
Chapter 267

Chapter 267 - The Legitimacy of the Sun-Moon Demon Sect

"Has it started?"

Walking out of the secret realm, Chen An, with Qi Rou and a few others, left the outer world and saw this scene.

The ground was covered with mist everywhere, the mist was crimson red, clearly not something normal.

And in various places, the bodies affected by the mist quickly shriveled up, rapidly shrinking until they turned into dried corpses, leaving only skin and bones.

Not only that, even their divine essences had dissipated.

Usually, the bodies of cultivators, even if they fall, would still retain a lot of divine essence, it was impossible to completely lose it.

Generally speaking, even if a cultivator dies for many years, their remains would not change, they would maintain the appearance they had before death.

But what about now?

The bodies everywhere turned into dried corpses directly, with their divine essence sucked dry, disappearing completely.

This was obviously not a normal situation.

Chen An looked at this scene with interest, finding it quite fascinating.

He knew in his heart that the occurrence of this situation meant that the mastermind behind the scenes had finally launched their plan.

However, he wondered what the final result would be after this setup was initiated.

Chen An thought to himself, "I wonder how Lin Shu and the others are doing now?"

Beside him, Qi Rou's worried voice sounded.

She stood beside Chen An, holding his hand, with a look of concern on her face.

Compared to others, Qi Rou had always had a good relationship with Lin Qiu.

If possible, she didn't want to see Lin Qiu in danger.

But from the current situation, Lin Qiu and the others were probably already in danger.

The mastermind who targeted them certainly would have considered people like Lin Qiu outside.

If something went wrong, Lin Qiu and the others were probably in grave danger at this moment.

"It's okay."

Chen An reassured her gently, "I can't say how others are faring, but with Lin Shu's abilities, he probably won't be in danger."

This was his sincere opinion.

From what Chen An knew, Lin Qiu was an extremely cautious person.

His cautiousness was ingrained in his bones, any slight unusual movement would make him vigilant.

This was evident from his surveillance of Chen An before, it was absolutely ruthless.

Even though he came to participate in the ceremony this time, he brought a powerful magical treasure with him, essentially bringing the entire wealth of the Demon Sect directly.

While anything else was uncertain, Lin Qiu's caution, combined with his formidable cultivation base, meant that the probability of him being in danger was quite low.

In Chen An's opinion, even if everyone else encountered trouble, the likelihood of Lin Qiu encountering such trouble was very slim.

Of course, in this world, nothing was certain, anything could happen.

So they had to act quickly.

The sooner they acted, the safer Lin Qiu and the others would be.

"Let's go."

Chen An raised his head and looked towards the center of the hall, speaking softly, "From the current situation, if we don't deal with the people there, we won't be able to leave here."

This was the ancestral land of the former Solar and Lunar Demon Sect, covered by protective barriers everywhere.

The High Priest was the local powerhouse, guarding this ancestral land for generations and was extremely familiar with this area.

Without dealing with this powerhouse, Chen An and the others would find it difficult to leave.

The others understood this principle, so they nodded and followed Chen An forward.

No one had any objections.

They walked forward and soon reached the center of the hall.

This was the core of the entire ancestral land, where all the spiritual energy and divinity converged.

According to Chen An's experience, most of the spiritual energy and divinity in this area probably gathered here.

To his surprise, they encountered no obstacles along the way.

Before setting out, Chen An was prepared to be stopped by someone.

But the outcome was different.

Not only were there no obstacles, but the journey was quite smooth, as if they were taking a leisurely stroll.

Excluding the crimson mist in the air and the powerful array still operating around them, Chen An would have thought that nothing had happened.

Arriving at the center of the hall, they could finally see a figure.

In the spacious hall, a figure dressed in a black robe stood in front, straight and upright.

It was none other than the High Priest.

"High Priest?"

Facing the High Priest in front of her, Qi Rou was the first to speak, her face showing anger, "What are you doing?"

Her voice was full of anger.

This was understandable.

After all, anyone who had narrowly escaped death would probably react this way.

Hearing the sound behind him, the High Priest, facing forward, moved slightly and then turned to look at Chen An and the others behind him.

"You've come."

He looked at Qi Rou and the others in front of him, with an expression of genuine surprise on his face, "You... you're not dead."

"We're not dead, but it seems that you disappointed, High Priest."

Yang Xiao sneered coldly, "Yang Xiao would like to ask, what do you want with such a big arrangement?"

"What do I want?"

The High Priest paused for a moment, then nodded, "It is to restore the Solar and Lunar Demon Sect."


Far away, the son of the gloomy faction couldn't help but speak out, angrily saying, "You are setting up us to die by tampering with the Demon Crystals, what is your way of restoring the Solar and Lunar Demon Sect?"

"Do you know, if we die here, the inheritance of the Solar and Lunar Demon Sect will be cut off, what consequences will there be!"

When the Solar and Lunar Demon Sect split, only four branches, including the Radiant Demon Sect, remained of the descendants born.

And the four people representing the core and most pure demonic bloodlines in these four branches were Qi Rou and the others.

Bluntly speaking, if these four people died here, while the inheritance of the Solar and Lunar Demon Sect would not be completely cut off, it would be seriously crippled and require many years to recover.

"Even if they die here, what can you do?"

The High Priest's face showed disdain, "In the end, you are just a group of usurpers trying to take over the inheritance of my Demon Sect, how can you represent my Solar and Lunar Holy Religion!"

"You are not the orthodox of the Holy Religion!"

"We're not, then who is?"

Qi Rou spoke coldly, "The orthodox of the Solar and Lunar Holy Religion was already extinct years ago!"



Suddenly, a voice from the distance sounded, a voice that Qi Rou and Chen An were quite familiar with.

Qi Rou subconsciously looked back, then her face showed a look of surprise, "Uncle Lin!"

Yes, the one who walked from behind was none other than Lin Qiu.

Chen An looked back and saw Lin Qiu in a gray robe walking in from the outside.

Compared to before, he looked a bit disheveled now, with blood stains in many places, and his face was particularly pale, as if he had just experienced a fierce battle.

Next to him, Yang Qi of the Longjue faction was the same, with a delicate face as pale as paper, showing no hint of color, looking even worse than Lin Qiu.

Both of them looked terrible, but at least they were alive, just severely injured.

As they entered from the outside, Lin Qiu looked at the excited Qi Rou in front of him, and couldn't help but show a hint of relief on his face, "Saintess, I'm fine."

"Let's deal with the present situation first."

He said, and then turned around, looking at the High Priest in front of them, "If I'm not mistaken, the orthodox lineage of the Solar and Lunar Demon Sect has probably not been severed, right?"


Everyone present was stunned.

When the Solar and Lunar Demon Sect collapsed, the reason many branches split was because the direct lineage of the Solar and Lunar Demon Sect was already severed, and the orthodox was lost, leading to the result of the split.

But now, Lin Qiu said that the orthodox lineage of the Solar and Lunar Demon Sect had not been severed?


Facing Lin Qiu, the High Priest fell silent for a moment, then nodded, "Indeed, as expected of the strategist of the Radiant Demon Sect, you see through things quite clearly."

"The orthodox lineage of the Holy Sect was indeed not severed."

"So it is true."

The pupils of Yang Xiao and the others shrunk.

They all knew the importance of this matter.

When the Solar and Lunar Demon Sect split due to the severance of the orthodox lineage, the many branches that arose afterward could be said to have been established on the remains of the Solar and Lunar Demon Sect, they were the inheritors of its legacy.

In other words, while sects like the Radiant Demon Sect were inheritors of the Solar and Lunar Demon Sect, they could also be seen as thieves taking what was left of it.

If the orthodox lineage of the Solar and Lunar Demon Sect still existed, how would they view these people?

This thought flashed in their minds in an instant.

"There may be more to the orthodox lineage than just the simple straightforward lineage."

Lin Qiu covered his chest and his face looked extremely pale, but he sneered, "If it was just a normal orthodox lineage, you could slowly infiltrate and manipulate us four major branches including the Radiant Demon Sect in various ways, there was no need to kill us in this way."

"After all, the Demon Crystals were in your hands before, wouldn't it have been easier to deal with us?"

"But instead, you chose to target us, not only that, you even targeted the cemetery of the Holy Religion and extracted all the divine essences from the remains of the past ancestors."

"It seems like you want to create a suitable body for a resurrection."

He sneered, "From the looks of it, when the Solar and Lunar Demon Sect collapsed, there was probably some old monster who didn't die completely, and now after so many years, they are trying to come back again?"

The words lingered in the air, echoing in everyone's ears.

Chen An couldn't help but admire silently.

Truly, heroes think alike.

If the High Priest only wanted to restore the former Solar and Lunar Demon Sect, he had no need to target the four major branches including the Radiant Demon Sect.

Because no matter how you looked at it, this was a significant portion of power that could be integrated.

Even though the four major branches had split for many years, they still cultivated demonic scriptures and had the blood of demons.

With the appearance of the orthodox lineage of the Solar and Lunar Demon Sect, they could have easily integrated these four major branches by influencing them through the Demon Crystals.

But they chose a different path, targeting Qi Rou and the others, completely cutting off the possibility of subduing the four major branches.

This operation was far from what a normal person would do.

Combined with other traces around them, there was only one possibility.

The person representing the orthodox lineage of the Solar and Lunar Demon Sect needed the lives of Qi Rou and the others to achieve something.

This goal was most likely a resurrection.

Chen An had deep interactions with Bai Qing in the past, through Bai Qing he learned about the various steps required for this kind of resurrection.

In general, for a powerful cultivator who falls, the conditions for a revival are quite strict.

Leaving aside other factors, finding a body that can bear its own divine essence and continue its cultivation path was not easy.

For example, Bai Qing targeted Bai Qing because of her amazing aptitude, meeting the conditions for taking over her body.

And now, it was the turn of others, there would naturally be similarly strict conditions.

"You want to kill them to collect their demonic bloodlines, artificially creating a suitable body for rebirth, right?"

Chen An spoke softly, revealing the answer directly, "For this body, you not only plan to kill them, but you also target the cemetery of the Holy Religion and extract all the divine essences from the remains of the past ancestors."


The High Priest nodded, admitting it openly.

He had no intention of concealing this matter.

Or rather, he simply did not bother to conceal it.

"I'm suddenly curious."

Not far away, Yang Qi, supported by Lin Qiu, suddenly spoke, looking at the High Priest in front of him and asking, "With your status, ordinary people are not worth you going to this extent."

"You're paying such a high price, the person you want to bring back to life, who is it?"

"You will know soon."

The High Priest calmly replied, then began to act.

As the array operated, drops of crimson blood fell, dripping into the crimson coffin.


With a light sound, the coffin suddenly opened, revealing what was inside.

Chen An and the others immediately shifted their gaze over.

They saw a young man lying in the coffin, surprisingly young, just in his twenties, tall and handsome, even lying still, one could imagine his former majestic and heroic appearance.

But there was a huge wound on the young man's chest.

It seemed to have been caused by a long spear, directly piercing his chest and leaving a permanent scar.

But at this moment, with each drop of crimson blood falling, the wound slowly dissolved and eventually disappeared.


A powerful aura rose into the sky.

Under Chen An's gaze, the young man in front suddenly opened his eyes and looked ahead.

(End of chapter)

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