
Chapter 2: Awakening

"It's gotten this serious."

Chen An stood to the side, watching Mei An walking towards him, feeling a bit surprised at the moment.

He had witnessed Mei An's strength before, and it was not an exaggeration to say that taking on hundreds of enemies was not an overstatement.

However, even such a powerhouse had ended up in such a state this time, looking the way he did now.

It was truly surprising.

Naturally, the Sanhe Gang in Fengcheng County was not without opponents, as there were several other gangs in the area, though their overall strength might not be as strong as the Sanhe Gang, they were not weak either.

Conflicts often erupted between the various gangs, which was one of the reasons why Mei An had stationed himself here.

But from his past memories, whenever Mei An intervened, there were few problems that couldn't be solved, and he rarely got injured.

It was truly rare to see him injured to this extent this time.

Behind Mei An, many people walked in.

Chen An recognized those people, they were mostly local gang members, probably those Mei An had brought over to help.

They were dragging something in their hands.

It was a corpse, now placed in a simple ragged coffin, covered with a layer of cloth to conceal it.

Although covered with a ragged cloth, the corpse couldn't be completely hidden, still leaving some gaps exposed.

Through the gaps, Chen An could see some details of the corpse, such as its pale skin and wounds.

The skin of the corpse was a ghastly white, looking somewhat exaggerated.

At least a normal corpse would never have this color.

Had the corpse undergone a transformation?

This thought flashed through Chen An's mind.

The gang members responsible for carrying the coffin also had somewhat unpleasant expressions on their faces, as if they had experienced something unpleasant.

On the side, after Mei An left, Liu Sheng quickly approached to inquire.

"It's a case of Corpse Transformation, becoming invulnerable, causing several of our brothers to be injured, until Master Mei personally took care of it in the end."

The gang members who had witnessed the entire process spoke in low voices, seemingly recalling the horrifying scene from earlier, their faces still looking grim.

Liu Sheng's expression changed slightly, "Why did you bring this thing back?"

A corpse after transformation, no matter how you looked at it, was an extremely ominous thing.

This kind of thing should be discarded somewhere, so what was the point of bringing it back?

"It's at the orders of Master Mei," the gang member said with a bitter expression, "Do you think we wanted to bring it back?"

"An order came from above, to throw this thing outside, but in case it's not completely dead, it could be troublesome. We brought it back to burn it directly, to avoid any further issues."

"In that case, quickly take it out and get rid of it, don't linger here."

Liu Sheng cursed inwardly, then quickly spoke.

However, while speaking, he himself avoided that corpse, keeping far away to prevent any contact with the ominous aura of the corpse.

As a member of the Sanhe Gang, killing people was just a small matter for him, and he had seen quite a few real corpses.

But a corpse after transformation was too strange, and no one would be willing to touch it if possible, so everyone kept their distance.

Even Chen An, at this moment, subconsciously wanted to stay away from the corpse, staying far away.

He didn't have any idea of the ominous aura, but he was afraid there might be some infectious source due to the corpse's transformation, and if he accidentally got infected, it would be troublesome.

However, soon, he paused.

Because as the corpse approached, a unique feeling emerged from him.

It was an instinctual feeling, as if a person who had been thirsty in a desert suddenly saw water, or a starving person saw a feast, it was a kind of instinctual desire.

And the object of Chen An's desire. surprisingly, was the corpse in front of him?

Realizing this, Chen An's face suddenly turned pale.

"Could there be something wrong with me?"

This thought flashed through his mind, making his heart beat faster.

To have a desire for a corpse, that was really abnormal.

And moreover, it wasn't just an ordinary corpse.

But in his mind, that feeling of desire was so deep, so intense, constantly assaulting Chen An's mind, making him unable to control it.


He cursed inwardly and forced himself to resist the urge to touch the corpse, directly taking a few steps forward and distancing himself from the corpse.

In doing so, that feeling of desire in his heart indeed subsided.

But a feeling of loss emerged inexplicably.

It was like watching food leave in front of one's eyes, a sense of innate reluctance and loss.

Chen An began to doubt himself even more.

Was it something wrong with him, or was it for some other reason?

Standing in place, he subconsciously glanced at the other people around him.

Including Liu Sheng, everyone else's expressions were normal, each with a look of disgust and aversion towards the ominous corpse.

It seemed that he was the only one who felt that unique feeling towards the corpse.

Gradually calming down, Chen An looked at the corpse being carried away, quickly returning to his normal state and returning to his usual duties.

After a while, when everyone else had left, Chen An began to act.

He proceeded forward and, with few people around, walked directly to where the corpse was placed.

This was a temporary morgue.

The bodies of the gang members who had died during the day, and even that corpse after transformation, were all placed here, each one handled respectfully.

Chen An didn't hide his movements.

Just looking at the bodies wasn't something to be ashamed of.

In fact, Chen An wasn't the only one visiting the bodies.

Earlier, he had seen Liu Sheng sneaking in as well.

And there were probably others who had come by as well.

Their purpose was naturally not for the transformed corpse, but for the wealth that might exist in the bodies of the other corpses.

These were gang members, and it was only right for the wealth they carried with them to be returned to their families after death. However, some people sneakily took it themselves, and who would know?

Chen An had no intention of benefiting from the dead, but in a sense, these people had given him some cover.

Entering the morgue, a foul stench wafted over, exceptionally choking.

Chen An remained composed, simply searching around.

Soon, a pale arm caught his eye.

It was the corpse after transformation.

Chen An heaved a sigh of relief.

He was afraid that by the time he arrived, the corpse would have already been dealt with.

Although, based on his understanding of the Sanhe Gang members, their efficiency couldn't be that high.

From the current situation, they indeed lived up to Chen An's impression of them.

Walking forward cautiously, Chen An took out the prepared items.

A simple mask made of coarse cloth, and gloves.

This was to prevent possible bacterial infections, as safety always came first.

Although it might be futile.

Possibly due to psychological factors, Chen An felt a sense of reassurance once the equipment was in place. He then proceeded towards the corpse, approaching slowly.

During this process, he walked carefully, fearing any sudden changes in the corpse before him.

However, fortunately.

Until the end, the ghastly white corpse remained motionless.

According to his intuition, Chen An finally managed to touch the corpse.

Subsequently, something eerie happened.

Accompanied by a hazy sensation, Chen An felt his body undergoing a transformation.

A warm flow surged over him.

Chen An could feel that something in the corpse in front of him seemed to be extracted.

And then, everything changed.

In front of him, mysterious runes emerged, looking unique.

Chen An stared at these runes, feeling their peculiarity.

After staring for a while, he felt a dull ache in his head as if it were being torn apart.

Soon, the runes began to change rapidly, transforming into a script familiar to Chen An.

"You have obtained a shred of boundary energy."

"Your template has been activated."

Accompanied by the appearance of familiar words, a series of runes floated continuously, then materialized in front of him.

A surge of vast information flooded into his mind, making Chen An feel his head swell and a tearing sensation in his brain.

But by now, he had finally come to his senses.

Without much hesitation, he turned around and rushed outside, carefully returning to his abode.

Name: Chen An

Attributes: Strength (1.4), Physique (1.5), Spirit (2.4)

Energy Source: 0

Projection: Available

Rows of information appeared before Chen An’s eyes.

A very simple panel, yet it brought a familiar feeling to Chen An.

He had played games in his past life, and this panel resembled a character panel from those games.

But what was the use of this?

Chen An looked at it for a while, then his gaze focused on the Projection section, pondering.

There didn't seem to be anything urgent on his hands recently, and if necessary, he could afford some leisure time.

It was a perfect time to try it out.

So he went out, found Liu Sheng, asked him to inform the others, and then returned to his room alone, ready to start testing.

"Would you like to start a Projection?"

The familiar script appeared before Chen An's eyes, looking quite prominent.

But as Chen An confirmed, some changes occurred.

The script in front of his eyes began to change, revealing two new options.



Two options appeared before his eyes.

"Is there any difference?"

After considering for a moment, Chen An looked towards the Control option.

But what followed was a severe pain, as if his head was going to split open, making him feel extremely uncomfortable.

In front of Chen An's eyes, the Control words brightened briefly, then quickly dimmed.

(End of Chapter).

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Comments 4

  1. Offline
    Dark Phoenix
    Fu#king Novel... Another Simulation Novel
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    1. Offline
      Why, its good to waste time while you're bored,stress, and tired.
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      1. Offline
        Dark Phoenix
        Yeah But Most This Genre Novels.... Becomes Boring In Half Of Their Chapters
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        1. Offline
          That's why i called it good for reading when bored,stress and tired so you can take time reading this kind of novel and after stopping through middle of the. Novel and forgetting it after time passes
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