
Chapter 2: Waking the Eighteenth Ancestor, Divine Child Status, and Sequence Zero

'Great, not even the system will let me keep a low profile then…' Jun Xiaoyao thought to himself.

"Ding, new check-in location refreshed. Please check-in at the Old Tablet of Taiyue."

"The Old Tablet of Taiyue? Where is that?' Jun Xiaoyao thought to himself.

Then again, he was in no rush. He was still a baby, after all. Furthermore, gaining an Accomplished Sacred Body of the Ancients meant that he had a perfect start.

He had all the time in the world to look for the next check-in location later.

'I got the Accomplished Sacred Body of the Ancients in this check-in, and I wonder just what kind of prize will be waiting for me when I get to the next check-in location.' Jun Xiaoyao thought to himself, looking forward to when he was able to do so.

At that moment, Jun Zhantian clapped his forehead and said, "Damn, I forgot that I haven't given my precious grandson a name. How about calling the boy 'Changsheng', eh? It's a name with a blessing for him to live a long and prosperous life."

Jun Xiaoyao felt rather exasperated while he was still in his grandfather's arms.

While the name 'Jun Changsheng' didn't sound half bad, he still hoped to be able to use his own name.

Some elders shook their heads and commented, "Oh, hell no! There are just too many people with that name. The name is just too boring!"

Several people from all walks of life were named 'Changsheng', and such a common, uninspiring name was deemed unfit for one such brilliant son of the Jun family.

Just then, a frail-sounding voice rang out. "Then how about 'Xiaoyao'? My husband once said that it's easier to become a god than to live free. I hope that my son would be able to live free for the rest of his life."

The voice came from a beautiful yet pale-looking woman on her bed. That woman was none other than Jiang Rou, Jun Xiaoyao's biological mother.

Jun Zhantian and the others were unable to just dismiss Jiang Rou's suggestion.

That was because Jiang Rou herself was not an ordinary person, to begin with; she was a divine lady of the Jiang family, which was another Clan of the Ancients.

While the Jiang family was not as renowned as the Jun family, the fact that the former was one of the Clan of the Ancients remained. That fact itself spoke of the family's powers.

"Alright, we shall name the boy 'Xiaoyao' then." Jun Zhantian nodded. However, he sighed slightly, as if he recalled something rather unpleasant.

Jun Xiaoyao's eyebrows twitched when he saw what was happening.

It was only then that he realized that his father didn't seem to be around.

'Oh... You're not telling me that I'm invincible because my dad is gone, right?'

A crone by his side comforted the old man by saying, "No need to worry, Zhantian. Jun Wuhui is the White-clad Divine King after all. There is no way that he'd just kick the bucket like that. Furthermore, there is hardly anything stopping the boy from going out to look for his father when he's all grown up."

"Haha, well, I still have my precious grandson around!" A grin was seen on Jun Zhantian's face once more.

Jun Xiaoyao blinked, committing his father's title to memory.

Jun Wuhui the White-clad Divine King...

'Judging from the name and title, it seems like my dad is someone prestigious then…'

One of the elders said with a serious tone, "I'm afraid the news of Xiaoyao being born with an Accomplished Sacred Body of the Ancients caused a huge commotion throughout the mystic realm. It's worth noting that there are a lot of people out there who aren't friendly to us of the Jun family after all."

"Are you suggesting that we conceal the fluctuations of the sacred body on Xiaoyao?" Jun Zhantian asked.

All the other elders nodded.

Those who think too differently from their peers will be criticized by others.

With Jun Xiaoyao currently being the most precious treasure to the Jun family, everyone figured that they couldn't afford to make even one mistake.

Just then, a dismissive voice erupted throughout the place. "Since when did the descendants of the Jun family learn to hide and evade? Are you saying that you people are incapable of even protecting someone with a sacred body?"

The entire Jun family was alerted. Countless eyes turned to the sky above the Heavenly Emperor Palace.

"That fluctuation…"

"Some very powerful qi instead... My goodness, it's the grand patriarch sleeping in the ancestral temple! He just climbed out of his coffin!"

"Goodness… even the grand patriarch has woken up, huh?" Countless members of the Jun family were heard mumbling among themselves amidst their gasps.

That voice came from a figure of a grand patriarch level. Several members of the Jun family wouldn't be able to meet that grand patriarch once during their entire lives.

Even so, Jun Xiaoyao's birth was actually shocking enough to wake the grand patriarch. That fact filled everyone with both shock and envy.

Shocked to hear that voice in the Heavenly Emperor Palace, Jun Zhantian walked outside right away. All of the elders followed suit.

At that moment, a huge spatial fissure was seen in the sky above the Heavenly Emperor Palace.

A grey-robed, frail-looking figure was seen from within.

That grey-robed elder looked dusty from top to toe, looking as if he had just climbed out of a pile of dirt.

Despite that, his shriveled-looking figure seemed to possess powers great enough to shock the world.

It seemed as if he was the only one who could overwhelm everything in existence.

"It's the Eighteenth Ancestor! Greetings, Eighteenth Ancestor!"

Jun Zhantian and all the others around him bowed right away.

That grey-robed elder was a true grand patriarch-level figure of the Jun family, who had been buried in the family's ancestral temple for countless years.

He was someone who would only wake from the grave and appear when either something serious occurred in the family, or when the entire family was facing life and death situations.

Jun Zhantian never expected that Jun Xiaoyao's birth was capable of alerting their grand patriarch.

The Eighteenth Ancestor flashed and seemed to come right before Jun Zhantian like a bolt of lightning before cradling Jun Xiaoyao in his arms.

His deep, celestial entity-like eyes gaze upon Jun Xiaoyao.

Jun Xiaoyao simply stared back without making a sound, looking rather curious about the elder before him instead.

'So, this is the grand patriarch of the Jun family eh? Some qi he has; his qi is far more powerful than grandpa's.' Jun Xiaoyao thought to himself.

The Eighteenth Ancestor was unable to help but laugh shortly afterward as he said, "Good… good. A true dragon has been born in the Jun family, yet you fools dare to try concealing the child's brilliance."

Jun Zhantian steeled himself and said, "Eighteenth Ancestor, I'm just worried that there would be people who would scheme against my grandson…"

Despite the prestige that runs in the Jun family, they were all considered youths before that Eighteenth Ancestor.

"Hmph, I'd love to see who would dare do such a thing. If those old farts dare to stoop so low as to do anything against Xiaoyao, I'd be fully willing to wage an Unending War on them. I'd turn the world upside-down and kill every last one of them!"

The Eighteenth Ancestor's fury and magnificence knew no bounds.

Jun Zhantian and the others visibly gulped at the grand patriarch's words.

An Unending War was a great war that was waged by the old, great mystic orthodoxy of the likes of the Clans of the Ancients, the Wushang Imperial Dynasty, and the far ancient royal families.

One such war could easily turn the entire mystic realm upside-down, with the blood of billions being spilled throughout the war.

It had been eons since the Huangtian Mystic Realm last saw an Unending War broke out.

"I hereby declare the boy to be the divine child of the Jun family from here on out. He shall have priority to all cultivation resources available. We shall have him become a truly accomplished sacred one by all means necessary!" The Eighteenth Ancestor ordered.

Jun Zhantian and all the other elders nodded in agreement.

Only fools wouldn't give their all in fostering someone born with a Sacred Body of the Ancients that was totally unshackled.

"By the way, grant the boy the position of Sequence Zero," the Eighteenth Ancestor said.

"What?" The elders were all astonished.

Nothing was surprising about granting the boy the status of the divine child; it was but a symbol.

The same couldn't be said with the sequences.

After all, the sequences of the Jun family were held by people who were granted the right to fight for the position of patriarch after all.

The younger generations of the Jun family alone numbered in tens of thousands already, but there were only ten positions in the sequences. Thus, only ten of the youths were allowed to fight for the position of patriarch.

Every single one of the 10 would be the best of geniuses that the Jun family could produce, and all of them would no doubt be renowned figures of their generations.

There was yet another sequence position above the ten: Sequence Zero.

The number 'zero' denoted that one had nothing, yet it could also mean that one had infinite potential.

The status of Sequence Zero was above that of Sequence One.

The last figure who took the position of Sequence One in the previous generation was none other than Jun Wuhui, the White-clad Divine King who was also Jun Xiaoyao's biological father.

A crone cautiously asked, "Eighteenth Ancestor, don't you think you're taking this a little too far? I'm afraid it would cause the other sequence holders to be dissatisfied…"

Every single holder of such a position gained their status after going through countless trials.

One could imagine what the other sequence holders would think, knowing that Jun Xiaoyao gained the position of Sequence Zero shortly after birth.

The Eighteenth Ancestor waved dismissively and answered,

"They could be dissatisfied for all I care. They're free to fight the kid later if they feel like it, and we'll see they have what it takes to beat the kid himself."

One could tell just how much confidence he apparently had towards Jun Xiaoyao.

Jun Xiaoyao sighed to himself hearing all of that.

His grandfather had high expectations for him, while the grand patriarch saw him becoming a major figure in the future. There were also the hidden secrets about his father and the phantom menaces that the Jun family had to deal with.

'Seems like I couldn't be a nobody even if I try after all.'

'Invincible talents, unbelievable background, and system support... If I still can't become something that could rule over an era even with such a brilliant start, I truly will be good for nothing…' Jun Xiaoyao thought to himself.

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Comments 8

  1. Offline
    I hope it won't get boring kef
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  2. Offline
    Aditya gore
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  3. Offline
    Reverend Serenity
    amazing so far :)
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  4. Online Offline
    Im truly surprised about this plot, what I thought would happen was (the good-old mc discovered he’s trash with one of the supreme sacred bodies)and then time-skip till he became 16-18 and then magically awakened the system/crossing cheat
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    1. Online Offline
      Quite unique chinese plot, I like it
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  5. Offline
    check in system da best no batshit insane quests...maybe
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    1. Offline
      yeah, u only have to wait and check in and pray to be lucky and viola!!!
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    2. Offline
      Yup, instead of batsh*t insane quests, we got batsh*t insane pacing...I LOVE IT oru2x
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