
Chapter 259

Chapter 259 - Ming Zun and the Sun and Moon Demon Sect

"Yao Mo Zong, Qi Rou?"

In front of the spirit array, two groups of people collided and stared at each other.

The young man looked at Qi Rou in front of him and couldn't help but speak.

His gaze scrutinized Qi Rou as if looking at an opponent.

"Chang Jue Sect, Yang Xiao?"

Qi Rou's gaze also fell on the other party, although she was asking, her tone was particularly certain.

The two stared at each other, both with intense murderous intent in their eyes, as if they were looking at their destined enemy.

Looking at them, it didn't look like they belonged to the same sect, but rather like bitter enemies.

Not far away, Chen An quietly watched the confrontation between the two, finding it quite interesting.

It wasn't until Qi Rou mentioned Yang Xiao's name that he was somewhat surprised.

"Chang Jue Sect?"

He couldn't help but look at Yang Xiao in front of him, seeing him in his white robes, looking righteous. Even though he was prepared, he still found it quite surprising.

This was understandable.

It was because the disguises of these people in front of them were too good.

Compared to the Yao Mo Zong group, the Chang Jue Sect in front of them looked too normal.

Seeing the other party in their white robes and extremely bright white robe, they appeared more righteous than the sect's cultivators.

Anyone who saw this group of people would probably have a favorable impression of them at first sight, thinking that they were upright and virtuous people of the righteous path.

However, in reality, these people were not righteous figures, all of them were madmen practicing demonic techniques.

It could only be said that appearances are deceiving.

Chen An couldn't help but look sideways.

In the past, he was a core figure in the Chang Yue Sect and a guest of honor in other forces such as the Dan Tower, so he naturally knew more things.

The Yao Mo Zong had hidden themselves well in the past, and although their power was vast, Chen An had never heard of them.

But it was different for the Chang Jue Sect.

This sect was located in the northern region, belonging to the top forces in the northern region.

And on the surface, this force belonged to the orthodox sect and had no connection to the demonic path.

This was impressive.

Not only did they transform themselves completely, giving themselves the appearance of orthodox cultivators, they also managed to reach the peak of that domain, and no one has noticed it so far.

Apart from their abilities, their disguises alone were already remarkable.

Chen An could only admire.

However, this operation made him inexplicably think of the Hao Mountain Sect in the Dust Realm.

Although the Hao Mountain Sect still existed in the Dust Realm, if it were to reappear later, it would probably be like the Chang Jue Sect, becoming a skin for demonic cultivators to wear.

Various thoughts slowly crossed his mind.

But on the surface, Chen An remained calm and composed, just quietly watching in front of him.

In front of them, Qi Rou and Yang Xiao were still facing off.

Unknowingly, they both had a faint demonic aura around them, the demonic scriptures in their bodies were being activated to the maximum, and their immense spiritual power was about to erupt, covering the area.

The surrounding spiritual energy was being drawn in, as if sensing the situation here, it was about to explode.

Seeing this, if nothing unexpected happened, the two of them would probably have a fierce battle here.

Fortunately, someone intervened at the critical moment.

"Both of you."

A voice suddenly sounded.

Under Chen An's gaze, Lin Qiu took a step forward and walked directly to the center of the two.

A powerful aura spread out, the kind of aura that only a Golden Core cultivator possessed, separated the auras of the two.

In an instant, the auras that were converging on each other dispersed.

Both sets of eyes turned to Lin Qiu.

Facing the gaze of both of them, Lin Qiu remained calm, just smiling and saying, "The ceremony has not yet begun, and the Holy Son does not want to fight with our Sect’s Saintess here and give the others an advantage."

"If you really want to fight, wait until after the ceremony is over."

His words were soft, but they sounded particularly heavy, giving people a strong sense of conviction.

This was brought about by his cultivation base.

As a top Golden Core cultivator, he had this confidence.

"You are the protector of Yao Mo Zong of this generation."

Facing Lin Qiu, Yang Xiao's pupils constricted as if recognizing his identity.

The two demonic auras quickly dissipated and returned to their bodies.

Yang Xiao was about to turn away, but suddenly paused, subconsciously looking towards where Chen An was.


He looked at Chen An in front of him and felt his aura, feeling somewhat surprised.

Before, Qi Rou had always been standing next to Chen An.

Her demonic bloodline aura was too strong, so it immediately attracted most of the attention, causing Yang Xiao to focus on her.

But now, with Qi Rou actively concealing her demonic bloodline aura, Chen An was also immediately noticed by her.

In Yang Xiao's eyes, although the demonic aura on Chen An's body wasn't very strong, it was still evident.

Almost immediately, he turned his gaze to Chen An and then spoke directly, "Who are you? Why do you also have a demonic aura on you?"

Noticing the pure demonic aura on Chen An's body, his eyes lit up, and he spoke directly, "Miss Qi, hand this person over to me, and I'll let you set the conditions!"

"I have a sister who is now in her prime, talented and intelligent, she is a perfect match for you!"

His gaze turned to Chen An, directly offering the invitation, completely ignoring the gradually darkening expression on Qi Rou’s face.

"Yang Xiao!"

A shout suddenly sounded.

Qi Rou's face darkened, taking a step forward and standing in front of Chen An, glaring at Yang Xiao.

She looked very angry.

Of course, it was impossible to say she wasn't angry.

After all, trying to poach someone in front of her, especially her husband, no matter how good her temper was, she would still be angry.

Not to mention that Qi Rou's temper was not good, she was quite hot-tempered.

The atmosphere on the spot gradually changed, and there was a lot of tension in the air again in an instant.

"Why is Miss Qi so angry?"

A hoarse voice came from behind.

It was a very deep voice.

Chen An looked up and saw a middle-aged woman in a gray robe with some gray hair walking towards them.

The middle-aged woman was still beautiful, dressed in simple clothes, elegant in temperament, revealing a hint of past beauty. As she walked over from a distance, Lin Qiu's face changed and became much more serious.

"Yang Qi, you're still alive?"

Lin Qiu looked at the middle-aged woman in front of him with a puzzled expression, as if he found it very unbelievable.

"You've disappointed me. Although I was seriously injured back then, I fortunately didn't die."

Yang Qi looked at Lin Qiu in front of her, with a faint smile on her face, "But you, before the former protector of the Yao Mo Zong passed away, he didn't take you away, which is quite remarkable."

"You don't have to worry about that."

Lin Qiu said calmly and his expression also became colder.

Chen An stood on the side, watching the scene before him with interest.

He could tell that Lin Qiu and the middle-aged woman named Yang Qi probably knew each other for a long time and might have had some past together.

But that was normal.

Golden Core cultivators have a long lifespan and under normal circumstances can live for hundreds of years.

Looking at Lin Qiu and Yang Qi, it was likely that they were already a couple of hundred years old.

There might have been some complicated grudges and enmities between them.

Of course, Chen An didn't really have any interest in getting involved in those grudges.

He was just interested in enjoying the show and hearing some gossip.

But unfortunately, whenever he wanted to enjoy the show, it always seemed to involve him.

Slowly, he started to notice that something wasn't right.

Why are they quarreling and then all looking at me?

Chen An was a little confused.

"I see."

Yang Qi looked at Chen An with interest, watching him for a while before finally speaking, "A successful transformation of the bloodline with a blood exchange ritual? This is quite rare."

"Do you think I'm a fool?"

Beside them, Yang Xiao spoke coldly, "Do you think you can produce this level of bloodline with a normal blood exchange ritual?"

"Do you take me for a fool?"

Listening to this, Lin Qiu opened his mouth, intending to say something more, but in the end, he couldn't say anything.

Because this was indeed a fact.

According to the demonic scriptures, the theory of blood exchange could theoretically produce beings with a demonic bloodline.

But the effects of such transformations were often limited, at most producing some inferior products. It was impossible to create someone like Chen An.

To be honest, when Chen An's blood transformation was successful, Lin Qiu also had some doubts about himself.

"Is it possible that he is originally a bloodline inheritor of the demon bloodline, and it was only activated by the blood exchange ritual."

In the end, he coughed and spoke, stating his opinion.

"This is quite possible."

Yang Xiao looked at Chen An with interest, nodding in agreement with Lin Qiu's statement.

But Chen An felt helpless about this statement.

What nonsense.

How did this body of his come about? Didn't he himself know?

What demonic bloodline inheritance, that was something that didn't exist before.

The reason why the blood exchange ritual had such a good effect was purely coincidental.

After all, luck did exist.

Chen An had been unlucky for so long, and now he had a stroke of good luck. It could be explained.

However, no matter how he said it, no one believed it.

Of course, the disbelief didn't really matter.

Since Qi Rou was there, they couldn't do anything to Chen An.

After a while, Qi Rou led Chen An away.

They walked forward, all the way to the central area of this sacred place.

There, the people of the other two forces were already waiting.

When the Sun and Moon Demon Sect fell into decline, after a long period of assimilation, only four branches were left.

The Yao Mo Zong where Qi Rou was, and the Chang Jue Sect where Yang Xiao was, were two of them. As for the other two, they were the Jing Zhong Temple and the Yin Li Sect.

The Jing Zhong Temple was a force in the western region, similarly disguised as orthodox sect cultivators, with all its members dressed as monks.

They looked unique, with everyone looking like great monks. They appeared even more orthodox than the traditional Buddhist cultivators.

However, in reality, each one of these monks was a ruthless person with the aura of demonic scriptures.

Of course, like Chen An, they all cultivated through the Second Purple Mansion method.

Ordinary people without demonic scriptures couldn't sense their true identities.

Even demonic scripture cultivators wouldn't be able to detect them with one mistake.

After all, the Second Purple Mansion was extremely well hidden.

As for the Yin Li Sect, it was similar to the Yao Mo Zong, both being traditional demonic sects, but their methods were even more unbridled than the Yao Mo Zong.

When Chen An was in the Chang Yue Sect in the past, he had heard of the reputation of the Yin Li Sect and knew of the powerful style of this sect.

These four forces were not to be trifled with, and now that they were all gathered together, the effect could be imagined.

However, precisely because they all had extraordinary abilities, they restrained themselves from fighting here.

This was not only for practical reasons, but also out of some special considerations.

Somehow, after entering this ancestral land, everyone became much quieter.

Even Qi Rou and Yang Xiao, who had been subtly hostile and ready to fight, looked much calmer, remaining silent throughout.

"Remember to follow me later, don't move around."

Seemingly sensing Chen An's curiosity and confusion, Qi Rou softly spoke, deliberately lowering her voice, "This place is very strange, it seems to have the layout of an ancient Demon Lord. It's easy to have problems if you act recklessly."

"My grandfather died here during a ceremony."

She spoke softly, making Chen An feel a chill in his heart.

Qi Rou's grandfather was undoubtedly also a powerful figure, at least a Golden Core existence like Lin Qiu.

For such a figure to die in this place was truly surprising.

Chen An couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart, looking around the place a few more times.

Unknowingly, they had reached a great hall.

The walls of the hall were covered with murals.

Each mural depicted the appearance of a demon god.

According to the legend of the Sun and Moon Demon Sect, in the ancient days when the world was first created, there were numerous demon gods in the world.

It wasn't until a divine figure descended later, known as the Ming Zun, and swept across the world, killing all the gods and demons in the world, clearing the world of these gods and demons, bringing clarity to the world.

Ming Zun cleansed the world, bringing clarity to the world, and then departed. His legacy was obtained by later generations, becoming the Sun and Moon Demon Lord.

The Sun and Moon Demon Lord then founded the sect, becoming the Sun and Moon Demon Sect.

The murals depicted the demon gods that Ming Zun had once cleansed.

Each of these demon god images contained a strange power, and if observed for too long, they could affect one's mind, causing various abnormalities.

Chen An felt a creepy aura spreading in his heart as he looked at these demonic images.

He couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart and quickly followed Qi Rou's footsteps.

(End of the Chapter)

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