to stop Isshiki from looking around the dimension filled to the brim with nothing but nature-energy-enhanced trees and vines.

Rei used this time to calmly get into the most protected place in his whole dimension. A small plot of land where all the defensive seals and measures in the dimension converged. This little haven of his would survive even if the two godly beings blasted the dimension into smithereens.

Now that he was protected, he observed Isshiki who was not able to locate the source of his space-related problems, much to Rei's amusement.

Rei knew the man was definitely relieved they hadn't attacked him for whatever reason, but this was fine. That was a normal arrogance for beings that could withstand even a bijuudama with their pure physical resilience.

If it was anyone else, Rei would have sneered at the inattentiveness but Isshiki?

This dude was the last boss of his planet. And in a similar manner to the last bosses in games, he wrongly assumed he was the most dangerous being around.

Chuckling once again, Rei gave Kagyua a thumbs-up, signaling that he was ready and she could start.

Kaguya widely grinned and turned towards the distracted Isshiki, causing him to momentarily freeze as her chakra burst forth, spreading a blanket of heavy pressure all over the dimension.

Isshiki robotically turned towards Kaguya, realizing he would not get more time to leisurely locate and destroy the cause of the space interference, and prepared himself to face Kaguya.

"Doesn't matter. Even if my space-related abilities are unusable, I can still beat you to death with my powerful body." He coldly stated, looking at Kaguya in contempt.

He didn't spend centuries enhancing his vessel for naught. There was no being in this land that cou-

"I'd like to see that." Kaguya whispered, giving Isshiki an excited smile while her two pupil-less lavender eyes morphed into Rinne-Sharingan, and Isshiki, alongside a great chunk of the forest around him, was blasted back as Kaguya's localized Shinra Tensei hit him like a truck.

Kaguya only smirked, seeing the massive hole in the forest she created with but a thought, and disappeared from her spot, running after Isshiki.

If she couldn't have sex, then she would at the very least make the reason for that suffer!

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Tbh the sole fact that he could do something like merging fking souls in such a short time is already retarded. God literally gave him the talents he own. He shouldn't be able to share as it should be in the core of his soul not in some cornor of his soul. Tbh this whole merging thing was just unnecessary. It would have been way way better if konans individual talent was explored. In conan it was enough for her to become an s rank. If explored more it could probably make her quite op.in future mc could probably make her more powerful with his seals or something. He didn't touch senjetsu because it was dangerous but he touched his souls and merged them when he doesn't know shit about souls??? tbh I like the story so I won't drop but this soul thingy took it down to four star for me. It was too forced. He should just remove the whole soul part as it doesn't affect much rn but his choice I guess

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All I ican say is in the gif ...................................... ...................................... ......................................

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Comments 1

  1. Offline
    If she couldn't have sex, then she would at the very least make the reason for that suffer!

    Okay, this isn't on the level of 'having his prioritirs' 3
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