
Chapter 252

Chapter 252 - Intimacy

The relationship between Qi Rou and her biological father in front of her was just ordinary.

According to Qi Rou, when her biological father was still alive, she had several older brothers in front of her.

However, all of those older brothers ended up dying at the hands of her father, becoming objects of blood sacrifice.

Evil cultivators love blood sacrifices, and many people practice cultivation through this method.

And blood sacrifices from direct descendants are even more beneficial due to the similarity in origin.

Most of Qi Rou's older brothers in front of her died this way.

If it weren't for the fact that Qi Rou's father died later due to demonic possession, she probably couldn't escape this fate, and would eventually follow in the footsteps of her older brothers.

"Don't be fooled by the fact that this place was given to me. In fact, before me, many people had been transferred here," Qi Rou looked at the garden in front of her and sneered, "I'm just the last owner here."

"Under those spiritual plants, there are many cultivators’ bones, and some of them are my former brothers and sisters," she continued.

Chen An couldn't help but fall silent.

At this moment, he just wanted to say, "the cultivation world is really chaotic."

Living in a world where people kill each other, it's not something a normal person can handle.

In this situation, Qi Rou was able to grow into what she is now, which was quite remarkable.

Although superficially, Qi Rou seemed a bit abnormal.

As they walked along the path, Qi Rou looked around and then turned back.

"Speaking of which, I've been coming here to find you often recently, pulling you out of those people. Are you not happy?" she suddenly asked with a smile.

"No," Chen An subconsciously shook his head, but then felt a pain in his palm.

Looking down, he saw his hand being held by another hand, squeezing hard.

"No lying," Qi Rou glared at him. "You obviously are."

"Okay, I am," Chen An could only nod helplessly.

And then, he was pinched again.

This time, the force was even greater.

Chen An couldn't help but twitch his mouth.

You can't say polite words, and you don't like it when I tell the truth.

What do you want from me?

"I have some good news for you," Qi Rou looked at Chen An, and seeing his helpless look, she couldn't help but give him a playful look, "I'm leaving soon, and after that, I won't bother you anymore."

"How about that, are you happy?"

"Why should I be happy?" Chen An asked.

"After I leave, no one will dig you out of that pile of drawings anymore. Isn't that a good thing?" Qi Rou said with a smile.

"Well, it's okay," Chen An smiled, "To be honest, I don't mind your company. It's quite boring being alone in this place. Having someone come keep you company and take you around is not bad at all."

Chen An always maintained a normal attitude.

He had been studying arrays diligently before, but no matter what, burying his head in a pile of arrays every day was quite boring.

Chen An's will was strong enough to endure this long-term boredom, but after a long time, problems would naturally arise.

In this situation, Qi Rou's presence was also a peculiar pleasure.

So, despite not liking being disturbed, Chen An didn't actually mind Qi Rou's company.

Qi Rou knew this as well.

The demonic scriptures could sense emotions, so she could naturally feel Chen An's mood.

If Chen An truly objected, she wouldn't have come to disturb him repeatedly and forced him to spend time with her.

Glancing at Chen An, a smile suddenly appeared on Qi Rou's face.

She felt comfortable hearing his words.

She paid special attention to some of the words he said.

If he doesn't dislike being with me, does that mean he likes me?

A cold feeling spread from her hand through her body.

Chen An lowered his head in confusion.

Unconsciously, a slender hand had already grabbed his hand and was tightly grasping it.

A fresh scent, typical of a young girl, came from beside him.

Chen An looked up and found himself looking directly at Qi Rou.

Their faces were close together, their eyes meeting each other's.

And then, they drew closer until they were almost touching.

After a moment, a gentle voice filled the air and continued to echo.

It was unclear how much time had passed.

Chen An sat among the flowers, looking at Qi Rou in his arms, who was now lying lazily and seemingly asleep.

Compared to the last time, this time she seemed to be genuinely asleep; her breathing was steady.

"Are evil cultivators always this direct?" Chen An couldn't help but think in his mind.

There had been similar scenes before.

That was the time when the Empress Luo Shan controlled Li Baiqing's body.

The Empress Luo Shan was undoubtedly an evil cultivator.

Qi Rou in front of him was the same.

And their actions were similar.

Looking at it now, it seemed that these women from the evil path might have more passionate and unrestrained temperaments compared to normal women.

However, Chen An had some understanding of Qi Rou's intentions.

He just didn't expect Qi Rou's actions to be so bold.

Gently reaching out, he stroked Qi Rou's long hair and suddenly thought of a problem.

If before he had a chance to escape, that chance had now become even slimmer.

After all, things had progressed to this point, and Qi Rou would probably be more vigilant towards him in the future.

From this perspective, things seemed to have become more complicated.

But on the bright side, it might make it easier for Chen An to do certain things in the future.

Such as continuing to study, gather materials like Earth Crystals, and so on.

Various thoughts flashed through his mind, and there was suddenly some movement in front of him.

Looking up, Qi Rou had already woken up and was now partially open one eye, sneakily peeking at Chen An.

"What are you looking at?" Chen An asked.

"I'm looking at my husband," Qi Rou said softly.

However, compared to the confident tone she had before, her voice this time sounded lighter and quieter.

It seemed that even the rough and hot-tempered princess of the demonic sect would feel shy in a situation like this.

Chen An couldn't help but smile.

After that, Qi Rou began to visit Chen An more frequently.

Chen An was a bit puzzled by this.

He vaguely remembered that Qi Rou had said she was about to leave.

So why did it seem like she had no intention of leaving now?

It turned out that Qi Rou had just spoken casually before.

Of course, it was also possible that she really intended to leave for a while but after experiencing the events of the past few days, she had changed her mind.

This was normal.

After all, young people, when they first enter a relationship, often can't bear to be apart from their partner.

Chen An was fine with it.

He had been through a lot in his past lives, so he had already experienced a lot.

But Qi Rou seemed to be experiencing this for the first time, clinging to Chen An all the time and wanting to be with him every day.

Most people didn't comment on her behavior.

Or even if they wanted to comment, they didn't dare.

The only one who could speak was Lin Qiu, and he was quite pleased with this development.

In his view, there was nothing wrong with Qi Rou being with Chen An.

Cultivators were not monks; they didn't avoid marriage and companionship, especially evil cultivators.

Many evil cultivators not only didn't mind such things, but actively sought pleasure and entertainment.

In a way, finding a partner was not only good for physical and mental health but also for mutual support until the end.

So both Lin Qiu and Qi Rou didn't actually object to finding a partner.

However, at their level, ordinary people couldn't catch their attention.

Lin Qiu thought Chen An was quite good.

First of all, in terms of character.

In Lin Qiu's view, Chen An's character was undoubtedly good. He was pure and kind-hearted, although he may not be able to be called a great saint, he could definitely be called a kind person.

A person like this wouldn't have any problems with their character; getting along with them would save a lot of trouble and worry.

Secondly, in terms of talent, Chen An was exceptional.

Regardless of cultivation, just his talent and accomplishments in alchemy and array formation alone were definitely worthy of Qi Rou, the saint of the demonic sect.

In Lin Qiu's view, Chen An's talent was rarely seen in the world, and given time, even the alchemy masters of the Pill Tower might not be able to compare to him.

Such a person was someone everyone wanted to keep close and under control.

Now that Qi Rou and Chen An had become partners, it was just right, as it was like directly controlling this genius.

Wasn't this a win-win situation?

Others may not understand, but Lin Qiu was quite satisfied with this marriage.

"Ah, it's finally come to this point," hiding in the shadows, Lin Qiu observed Chen An and Qi Rou sitting together, holding hands. He couldn't help but feel a wave of emotions and feel that he was getting old.

After observing for a while, he left directly.

He had just left when there was a reaction from Qi Rou.

"What's wrong?" Chen An looked at Qi Rou in front of him, feeling her movement.

"It's nothing, Uncle Lin finally left," Qi Rou smiled and answered, then pounced directly into Chen An's arms.

"Uncle Lin, indeed. I'm at this age already, and he's still staring at us all the time, making it hard for us to relax," she complained while lying in Chen An's arms.

"Is there a possibility," Chen An glanced at her, "that Mr. Lin is standing there not to watch you, but to monitor me?"

Qi Rou stopped talking.

Because that seemed to be the truth.

There was nothing for Qi Rou to watch.

She had the demonic scriptures for cultivation, which could sense the emotional fluctuations of others, and she was in this stronghold. Was there anything that could happen to her?

Lin Qiu was hiding here, it seemed more like he was monitoring Chen An.

(End of this chapter)

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Comments 1

  1. Online Offline
    There were a lot of long, meaningless, repetitive explanations...
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