
Chapter 1594: Familiar Faces

It was still very early in the morning, so the streets of Bastion were mostly empty. However, someone had already come to the Brilliant Emporium. As the door opened, a melodious sound spread through the interior of the Marvelous Mimic. There was a beautiful silver bell affixed above the door, its soft and pleasing ringing welcoming the entering customers.

Of course, it was the Sonorous Silver Bell. Sunny looked up from what he was doing, then wiped his hands on his apron and left the kitchen. There was an elderly gentleman standing at the door, dressed in a patchy enchanted robe. He had messy grey hair, absentminded eyes, and a pair of bushy eyebrows that seemed to have a life of their own.

Sunny suppressed a smile. "Awakened Julius. You are here early."

The old man looked at him and smiled politely.

"Ah, Master Sunless! Well, I am a night owl. Plus, you know what they say, the early bird gets the worm. Wait... I am mixing metaphors..." He hesitated for a moment, then coughed.

"Sorry. I seem to remember that you dislike birds. In any case, it is nice to see you on this pleasant morning."

Sunny nodded. "Likewise. The usual?"

As the old man assumed his favorite spot near the window, Sunny returned to the kitchen. There, he went about making coffee for his former teacher, while at the same time preparing a light breakfast. 'We are running low on coffee beans, indeed. I'll have to visit NQSC this week, won't I?'

While Brilliant Emporium could not contend with more prestigious restaurants in Bastion, hot beverages like coffee, tea, and hot chocolate were Sunny's selling point. That was because he exclusively used the pure water from the Endless Spring to brew them, which made each cup especially invigorating.

He ground the beans, poured the fragrant powder and a little sugar into a copper cezve, then sent a wisp of essence into the stove and placed the cezve on the fire. The stove had been created by him by reversing the enchantment of a long-destroyed charm of his, [Memory of Fire], which made kitchen work much easier.

When the ground coffee heated a little, he took the Endless Spring off the shelf, poured water into the cezve, and placed it back on the fire. Ideally, he should have been using a pan of heated sand instead of open fire, but, oh well… there were limits to how fancy Sunny was willing to be. While the coffee was brewing, he ignited a second flame and put a pan on it. Then, Sunny opened the icebox and took out a few eggs, butter, and a jar of milk…

The icebox had also been created and enchanted by him, in the best attempt to imitate the luxurious refrigerator he had greatly enjoyed owning in the past. In fact, it was more of a large cabinet than a box, made out of natural wood instead of synthwood. So, in a sense, it was even more luxurious. There was no ice inside, either. Instead, the enchantment was the reverse of another charm he had lost, [Memory of Ice]. There was a luminous enchantment, too, activated when the door of the cabinet was open. A third enchantment created a dedicated reserve of essence that powered the first two, so Sunny just had to replenish it once every few months. Breaking the eggs with one hand and putting butter on the pan with the other, Sunny mixed the eggs while slowly blending milk in and poured the resulting mass into the melted butter. He waited for the omelette to set, then effortlessly flipped and folded it, finally adding some mushrooms, vegetables, and ham. Well… monster ham, to be precise. Soon, a perfectly cooked omelette and a cup of fragrant coffee were ready. Putting them on a tray, Sunny glanced at Aiko, who was still going over the books, and left the kitchen once more. Placing the plate and the cup in front of Teacher Julius, he curiously glanced at the book the old man was reading. Its cover was hidden by a leather jacket, but he knew the title from a glance. It was The Exploration Report on the Tomb of Ariel, by: Nobody.

Sunny was the nobody in question, of course. Even though he had lost credit for his previous academic papers, it seemed like a shame to just leave all the knowledge he had accumulated in the Third Nightmare go to waste. So, even knowing that it would cause some problems, he published an research paper anonymously.

He kept the existence of the Plagues and everything he discovered in the Estuary to himself, though, concentrating on the unique culture of the River Civilization, and especially on the stories of Weave he had heard from Ananke, instead. Not only because there were some things that were better left unsaid, but also because some knowledge was simply too dangerous to share. There were very few people in the world who could withstand a mere mention of the Forgotten God, anyway, while many could be harmed by being exposed to it. However, even with these redacted parts, his report had caused a furor in academic circles. …It had caused a furor in some other circles, as well.

Namely, among the Great Clans. There were supposed to only be six people who had ventured into the Nightmare of the Tomb of Ariel, after all. And since none of them was the author of the report… then who the hell was? And how did that person know so much about the Great River? Needless to say, the existence of the Exploration Report, written by nobody, was under a lot of scrutiny. Which was why even a respected professor like Teacher Julius chose to hide its cover under a jacket and read it in the Dream Realm, as opposed to on his communicator in the waking world. When the old man smelled the delicious fragrance of coffee, he got distracted from his book and looked up.

"That smell! Ah, I've been looking forward to it all week."

Sunny smiled and pointed to the Exploration Report. "Are you reading that report again, Awakened Julius?"

The old man looked around and pressed a finger against his lips. "I am! But shhh! You know this amazing work is supposed to be banned, Master Sunless."

He picked up a fork and sighed dejectedly. "Such a travesty. The depth of knowledge and wisdom the author of this remarkable work possesses is truly astounding. Their discoveries and insights have truly overturned our understanding of the history of the Dream Realm, especially its later stages. Not to mention the incredible revelations about the origins of the Nightmare Spell they documented! Such a person should be lauded and celebrated, not hunted. Those Legacies are really out of line, this time."

Sunny smiled politely. "Who do you think the author is?"

Teacher Julius looked thoughtful for a moment. "A person of utter brilliance and integrity, no doubt! Well… they should be an old fossil like me, most likely. Probably one of the first-generation Saints? Otherwise, I don't see how they could have survived the harrowing depths of the Great River, let alone avoid being found out by the… those who are trying to find them."

"A person of utter brilliance and integrity, no doubt! Well… they should be an old fossil like me, most likely. Probably one of the first-generation Saints? Otherwise, I don't see how they could have survived the harrowing depths of the Great River, let alone avoid being found out by the… those who are trying to find them."

He sighed. "Well, a young man like you won't understand, Master Sunless. Being an explorer is a noble calling, you see. Uh… not that there's anything wrong with making an honest living like you do. Gods know I would have been lost without your excellent cooking skills! Please excuse my outburst. This old man was being impolite."

Sunny chuckled. "No, no… you are right. Please enjoy your breakfast."

With that, he bowed slightly and took a step back.

The Silver Bell rang again, announcing the arrival of the next customer…

Comments 27

  1. Online Offline
    Ok I have some theories regarding everything from what I understood until now

    The shadow god betrayed the other gods and worked with Weaver at the end and he is the one who takes the place of oblivion during the war or at least one of his shadows. he is the god of secrets after all of course he did know what Weaver was doing and this is why Sunny got the aspect of the shadow god because he is a shadow a divine one part of the shadow god they worked together to make sure Sunny could be the weapon who could destroy whatever the thing they know and couldn't share with others

    Another theory - Could Sunny teacher Julius be the last supreme hiding from the start under our noises he could be changing his form from young to old at will this is one of his abilities regarding his domine.
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    1. Offline
      Julius theory is hilarious, now I realy hope it's true!
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  2. Offline
    effies baby daddy sounds most suitable to be aspected to the forgotten god. just cant remember him
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    1601. Esteemed Guest

    Sunny froze for a moment, then smiled politely.

    "Ah. In that case, it seems I'll be busy in the kitchen soon."

    His face did not betray any emotions, but he was a bit rattled on the inside.

    'What is up with today?'

    He had wandered the Dream Realm alone for about three years after becoming a Saint, only returning to the embrace of civilization a year ago. So, the Brilliant Emporium had not been open for too long. In that time, Sunny had brushed sides with some members of the cohort, but it did not happen often.

    And definitely not in any kind of meaningful way.

    Which was how he preferred it. He was being contradictory in that desire, perhaps — after all, the very reason Sunny had chosen to open his shop in Bastion was because many of his old friends were here. Well... there was another reason, as well, but that was the deciding factor.

    Still, while he could maintain a level of nonchalance while meeting people like Teacher Julius or the Irregulars, it was different with his former companions. Being close to them was both sweet and painful... but mostly painful. Which was why he both yearned to see them and preferred to avoid them at all costs.

    Sunny knew that getting closer to the cohort members would only bring him anguish and torment. Nevertheless, he was sometimes tempted to abandon reason and ingratiate himself into their company once again.

    Luckily, in the end, reason always won.

    In any case...

    'Calm down. You brought this on yourself, anyway.'

    Not only was the Brilliant Emporium bound to attract the attention of local powerhouses eventually, but there was also Aiko. There were less than a hundred survivors of the Forgotten Shore alive now, and she was one of them. Many of the Fire Keepers were on friendly terms with her, so they visited her place of work often.

    Sadly, that did not translate into Memory sales — as the elite battle force led by Nephis, they not only had access to the best weapons and equipment the Great Clan Valor could supply them with, but also spent most of their time on calamitous battlefields, earning plenty of powerful Memories of their own.

    ...Kai and Effue were among Aiko's friends, too. That was how Sunny had established the partnership with the Beast Farm, in the first place.

    He sighed and beckoned Little Lings Dad.

    "Please come in. I'll pour you something cold and refreshing while you wait."

    The two of them carried the ingredients into the kitchen, witnessing a peculiar scene. Little Ling was giggling as he jumped around like a rabbit, reaching his small hands toward Aiko. The petite girl, meanwhile, had sought refuge at high altitude and was floating near the ceiling with a distressed expression on her face.

    "Auntie! Auntie! Come down!"

    She threw a resentful glance at Sunny, sighed, and glided to the floor. Catching the little boy, Aiko nimbly spun him around and then patted him on the head.

    "Here, here. I'm down. How about we get you some ice cream, wolfie? Just... be a good boy!"

    The rascal immediately put on a subdued expression and looked at her with his huge eyes.

    His entire being expressed nothing but well- behaved obedience.

    "Little Ling is a good boy."

    At the sound of his solemn voice, Aiko couldn't help but smile.

    "Alright. Then, let's go..."

    Soon, the little boy was sitting at one of the tables and happily swinging his legs in the air. In front of him was a bowl of ice cream, adorned with freshly cut strawberries... the ice cream was disappearing with a frightening speed.

    His dad, meanwhile, was drinking a glass of cold lemonade as he watched the street through the window.

    Sunny was looking at the contents of his icebox, wondering if there would be anything left for other customers after Effie was done plundering his cafe.

    Soon, he heard the sound of the Silver Bell ringing, and an excited yelp:


    Then, there was a sound akin to a torpedo hitting the hull of a warship, and the entire Marvelous Mimic shook. Dust spilled from the ceiling.

    Letting out a sigh, Sunny turned around and left the kitchen.

    Effie was perhaps the only person who could withstand the full force of Little Lings excited pounce without being pushed back or reeling. She had easily caught the brat and raised him into a tight hug, laughing. The boy was hanging from his mom's tall body like a monkey.

    "Hey there, dumpling. Missed me?"

    "I'm not a dumpling! I'm a boy!"

    "Alright, alright... but why are you so tasty?"


    As Effie pretended to bite Little Ling, he giggled happily and squirmed in her embrace. Sunny observed the scene while suppressing a smile.

    Despite the flow of time, Effie had not changed at all. She was still the same tall, beautiful, and vibrant woman Sunny had met in the Dark City. Her athletic body was still brimming with boundless vigor and vitality, her perfect lean muscles rolling under the dewy olive skin.

    Of course, there were changes, too. Effie had grown even more appealing, her Transcendent allure capable of bringing countless men to their knees. There was a subtle, but palpable presence about her, too... perhaps it had always been there, but now there was no mistaking it.

    Wherever Effie went, the air brimmed with liveliness and energy. Everyone around her felt a certain primal intensity permeate their bodies, infusing them with stimulating, spirited force.

    Such was the effect that Saint Raised by Wolves, one of the most famous and beloved warriors of humanity, had on people.

    Carrying Little Ling, she walked over to where the nameless guy was sitting, hugged him with one hand, and kissed him on the cheek. Then, she looked at Aiko and grinned.

    "Hey there, shorty! Gods, have you grown even tinier? I really can't... Aiko, you're so cute. Every time I see you, I just want to squeeze you and dress you up."

    The petite girl frowned.

    "There will be no more squeezing happening today, thank you very much."
    Effie laughed.

    "...That stupidly gorgeous boss of yours, as well! He’s just like a porcelain doll. If I wasn't a married woman, I would have definitely tried dressing hi up. Or, you know. Undressing him would be fine, too..."

    Aiko's eyes widened, while Little Ling's Dad spat out his lemonade.

    Effie's smile turned a little strange. She fluttered her lashes sheepishly, then coughed.

    "Oh. He's standing right behind me, isn't he?"
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    1. Offline
      From the author: one chapter today, three tomorrow😭

      Dawg, Effie is wilding in front of her husband. That's crazy bruh
      Sunny then be like:✋🙂‍↕️
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      1. Offline
        NOO WHY HAVE YOU DONE THIS😭😭😭. I’ve been hopelessly been waiting for these two chapters 9. Guess I gotta wait till tmw
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      2. Offline
        Я ждал эти 2 главы весь день, но я не могу жаловаться ведь это бесплатно...
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      3. Offline
        I’m just hoping that the next ch’s have some dialogue showing that Effie has forgotten memories. Her saying something like “hey doofus” and when aiko or her husband ask why she called him that, she’ll say it just sounded right or something like that. I just want the gang back together gloom
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      4. Offline
        I like that she still has a good opinion of Sunny and even admires him!!! They did live together for a while I do wonder how fate interprets those memories then
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    2. Online Offline
      I think Effie couldn't break the effect of her flaw on the bottom of her body.
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    3. Offline
      These chapters are too short😭
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    4. Offline
      She's for the dreamrealm streets
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    5. Offline
      MTL Ancestor
      "Hey there, dumpling. Missed me?"

      "I'm not a dumpling! I'm a boy!"

      "Alright, alright... but why are you so tasty?"


      As Effie pretended to bite Little Ling, he giggled happily and squirmed in her embrace. Sunny observed the scene while suppressing a smile.

      Is that what happened with devouring beast, she ate him?
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  4. Offline
    1599-600 summary
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    1. Offline
      I don't see why people downvoted you. If they didn't wanna see the spoiler then they shouldn't have opened it.
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      1. Offline
        cuz they are stupid
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  5. Offline
    You know what? Why we even call Sunny a heir of Weaver? What makes him a heir of Weaver? Mask, Blood, Bone, and piece of soul? If it is all criteria then I would say that Mordret is heir of War God. Like Sunny doesn't have ANY abilities related to Fate or Dreams or smthng close to it, and how can you be a War God if all your abilities doesn't have to do anything with War? How can you be Demon of Fate if all you do is controling Shadows? The ONLY thing that somehow related to Weaver is Sorcery, but that is not enogh to call Sunny heir of Weaver. So he isn't heir of Weaver at this point of the story.
    Edit: Btw Sunny said himself "I'm rightful HEIR of DEATH, and Bastard son of Fate"
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    1. Offline
      but he actually has, he can literally weave, plus there is the fated/fateless attribute, he can also see fate strings with mask. there is also a possibility that he is the weaver himself or a reincarnation, cuz no theory is improbable at this point. he also has nightmare, so he is pretty close to literally manipulating dreams, he can also travel in dreams. his very existence is changing the fate of the world. plus the things you mentioned. but i agree it's not enough, but as the story progresses, his weaver lineage will eventually outscale his shadow god heritage that much is clear.
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      1. Offline
        What you call "Weave" is just a type of sorcery yeah not everyone can learn Weaving but it's not a proof. Mask is just a tool, if Somebody has Shadow Lantern that person is Shadow God? And Sunny can't use the Mask it just kill him in most painful way possible. Nightmare is just a Shadow, Valor can create Echo from Sacred/Divine soul shard with same abilities and here we go a new Dream God heir, and talking about Shadows can Shadow God kill other Gods and get their Shadows? It' pretty op if you think about it. Anyway back to the point, if your existence changing Fate of the world it's same thing to say that you can manipulate history by your existence, because you exist and if wouldn't history would be completely different. And what do you meen by " his weaver lineage will eventually outscale his shadow god heritage that much is clear." It's not going to, it's not going to at all, all posibilities was sealed right in the First Nightmare when he got [Shadow Slave] Aspect, if you have someone's lineage is ok, but if you don't have their Aspect you can't be called Heir.
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        1. Offline
          the mask would kill him, but he hasn't tested it since he got soul weave. what i'm thinking is how the weave blood devoured the shadow god's blood, and then he got blood weave and bone weave and soul weave later on in his life. now if we go on like this then what will happen next? and this is completely different from his aspect legacy and very incomplete, but with Sunny nothing ever is set in stone. he is completely out of the box. and it also can't be a qoincidence that he got the shadow god, like how is shadow different from other gods and what is it's connection to the weaver. i thought it through and i agree he doesn't necessarily change fate by his very existence but when he had fated attribute he was always put in the most special situations by the spell, like a protagonist would be, because if the weaver (who made the nightmare spell) chose you then that's ehat would happen. and that means it's on his shoulders to stop the world destruction by the forgotten god, this is what i meant when i said his existence changing fate. and okey you call it sorcery but that's just how mortals do what the gods would do. the gods never refered to it as sorcery i bet. it's literally shaping reality. he is not at that level yet but has the potential. also weaver was never a god but a demon, he can't leave an aspect legacy the same way, it was incremental upgrades in the story so far and all the time he nearly died from the weaver upgrade. if his aspect legacy were superior or equal in quality then the shadow blood wouldnt have been absorbed in the first place by the weaver blood. please correct me if im wrong in these assumptions, i think they are not wrong
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          1. Offline
            Shadow God's blood got absorbed because First Sunny had already two parts of Weaver and Second because blood need some time to become part of your body, Sunny's body was already occupied by Weavers blood and when Shadow blood got in the veins Blood Weave attacked and not giving a chance to become body part, if Sunny absorbed Shadow blood before Weaver's blood then when he absorbed Weavers blood it would be absorbed the same way Shadow blood did. Weaver's blood is not any different from blood of other gods, the only thing is that it is forbiden. Sorcery yeah thats what humans called it because everyone can learn Sorcery if they wished(and if they have enogh Lifespan) it's hard to learn some types of Sorcery but there is whole viriety of Sorcery, Names, Weave, Runes, some shit with Light(idk how to describe it, it was Sorcery use to create [Guiding Light]), I'm sure there is types of Sorcery for every Aspect and every God, and yeah Sorcery is a way to affect reality, it's like magic in other novels just more complex, and you can't affect reality without being close to a Godhood yourself, regardless of how good Sorcery skills you have. [Fated] just means that you have deep conection with Fate like "Favorite Puppet". And Mask still gonna kill him, maybe he will last whole 5 seconds but conclusion doesn't change, maybe when he reach Supremasy(become Sovereign) Mask will finaly work but now there is not a lot of change because you need a Divine(or close to it) Mind and Soul to see Fate and now Sunny is merely Transcendent. And again there is no any chance that by changing your body and soul somehow change your aspect, No Aspect is a absolte reflection of yourself, your soul, your mindset, your whole existence as a human. And if you want to change that you need to recreate yourself from zero, but that is not going to be you already.
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            1. Offline
              Again the name weaver could potentially stand for two things.

              First, the sorcery u are talking which sunny is the best at using rn. And second, the real reason why he calls himself weaver which is weaving and distorting fate itself. Now no mortal or other gods can do that except for weaver and by default that belongs to forgotten god.

              And also even if we take Ur argument that it's only sorcery, then why would ananke be surprised of sunny how he was able to do. Sunny can do it now cus of the needle weaver used and his bones which is again related to weaver and that's why it's easier for him to weave.

              Ananke said it wasn't easy for others to do weaving cus for u to weave there has to be connections with real things unlike the name sorcery, which sunny uses two things related to weaver again.
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    2. Offline
      fr he will ony be heir of shadow god in my eyes
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    3. Offline
      Ur argument isn't really valid cus sunny is literally very different from mordret. Like seriously guys when he was fighting his sister it was made clear even tho they are bloody related, mordret doesn't have the lineage or aspect of god of war.

      Now how is that comparable to sunny???? Sunny literally has the "forbidden" lineage of weaver and that makes him literally the heir of weaver and if it doesn't then nephis isn't related to sun god and sunny again isn't related to shadow god.

      I made this point before that for u to be an heir, u have to have the divine aspect of the gods and also their lineages which blood weave and bone weave can be a part of. Now mordret on the other hand is completely unrelated to god of war which is why I said weaver is creating new divine lineages cus what's coming (which is the forgotten god and the void beings) it isn't enough to defend with only the gods' Divine lineages so he is creating new one.

      If that doesn't make sense then give me one god who has the same ability as mordret. Of course we don't know their full powers but their description is completely different than mordret which is why I said mordret is anomaly that weaver created just like sunny.

      Why is sunny anomaly?? Cus his shadow powers and weaver ability to weave will come in to play to revive or something. Weaver chose shadow god cus I would say imo he is the most opy or at least can change the tides. He is the creator of death which is literally related to his shadow ability which he gets shadow of the person he kills and even if he doesn't they go to the underworld which he is the owner. Now I would say we need more description of how the underworld or whatever it's works cus I'm 100% sure that will come into play otherwise why would author mention that when shadow god was refuting god of war??

      Also another point I wanna point out is till now we haven't seen 2 divine aspect holders which have the same ability for example we know that nephis is related to god of sun. And there isn't anyone else who is related to sun god and has seven souls cores which makes them divine. Same goes for sunny. He is divine and the guy who he killed was also shadow user but not divine cus sunny has seven soul cores which makes him pretty different and makes him the the rightful heir of shadow god
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  6. Offline
    1599. Delivery

    The four survivors of the Antarctic Center finished their meal. As a good host, Sunny saw them off, then remained on the porch for a few moments, looking as they walked away.

    However, he did not have time to waste.

    By then, there were several other customers waiting to be served, so he sent Aiko to the dining hall and hid himself in the kitchen. Manifesting a second body, Sunny concentrated on preparing food.

    Mornings were a busy time in the Brilliant Emporium, but the two of them were managing fine. Sunny had two bodies and could manifest as many hands as he needed, while Aiko was a perfect waitress, simply floating the dishes to the tables with her telekinesis.

    After an hour or two, the breakfast crowd dwindled and gradually cleared out, leaving the interior of the Marvelous Mimic empty once again. Sunny washed his hands and leaned back on the Shadow Chair, while Aiko was counting the money they made.

    With the increase in human population of the Sword Domain, it was not convenient to simply use soul shards as currency anymore. Credits, meanwhile, were a purely digital currency... so, the Great Clans had recently started minting their own coins. Each coin contained a small amount of essence, and their value was supported by the shard treasuries each clan possessed.

    Sunny did not really care about the matters of economy, but Aiko was all about it, constantly pestering him to think about converting the Brilliant Emporium into a bank and making his money make money by lending it out to less affluent people in Bastion. The possibility of capitalizing on the first-mover advantage in a new world almost made her drool.

    That said, the petite girl was not really serious about these fanciful dreams, since she understood that growing too big would land them in the steel embrace of Valor, as well.

    In any case... Sunny spun a heavy silver coin between his fingers, studying it with a distant expression. One side of the coin had a number on it, while the other was embossed with the image of a sword piercing an anvil. He could feel a minuscule amount of soul essence contained in the silver, ensuring its authenticity.

    This essence could also be directly absorbed, which was why many Awakened carried a few coins with them at all times, just in case they found themselves in dire straits.
    '...The coins my Mimic makes are much more valuable.'

    Granted, the Marvelous Mimic had few opportunities to consume someone here in Bastion, so there were not a lot of these coins around.

    And speaking of the Marvelous Mimic...

    Sunny shifted when he felt the Brilliant Emporium tremble slightly. It was as if the shapeshifting Shadow was shivering in fright.

    "Boss! Boss! They're here!"

    Aiko hurriedly dashed toward the kitchen and hid behind the door, peeking from behind it with a concerned expression.

    Sunny sighed, then stood up and headed toward the door.

    'It's time, then.'

    Walking outside, he mentally prepared himself.

    Out there, on the front lawn of the Brilliant Emporium... an adorable wolf pup was sitting, staring at him with shining eyes and wagging his tail excitedly.

    The little wolf was undeniably cute. However, the problem was that he was also the size of a bull.

    Sunny looked at the lawn, which had been torn by the wolf pup's claws, and grimaced.

    "Little Ling... we talked about it. Human form, remember?"

    The puppy tilted his head in confusion, his ears flopping side-to-side. Then, his body shimmered subtly.

    Sunny averted his eyes.

    In the next moment, there was the sound of rushing air, and a man's voice resounded from a bit further down the street:

    "Ling Ling! Summon your clothes!"

    A childish voice answered a moment later:

    "Buuuut... daddy..."

    "Right now!"

    Sunny waited for a bit, then looked down.

    The wolf pup was gone, and there was an equally adorable four-year-old boy standing in front of him, dressed in a simple tunic. Further down the street, a good-looking young man was pushing a sizable cart toward the Emporium, beads of sweat glistening on his forehead.

    He gave Sunny a friendly smile.

    "Master Sunless! Sorry if we are a bit late."

    Sunny wanted to answer, but at that moment, the little boy smiled brightly and shouted:


    With that, he pounced at Sunny and hugged him.

    Sunny gasped, turning a bit pale, and was pushed back a couple steps. His bones groaned.

    "Ah... ouch..."

    The strange pair were from the Beast Farm — which was where Sunny purchased most of the fresh ingredients used in the Brilliant Emporium. They were making a delivery.

    ...Of course, they were also Effie's husband and child.

    The huntress swore that she named her son "Ling" in honor of the leader of her first cohort, but Sunny had his doubts. In any case, Little Ling was a unique existence. He had been born in the void at the heart of Ariel's Tomb, and therefore treated as a challenger when the Nightmare was conquered.

    So, Little Ling had become a Transcendent as an infant. The child Saint was now a darling of humanity, famous across both worlds.

    The good-looking young man, meanwhile, was the nameless Awakened Sunny had once welcomed back from the First Nightmare. That guy was not exactly famous, but definitely infamous. Many people treated him with a peculiar mix of envy, admiration... and fearful sympathy.

    After all, being married to one Saint and a father to another was not for the faint of heart!

    Especially considering the fact that his wife was none other than Raised by Wolves, and that it had taken Little Ling a while to start learning how to control his Transcendent strength.

    Depending on one's point of view, that guy could either be called the luckiest or the unluckiest person in the world.

    ‘Poor bastard...’

    Little Ling was indeed getting better at controlling his strength, but that did not mean that he was good at it.

    Suppressing a groan of pain, Sunny struggled to inhale and cautiously patted the adorable boy on the head.

    "Little Ling... dear... uncle can't breathe..."
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      1600. Beast Farm

      Sunny had experienced a lot of bizarre things in his life, but the nameless guy really took the cake.

      It must have been one hell of a conversation when Effie came back from a routine mission as a Saint, with a baby in tow despite only being in the third month of her pregnancy, saying that the baby... was somehow also a Saint.

      Sunny did not even want to imagine.

      In any case, Effie and the nameless guy seemed to have worked things out in the end. In fact, their relationship was strangely picturesque and idyllic. Their son was growing up happily, too, bathed in endless care and affection.

      His mom was now one of the five Transcendent powerhouses of the government, as well as one of the most well-known and beloved protectors of humanity. His dad, meanwhile, had gone into the Dream Realm on the winter solstice, a month after the cohort returned from the Tomb of Ariel, and became an Awakened. He possessed a Utility Aspect having to do with mending, restoration, and cultivation... as well as golden hands.

      Now, the nameless guy was managing a large farm that he and Effie had established on the beautiful meadow contained within her Supreme Memory. That farm was the source of many ingredients Sunny used in the Brilliant Emporium, so he received visits from the nameless farmer often.

      Which was why the Marvelous Mimic was afraid of Little Ling. The cute boy possessed an endless amount of enthusiasm, like all children did, and the power of a Transcendent being. Therefore, he was nothing short of a walking disaster for furniture, appliances, and even buildings.

      Sunny did not know how Effie's house was still standing, but the Mimic had suffered greatly despite being a powerful devil.

      ...Sunny had suffered greatly, too.

      As he extricated himself from Little Ling's embrace, thanking Bone Weave for keeping his ribs intact, Sunny shook his head in dejection.

      'Well, it's my own fault.'

      He just couldn't resist the adorable brat, so every time they visited, Sunny treated him to something tasty, like hot chocolate, waffles, or ice cream.

      Who knew that a child's fondness could be bought that easily? Therefore, Sunny didn't have anyone but himself to blame for being the target of Little Ling's affection.

      As soon as the little boy let go, he looked at Sunny with huge eyes and smiled bashfully.

      "...Auntie Aiko?"

      'Sorry, Aiko.'

      Sunny smiled and pointed behind himself.

      "Oh, she's in the kitchen."

      His only saving grace was that Aiko seemed to be the energetic puppy's favorite. So, he heartlessly hid behind the petite girl every time the duo arrived.


      Little Ling disappeared behind the door. A moment later, the Marvelous Mimic seemed to shake a little.

      The nameless guy had brought his large cart over, by that point. Sunny looked at him and nodded poli tely.

      "Nice to see you, Ling's Dad. How is it today?"

      Ling's Dad panted for a few moments, then grinned.

      "Great! We were finally able to cultivate a strip of raspberries, in addition to what we already grow in the garden. The fields are taking well to the new fertilizer, too. Oh, and we are thinking of procuring more cattle, considering how high the demand for fresh milk has been lately."

      He pointed to the cart.

      "Plus, with all the enchanted items you made for us, my life has become much easier. So, this time, I was able to bring everything on the list. Milk, eggs, tomatoes, flour..."

      He listed all the things in the cart, leaving Sunny to contemplate for a few moments.

      'That's good. I won't have to search for many substitutes in the waking world. Still, Bastion is still far away from being self-sufficient, so there is no choice but to go...'

      Indeed, although humanity's presence in the Dream Realm had expanded dramatically, they were still dependent on the waking world for countless things. As far as Sunny was concerned, things like coffee beans, chocolate, salt, and a bunch of other commodities could only be procured on the other side.

      Which was a bit of a pain, considering that he had to act as a Master. So, every time Sunny wanted to go to the waking world, he had to enter the Castle and pretend to use the Gateway there.

      At least he didn't need to come back through the Dream Gate. That would force him to interact with people from Valor way more often, and way more closely, than he wished to.

      He nodded at Ling's Dad and offered him a hand:

      "Let me help you unload everything."

      As they were unloading the cart, he asked nonchalantly:

      "Oh, how is your wife doing, by the way?"

      Ling Dad smiled, a glint appearing in his eyes.

      "Effie? She is doing great. Soul Reaper and she have just returned from suppressing a minor Gate Crisis in the Eastern Quadrant. The casualties were minimal, so everyone is celebrating..."

      Sunny sighed.

      As much as the situation in the Dream Realm had improved for humans, the situation in the waking world was slowly getting worse. There were more Gates, and those Gates were more powerful. Even with resource shortages being greatly relieved by the mass migration to the other world, the infrastructure was still reeling from losing Antarctica.

      So, the government was busier than ever. Not only were they working to establish a firmer foothold in the rapidly changing Dream Realm, but they were also working hard to contain the growing menace of the Nightmare Spell.

      Luckily, it was not only the Legacy Clans that had become much stronger after the Chain of Nightmares. Although the government did not have many Saints, their Awakened forces had grown tremendously in recent years — mostly due to many veterans of the Evacuation Army choosing to remain in service.

      And the few Saints the government did have were up there with the mightiest champions of the Great Clans. Soul Reaper Jet, Raised by Wolves, and Nightingale... the three of them were worth a dozen less powerful Transcendent, if not more.

      Ling's Dad straightened, wiped his brow, then almost blinded Sunny with a smile.

      "Ah! Sorry, I forgot to mention... she'll be coming by in a short while."

      Sunny blinked a couple times.

      "She... Transcendent Athena? She'll be coming by?"

      The nameless guy nodded happily.

      "Yes. She had a meeting to attend in the Castle, so I just told her to meet us here..."

      Sunny froze.
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