
Chapter 249

Chapter 249 - Chat


Qi Zhi nodded in remembrance of Chen An's appearance.

After all, Chen An really had this kind of demeanor.

To outsiders, Chen An seemed to be indifferent about everything.

He didn't care about his treatment, nor did he care about spiritual stones and elixirs, or even cultivation.

Other than a bit of cleanliness and a love for good food, this young master Chen seemed to be indifferent to everything, showing an unusual indifference.

It was probably because of this personality that he didn't do much.

Qi Rou could only think so.

"Miss, how is your body?"

Beside her, Lin Qiu suddenly asked, "The effect of the Tianyuan Pill should be enough to make up for your deficiencies, right?"

"It's more than enough."

A smile appeared on Qi Rou's face, then she continued, "The Tianyuan Pill lives up to its reputation, even for my spiritual body, it has a great effect, able to make up for my congenital deficiencies."

"But even until now, it's still a bit lacking."

"To completely complete the body with the Tianyuan Pill, to transform the physique into a Tianyuan body, at least five pills are needed."

Lin Qiu spoke, "Miss, you have only used three pills, so naturally there is still a lack."

"However, even at this level, it's already quite remarkable."

Speaking of this, he smiled, "Miss, you are a naturally spiritual body, as long as you make up for your innate deficiencies, the Golden Core is just a simple matter for you."

"In the future cultivation of the Demonic Scripture, among the several holy sons and holy daughters, Miss will definitely be the first."

"It should be so."

Qi Rou also smiled, filled with confidence between her eyebrows, looking a bit radiant.

"In two years, the new generation of sacrifices will begin, and the Demonic Scripture will inevitably fall into my hands."

She looked at Lin Qiu in front of her, a faint smile on her face, a strange sense of confidence.

"It should be so."

Lin Qiu also nodded in agreement with Qi Rou's words.

Meanwhile, Chen An was still studying hard.

He was not aware of the discussions of Qi Rou and the others, or maybe even if he knew, he wouldn't care.

At this moment, he was fully immersed in the formation.

"So that's how it is."

Understanding another key point, Chen An felt a wave of enlightenment in his heart.

Indeed, having a teacher and not having a teacher were completely different concepts.

In the recent days, with the guidance of several formation teachers, Chen An's proficiency in the formation had greatly improved.

Now, Chen An had already mastered the basics of the formation, and could even be considered an elite.

Of course, he still didn't have many formations mastered, and he was still far from being able to set up the legendary teleportation formation.

According to the formation teachers in front of him, among the many formations, the formations used for teleportation were definitely among the most difficult, and it was extremely difficult for ordinary people to learn.

And even if they learned it, they needed to meet many conditions to achieve teleportation.

As for cross-border formations?

Let's not say much, it's even more difficult, extremely difficult.

For an ordinary person to master a teleportation formation, they had to be a master in the field of formations.

As for cross-border teleportation, it was even more difficult.

If you wanted to set it up, relying on one person alone was probably not enough. It required several master formation experts to work together, along with a huge amount of manpower and resources, before it could be accomplished.

In other words, it was extremely difficult.

Chen An knew that it would be very difficult to achieve his goal of returning to the Great Liang World through teleportation.

However, he didn't care much about the difficulties.

Difficulties were not a problem.

What he feared was not being able to do it.

As long as there was a way to do it, it was worth trying for Chen An.

After all, he was capable, and as long as it was theoretically possible, it was achievable for him.

It was just a matter of time.

And time wasn't a big deal for Chen An, who could travel between worlds.

With this in mind, Chen An began to study diligently.

But every time he studied hard, there was always someone who wanted to come and disturb him.

"Please come in."

In the quiet room, Chen An was still writing diligently, recording every detail of the formation, when a knocking sound came from outside.

After a moment, the door opened, and a girl walked in.

"Sir, Miss wants to see you the day after tomorrow."

This was Qi Rou's maid, who seemed to be bringing a message from Qi Rou.

"The day after tomorrow?"

Chen An raised his head, somewhat surprised, but without much hesitation, he said, "Please tell Miss Qi that I will be there on time for the appointment."


The maid bowed and left.

Chen An stood in place, but couldn't help but ponder.

Why did Qi Rou want to see him?

Elixir? It didn't seem right.

He had just handed her a Tianyuan Pill a few days ago, and the medicinal power should still be digesting, so it shouldn't have been finished so quickly.

But if it wasn't about the elixir, what could it be?

Chen An was curious.

With this curiosity, Chen An arrived on time for the appointment.

However, this time, they didn't meet in Qi Rou's room, but on a spacious plain.

It seemed like a grassland everywhere, occasionally with some flowers blooming, making the wilderness look especially beautiful.

Qi Rou's figure was among them.

But her appearance was different from before.

Usually, Qi Rou always wore her black robe, dressed very simply, looking almost no different from a man, showing a heroic aura.

But this time, she was wearing a long dress, her long hair carefully groomed and adorned with a hairpin.

The faint sunlight shining down on her made her complexion look much rosier.

At this moment, Qi Rou, with a bit less of her past heroic demeanor, but more of a gentle and delicate aura of a young girl.

"You're here."

Qi Rou waved from a distance, smiling at Chen An, indicating he come over quickly.

Chen An walked over, somewhat surprised, looking around at the scenery, seeming a bit puzzled.

"Didn't expect this, huh."

Qi Rou's face was full of smiles, "There's such a place nearby."

"That's indeed unexpected."

Chen An nodded, saying, "I thought everywhere here was gloomy."

"Most places are indeed like that, but there are also normal ones."

Qi Rou looked at the expansive grassland in front of her, saying, "Even cultivators like spacious and comfortable places."

"In those dark places, it's fine to stay during cultivation, but after a long time, it's also boring."


Chen An looked at the grassland in front of him and then recalled the gloomy area he had seen before, agreeing with her.

"Don't be so nervous."

Qi Rou looked at Chen An and couldn't help but speak, "I'm not here this time to rush you to refine elixirs."

"I know."

Chen An nodded, then added, "After handing you the last batch of elixirs, you still haven't given me the materials needed for the next batch of refining."

"About that."

Bringing up this matter, Qi Rou seemed a bit embarrassed, "It will be fine after some time."

Other materials for alchemy were fine, mainly the Earth Crystal, the demand was a bit too large, and it was too difficult to collect.

It was not difficult before because with the influence of Qi Rou and others, collecting a batch was not difficult.

But as time passed, the Earth Crystals in the vicinity became scarcer, and their acquisition speed also became slower.

Chen An had already prepared mentally for this, so he didn't urge them.

After all, he had already made a lot of profit, so there was no need to hurry.

However, what surprised him more was Qi Rou's attitude.

This witch princess had called him over, and it turned out she really wasn't here to rush the project's progress, but just to have a chat?

Did the client finally learn how to act like a human?

Chen An never expected that.

In the vast grassland, intermittent sounds continued to echo.

However, most of the time, it was Qi Rou asking questions and Chen An answering.

In the short term, it was quite harmonious.

"I heard that you entered the Changyue Sect at the age of nine. What were you doing before the age of nine?"

Qi Rou asked curiously.

"Farming and begging."

Chen An spoke softly.

Qi Rou was stunned.

Chen An didn't have any intention of hiding his past experiences, and he straightforwardly talked about them.

Accurately speaking, this was not his experience, but what he did before awakening his memories.

From farming as a child, to later losing his family, begging on the streets, being taken in by Changchun Hall, becoming a disciple of the hall master, then being taken back to Changyue Sect by Song Qi - Chen An had not hidden anything, and he said it straight.

Listening to this story, Qi Rou found it very interesting and occasionally made some comments.

"That Hall Master Changchun is not a good person. If you weren't so talented, you would probably have ended up as a meat pill."

"Your Senior Sister Song was lucky to have met you. I'm afraid she only got the position of true disciple under your wings."

"None of these people are truly good-hearted; they treat you well just to use you."

"There are no truly good-hearted people in this world."

Chen An smiled, "Judging from actions rather than intentions, it doesn't matter what they think or what their goals are."

"I just need to remember that they helped me in the past, and that's enough."

"Delving too much into it is of no practical significance."


Qi Rou was a bit surprised.

She had never heard anyone say such things before, whether it was Lin Qiu or others, they often talked about the deceitful nature of people.

They had never met someone like Chen An in such a state.

At some point, Chen An suddenly noticed that Qi Rou next to him had stopped talking.

Turning around to look, he saw Qi Rou lying quietly on the grass, seemingly asleep.

And she seemed to really be asleep.

Chen An's spiritual perception and aura sensing were normal, and he could only sense a silence.

"Is it the effect of the Tianyuan Pill?"

Chen An quickly found an explanation.

(The end of this chapter)

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